Implementation Management#

Structures used for implementation management.



struct mfxAdapterInfo#

Contains a description of the graphics adapter for the Legacy mode.

Public Members

mfxPlatform Platform#

Platform type description. See mfxPlatform for details.

mfxU32 Number#

Value which uniquely characterizes media adapter. On Windows* this number can be used for initialization through DXVA interface (see example).


struct mfxAdaptersInfo#

Contains description of all graphics adapters available on the current system.

Public Members

mfxAdapterInfo *Adapters#

Pointer to array of mfxAdapterInfo structs allocated by user.

mfxU32 NumAlloc#

Length of Adapters array.

mfxU32 NumActual#

Number of Adapters entries filled by MFXQueryAdapters.


struct mfxExtThreadsParam#

Specifies options for threads created by this session. Attached to the mfxInitParam structure during legacy Intel(r) Media SDK session initialization or to mfxInitializationParam by the dispatcher in MFXCreateSession function.

Public Members

mfxExtBuffer Header#

Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_THREADS_PARAM.

mfxU16 NumThread#

The number of threads.

mfxI32 SchedulingType#

Scheduling policy for all threads.

mfxI32 Priority#

Priority for all threads.

mfxU16 reserved[55]#

Reserved for future use.


struct mfxInitParam#

Specifies advanced initialization parameters. A zero value in any of the fields indicates that the corresponding field is not explicitly specified.

Public Members

mfxIMPL Implementation#

Enumerator that indicates the desired legacy Intel(r) Media SDK implementation.

mfxVersion Version#

Structure which specifies minimum library version or zero, if not specified.

mfxU16 ExternalThreads#

Desired threading mode. Value 0 means internal threading, 1 - external.

mfxExtBuffer **ExtParam#

Points to an array of pointers to the extra configuration structures; see the ExtendedBufferID enumerator for a list of extended configurations.

mfxU16 NumExtParam#

The number of extra configuration structures attached to this structure.

mfxU16 GPUCopy#

Enables or disables GPU accelerated copying between video and system memory in legacy Intel(r) Media SDK components. See the GPUCopy enumerator for a list of valid values.


struct mfxPlatform#

Contains information about hardware platform for the Legacy mode.

Public Members

mfxU16 CodeName#


mfxU16 DeviceId#

Unique identifier of graphics device.

mfxU16 MediaAdapterType#

Description of graphics adapter type. See the mfxMediaAdapterType enumerator for a list of possible values.

mfxU16 reserved[13]#

Reserved for future use.


union mfxVersion#
#include <mfxcommon.h>

The mfxVersion union describes the version of the implementation.

Major and Minor fields

Anonymous structure with Major and Minor fields.

mfxU16 Minor#

Minor number of the implementation.

mfxU16 Major#

Major number of the implementation.

Public Members

struct mfxVersion::[anonymous] [anonymous]#
mfxU32 Version#

Implementation version number.


struct mfxExtDeviceAffinityMask#

The mfxExtDeviceAffinityMask structure is used by the application to specify affinity mask for the device with given device ID. See mfxDeviceDescription for the device ID definition and sub device indexes. If the implementation manages CPU threads for some purpose, the user can set the CPU thread affinity mask by using this structure with DeviceID set to “CPU”.

Public Members

mfxExtBuffer Header#

Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_DEVICE_AFFINITY_MASK.


Null terminated string with device ID. In case of CPU affinity mask it must be equal to “CPU”.

mfxU32 NumSubDevices#

Number of sub devices or threads in case of CPU in the mask.

mfxU8 *Mask#

Mask array. Every bit represents sub-device (or thread for CPU). “1” means execution is allowed. “0” means that execution is prohibited on this sub-device (or thread). Length of the array is equal to the: “NumSubDevices / 8” and rounded to the closest (from the right) integer. Bits order within each entry of the mask array is LSB: bit 0 holds data for sub device with index 0 and bit 8 for sub device with index 8. Index of sub device is defined by the mfxDeviceDescription structure.


struct mfxInitializationParam#

Specifies initialization parameters for API version starting from 2.0.

Public Members

mfxAccelerationMode AccelerationMode#

Hardware acceleration stack to use. OS dependent parameter. Use VA for Linux*, DX* for Windows* or HDDL.

mfxU16 DeviceCopy#

Enables or disables device’s accelerated copying between device and host. See the GPUCopy enumerator for a list of valid values. This parameter is the equivalent of mfxInitParam::GPUCopy.

mfxU16 reserved[2]#

Reserved for future use.

mfxU16 NumExtParam#

The number of extra configuration structures attached to this structure.

mfxExtBuffer **ExtParam#

Points to an array of pointers to the extra configuration structures; see the ExtendedBufferID enumerator for a list of extended configurations.

mfxU32 VendorImplID#

Vendor specific number with given implementation ID. Represents the same field from mfxImplDescription.

mfxU32 reserved2[3]#

Reserved for future use.