Camera Structures#
Structures used by Camera Raw Acceleration Processing.
struct mfxExtCamWhiteBalance#
A hint structure that configures Camera White Balance filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_WHITE_BALANCE.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamTotalColorControl#
A hint structure that configures Camera Total Color Control filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_TOTAL_COLOR_CONTROL.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamCscYuvRgb#
A hint structure that configures Camera YUV to RGB format conversion.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_CSC_YUV_RGB.
mfxF32 PreOffset[3]#
Specifies offset for conversion from full range RGB input to limited range YUV for input color coordinate.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamHotPixelRemoval#
A hint structure that configures Camera Hot Pixel Removal filter.
struct mfxExtCamBlackLevelCorrection#
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
A hint structure that configures Camera black level correction. Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_BLACK_LEVEL_CORRECTION.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement#
A structure that defines Camera Vignette Correction Element.
struct mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam#
A structure that defines Camera Vignette Correction Parameters.
Public Members
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement R#
Red correction element.
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement G0#
Green top correction element.
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement B#
Blue Correction element.
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement G1#
Green bottom correction element.
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionElement R#
struct mfxExtCamVignetteCorrection#
A hint structure that configures Camera Vignette Correction filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_VIGNETTE_CORRECTION.
mfxU32 Width#
Width of Correction Map 2D buffer in mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam elements.
mfxU32 Height#
Height of Correction Map 2D buffer in mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam elements.
mfxU32 Pitch#
Pitch of Correction Map 2D buffer in mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam elements.
mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam *CorrectionMap#
2D buffer of mfxCamVignetteCorrectionParam elements.
union mfxExtCamVignetteCorrection::[anonymous] [anonymous]#
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamBayerDenoise#
A hint structure that configures Camera Bayer denoise filter.
struct mfxExtCamColorCorrection3x3#
A hint structure that configures Camera Color correction filter.
struct mfxExtCamPadding#
A hint structure that configures Camera Padding.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_PADDING.
mfxU16 Top#
Specify number of padded columns respectively. Currently only 8 pixels supported for all dimensions.
mfxU16 Bottom#
Specify number of padded columns respectively. Currently only 8 pixels supported for all dimensions.
mfxU16 Left#
Specify number of padded rows respectively. Currently only 8 pixels supported for all dimensions.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamPipeControl#
A hint structure that configures camera pipe control.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_PIPECONTROL.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxCamFwdGammaSegment#
A structure that specifies forward gamma segment.
struct mfxExtCamFwdGamma#
A hint structure that configures Camera Forward Gamma Correction filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_FORWARD_GAMMA_CORRECTION.
mfxCamFwdGammaSegment *Segment#
Pointer to Gamma segments array.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxExtCamLensGeomDistCorrection#
A hint structure that configures Camera Lens Geometry Distortion and Chroma Aberration Correction filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_LENS_GEOM_DIST_CORRECTION.
mfxExtBuffer Header#
struct mfxCam3DLutEntry#
A structure that defines 3DLUT entry.
struct mfxExtCam3DLut#
A hint structure that configures Camera 3DLUT filter.
Public Members
mfxExtBuffer Header#
Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUF_CAM_3DLUT.
mfxCam3DLutEntry *Table#
Pointer to mfxCam3DLutEntry, size of each dimension depends on LUT size, e.g. LUT[17][17][17] for 17x17x17 look up table.
mfxExtBuffer Header#