The ROHD simulator is a static class accessible as Simulator which implements a simple event-based simulator. All Logics in Dart have glitch events which propogate values to connected Logics downstream. In this way, ROHD propogates values across the entire graph representation of the hardware (without any Simulator involvement required). The simulator has a concept of (unitless) time, and arbitrary Dart functions can be registered to occur at arbitraty times in the simulator. Asking the simulator to run causes it to iterate through all registered timestamps and execute the functions in chronological order. When these functions deposit signals on Logics, it propogates values across the hardware. The simulator has a number of events surrounding execution of a timestamp tick so that things like FlipFlops can know when clocks and signals are glitch-free.

  • To register a function at an arbitraty timestamp, use Simulator.registerAction
  • To set a maximum simulation time, use Simulator.setMaxSimTime
  • To immediately end the simulation at the end of the current timestamp, use Simulator.endSimulation
  • To run just the next timestamp, use Simulator.tick
  • To run simulator ticks until completion, use
  • To reset the simulator, use Simulator.reset
    • Note that this only resets the Simulator and not any Modules or Logic values
  • To add an action to the Simulator in the current timestep, use Simulator.injectAction.
