Using LeanVec


This data structure in its current state is experimental. It can and will change and/or be removed without deprecations. Use at your own risk. If you are interested in robust support, please contact the library authors or maintainers.

LeanVec is a performance acceleration strategy that uses linear transformations to reduce the dimensionality of a given dataset.

For graph search, the LeanVec implementation uses two datasets:

  • Primary: A version of the data with reduced dimensionality. Graph searches are done over this primary dataset. Because of the reduced dimensionality, distance computations are faster and memory bandwidth requirements are decreased.

  • Secondary: A version of the data with full dimensionality. The primary graph search yields a collection of candidate nearest neighbors. These candidates are then refined using the full-precision secondary dataset.


We first need to setup the example environment. Following the basic Vamana example, we import svs and other required modules.

import os
import svs

Next, we create an example dataset.

# Create a test dataset.
# This will create a directory "example_data_vamana" and populate it with three
# entries:
# - data.fvecs: The test dataset.
# - queries.fvecs: The test queries.
# - groundtruth.fvecs: The groundtruth.
test_data_dir = "./example_data_vamana"
    1000,                       # Create 1000 vectors in the dataset.
    100,                        # Generate 100 query vectors.
    256,                        # Set the vector dimensionality to 256.
    test_data_dir,              # The directory where results will be generated.
    data_seed = 1234,           # Random number seed for reproducibility.
    query_seed = 5678,          # Random number seed for reproducibility.
    num_threads = 4,            # Number of threads to use.
    distance = svs.DistanceType.MIP,   # The distance type to use.

Constructing a LeanVec Loader

As with the svs.LVQLoader, the svs.LeanVecLoader can perform dynamic compression of uncompressed vectors. An example is shown below.

# We are going to construct a LeanVec dataset on-the-fly from uncompressed data.
# First, we construct a loader for the uncompressed data.
uncompressed_loader = svs.VectorDataLoader(
    os.path.join(test_data_dir, "data.fvecs"),

# Next - we construct a LeanVecLoader.
# This loader is configured to perform the following:
# - Reduce dimensionality of the primary dataset to 256 dimensions.
# - Use LVQ8 for the primary dataset.
# - Use Float16 for the secondary, unreduced dataset.
leanvec_loader = svs.LeanVecLoader(
    128,                                         # The reduced number of dimensions.
    primary_kind = svs.LeanVecKind.lvq8,       # The encoding of the primary dataset.
    secondary_kind = svs.LeanVecKind.float16,  # The encoding of the secondary dataset.

In this example, we construct a svs.LeanVecLoader with a reduced dimensionality of 128. This means that the bulk of the graph search will be done using a 128-dimensional transformation of the 256 dimensional dataset we just generated. Furthermore, we can choose the encodings of the primary and secondary dataset. The example demonstrates using LVQ8 for the primary dataset and float16 for the full-dimensional secondary dataset.

Index Building and Searching

Index construction and search are done exactly as before, with the minor caveat of using an alpha value less than 1 since we are using the inner product distance function.

# An index can be constructed using a LeanVec dataset.
# Use an alpha less than 1 since we are using the Inner Product distance.
parameters = svs.VamanaBuildParameters(
    alpha = 0.95,
    graph_max_degree = 64,
    prune_to = 60,
    window_size = 128,

index =
    num_threads = 4,

# Load queries and ground-truth.
queries = svs.read_vecs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, "queries.fvecs"))
groundtruth = svs.read_vecs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, "groundtruth.ivecs"))

# Set the search window size of the index and perform queries.
p = index.search_parameters
p.buffer_config = svs.SearchBufferConfig(30, 60)
index.search_parameters = p
I, D =, 10)

# Compare with the groundtruth.
recall = svs.k_recall_at(groundtruth, I, 10, 10)
print(f"Recall = {recall}")
assert_equal(recall, 0.86, "initial recall")

Entire Example

The entire code for this example is shown below.

# Import `unittest` to allow for auotmated testing.
import unittest

# [imports]
import os
import svs
# [imports]

def assert_equal(lhs, rhs, message: str = ""):
    if DEBUG_MODE:
        print(f"{message}: {lhs} == {rhs}")
        assert lhs == rhs, message

test_data_dir = None

def run():
    # [generate-dataset]
    # Create a test dataset.
    # This will create a directory "example_data_vamana" and populate it with three
    # entries:
    # - data.fvecs: The test dataset.
    # - queries.fvecs: The test queries.
    # - groundtruth.fvecs: The groundtruth.
    test_data_dir = "./example_data_vamana"
        1000,                       # Create 1000 vectors in the dataset.
        100,                        # Generate 100 query vectors.
        256,                        # Set the vector dimensionality to 256.
        test_data_dir,              # The directory where results will be generated.
        data_seed = 1234,           # Random number seed for reproducibility.
        query_seed = 5678,          # Random number seed for reproducibility.
        num_threads = 4,            # Number of threads to use.
        distance = svs.DistanceType.MIP,   # The distance type to use.
    # [generate-dataset]

    # [create-loader]
    # We are going to construct a LeanVec dataset on-the-fly from uncompressed data.
    # First, we construct a loader for the uncompressed data.
    uncompressed_loader = svs.VectorDataLoader(
        os.path.join(test_data_dir, "data.fvecs"),

    # Next - we construct a LeanVecLoader.
    # This loader is configured to perform the following:
    # - Reduce dimensionality of the primary dataset to 256 dimensions.
    # - Use LVQ8 for the primary dataset.
    # - Use Float16 for the secondary, unreduced dataset.
    leanvec_loader = svs.LeanVecLoader(
        128,                                         # The reduced number of dimensions.
        primary_kind = svs.LeanVecKind.lvq8,       # The encoding of the primary dataset.
        secondary_kind = svs.LeanVecKind.float16,  # The encoding of the secondary dataset.
    # [create-loader]

    # [build-and-search-index]
    # An index can be constructed using a LeanVec dataset.
    # Use an alpha less than 1 since we are using the Inner Product distance.
    parameters = svs.VamanaBuildParameters(
        alpha = 0.95,
        graph_max_degree = 64,
        prune_to = 60,
        window_size = 128,

    index =
        num_threads = 4,

    # Load queries and ground-truth.
    queries = svs.read_vecs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, "queries.fvecs"))
    groundtruth = svs.read_vecs(os.path.join(test_data_dir, "groundtruth.ivecs"))

    # Set the search window size of the index and perform queries.
    p = index.search_parameters
    p.buffer_config = svs.SearchBufferConfig(30, 60)
    index.search_parameters = p
    I, D =, 10)

    # Compare with the groundtruth.
    recall = svs.k_recall_at(groundtruth, I, 10, 10)
    print(f"Recall = {recall}")
    assert_equal(recall, 0.86, "initial recall")
    # [build-and-search-index]

##### Main Executable

if __name__ == "__main__":

##### As a unit test.

class VamanaExampleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def tearDown(self):
        if test_data_dir is not None:
            print(f"Removing temporary directory {test_data_dir}")

    def test_all(self):