Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Ccldnn_activation_additional_paramsActivation additional params
 Ccldnn_activation_descActivation using rectified linear unit or parameterized rectified linear unit
 Ccldnn_argCustom primitive kernel argument type
 Ccldnn_batch_norm_descBatch normalization primitive
 Ccldnn_build_optionRepresents network build option
 Ccldnn_convolution_descPerforms forward spatial convolution with weight sharing. Also supports built-in Relu cldnn_activation_desc available by setting it in arguments
 Ccldnn_crop_descPerforms crop operation on input
 Ccldnn_custom_gpu_primitive_descThis primitive executes a custom kernel provided by the application
 Ccldnn_data_descProvides input data to topology
 Ccldnn_deconvolution_descPerforms transposed convolution. Also supports built-in Relu cldnn_activation_desc available by setting it in arguments
 Ccldnn_detection_output_descGenerates a list of detections based on location and confidence predictions by doing non maximum suppression
 Ccldnn_eltwise_descPerforms elementwise operations (sum, subtract, max or product) on two input primitives Also supports built-in Relu cldnn_activation_desc available by setting it in arguments.
 Ccldnn_engine_configurationConfiguration parameters for created engine
 Ccldnn_engine_infoInformation about the engine returned by cldnn_get_engine_info()
 Ccldnn_float_arrRepresents reference to an array of floats
 Ccldnn_fully_connected_descPerforms forward fully connected layer (inner product). Also supports built-in Relu cldnn_activation_desc available by setting it in arguments
 Ccldnn_input_layout_descProvides input layout for a data to be passed later to network
 Ccldnn_layoutMemory layout description
 Ccldnn_lrn_descLocal response normalization
 Ccldnn_network_outputOutput information for executed cldnn_network
 Ccldnn_normalize_descNormalizes the input using an L2 norm and multiplies the output with scale value. The scale can be equal for all channels or one scale per channel
 Ccldnn_paddingPadding information
 Ccldnn_permute_descPermutes data in the memory, with respect to provided order
 Ccldnn_pooling_descPerforms "pooling" operation which is a form of non-linear down-sampling
 Ccldnn_primitive_descBasic primitive descriptor structure
 Ccldnn_primitive_id_arrRepresents reference to an array of primitive ids
 Ccldnn_prior_box_descGenerates a set of default bounding boxes with different sizes and aspect ratios
 Ccldnn_profiling_intervalProfiling information for an executed network primitive
 Ccldnn_region_yolo_descRegion softmax specific for yolo2 topology
 Ccldnn_reorder_descChanges how data is ordered in memory. Value type is not changed & all information is preserved
 Ccldnn_reorg_yolo_descYolo2 topology specific data reorganization primitive
 Ccldnn_reshape_descChanges information about inputs's layout effectively creating new memory which share underlaying buffer but is interpreted in a different way (different shape)
 Ccldnn_scale_descPerforms elementwise product of input and scale_input
 Ccldnn_softmax_descNormalizes results so they sum to 1. The scope of normalization is defined by a member dimension
 Ccldnn_split_descPerforms split operation on input
 Ccldnn_tensorN-dimensional vector. Mostly used to represent memory size
 Ccldnn_tensor_arrRepresents reference to an array of tensor
 Ccldnn_tuning_configTuning config
 Ccldnn_uint16_t_arrRepresents reference to an array of uint16_t
 Ccldnn_upsampling_descPerforms nearest neighbor/bilinear upsampling Also supports built-in Relu activation available by setting it in arguments