WaveDumper constructor

  1. Module module,
  2. {String outputPath = 'waves.vcd'}

Attaches a WaveDumper to record all signal changes in a simulation of module in a VCD file at outputPath.


WaveDumper(this.module, {this.outputPath = 'waves.vcd'})
    : _outputFile = File(outputPath)..createSync(recursive: true) {
  if (!module.hasBuilt) {
    throw Exception(
        'Module must be built before passed to dumper.  Call build() first.');

  _outFileSink = _outputFile.openWrite();



  Simulator.preTick.listen((args) {
    if (Simulator.time != _currentDumpingTimestamp) {
      if (_changedLogicsThisTimestamp.isNotEmpty) {
        // no need to write blank timestamps
      _currentDumpingTimestamp = Simulator.time;

  Simulator.registerEndOfSimulationAction(() async {

    await _terminate();