Simple logical, mathematical, and comparison operations
Logical operations on signals are very similar to those in SystemVerilog.
a_bar <= ~a; // not
a_and_b <= a & b; // and
a_or_b <= a | b; // or
a_xor_b <= a ^ b; // xor
and_a <= a.and(); // unary and
or_a <= a.or(); // unary or
xor_a <= a.xor(); // unary xor
a_pow_b <= a.pow(b);// exponent
a_plus_b <= a + b; // addition
a_sub_b <= a - b; // subtraction
a_times_b <= a * b; // multiplication
a_div_b <= a / b; // division
a_mod_b <= a % b; // modulo
a_eq_b <= a.eq(b) // equality NOTE: == is for Object equality of Logic's
a_neq_b <= a.neq(b) // inequality NOTE: != is for Object inequality of Logic's
a_lt_b <= // less than NOTE: < is for conditional assignment
a_lte_b <= a.lte(b) // less than or equal NOTE: <= is for assignment
a_gt_b <= (a > b) // greater than NOTE: careful with order of operations, > needs parentheses in this case
// Note: a_gt_b <= is also supported for greater than.
a_gte_b <= (a >= b) // greater than or equal NOTE: careful with order of operations, >= needs parentheses in this case
// Note: a_gte_b <= a.gte(b) is also supported for greater than or equal.
answer <= mux(selectA, a, b) // answer = selectA ? a : b