Graph-based similarity search
Graph-based methods use proximity graphs, where nodes represent data vectors and two nodes are connected if they fulfill a defined property or neighborhood criterion, building on the structure inherent in the data. Search involves starting at a designated entry point and traversing the graph to get closer and closer to the nearest neighbor with each hop. We follow the Vamana [SDSK19] algorithm for graph building and search.
How does the graph search work?
The simplest way to traverse the graph to find 1 approximate nearest neighbor is to do a greedy search. At each hop, the distances from the query to all the neighbors of the current node (i.e., vectors in the current node’s adjacency list) are computed and the closest point is chosen as the next point to be explored. The search ends when the distance to the query cannot be further reduced by jumping to any of the neighbors of the current node.
How do we find k neighbors? To improve the search accuracy and be able to find k nearest neighbors, this greedy search is combined with a priority
queue. While traversing the graph, we keep track of the distance from the query to the search_window_size
closest points seen so far (where search_window_size
is the length of the priority queue). At each hop, we choose to
explore next the closest point in the priority queue that has not been visited yet. The search ends when all the
neighbors of the current node are further from the query than the furthest point in the priority queue. This prevents
the search path to diverge too far from the query. A larger search_window_size
implies exploring a larger volume,
improving the accuracy at the cost of a longer search path.
How does graph building work?
First, we set the hyper-parameters required to build the graph: alpha
, window_size
, max_candidate_pool_size
(see svs.VamanaBuildParameters
for more details).
Then, the graph is built following the Vamana indexing algorithm [SDSK19] as follows:
Start from an uninitialized graph G.
Iterate through all nodes in a random order.
Run the search for node x on the current G, with the search window size set to
, and save the list of visited nodes C.Update G by pruning C to determine the new set of x’s neighbors.
Add backward edges (x, x*) for all x* in x’s out neighbors and prune x*’ edges.
Make two passes over the dataset, the first one with the pruning parameter alpha =1 and the second one with alpha =
.Return graph G to be used by the search algorithm.
The pruning rule limits x’s out-neighbors N to a maximum of graph_max_degree
as follows:
Set the list of neighbors candidates C = C U N \ { x }
Sort C in ascending distance from x, and limit C to the closest
neighbors.Initialize N to null
While C is not empty do:
Find x* the closest point to x in C.
Add x* to x’s out-neighbors list N.
If length ( N ) >
then break; else remove all points from C that are closer to x* than x by a factor alpha.