nextLogicValue method

LogicValue nextLogicValue(
  1. {required int width,
  2. dynamic max,
  3. bool includeInvalidBits = false}

Generate unsigned random LogicValue based on width and max num.

The random number can be mixed in invalid bits x and z by set includeInvalidBits to true. max can be used to set the maximum range of the generated number and its only accept runtimeType int and BigInt. max only work when includeInvalidBits is set to false else an exception will be thrown.


LogicValue nextLogicValue({
  required int width,
  dynamic max,
  bool includeInvalidBits = false,
}) {
  if (width == 0) {
    return LogicValue.empty;

  if (max != null) {
    if (max is! int && max is! BigInt) {
      throw InvalidRandomLogicValueException(
          'max can be only runtimeType of int or BigInt.');

    if (max is int && max == 0) {
      return LogicValue.ofInt(max, width);
    } else if (max is BigInt && max == {
      return LogicValue.ofBigInt(, width);

    if ((max is int && max < 0) || (max is BigInt && max < {
      throw InvalidRandomLogicValueException('max cannot be less than 0');

  if (includeInvalidBits) {
    if (max != null) {
      throw InvalidRandomLogicValueException(
          'max does not work with invalid bits random number generation.');

    final bitString = StringBuffer();
    for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
      bitString.write(const ['1', '0', 'x', 'z'][nextInt(4)]);

    return LogicValue.ofString(bitString.toString());
  } else {
    if (width <= INT_BITS) {
      final ranNum = width <= 32
          ? LogicValue.ofInt(nextInt(oneSllBy(width)), width)
          : LogicValue.ofInt(_nextBigInt(numBits: width).toInt(), width);

      if (max == null || (max is BigInt && max.bitLength > INT_BITS)) {
        return ranNum;
      } else {
        return LogicValue.ofInt(
            ranNum.toInt() % (max is int ? max : (max as BigInt).toInt()),
    } else {
      final ranNum = _nextBigInt(numBits: width);

      if (max == null ||
          (max is BigInt && ranNum.bitLength < max.bitLength)) {
        return LogicValue.ofBigInt(ranNum, width);
      } else {
        final maxBigInt = max is int ? BigInt.from(max) : max as BigInt;
        return LogicValue.ofBigInt(ranNum % maxBigInt, width);