Function gpa::shader_utilities::CompileToSPIRV
Defined in File shader-utilities.h
Function Documentation
void gpa::shader_utilities::CompileToSPIRV(api_types::ShaderStageFlagBits stage, api_types::ShaderLanguage language, std::string const &shaderCode, std::vector<uint32_t> *spirv, std::string *infoLog, std::string *debugLog)
Compiles GLSL source code into SPIR-V bytecode.
- Parameters
stage -- The VkShaderStageFlagBits for the shader to compile
glsl -- The GLSL source code to compile
spirv -- (out) The compiled SPIR-V bytecode
infoLog -- (out) The info log from the compiler
debugLog -- (out) The debug log from the compiler