ClockGateControlInterface class

An Interface for controlling ClockGates.



ClockGateControlInterface({bool isPresent = true, bool hasEnableOverride = false, List<Port>? additionalPorts, Logic gatedClockGenerator(ClockGateControlInterface intf, Logic clk, Logic enable) = defaultGenerateGatedClock})
Constructs a ClockGateControlInterface with the provided arguments.
ClockGateControlInterface.clone(ClockGateControlInterface otherInterface, {bool? isPresent, Logic gatedClockGenerator(ClockGateControlInterface intf, Logic clk, Logic enable)?})
Creates a clone of otherInterface with the same configuration, including any additionalPorts and gatedClockGenerator function. This should be used to replicate interface configuration through hierarchies to carry configuration information.


enableOverride Logic?
If asserted, then clocks will be enabled regardless of the enable signal.
no setter
gatedClockGenerator Logic Function(ClockGateControlInterface intf, Logic clk, Logic enable)
A function that generates the gated clock signal based on the provided intf, clk, and enable signals.
hasEnableOverride bool
Whether an enableOverride is present on this interface.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isPresent bool
Indicates whether clock gating logic isPresent or not. If it is not, then no clock gating will occur and no clock gating logic will be generated.
modify String Function(String original)?
A function that can be used to modify all port names in a certain way.
getter/setter pairinherited
ports Map<String, Logic>
Maps from the Interface's defined port name to an instance of a Port.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subInterfaces Map<String, PairInterface>
A mapping from sub-interface names to instances of sub-interfaces.
no setterinherited


addSubInterface<PairInterfaceType extends PairInterface>(String name, PairInterfaceType subInterface, {bool reverse = false}) → PairInterfaceType
Registers a new subInterface on this PairInterface, enabling a simple way to build hierarchical interface definitions.
conditionalDriveOther(Interface<PairDirection> other, Iterable<PairDirection> tags) Conditional
Makes this conditionally drive interface signals tagged with tags on other.
conditionalReceiveOther(Interface<PairDirection> other, Iterable<PairDirection> tags) Conditional
Makes this signals tagged with tags be driven conditionally by other.
connectIO(Module module, Interface srcInterface, {Iterable<PairDirection>? inputTags, Iterable<PairDirection>? outputTags, Iterable<PairDirection>? inOutTags, String uniquify(String original)?}) → void
Calls Interface.connectIO for ports of this interface as well as hierarchically for all subInterfaces.
driveOther(Interface<PairDirection> other, Iterable<PairDirection> tags) → void
Makes this drive interface signals tagged with tags on other.
getPorts([Iterable<PairDirection>? tags]) Map<String, Logic>
Returns all interface ports associated with the provided tags as a Map from the port name to the Logic port.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pairConnectIO(Module module, Interface<PairDirection> srcInterface, PairRole role, {String uniquify(String original)?}) → void
A simplified version of connectIO for PairInterfaces where by only specifying the role, the input and output tags can be inferred.
port(String name) Logic
Accesses a port named name.
receiveOther(Interface<PairDirection> other, Iterable<PairDirection> tags) → void
Makes this signals tagged with tags be driven by other.
setPorts(List<Logic> ports, [Iterable<PairDirection>? tags]) → void
Adds a collection of ports to this Interface, each associated with all of tags.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryPort(String name) Logic?
Provides the port named name if it exists, otherwise null.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

defaultGenerateGatedClock(ClockGateControlInterface intf, Logic clk, Logic enable) Logic
A default implementation for clock gating, effectively just an AND of the clock and the enable signal, with an optional enableOverride.