clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===--- AtomicChange.cpp - AtomicChange implementation ---------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
11 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
12 #include <string>
14 LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(clang::tooling::AtomicChange)
16 namespace {
17 /// Helper to (de)serialize an AtomicChange since we don't have direct
18 /// access to its data members.
19 /// Data members of a normalized AtomicChange can be directly mapped from/to
20 /// YAML string.
21 struct NormalizedAtomicChange {
22  NormalizedAtomicChange() = default;
24  NormalizedAtomicChange(const llvm::yaml::IO &) {}
26  // This converts AtomicChange's internal implementation of the replacements
27  // set to a vector of replacements.
28  NormalizedAtomicChange(const llvm::yaml::IO &,
30  : Key(E.getKey()), FilePath(E.getFilePath()), Error(E.getError()),
31  InsertedHeaders(E.getInsertedHeaders()),
32  RemovedHeaders(E.getRemovedHeaders()),
33  Replaces(E.getReplacements().begin(), E.getReplacements().end()) {}
35  // This is not expected to be called but needed for template instantiation.
36  clang::tooling::AtomicChange denormalize(const llvm::yaml::IO &) {
37  llvm_unreachable("Do not convert YAML to AtomicChange directly with '>>'. "
38  "Use AtomicChange::convertFromYAML instead.");
39  }
40  std::string Key;
41  std::string FilePath;
42  std::string Error;
43  std::vector<std::string> InsertedHeaders;
44  std::vector<std::string> RemovedHeaders;
45  std::vector<clang::tooling::Replacement> Replaces;
46 };
47 } // anonymous namespace
49 namespace llvm {
50 namespace yaml {
52 /// Specialized MappingTraits to describe how an AtomicChange is
53 /// (de)serialized.
54 template <> struct MappingTraits<NormalizedAtomicChange> {
55  static void mapping(IO &Io, NormalizedAtomicChange &Doc) {
56  Io.mapRequired("Key", Doc.Key);
57  Io.mapRequired("FilePath", Doc.FilePath);
58  Io.mapRequired("Error", Doc.Error);
59  Io.mapRequired("InsertedHeaders", Doc.InsertedHeaders);
60  Io.mapRequired("RemovedHeaders", Doc.RemovedHeaders);
61  Io.mapRequired("Replacements", Doc.Replaces);
62  }
63 };
65 /// Specialized MappingTraits to describe how an AtomicChange is
66 /// (de)serialized.
67 template <> struct MappingTraits<clang::tooling::AtomicChange> {
68  static void mapping(IO &Io, clang::tooling::AtomicChange &Doc) {
69  MappingNormalization<NormalizedAtomicChange, clang::tooling::AtomicChange>
70  Keys(Io, Doc);
71  Io.mapRequired("Key", Keys->Key);
72  Io.mapRequired("FilePath", Keys->FilePath);
73  Io.mapRequired("Error", Keys->Error);
74  Io.mapRequired("InsertedHeaders", Keys->InsertedHeaders);
75  Io.mapRequired("RemovedHeaders", Keys->RemovedHeaders);
76  Io.mapRequired("Replacements", Keys->Replaces);
77  }
78 };
80 } // end namespace yaml
81 } // end namespace llvm
83 namespace clang {
84 namespace tooling {
85 namespace {
87 // Returns true if there is any line that violates \p ColumnLimit in range
88 // [Start, End].
89 bool violatesColumnLimit(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned ColumnLimit,
90  unsigned Start, unsigned End) {
91  auto StartPos = Code.rfind('\n', Start);
92  StartPos = (StartPos == llvm::StringRef::npos) ? 0 : StartPos + 1;
94  auto EndPos = Code.find("\n", End);
95  if (EndPos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
96  EndPos = Code.size();
99  Code.substr(StartPos, EndPos - StartPos).split(Lines, '\n');
100  for (llvm::StringRef Line : Lines)
101  if (Line.size() > ColumnLimit)
102  return true;
103  return false;
104 }
106 std::vector<Range>
107 getRangesForFormating(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned ColumnLimit,
109  const clang::tooling::Replacements &Replaces) {
110  // kNone suppresses formatting entirely.
111  if (Format == ApplyChangesSpec::kNone)
112  return {};
113  std::vector<clang::tooling::Range> Ranges;
114  // This works assuming that replacements are ordered by offset.
115  // FIXME: use `getAffectedRanges()` to calculate when it does not include '\n'
116  // at the end of an insertion in affected ranges.
117  int Offset = 0;
118  for (const clang::tooling::Replacement &R : Replaces) {
119  int Start = R.getOffset() + Offset;
120  int End = Start + R.getReplacementText().size();
121  if (!R.getReplacementText().empty() &&
122  R.getReplacementText().back() == '\n' && R.getLength() == 0 &&
123  R.getOffset() > 0 && R.getOffset() <= Code.size() &&
124  Code[R.getOffset() - 1] == '\n')
125  // If we are inserting at the start of a line and the replacement ends in
126  // a newline, we don't need to format the subsequent line.
127  --End;
128  Offset += R.getReplacementText().size() - R.getLength();
130  if (Format == ApplyChangesSpec::kAll ||
131  violatesColumnLimit(Code, ColumnLimit, Start, End))
132  Ranges.emplace_back(Start, End - Start);
133  }
134  return Ranges;
135 }
137 inline llvm::Error make_string_error(const llvm::Twine &Message) {
138  return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(Message,
139  llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
140 }
142 // Creates replacements for inserting/deleting #include headers.
144 createReplacementsForHeaders(llvm::StringRef FilePath, llvm::StringRef Code,
146  const format::FormatStyle &Style) {
147  // Create header insertion/deletion replacements to be cleaned up
148  // (i.e. converted to real insertion/deletion replacements).
149  Replacements HeaderReplacements;
150  for (const auto &Change : Changes) {
151  for (llvm::StringRef Header : Change.getInsertedHeaders()) {
152  std::string EscapedHeader =
153  Header.starts_with("<") || Header.starts_with("\"")
154  ? Header.str()
155  : ("\"" + Header + "\"").str();
156  std::string ReplacementText = "#include " + EscapedHeader;
157  // Offset UINT_MAX and length 0 indicate that the replacement is a header
158  // insertion.
159  llvm::Error Err = HeaderReplacements.add(
160  tooling::Replacement(FilePath, UINT_MAX, 0, ReplacementText));
161  if (Err)
162  return std::move(Err);
163  }
164  for (const std::string &Header : Change.getRemovedHeaders()) {
165  // Offset UINT_MAX and length 1 indicate that the replacement is a header
166  // deletion.
167  llvm::Error Err =
168  HeaderReplacements.add(Replacement(FilePath, UINT_MAX, 1, Header));
169  if (Err)
170  return std::move(Err);
171  }
172  }
174  // cleanupAroundReplacements() converts header insertions/deletions into
175  // actual replacements that add/remove headers at the right location.
176  return clang::format::cleanupAroundReplacements(Code, HeaderReplacements,
177  Style);
178 }
180 // Combine replacements in all Changes as a `Replacements`. This ignores the
181 // file path in all replacements and replaces them with \p FilePath.
183 combineReplacementsInChanges(llvm::StringRef FilePath,
185  Replacements Replaces;
186  for (const auto &Change : Changes)
187  for (const auto &R : Change.getReplacements())
188  if (auto Err = Replaces.add(Replacement(
189  FilePath, R.getOffset(), R.getLength(), R.getReplacementText())))
190  return std::move(Err);
191  return Replaces;
192 }
194 } // end namespace
196 AtomicChange::AtomicChange(const SourceManager &SM,
197  SourceLocation KeyPosition) {
198  const FullSourceLoc FullKeyPosition(KeyPosition, SM);
199  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> FileIDAndOffset =
200  FullKeyPosition.getSpellingLoc().getDecomposedLoc();
201  OptionalFileEntryRef FE = SM.getFileEntryRefForID(FileIDAndOffset.first);
202  assert(FE && "Cannot create AtomicChange with invalid location.");
203  FilePath = std::string(FE->getName());
204  Key = FilePath + ":" + std::to_string(FileIDAndOffset.second);
205 }
207 AtomicChange::AtomicChange(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation KeyPosition,
208  llvm::Any M)
209  : AtomicChange(SM, KeyPosition) {
210  Metadata = std::move(M);
211 }
213 AtomicChange::AtomicChange(std::string Key, std::string FilePath,
214  std::string Error,
215  std::vector<std::string> InsertedHeaders,
216  std::vector<std::string> RemovedHeaders,
218  : Key(std::move(Key)), FilePath(std::move(FilePath)),
219  Error(std::move(Error)), InsertedHeaders(std::move(InsertedHeaders)),
220  RemovedHeaders(std::move(RemovedHeaders)), Replaces(std::move(Replaces)) {
221 }
223 bool AtomicChange::operator==(const AtomicChange &Other) const {
224  if (Key != Other.Key || FilePath != Other.FilePath || Error != Other.Error)
225  return false;
226  if (!(Replaces == Other.Replaces))
227  return false;
228  // FXIME: Compare header insertions/removals.
229  return true;
230 }
233  std::string YamlContent;
234  llvm::raw_string_ostream YamlContentStream(YamlContent);
236  llvm::yaml::Output YAML(YamlContentStream);
237  YAML << *this;
238  YamlContentStream.flush();
239  return YamlContent;
240 }
242 AtomicChange AtomicChange::convertFromYAML(llvm::StringRef YAMLContent) {
243  NormalizedAtomicChange NE;
244  llvm::yaml::Input YAML(YAMLContent);
245  YAML >> NE;
246  AtomicChange E(NE.Key, NE.FilePath, NE.Error, NE.InsertedHeaders,
247  NE.RemovedHeaders, tooling::Replacements());
248  for (const auto &R : NE.Replaces) {
249  llvm::Error Err = E.Replaces.add(R);
250  if (Err)
251  llvm_unreachable(
252  "Failed to add replacement when Converting YAML to AtomicChange.");
253  llvm::consumeError(std::move(Err));
254  }
255  return E;
256 }
259  const CharSourceRange &Range,
260  llvm::StringRef ReplacementText) {
261  return Replaces.add(Replacement(SM, Range, ReplacementText));
262 }
265  unsigned Length, llvm::StringRef Text) {
266  return Replaces.add(Replacement(SM, Loc, Length, Text));
267 }
270  llvm::StringRef Text, bool InsertAfter) {
271  if (Text.empty())
272  return llvm::Error::success();
273  Replacement R(SM, Loc, 0, Text);
274  llvm::Error Err = Replaces.add(R);
275  if (Err) {
276  return llvm::handleErrors(
277  std::move(Err), [&](const ReplacementError &RE) -> llvm::Error {
279  return llvm::make_error<ReplacementError>(RE);
280  unsigned NewOffset = Replaces.getShiftedCodePosition(R.getOffset());
281  if (!InsertAfter)
282  NewOffset -=
283  RE.getExistingReplacement()->getReplacementText().size();
284  Replacement NewR(R.getFilePath(), NewOffset, 0, Text);
285  Replaces = Replaces.merge(Replacements(NewR));
286  return llvm::Error::success();
287  });
288  }
289  return llvm::Error::success();
290 }
292 void AtomicChange::addHeader(llvm::StringRef Header) {
293  InsertedHeaders.push_back(std::string(Header));
294 }
296 void AtomicChange::removeHeader(llvm::StringRef Header) {
297  RemovedHeaders.push_back(std::string(Header));
298 }
301 applyAtomicChanges(llvm::StringRef FilePath, llvm::StringRef Code,
303  const ApplyChangesSpec &Spec) {
304  llvm::Expected<Replacements> HeaderReplacements =
305  createReplacementsForHeaders(FilePath, Code, Changes, Spec.Style);
306  if (!HeaderReplacements)
307  return make_string_error(
308  "Failed to create replacements for header changes: " +
309  llvm::toString(HeaderReplacements.takeError()));
312  combineReplacementsInChanges(FilePath, Changes);
313  if (!Replaces)
314  return make_string_error("Failed to combine replacements in all changes: " +
315  llvm::toString(Replaces.takeError()));
317  Replacements AllReplaces = std::move(*Replaces);
318  for (const auto &R : *HeaderReplacements) {
319  llvm::Error Err = AllReplaces.add(R);
320  if (Err)
321  return make_string_error(
322  "Failed to combine existing replacements with header replacements: " +
323  llvm::toString(std::move(Err)));
324  }
326  if (Spec.Cleanup) {
327  llvm::Expected<Replacements> CleanReplaces =
328  format::cleanupAroundReplacements(Code, AllReplaces, Spec.Style);
329  if (!CleanReplaces)
330  return make_string_error("Failed to cleanup around replacements: " +
331  llvm::toString(CleanReplaces.takeError()));
332  AllReplaces = std::move(*CleanReplaces);
333  }
335  // Apply all replacements.
336  llvm::Expected<std::string> ChangedCode =
337  applyAllReplacements(Code, AllReplaces);
338  if (!ChangedCode)
339  return make_string_error("Failed to apply all replacements: " +
340  llvm::toString(ChangedCode.takeError()));
342  // Sort inserted headers. This is done even if other formatting is turned off
343  // as incorrectly sorted headers are always just wrong, it's not a matter of
344  // taste.
345  Replacements HeaderSortingReplacements = format::sortIncludes(
346  Spec.Style, *ChangedCode, AllReplaces.getAffectedRanges(), FilePath);
347  ChangedCode = applyAllReplacements(*ChangedCode, HeaderSortingReplacements);
348  if (!ChangedCode)
349  return make_string_error(
350  "Failed to apply replacements for sorting includes: " +
351  llvm::toString(ChangedCode.takeError()));
353  AllReplaces = AllReplaces.merge(HeaderSortingReplacements);
355  std::vector<Range> FormatRanges = getRangesForFormating(
356  *ChangedCode, Spec.Style.ColumnLimit, Spec.Format, AllReplaces);
357  if (!FormatRanges.empty()) {
358  Replacements FormatReplacements =
359  format::reformat(Spec.Style, *ChangedCode, FormatRanges, FilePath);
360  ChangedCode = applyAllReplacements(*ChangedCode, FormatReplacements);
361  if (!ChangedCode)
362  return make_string_error(
363  "Failed to apply replacements for formatting changed code: " +
364  llvm::toString(ChangedCode.takeError()));
365  }
366  return ChangedCode;
367 }
369 } // end namespace tooling
370 } // end namespace clang
#define SM(sm)
Definition: Cuda.cpp:83
Expr * E
StringRef Text
Definition: Format.cpp:3002
unsigned Offset
Definition: Format.cpp:3003
This file defines the structure of a YAML document for serializing replacements.
SourceLocation Loc
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:759
SourceLocation End
Represents a character-granular source range.
StringRef getName() const
The name of this FileEntry.
Definition: FileEntry.h:61
A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager.
FullSourceLoc getSpellingLoc() const
std::pair< FileID, unsigned > getDecomposedLoc() const
Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.
Encodes a location in the source.
This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.
An atomic change is used to create and group a set of source edits, e.g.
Definition: AtomicChange.h:37
void removeHeader(llvm::StringRef Header)
Removes a header from the file that contains the key position.
std::string toYAMLString()
Returns the atomic change as a YAML string.
void addHeader(llvm::StringRef Header)
Adds a header into the file that contains the key position.
llvm::Error insert(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc, llvm::StringRef Text, bool InsertAfter=true)
Adds a replacement that inserts Text at Loc.
static AtomicChange convertFromYAML(llvm::StringRef YAMLContent)
Converts a YAML-encoded automic change to AtomicChange.
bool operator==(const AtomicChange &Other) const
llvm::Error replace(const SourceManager &SM, const CharSourceRange &Range, llvm::StringRef ReplacementText)
Adds a replacement that replaces the given Range with ReplacementText.
A source range independent of the SourceManager.
Definition: Replacement.h:44
Carries extra error information in replacement-related llvm::Error, e.g.
Definition: Replacement.h:154
replacement_error get() const
Definition: Replacement.h:172
const std::optional< Replacement > & getExistingReplacement() const
Definition: Replacement.h:180
A text replacement.
Definition: Replacement.h:83
StringRef getFilePath() const
Definition: Replacement.h:120
unsigned getOffset() const
Definition: Replacement.h:121
Maintains a set of replacements that are conflict-free.
Definition: Replacement.h:212
std::vector< Range > getAffectedRanges() const
llvm::Error add(const Replacement &R)
Adds a new replacement R to the current set of replacements.
Replacements merge(const Replacements &Replaces) const
Merges Replaces into the current replacements.
#define UINT_MAX
Definition: limits.h:64
Expected< tooling::Replacements > cleanupAroundReplacements(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const FormatStyle &Style)
Returns the replacements corresponding to applying Replaces and cleaning up the code after that on su...
Definition: Format.cpp:3617
tooling::Replacements reformat(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef< tooling::Range > Ranges, StringRef FileName="<stdin>", FormattingAttemptStatus *Status=nullptr)
Reformats the given Ranges in Code.
Definition: Format.cpp:3820
tooling::Replacements sortIncludes(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef< tooling::Range > Ranges, StringRef FileName, unsigned *Cursor=nullptr)
Returns the replacements necessary to sort all #include blocks that are affected by Ranges.
Definition: Format.cpp:3466
bool NE(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC)
Definition: Interp.h:1089
std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E)
bool applyAllReplacements(const Replacements &Replaces, Rewriter &Rewrite)
Apply all replacements in Replaces to the Rewriter Rewrite.
static llvm::Error make_string_error(const llvm::Twine &Message)
llvm::Expected< std::string > applyAtomicChanges(llvm::StringRef FilePath, llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::ArrayRef< AtomicChange > Changes, const ApplyChangesSpec &Spec)
Applies all AtomicChanges in Changes to the Code.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
if(T->getSizeExpr()) TRY_TO(TraverseStmt(const_cast< Expr * >(T -> getSizeExpr())))
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
Diagnostic wrappers for TextAPI types for error reporting.
Definition: Dominators.h:30
unsigned ColumnLimit
The column limit.
Definition: Format.h:2372
static void mapping(IO &Io, NormalizedAtomicChange &Doc)
static void mapping(IO &Io, clang::tooling::AtomicChange &Doc)