Video Processing#

Video processing functions (VPP) take raw frames as input and provide raw frames as output.

The actual conversion process is a chain operation with many single-function filters.

digraph {
  F1 [shape=record label="Function 1" ];
  F2 [shape=record  label="Function 2"];
  F3 [shape=record  label="Additional filters"];
  F4 [shape=record label="Function N-1" ];
  F5 [shape=record  label="Function N"];

Video processing operation pipeline#

The application specifies the input and output format; Intel® VPL configures the pipeline according to the specified input and output formats. The application can also attach one or more hint structures to configure individual filters or turn them on and off. Unless specifically instructed, Intel® VPL builds the pipeline in a way that best utilizes hardware acceleration or generates the best video processing quality.

The Video Processing Features table shows Intel® VPL video processing features. The application can configure supported video processing features through the video processing I/O parameters. The application can also configure optional features through hints. See Video Processing Procedures for more details on how to configure optional filters.

Video Processing Features#

Video Processing Features


Convert color format from input to output

I/O parameters

De-interlace to produce progressive frames at the output

I/O parameters

Crop and resize the input frames

I/O parameters

Convert input frame rate to match the output

I/O parameters

Perform inverse telecine operations

I/O parameters

Fields weaving

I/O parameters

Fields splitting

I/O parameters

Remove noise

Hint (optional feature)

Enhance picture details/edges

Hint (optional feature)

Adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue settings

Hint (optional feature)

Perform image stabilization

Hint (optional feature)

Convert input frame rate to match the output, based on frame interpolation

Hint (optional feature)

Perform detection of picture structure

Hint (optional feature)