
The main index interfaces are listed here and in the next sections. Refer to this table when making decisions about which index to use.

  • svs::Vamana - A graph-based similarity search engine suitable for high recall, high throughput, and low latency.

  • svs::DynamicVamana - A dynamic graph-based similarity search engine suitable for high recall, high throughput, and low latency.

  • svs::Flat - An exhaustive search engine. Provides precise results at the expense of low throughput and high latency for large datasets.


Compatible Loaders

The table below lists the compatibility between different index and the different kinds of dataset (e.g., uncompressed, lvq etc).

Index and Loader Compatibility Matrix

Loader / Right: Index




Build and Search

Search Only


Build and Search

Search Only


As an implementation detail, the indexes here are type-erased instances of more specialized, heavily templated implementations. These low level implementations generally have a similar API to the top level indexes and can be more expressive as functions calls do not have to cross a virtual function boundary. However, this specialization results in a different concrete type for each implementation which can be undesireable. More documentation regarding the low level implementation will be available in the future.