Memory Management
Collaboration diagram for Memory Management:


struct  cldnn_tensor
 N-dimensional vector. Mostly used to represent memory size. More...
struct  cldnn_padding
 Padding information. More...
struct  cldnn_layout
 Memory layout description. More...


#define CLDNN_FLOAT_TYPE_MASK   0x80
#define CLDNN_UINT_TYPE_MASK   0x40


typedef struct cldnn_memory_impl * cldnn_memory
 Memory object.


enum  cldnn_format_type {
  cldnn_format_yxfb, cldnn_format_byxf, cldnn_format_bfyx, cldnn_format_fyxb,
  cldnn_format_os_iyx_osv16, cldnn_format_bs_xs_xsv8_bsv8, cldnn_format_bs_xs_xsv8_bsv16, cldnn_format_bs_x_bsv16,
  cldnn_format_bf8_xy16, cldnn_format_image_2d_weights_c4_fyx_b, cldnn_format_image_2d_weights_c1_b_fyx, cldnn_format_format_num,
  cldnn_format_any = -1
 Represents memory formats (orders).
In CNN most of data is describe as 4 dimensional blocks. In Intel(R) clDNN library we describe memory with 4 letters. More...
enum  cldnn_data_type { cldnn_i8 = sizeof(int8_t), cldnn_f16 = sizeof(int16_t) | CLDNN_FLOAT_TYPE_MASK, cldnn_f32 = sizeof(float) | CLDNN_FLOAT_TYPE_MASK, cldnn_u8 = sizeof(uint8_t) | CLDNN_UINT_TYPE_MASK }
 Data type stored in memory.


CLDNN_API cldnn_memory cldnn_allocate_memory (cldnn_engine engine, cldnn_layout layout, cldnn_status *status)
 Allocate memory on engine using specified layout.
CLDNN_API cldnn_memory cldnn_attach_memory (cldnn_layout layout, void *pointer, size_t size, cldnn_status *status)
 Create memory object attached to the buffer allocated by user. More...
CLDNN_API int32_t cldnn_is_the_same_buffer (cldnn_memory mem1, cldnn_memory mem2, cldnn_status *status)
 Checks if two memory objects refer to the same underlaying buffer.
CLDNN_API void cldnn_retain_memory (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Increment reference counter for the memory object.
CLDNN_API void cldnn_release_memory (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Decrement reference counter for the memory object. Deletes object when counter becomes zero.
CLDNN_API void * cldnn_lock_memory (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Locks memory buffer. Provides direct access to memory data. More...
CLDNN_API void cldnn_unlock_memory (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Unlocks memory locked by cldnn_lock_memory(cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status* status).
CLDNN_API cldnn_layout cldnn_get_memory_layout (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Returns memory layout. More...
CLDNN_API cldnn_engine cldnn_get_memory_engine (cldnn_memory memory, cldnn_status *status)
 Returns reference to the engine associated with memory object. More...
CLDNN_API uint16_t cldnn_float_to_half (float, cldnn_status *)
 converts float(32 bit) to half_t(fp16 bit) More...
CLDNN_API float cldnn_half_to_float (uint16_t, cldnn_status *)
 converts half_t(f16 bit) to float(32 bit) More...

Detailed Description

Class Documentation

◆ cldnn_tensor

struct cldnn_tensor

N-dimensional vector. Mostly used to represent memory size.

Definition at line 266 of file cldnn.h.

Class Members
size_t batch_num
size_t feature_num
int32_t sizes[CLDNN_TENSOR_DIM_MAX]
size_t spatial_num

◆ cldnn_padding

struct cldnn_padding

Padding information.

Definition at line 275 of file cldnn.h.

Collaboration diagram for cldnn_padding:
Class Members
float filling_value

Filling value for an element of padding. If data type of elements is different than float it is converted to it using round-towards-nearest-even (for floating-point data types) or round-towards-zero (for integral data types).

cldnn_tensor lower_size Lower padding sizes. For spatials, it means size of left (X) and top (Y) padding.
cldnn_tensor upper_size Upper padding sizes. For spatials, it means size of right (X) and bottom (Y) padding.

◆ cldnn_layout

struct cldnn_layout

Memory layout description.

Definition at line 295 of file cldnn.h.

Collaboration diagram for cldnn_layout:
Class Members
size_t data_type data type (cldnn_data_type) stored in memory.
int32_t format Memor format (cldnn_format_type)
cldnn_padding padding Explicitly added padding to memory buffer.
cldnn_tensor size N-dimensional vector describes size (in elements) of memory (excluding padding).

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cldnn_format_type

Represents memory formats (orders).
In CNN most of data is describe as 4 dimensional blocks. In Intel(R) clDNN library we describe memory with 4 letters.

  • b - number of blocks in batch. For weights formats: output features - conv, neurons - inner product
  • f - number of feature maps, features or channels. For weights formats: input features - conv, inputs, inner product
  • x - spatial, width
  • y - spatial, height /n For explanation how each format type is implemented in memory we will use naming shown bellow (b=2,f=3,y=3,x=3):

batch first, feature and than spatials


used in bitmaps, input from user i.e b images of RGB format


the most common format for activations in clDNN.


format not used inside clDNN, but supported in reorder as extension for user provided formats.


format used only for convolution weights: os - output feature maps slice, i - input feature maps, yx - spatials, sv16 - 16 values of single slice.


format used only for fully connected weights: bs - batch slice, xs - x slice, bsv8 - 8 values of single slice.


format used only for fully connected weights: bs - batch slice, xs - x slice, bsv16 - 16 values of single slice.


format used only for fully connected weights fp16 batch=1 : bs - batch slice (responses slice), bsv16 - 16 values of single batch slice, x - flattened plane of (fyx).


format used only for convolution 1x1 input, xy aligned to 16, f aligned to 8


image format for weights, image 2d, 4-channel, width size is f*y*x/4 (4-channels filled with fyx data), height is b


image format for weights, image 2d, single channel, width size is b, height is f*y*x


number of format types

Definition at line 233 of file cldnn.h.

Function Documentation

◆ cldnn_attach_memory()

CLDNN_API cldnn_memory cldnn_attach_memory ( cldnn_layout  layout,
void *  pointer,
size_t  size,
cldnn_status status 

Create memory object attached to the buffer allocated by user.

User is responsible for buffer deallocation. Buffer lifetime should be bigger than lifetime of the memory object.

◆ cldnn_float_to_half()

CLDNN_API uint16_t cldnn_float_to_half ( float  ,

converts float(32 bit) to half_t(fp16 bit)

16bit half_t

◆ cldnn_get_memory_engine()

CLDNN_API cldnn_engine cldnn_get_memory_engine ( cldnn_memory  memory,
cldnn_status status 

Returns reference to the engine associated with memory object.

The engine associated with memory object. Or NULL if memory was attached to user-allocated buffer.

◆ cldnn_get_memory_layout()

CLDNN_API cldnn_layout cldnn_get_memory_layout ( cldnn_memory  memory,
cldnn_status status 

Returns memory layout.

cldnn_layout which describes memory.

◆ cldnn_half_to_float()

CLDNN_API float cldnn_half_to_float ( uint16_t  ,

converts half_t(f16 bit) to float(32 bit)

32bit float

◆ cldnn_lock_memory()

CLDNN_API void* cldnn_lock_memory ( cldnn_memory  memory,
cldnn_status status 

Locks memory buffer. Provides direct access to memory data.

Direct pointer to the memory data.