clang  19.0.0git
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1 //===- lib/Tooling/Execution.cpp - Standalone clang action execution. -----===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 namespace clang {
13 namespace tooling {
15 static llvm::Error make_string_error(const llvm::Twine &Message) {
16  return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(Message,
17  llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
18 }
20 const char *StandaloneToolExecutor::ExecutorName = "StandaloneToolExecutor";
23  return combineAdjusters(
27 }
30  const CompilationDatabase &Compilations,
31  llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> SourcePaths,
33  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps)
34  : Tool(Compilations, SourcePaths, std::move(PCHContainerOps),
35  std::move(BaseFS)),
36  Context(&Results), ArgsAdjuster(getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters()) {
37  // Use self-defined default argument adjusters instead of the default
38  // adjusters that come with the old `ClangTool`.
40 }
43  CommonOptionsParser Options,
44  std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps)
45  : OptionsParser(std::move(Options)),
46  Tool(OptionsParser->getCompilations(), OptionsParser->getSourcePathList(),
47  std::move(PCHContainerOps)),
48  Context(&Results), ArgsAdjuster(getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters()) {
50 }
54  std::pair<std::unique_ptr<FrontendActionFactory>, ArgumentsAdjuster>>
55  Actions) {
56  if (Actions.empty())
57  return make_string_error("No action to execute.");
59  if (Actions.size() != 1)
60  return make_string_error(
61  "Only support executing exactly 1 action at this point.");
63  auto &Action = Actions.front();
64  Tool.appendArgumentsAdjuster(Action.second);
65  Tool.appendArgumentsAdjuster(ArgsAdjuster);
66  if (
67  return make_string_error("Failed to run action.");
69  return llvm::Error::success();
70 }
73 public:
75  create(CommonOptionsParser &OptionsParser) override {
76  if (OptionsParser.getSourcePathList().empty())
77  return make_string_error(
78  "[StandaloneToolExecutorPlugin] No positional argument found.");
79  return std::make_unique<StandaloneToolExecutor>(std::move(OptionsParser));
80  }
81 };
83 static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add<StandaloneToolExecutorPlugin>
84  X("standalone", "Runs FrontendActions on a set of files provided "
85  "via positional arguments.");
87 // This anchor is used to force the linker to link in the generated object file
88 // and thus register the plugin.
91 } // end namespace tooling
92 } // end namespace clang
int run(ToolAction *Action)
Runs an action over all files specified in the command line.
Definition: Tooling.cpp:517
void appendArgumentsAdjuster(ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster)
Append a command line arguments adjuster to the adjuster chain.
Definition: Tooling.cpp:496
void clearArgumentsAdjusters()
Clear the command line arguments adjuster chain.
Definition: Tooling.cpp:500
A parser for options common to all command-line Clang tools.
const std::vector< std::string > & getSourcePathList() const
Returns a list of source file paths to process.
Interface for compilation databases.
llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< ToolExecutor > > create(CommonOptionsParser &OptionsParser) override
Create an ToolExecutor.
StandaloneToolExecutor(const CompilationDatabase &Compilations, llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > SourcePaths, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > BaseFS=llvm::vfs::getRealFileSystem(), std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >())
Init with CompilationDatabase and the paths of all files to be proccessed.
virtual llvm::Error execute(llvm::ArrayRef< std::pair< std::unique_ptr< FrontendActionFactory >, ArgumentsAdjuster >> Actions)=0
Executes each action with a corresponding arguments adjuster.
Interface for factories that create specific executors.
Definition: Execution.h:151
volatile int StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorSource
ArgumentsAdjuster getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster()
Gets an argument adjuster that converts input command line arguments to the "syntax check only" varia...
static ArgumentsAdjuster getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters()
static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add< AllTUsToolExecutorPlugin > X("all-TUs", "Runs FrontendActions on all TUs in the compilation database. " "Tool results are stored in memory.")
ArgumentsAdjuster combineAdjusters(ArgumentsAdjuster First, ArgumentsAdjuster Second)
Gets an argument adjuster which adjusts the arguments in sequence with the First adjuster and then wi...
ArgumentsAdjuster getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster()
Gets an argument adjuster which removes dependency-file related command line arguments.
std::function< CommandLineArguments(const CommandLineArguments &, StringRef Filename)> ArgumentsAdjuster
A prototype of a command line adjuster.
static llvm::Error make_string_error(const llvm::Twine &Message)
ArgumentsAdjuster getClangStripOutputAdjuster()
Gets an argument adjuster which removes output-related command line arguments.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
Definition: Format.h:5433