clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===--- CharUnits.h - Character units for sizes and offsets ----*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines the CharUnits class
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
17 #include "llvm/Support/Alignment.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
21 namespace clang {
23  /// CharUnits - This is an opaque type for sizes expressed in character units.
24  /// Instances of this type represent a quantity as a multiple of the size
25  /// of the standard C type, char, on the target architecture. As an opaque
26  /// type, CharUnits protects you from accidentally combining operations on
27  /// quantities in bit units and character units.
28  ///
29  /// In both C and C++, an object of type 'char', 'signed char', or 'unsigned
30  /// char' occupies exactly one byte, so 'character unit' and 'byte' refer to
31  /// the same quantity of storage. However, we use the term 'character unit'
32  /// rather than 'byte' to avoid an implication that a character unit is
33  /// exactly 8 bits.
34  ///
35  /// For portability, never assume that a target character is 8 bits wide. Use
36  /// CharUnit values wherever you calculate sizes, offsets, or alignments
37  /// in character units.
38  class CharUnits {
39  public:
42  private:
43  QuantityType Quantity = 0;
45  explicit CharUnits(QuantityType C) : Quantity(C) {}
47  public:
49  /// CharUnits - A default constructor.
50  CharUnits() = default;
52  /// Zero - Construct a CharUnits quantity of zero.
53  static CharUnits Zero() {
54  return CharUnits(0);
55  }
57  /// One - Construct a CharUnits quantity of one.
58  static CharUnits One() {
59  return CharUnits(1);
60  }
62  /// fromQuantity - Construct a CharUnits quantity from a raw integer type.
63  static CharUnits fromQuantity(QuantityType Quantity) {
64  return CharUnits(Quantity);
65  }
67  /// fromQuantity - Construct a CharUnits quantity from an llvm::Align
68  /// quantity.
69  static CharUnits fromQuantity(llvm::Align Quantity) {
70  return CharUnits(Quantity.value());
71  }
73  // Compound assignment.
74  CharUnits& operator+= (const CharUnits &Other) {
75  Quantity += Other.Quantity;
76  return *this;
77  }
79  ++Quantity;
80  return *this;
81  }
83  return CharUnits(Quantity++);
84  }
85  CharUnits& operator-= (const CharUnits &Other) {
86  Quantity -= Other.Quantity;
87  return *this;
88  }
90  --Quantity;
91  return *this;
92  }
94  return CharUnits(Quantity--);
95  }
97  // Comparison operators.
98  bool operator== (const CharUnits &Other) const {
99  return Quantity == Other.Quantity;
100  }
101  bool operator!= (const CharUnits &Other) const {
102  return Quantity != Other.Quantity;
103  }
105  // Relational operators.
106  bool operator< (const CharUnits &Other) const {
107  return Quantity < Other.Quantity;
108  }
109  bool operator<= (const CharUnits &Other) const {
110  return Quantity <= Other.Quantity;
111  }
112  bool operator> (const CharUnits &Other) const {
113  return Quantity > Other.Quantity;
114  }
115  bool operator>= (const CharUnits &Other) const {
116  return Quantity >= Other.Quantity;
117  }
119  // Other predicates.
121  /// isZero - Test whether the quantity equals zero.
122  bool isZero() const { return Quantity == 0; }
124  /// isOne - Test whether the quantity equals one.
125  bool isOne() const { return Quantity == 1; }
127  /// isPositive - Test whether the quantity is greater than zero.
128  bool isPositive() const { return Quantity > 0; }
130  /// isNegative - Test whether the quantity is less than zero.
131  bool isNegative() const { return Quantity < 0; }
133  /// isPowerOfTwo - Test whether the quantity is a power of two.
134  /// Zero is not a power of two.
135  bool isPowerOfTwo() const {
136  return (Quantity & -Quantity) == Quantity;
137  }
139  /// Test whether this is a multiple of the other value.
140  ///
141  /// Among other things, this promises that
142  /// self.alignTo(N) will just return self.
143  bool isMultipleOf(CharUnits N) const {
144  return (*this % N) == 0;
145  }
147  // Arithmetic operators.
149  return CharUnits(Quantity * N);
150  }
152  Quantity *= N;
153  return *this;
154  }
156  return CharUnits(Quantity / N);
157  }
159  Quantity /= N;
160  return *this;
161  }
162  QuantityType operator/ (const CharUnits &Other) const {
163  return Quantity / Other.Quantity;
164  }
166  return CharUnits(Quantity % N);
167  }
168  QuantityType operator% (const CharUnits &Other) const {
169  return Quantity % Other.Quantity;
170  }
171  CharUnits operator+ (const CharUnits &Other) const {
172  return CharUnits(Quantity + Other.Quantity);
173  }
174  CharUnits operator- (const CharUnits &Other) const {
175  return CharUnits(Quantity - Other.Quantity);
176  }
178  return CharUnits(-Quantity);
179  }
182  // Conversions.
184  /// getQuantity - Get the raw integer representation of this quantity.
185  QuantityType getQuantity() const { return Quantity; }
187  /// getAsAlign - Returns Quantity as a valid llvm::Align,
188  /// Beware llvm::Align assumes power of two 8-bit bytes.
189  llvm::Align getAsAlign() const { return llvm::Align(Quantity); }
191  /// getAsMaybeAlign - Returns Quantity as a valid llvm::Align or
192  /// std::nullopt, Beware llvm::MaybeAlign assumes power of two 8-bit
193  /// bytes.
194  llvm::MaybeAlign getAsMaybeAlign() const {
195  return llvm::MaybeAlign(Quantity);
196  }
198  /// alignTo - Returns the next integer (mod 2**64) that is
199  /// greater than or equal to this quantity and is a multiple of \p Align.
200  /// Align must be non-zero.
201  CharUnits alignTo(const CharUnits &Align) const {
202  return CharUnits(llvm::alignTo(Quantity, Align.Quantity));
203  }
205  /// Given that this is a non-zero alignment value, what is the
206  /// alignment at the given offset?
208  assert(Quantity != 0 && "offsetting from unknown alignment?");
209  return CharUnits(llvm::MinAlign(Quantity, offset.Quantity));
210  }
212  /// Given that this is the alignment of the first element of an
213  /// array, return the minimum alignment of any element in the array.
215  // Since we don't track offsetted alignments, the alignment of
216  // the second element (or any odd element) will be minimally
217  // aligned.
218  return alignmentAtOffset(elementSize);
219  }
222  }; // class CharUnit
223 } // namespace clang
226  const clang::CharUnits &CU) {
227  return CU * Scale;
228 }
230 namespace llvm {
232 template<> struct DenseMapInfo<clang::CharUnits> {
235  DenseMapInfo<clang::CharUnits::QuantityType>::getEmptyKey();
237  return clang::CharUnits::fromQuantity(Quantity);
238  }
242  DenseMapInfo<clang::CharUnits::QuantityType>::getTombstoneKey();
244  return clang::CharUnits::fromQuantity(Quantity);
245  }
247  static unsigned getHashValue(const clang::CharUnits &CU) {
249  return DenseMapInfo<clang::CharUnits::QuantityType>::getHashValue(Quantity);
250  }
252  static bool isEqual(const clang::CharUnits &LHS,
253  const clang::CharUnits &RHS) {
254  return LHS == RHS;
255  }
256 };
258 } // end namespace llvm
clang::CharUnits operator*(clang::CharUnits::QuantityType Scale, const clang::CharUnits &CU)
Definition: CharUnits.h:225
CharUnits - This is an opaque type for sizes expressed in character units.
Definition: CharUnits.h:38
CharUnits & operator+=(const CharUnits &Other)
Definition: CharUnits.h:74
CharUnits operator-() const
Definition: CharUnits.h:177
bool isPowerOfTwo() const
isPowerOfTwo - Test whether the quantity is a power of two.
Definition: CharUnits.h:135
CharUnits alignmentAtOffset(CharUnits offset) const
Given that this is a non-zero alignment value, what is the alignment at the given offset?
Definition: CharUnits.h:207
bool isNegative() const
isNegative - Test whether the quantity is less than zero.
Definition: CharUnits.h:131
CharUnits & operator--()
Definition: CharUnits.h:89
int64_t QuantityType
Definition: CharUnits.h:40
bool isPositive() const
isPositive - Test whether the quantity is greater than zero.
Definition: CharUnits.h:128
bool isZero() const
isZero - Test whether the quantity equals zero.
Definition: CharUnits.h:122
bool operator<(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:106
CharUnits - A default constructor.
CharUnits & operator-=(const CharUnits &Other)
Definition: CharUnits.h:85
bool operator==(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:98
llvm::MaybeAlign getAsMaybeAlign() const
getAsMaybeAlign - Returns Quantity as a valid llvm::Align or std::nullopt, Beware llvm::MaybeAlign as...
Definition: CharUnits.h:194
llvm::Align getAsAlign() const
getAsAlign - Returns Quantity as a valid llvm::Align, Beware llvm::Align assumes power of two 8-bit b...
Definition: CharUnits.h:189
QuantityType getQuantity() const
getQuantity - Get the raw integer representation of this quantity.
Definition: CharUnits.h:185
static CharUnits One()
One - Construct a CharUnits quantity of one.
Definition: CharUnits.h:58
CharUnits operator%(QuantityType N) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:165
static CharUnits fromQuantity(llvm::Align Quantity)
fromQuantity - Construct a CharUnits quantity from an llvm::Align quantity.
Definition: CharUnits.h:69
CharUnits & operator/=(QuantityType N)
Definition: CharUnits.h:158
bool operator>(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:112
CharUnits alignmentOfArrayElement(CharUnits elementSize) const
Given that this is the alignment of the first element of an array, return the minimum alignment of an...
Definition: CharUnits.h:214
bool operator<=(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:109
bool operator>=(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:115
bool isOne() const
isOne - Test whether the quantity equals one.
Definition: CharUnits.h:125
CharUnits operator+(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:171
CharUnits operator*(QuantityType N) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:148
CharUnits operator/(QuantityType N) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:155
bool isMultipleOf(CharUnits N) const
Test whether this is a multiple of the other value.
Definition: CharUnits.h:143
static CharUnits fromQuantity(QuantityType Quantity)
fromQuantity - Construct a CharUnits quantity from a raw integer type.
Definition: CharUnits.h:63
CharUnits alignTo(const CharUnits &Align) const
alignTo - Returns the next integer (mod 2**64) that is greater than or equal to this quantity and is ...
Definition: CharUnits.h:201
static CharUnits Zero()
Zero - Construct a CharUnits quantity of zero.
Definition: CharUnits.h:53
CharUnits & operator++()
Definition: CharUnits.h:78
CharUnits & operator*=(QuantityType N)
Definition: CharUnits.h:151
bool operator!=(const CharUnits &Other) const
Definition: CharUnits.h:101
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
long int64_t
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
static clang::CharUnits getTombstoneKey()
Definition: CharUnits.h:240
static clang::CharUnits getEmptyKey()
Definition: CharUnits.h:233
static unsigned getHashValue(const clang::CharUnits &CU)
Definition: CharUnits.h:247
static bool isEqual(const clang::CharUnits &LHS, const clang::CharUnits &RHS)
Definition: CharUnits.h:252