Setup & Install

Getting started

Follow the instruction at to install dart in your environment.

Once you have Dart installed, if you don’t already have a project, you can create one using dart create:

Then add ROHD as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. ROHD is registered on The easiest way to add ROHD as a dependency is following the instructions here

Now you can import it in your project using:

import 'package:rohd/rohd.dart';

There are complete API docs available at

If you need some help, you can join the Discord server or visit our Discussions page. These are friendly places where you can ask questions, share ideas, or just discuss openly! You could also head to (use the tag rohd) to ask questions or look for answers.

You also may be interested to join the ROHD Forum periodic meetings with other users and developers in the ROHD community. The meetings are open to anyone interested!

Be sure to note the minimum Dart version required for ROHD specified in pubspec.yaml (at least 2.18.0).

Package Managers for Hardware

In the Dart ecosystem, you can use a package manager to define all package dependencies. A package manager allows you to define constrainted subsets of versions of all your direct dependencies, and then the tool will solve for a coherent set of all (direct and indirect) dependencies required to build your project. There’s no need to manually figure out tool versions, build flags and options, environment setup, etc. because it is all guaranteed to work. Integration of other packages (whether a tool or a hardware IP) become as simple as an import statment. Compare that to SystemVerilog IP integration!

Read more about package managers here:

Take a look at Dart’s package manager,, here:
