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clang::SemaObjC Class Reference

#include "clang/Sema/SemaObjC.h"

Inheritance diagram for clang::SemaObjC:
Inheritance graph


class  GlobalMethodPool
struct  ObjCArgInfo

Public Types

enum  ObjCSubscriptKind { OS_Array , OS_Dictionary , OS_Error }
- Public Types inherited from clang::SemaBase
enum class  DeviceDiagnosticReason {
  None = 0 , OmpDevice = 1 << 0 , OmpHost = 1 << 1 , OmpAll = OmpDevice | OmpHost ,
  CudaDevice = 1 << 2 , CudaHost = 1 << 3 , CudaAll = CudaDevice | CudaHost , Sycl = 1 << 4 ,
  Esimd = 1 << 5 , All = OmpAll | CudaAll | Sycl | Esimd
 Bitmask to contain the list of reasons a single diagnostic should be emitted, based on its language. More...

Public Member Functions

 SemaObjC (Sema &S)
ExprResult CheckObjCForCollectionOperand (SourceLocation forLoc, Expr *collection)
StmtResult ActOnObjCForCollectionStmt (SourceLocation ForColLoc, Stmt *First, Expr *collection, SourceLocation RParenLoc)
StmtResult FinishObjCForCollectionStmt (Stmt *ForCollection, Stmt *Body)
 FinishObjCForCollectionStmt - Attach the body to a objective-C foreach statement. More...
StmtResult ActOnObjCAtCatchStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation RParen, Decl *Parm, Stmt *Body)
StmtResult ActOnObjCAtFinallyStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Body)
StmtResult ActOnObjCAtTryStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Try, MultiStmtArg Catch, Stmt *Finally)
StmtResult BuildObjCAtThrowStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Throw)
StmtResult ActOnObjCAtThrowStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Throw, Scope *CurScope)
ExprResult ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedOperand (SourceLocation atLoc, Expr *operand)
StmtResult ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *SynchExpr, Stmt *SynchBody)
StmtResult ActOnObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt (SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Body)
TypeResult actOnObjCProtocolQualifierType (SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > protocolLocs, SourceLocation rAngleLoc)
 Build a an Objective-C protocol-qualified 'id' type where no base type was specified. More...
TypeResult actOnObjCTypeArgsAndProtocolQualifiers (Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ParsedType BaseType, SourceLocation TypeArgsLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > TypeArgs, SourceLocation TypeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc)
 Build a specialized and/or protocol-qualified Objective-C type. More...
QualType BuildObjCTypeParamType (const ObjCTypeParamDecl *Decl, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc, bool FailOnError=false)
 Build an Objective-C type parameter type. More...
QualType BuildObjCObjectType (QualType BaseType, SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation TypeArgsLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< TypeSourceInfo * > TypeArgs, SourceLocation TypeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc, bool FailOnError, bool Rebuilding)
 Build an Objective-C object pointer type. More...
ParsedType ActOnObjCInstanceType (SourceLocation Loc)
 The parser has parsed the context-sensitive type 'instancetype' in an Objective-C message declaration. More...
void checkRetainCycles (ObjCMessageExpr *msg)
 checkRetainCycles - Check whether an Objective-C message send might create an obvious retain cycle. More...
void checkRetainCycles (Expr *receiver, Expr *argument)
 Check a property assign to see if it's likely to cause a retain cycle. More...
void checkRetainCycles (VarDecl *Var, Expr *Init)
bool CheckObjCString (Expr *Arg)
 CheckObjCString - Checks that the argument to the builtin CFString constructor is correct Note: It might also make sense to do the UTF-16 conversion here (would simplify the backend). More...
bool CheckObjCMethodCall (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation loc, ArrayRef< const Expr * > Args)
void CheckObjCCircularContainer (ObjCMessageExpr *Message)
 Check whether receiver is mutable ObjC container which attempts to add itself into the container. More...
void ActOnObjCContainerStartDefinition (ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl)
void ActOnObjCContainerFinishDefinition ()
void ActOnObjCTemporaryExitContainerContext (ObjCContainerDecl *ObjCCtx)
 Invoked when we must temporarily exit the objective-c container scope for parsing/looking-up C constructs. More...
void ActOnObjCReenterContainerContext (ObjCContainerDecl *ObjCCtx)
const DeclContextgetCurObjCLexicalContext () const
ObjCProtocolDeclLookupProtocol (IdentifierInfo *II, SourceLocation IdLoc, RedeclarationKind Redecl=RedeclarationKind::NotForRedeclaration)
 Find the protocol with the given name, if any. More...
bool isObjCWritebackConversion (QualType FromType, QualType ToType, QualType &ConvertedType)
 Determine whether this is an Objective-C writeback conversion, used for parameter passing when performing automatic reference counting. More...
ObjCSubscriptKind CheckSubscriptingKind (Expr *FromE)
 CheckSubscriptingKind - This routine decide what type of indexing represented by "FromE" is being done. More...
void AddCFAuditedAttribute (Decl *D)
 AddCFAuditedAttribute - Check whether we're currently within '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' and, if so, consider adding the appropriate attribute. More...
bool isCFError (RecordDecl *D)
IdentifierInfogetNSErrorIdent ()
 Retrieve the identifier "NSError". More...
bool GetFormatNSStringIdx (const FormatAttr *Format, unsigned &Idx)
void DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI (const NamedDecl *FDecl, Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs)
 Diagnose use of s directive in an NSString which is being passed as formatting string to formatting method. More...
bool isSignedCharBool (QualType Ty)
void adornBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit (Expr *SourceExpr, const Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder &Builder)
void checkDictionaryLiteral (QualType TargetType, ObjCDictionaryLiteral *DictionaryLiteral)
 Check an Objective-C dictionary literal being converted to the given target type. More...
void checkArrayLiteral (QualType TargetType, ObjCArrayLiteral *ArrayLiteral)
 Check an Objective-C array literal being converted to the given target type. More...
ObjC @property and @synthesize

Implementations are in SemaObjCProperty.cpp

void CheckObjCPropertyAttributes (Decl *PropertyPtrTy, SourceLocation Loc, unsigned &Attributes, bool propertyInPrimaryClass)
 Ensure attributes are consistent with type. More...
void ProcessPropertyDecl (ObjCPropertyDecl *property)
 Process the specified property declaration and create decls for the setters and getters as needed. More...
DeclActOnProperty (Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, ObjCDeclSpec &ODS, Selector GetterSel, Selector SetterSel, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, DeclContext *lexicalDC=nullptr)
DeclActOnPropertyImplDecl (Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation PropertyLoc, bool ImplKind, IdentifierInfo *PropertyId, IdentifierInfo *PropertyIvar, SourceLocation PropertyIvarLoc, ObjCPropertyQueryKind QueryKind)
 ActOnPropertyImplDecl - This routine performs semantic checks and builds the AST node for a property implementation declaration; declared as @synthesize or @dynamic. More...
ObjCPropertyDeclHandlePropertyInClassExtension (Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, Selector GetterSel, SourceLocation GetterNameLoc, Selector SetterSel, SourceLocation SetterNameLoc, const bool isReadWrite, unsigned &Attributes, const unsigned AttributesAsWritten, QualType T, TypeSourceInfo *TSI, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind)
 Called by ActOnProperty to handle @property declarations in class extensions. More...
ObjCPropertyDeclCreatePropertyDecl (Scope *S, ObjCContainerDecl *CDecl, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, Selector GetterSel, SourceLocation GetterNameLoc, Selector SetterSel, SourceLocation SetterNameLoc, const bool isReadWrite, const unsigned Attributes, const unsigned AttributesAsWritten, QualType T, TypeSourceInfo *TSI, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, DeclContext *lexicalDC=nullptr)
 Called by ActOnProperty and HandlePropertyInClassExtension to handle creating the ObjcPropertyDecl for a category or @interface. More...
void DiagnosePropertyMismatch (ObjCPropertyDecl *Property, ObjCPropertyDecl *SuperProperty, const IdentifierInfo *Name, bool OverridingProtocolProperty)
 DiagnosePropertyMismatch - Compares two properties for their attributes and types and warns on a variety of inconsistencies. More...
bool DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD, ObjCMethodDecl *Getter, SourceLocation Loc)
void DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties (Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *CDecl, bool SynthesizeProperties)
 DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties - This routine warns on those properties which must be implemented by this implementation. More...
void diagnoseNullResettableSynthesizedSetters (const ObjCImplDecl *impDecl)
 Diagnose any null-resettable synthesized setters. More...
void DefaultSynthesizeProperties (Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl, SourceLocation AtEnd)
 DefaultSynthesizeProperties - This routine default synthesizes all properties which must be synthesized in the class's @implementation. More...
void DefaultSynthesizeProperties (Scope *S, Decl *D, SourceLocation AtEnd)
bool IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor (ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCIvarDecl *IV)
 IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor - This routine returns 'true' if 'IV' is an ivar synthesized for 'Method' and 'Method' is a property accessor declared in class 'IFace'. More...
void DiagnoseOwningPropertyGetterSynthesis (const ObjCImplementationDecl *D)
void DiagnoseMissingDesignatedInitOverrides (const ObjCImplementationDecl *ImplD, const ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFD)
void AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules (ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl)
 AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules - This routine enforces the rule (via warning) when atomic property has one but not the other user-declared setter or getter. More...
ObjC Attributes

Implementations are in SemaObjC.cpp

bool isNSStringType (QualType T, bool AllowNSAttributedString=false)
bool isCFStringType (QualType T)
void handleIBOutlet (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleIBOutletCollection (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleSuppresProtocolAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleDirectAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleDirectMembersAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleMethodFamilyAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleNSObject (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleIndependentClass (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleBlocksAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleReturnsInnerPointerAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attrs)
void handleXReturnsXRetainedAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleRequiresSuperAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attrs)
void handleNSErrorDomain (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attr)
void handleBridgeAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleBridgeMutableAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleBridgeRelatedAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleDesignatedInitializer (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleRuntimeName (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleBoxable (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleOwnershipAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handlePreciseLifetimeAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void handleExternallyRetainedAttr (Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL)
void AddXConsumedAttr (Decl *D, const AttributeCommonInfo &CI, Sema::RetainOwnershipKind K, bool IsTemplateInstantiation)
bool isValidOSObjectOutParameter (const Decl *D)
bool checkNSReturnsRetainedReturnType (SourceLocation loc, QualType type)
Sema::RetainOwnershipKind parsedAttrToRetainOwnershipKind (const ParsedAttr &AL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from clang::SemaBase
 SemaBase (Sema &S)
ASTContextgetASTContext () const
DiagnosticsEnginegetDiagnostics () const
const LangOptionsgetLangOpts () const
void addFDToReachableFromSyclDevice (const FunctionDecl *Callee, const FunctionDecl *Caller)
bool isFDReachableFromSyclDevice (const FunctionDecl *Callee, const FunctionDecl *Caller)
SemaDiagnosticBuilder Diag (SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID, bool DeferHint=false)
 Emit a diagnostic. More...
SemaDiagnosticBuilder Diag (SourceLocation Loc, const PartialDiagnostic &PD, bool DeferHint=false)
 Emit a partial diagnostic. More...
PartialDiagnostic PDiag (unsigned DiagID=0)
 Build a partial diagnostic. More...

Public Attributes

RecordDeclCFError = nullptr
 The struct behind the CFErrorRef pointer. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from clang::SemaBase

ObjC Declarations

Implementations are in SemaDeclObjC.cpp

enum  ObjCSpecialMethodKind {
  OSMK_None , OSMK_Alloc , OSMK_New , OSMK_Copy ,
  OSMK_RetainingInit , OSMK_NonRetainingInit
enum  MethodMatchStrategy { MMS_loose , MMS_strict }
enum  ObjCContainerKind {
  OCK_None = -1 , OCK_Interface = 0 , OCK_Protocol , OCK_Category ,
  OCK_ClassExtension , OCK_Implementation , OCK_CategoryImplementation
enum  ResultTypeCompatibilityKind { RTC_Compatible , RTC_Incompatible , RTC_Unknown }
 Describes the compatibility of a result type with its method. More...
typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet< Selector, 8 > SelectorSet
using DeclGroupPtrTy = OpaquePtr< DeclGroupRef >
llvm::MapVector< Selector, SourceLocationReferencedSelectors
 Method selectors used in a @selector expression. More...
GlobalMethodPool MethodPool
 Method Pool - allows efficient lookup when typechecking messages to "id". More...
ObjCContainerKind getObjCContainerKind () const
DeclResult actOnObjCTypeParam (Scope *S, ObjCTypeParamVariance variance, SourceLocation varianceLoc, unsigned index, IdentifierInfo *paramName, SourceLocation paramLoc, SourceLocation colonLoc, ParsedType typeBound)
ObjCTypeParamListactOnObjCTypeParamList (Scope *S, SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > typeParams, SourceLocation rAngleLoc)
void popObjCTypeParamList (Scope *S, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList)
ObjCInterfaceDeclActOnStartClassInterface (Scope *S, SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > SuperTypeArgs, SourceRange SuperTypeArgsRange, Decl *const *ProtoRefs, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, SkipBodyInfo *SkipBody)
void ActOnSuperClassOfClassInterface (Scope *S, SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > SuperTypeArgs, SourceRange SuperTypeArgsRange)
void ActOnTypedefedProtocols (SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &ProtocolRefs, SmallVectorImpl< SourceLocation > &ProtocolLocs, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc)
 ActOnTypedefedProtocols - this action finds protocol list as part of the typedef'ed use for a qualified super class and adds them to the list of the protocols. More...
DeclActOnCompatibilityAlias (SourceLocation AtCompatibilityAliasLoc, IdentifierInfo *AliasName, SourceLocation AliasLocation, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLocation)
 ActOnCompatibilityAlias - this action is called after complete parsing of a @compatibility_alias declaration. More...
bool CheckForwardProtocolDeclarationForCircularDependency (IdentifierInfo *PName, SourceLocation &PLoc, SourceLocation PrevLoc, const ObjCList< ObjCProtocolDecl > &PList)
ObjCProtocolDeclActOnStartProtocolInterface (SourceLocation AtProtoInterfaceLoc, IdentifierInfo *ProtocolName, SourceLocation ProtocolLoc, Decl *const *ProtoRefNames, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, SkipBodyInfo *SkipBody)
ObjCCategoryDeclActOnStartCategoryInterface (SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList, const IdentifierInfo *CategoryName, SourceLocation CategoryLoc, Decl *const *ProtoRefs, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList)
ObjCImplementationDeclActOnStartClassImplementation (SourceLocation AtClassImplLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, const IdentifierInfo *SuperClassname, SourceLocation SuperClassLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList)
ObjCCategoryImplDeclActOnStartCategoryImplementation (SourceLocation AtCatImplLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, const IdentifierInfo *CatName, SourceLocation CatLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList)
 ActOnStartCategoryImplementation - Perform semantic checks on the category implementation declaration and build an ObjCCategoryImplDecl object. More...
DeclGroupPtrTy ActOnFinishObjCImplementation (Decl *ObjCImpDecl, ArrayRef< Decl * > Decls)
DeclGroupPtrTy ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration (SourceLocation AtProtoclLoc, ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair > IdentList, const ParsedAttributesView &attrList)
 ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration - Handle @protocol foo;. More...
void FindProtocolDeclaration (bool WarnOnDeclarations, bool ForObjCContainer, ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair > ProtocolId, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &Protocols)
 FindProtocolDeclaration - This routine looks up protocols and issues an error if they are not declared. More...
void DiagnoseTypeArgsAndProtocols (IdentifierInfo *ProtocolId, SourceLocation ProtocolLoc, IdentifierInfo *TypeArgId, SourceLocation TypeArgLoc, bool SelectProtocolFirst=false)
void actOnObjCTypeArgsOrProtocolQualifiers (Scope *S, ParsedType baseType, SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< IdentifierInfo * > identifiers, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > identifierLocs, SourceLocation rAngleLoc, SourceLocation &typeArgsLAngleLoc, SmallVectorImpl< ParsedType > &typeArgs, SourceLocation &typeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation &protocolLAngleLoc, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &protocols, SourceLocation &protocolRAngleLoc, bool warnOnIncompleteProtocols)
 Given a list of identifiers (and their locations), resolve the names to either Objective-C protocol qualifiers or type arguments, as appropriate. More...
void DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods (ObjCCategoryDecl *CAT, ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID)
 DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods - Check for duplicate declaration of a class method in its extension. More...
DeclActOnAtEnd (Scope *S, SourceRange AtEnd, ArrayRef< Decl * > allMethods=std::nullopt, ArrayRef< DeclGroupPtrTy > allTUVars=std::nullopt)
DeclActOnMethodDeclaration (Scope *S, SourceLocation BeginLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc, tok::TokenKind MethodType, ObjCDeclSpec &ReturnQT, ParsedType ReturnType, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, Selector Sel, ObjCArgInfo *ArgInfo, DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo *CParamInfo, unsigned CNumArgs, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, bool isVariadic, bool MethodDefinition)
bool CheckARCMethodDecl (ObjCMethodDecl *method)
 Check a method declaration for compatibility with the Objective-C ARC conventions. More...
bool checkInitMethod (ObjCMethodDecl *method, QualType receiverTypeIfCall)
 Check whether the given method, which must be in the 'init' family, is a valid member of that family. More...
void CheckObjCMethodOverride (ObjCMethodDecl *NewMethod, const ObjCMethodDecl *Overridden)
 Check whether the given new method is a valid override of the given overridden method, and set any properties that should be inherited. More...
void CheckObjCMethodDirectOverrides (ObjCMethodDecl *method, ObjCMethodDecl *overridden)
void CheckObjCMethodOverrides (ObjCMethodDecl *ObjCMethod, ObjCInterfaceDecl *CurrentClass, ResultTypeCompatibilityKind RTC)
void AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool (Decl *D)
 AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool - Add any method, instance or factory to global pool. More...
void ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef (Scope *S, Decl *D)
 ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef - This routine sets up parameters; invisible and user declared, in the method definition's AST. More...
bool isObjCMethodDecl (Decl *D)
void CheckImplementationIvars (ObjCImplementationDecl *ImpDecl, ObjCIvarDecl **Fields, unsigned nIvars, SourceLocation Loc)
 CheckImplementationIvars - This routine checks if the instance variables listed in the implelementation match those listed in the interface. More...
void WarnConflictingTypedMethods (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *MethodDecl, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl)
void CheckConflictingOverridingMethod (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *Overridden, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl)
void WarnExactTypedMethods (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *MethodDecl, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl)
 WarnExactTypedMethods - This routine issues a warning if method implementation declaration matches exactly that of its declaration. More...
void MatchAllMethodDeclarations (const SelectorSet &InsMap, const SelectorSet &ClsMap, SelectorSet &InsMapSeen, SelectorSet &ClsMapSeen, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl, bool &IncompleteImpl, bool ImmediateClass, bool WarnCategoryMethodImpl=false)
 MatchAllMethodDeclarations - Check methods declaraed in interface or or protocol against those declared in their implementations. More...
void CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches (ObjCCategoryImplDecl *CatIMP)
 CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches - Checks that methods implemented in category matches with those implemented in its primary class and warns each time an exact match is found. More...
void ImplMethodsVsClassMethods (Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl, bool IncompleteImpl=false)
 ImplMethodsVsClassMethods - This is main routine to warn if any method remains unimplemented in the class or category @implementation. More...
DeclGroupPtrTy ActOnForwardClassDeclaration (SourceLocation Loc, IdentifierInfo **IdentList, SourceLocation *IdentLocs, ArrayRef< ObjCTypeParamList * > TypeParamLists, unsigned NumElts)
bool MatchTwoMethodDeclarations (const ObjCMethodDecl *Method, const ObjCMethodDecl *PrevMethod, MethodMatchStrategy strategy=MMS_strict)
 MatchTwoMethodDeclarations - Checks if two methods' type match and returns true, or false, accordingly. More...
void addMethodToGlobalList (ObjCMethodList *List, ObjCMethodDecl *Method)
 Add the given method to the list of globally-known methods. More...
void ReadMethodPool (Selector Sel)
 Read the contents of the method pool for a given selector from external storage. More...
void updateOutOfDateSelector (Selector Sel)
bool CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool (Selector Sel, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods, bool InstanceFirst, bool CheckTheOther, const ObjCObjectType *TypeBound=nullptr)
 We first select the type of the method: Instance or Factory, then collect all methods with that type. More...
bool AreMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool (Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *BestMethod, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods)
void DiagnoseMultipleMethodInGlobalPool (SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods, Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass)
const ObjCMethodDeclSelectorsForTypoCorrection (Selector Sel, QualType ObjectType=QualType())
ObjCMethodDeclLookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool (Selector Sel)
 LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method which has an implementation. More...
void DiagnoseDuplicateIvars (ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID, ObjCInterfaceDecl *SID)
 DiagnoseDuplicateIvars - Check for duplicate ivars in the entire class at the start of @implementation. More...
bool CheckObjCDeclScope (Decl *D)
 Checks that the Objective-C declaration is declared in the global scope. More...
void ActOnDefs (Scope *S, Decl *TagD, SourceLocation DeclStart, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &Decls)
 Called whenever @defs(ClassName) is encountered in the source. More...
VarDeclBuildObjCExceptionDecl (TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, QualType ExceptionType, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation IdLoc, const IdentifierInfo *Id, bool Invalid=false)
 Build a type-check a new Objective-C exception variable declaration. More...
DeclActOnObjCExceptionDecl (Scope *S, Declarator &D)
void CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct (ObjCInterfaceDecl *OI, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCIvarDecl * > &Ivars)
 CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct - Collect those ivars which require initialization. More...
void DiagnoseUseOfUnimplementedSelectors ()
void DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor (Scope *S, const ObjCImplementationDecl *ImplD)
 DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor - Issue an 'unused' warning if ivar which backs the property is not used in the property's accessor. More...
ObjCIvarDeclGetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor (const ObjCMethodDecl *Method, const ObjCPropertyDecl *&PDecl) const
 GetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor - If method is a property setter/getter and it property has a backing ivar, returns this ivar; otherwise, returns NULL. More...
void AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool impl=false)
 AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool - All instance methods in a translation unit are added to a global pool. More...
void AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool (ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool impl=false)
 AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool - Same as above, but for factory methods. More...
QualType AdjustParameterTypeForObjCAutoRefCount (QualType T, SourceLocation NameLoc, TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo)
ObjCInterfaceDeclgetObjCInterfaceDecl (const IdentifierInfo *&Id, SourceLocation IdLoc, bool TypoCorrection=false)
 Look for an Objective-C class in the translation unit. More...
bool inferObjCARCLifetime (ValueDecl *decl)
void SetIvarInitializers (ObjCImplementationDecl *ObjCImplementation)
 SetIvarInitializers - This routine builds initialization ASTs for the Objective-C implementation whose ivars need be initialized. More...
DeclActOnIvar (Scope *S, SourceLocation DeclStart, Declarator &D, Expr *BitWidth, tok::ObjCKeywordKind visibility)
 ActOnIvar - Each ivar field of an objective-c class is passed into this in order to create an IvarDecl object for it. More...
ObjCContainerDeclgetObjCDeclContext () const

ObjC Expressions

Implementations are in SemaExprObjC.cpp

enum  ObjCMessageKind { ObjCSuperMessage , ObjCInstanceMessage , ObjCClassMessage }
 Describes the kind of message expression indicated by a message send that starts with an identifier. More...
enum  ARCConversionResult { ACR_okay , ACR_unbridged , ACR_error }
enum  ObjCLiteralKind {
  LK_Array , LK_Dictionary , LK_Numeric , LK_Boxed ,
  LK_String , LK_Block , LK_None
std::unique_ptr< NSAPINSAPIObj
 Caches identifiers/selectors for NSFoundation APIs. More...
 The declaration of the Objective-C NSNumber class. More...
 The declaration of the Objective-C NSValue class. More...
QualType NSNumberPointer
 Pointer to NSNumber type (NSNumber *). More...
QualType NSValuePointer
 Pointer to NSValue type (NSValue *). More...
ObjCMethodDeclNSNumberLiteralMethods [NSAPI::NumNSNumberLiteralMethods]
 The Objective-C NSNumber methods used to create NSNumber literals. More...
 The declaration of the Objective-C NSString class. More...
QualType NSStringPointer
 Pointer to NSString type (NSString *). More...
 The declaration of the stringWithUTF8String: method. More...
 The declaration of the valueWithBytes:objCType: method. More...
 The declaration of the Objective-C NSArray class. More...
 The declaration of the arrayWithObjects:count: method. More...
 The declaration of the Objective-C NSDictionary class. More...
 The declaration of the dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count: method. More...
QualType QIDNSCopying
 id<NSCopying> type. More...
Selector RespondsToSelectorSel
 will hold 'respondsToSelector:' More...
ExprResult HandleExprPropertyRefExpr (const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT, Expr *BaseExpr, SourceLocation OpLoc, DeclarationName MemberName, SourceLocation MemberLoc, SourceLocation SuperLoc, QualType SuperType, bool Super)
 HandleExprPropertyRefExpr - Handle where foo is a pointer to an objective C interface. More...
ExprResult ActOnClassPropertyRefExpr (const IdentifierInfo &receiverName, const IdentifierInfo &propertyName, SourceLocation receiverNameLoc, SourceLocation propertyNameLoc)
ExprResult ParseObjCStringLiteral (SourceLocation *AtLocs, ArrayRef< Expr * > Strings)
ExprResult BuildObjCStringLiteral (SourceLocation AtLoc, StringLiteral *S)
ExprResult BuildObjCNumericLiteral (SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Number)
 BuildObjCNumericLiteral - builds an ObjCBoxedExpr AST node for the numeric literal expression. More...
ExprResult ActOnObjCBoolLiteral (SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation ValueLoc, bool Value)
ExprResult BuildObjCArrayLiteral (SourceRange SR, MultiExprArg Elements)
ExprResult BuildObjCBoxedExpr (SourceRange SR, Expr *ValueExpr)
 BuildObjCBoxedExpr - builds an ObjCBoxedExpr AST node for the '@' prefixed parenthesized expression. More...
ExprResult BuildObjCSubscriptExpression (SourceLocation RB, Expr *BaseExpr, Expr *IndexExpr, ObjCMethodDecl *getterMethod, ObjCMethodDecl *setterMethod)
 Build an ObjC subscript pseudo-object expression, given that that's supported by the runtime. More...
ExprResult BuildObjCDictionaryLiteral (SourceRange SR, MutableArrayRef< ObjCDictionaryElement > Elements)
ExprResult BuildObjCEncodeExpression (SourceLocation AtLoc, TypeSourceInfo *EncodedTypeInfo, SourceLocation RParenLoc)
ExprResult ParseObjCEncodeExpression (SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation EncodeLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, ParsedType Ty, SourceLocation RParenLoc)
ExprResult ParseObjCSelectorExpression (Selector Sel, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation SelLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool WarnMultipleSelectors)
 ParseObjCSelectorExpression - Build selector expression for @selector. More...
ExprResult ParseObjCProtocolExpression (IdentifierInfo *ProtocolName, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation ProtoLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation ProtoIdLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc)
 ParseObjCProtocolExpression - Build protocol expression for @protocol. More...
ObjCMethodDecltryCaptureObjCSelf (SourceLocation Loc)
 Try to capture an implicit reference to 'self'. More...
ObjCMessageKind getObjCMessageKind (Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *Name, SourceLocation NameLoc, bool IsSuper, bool HasTrailingDot, ParsedType &ReceiverType)
ExprResult ActOnSuperMessage (Scope *S, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args)
ExprResult BuildClassMessage (TypeSourceInfo *ReceiverTypeInfo, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args, bool isImplicit=false)
 Build an Objective-C class message expression. More...
ExprResult BuildClassMessageImplicit (QualType ReceiverType, bool isSuperReceiver, SourceLocation Loc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, MultiExprArg Args)
ExprResult ActOnClassMessage (Scope *S, ParsedType Receiver, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args)
ExprResult BuildInstanceMessage (Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args, bool isImplicit=false)
 Build an Objective-C instance message expression. More...
ExprResult BuildInstanceMessageImplicit (Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation Loc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, MultiExprArg Args)
ExprResult ActOnInstanceMessage (Scope *S, Expr *Receiver, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args)
ExprResult BuildObjCBridgedCast (SourceLocation LParenLoc, ObjCBridgeCastKind Kind, SourceLocation BridgeKeywordLoc, TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo, Expr *SubExpr)
ExprResult ActOnObjCBridgedCast (Scope *S, SourceLocation LParenLoc, ObjCBridgeCastKind Kind, SourceLocation BridgeKeywordLoc, ParsedType Type, SourceLocation RParenLoc, Expr *SubExpr)
void CheckTollFreeBridgeCast (QualType castType, Expr *castExpr)
void CheckObjCBridgeRelatedCast (QualType castType, Expr *castExpr)
bool CheckTollFreeBridgeStaticCast (QualType castType, Expr *castExpr, CastKind &Kind)
bool checkObjCBridgeRelatedComponents (SourceLocation Loc, QualType DestType, QualType SrcType, ObjCInterfaceDecl *&RelatedClass, ObjCMethodDecl *&ClassMethod, ObjCMethodDecl *&InstanceMethod, TypedefNameDecl *&TDNDecl, bool CfToNs, bool Diagnose=true)
bool CheckObjCBridgeRelatedConversions (SourceLocation Loc, QualType DestType, QualType SrcType, Expr *&SrcExpr, bool Diagnose=true)
bool isSelfExpr (Expr *RExpr)
 Private Helper predicate to check for 'self'. More...
bool isSelfExpr (Expr *RExpr, const ObjCMethodDecl *Method)
ObjCMethodDeclLookupMethodInQualifiedType (Selector Sel, const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT, bool IsInstance)
 LookupMethodInQualifiedType - Lookups up a method in protocol qualifier list of a qualified objective pointer type. More...
ObjCMethodDeclLookupMethodInObjectType (Selector Sel, QualType Ty, bool IsInstance)
 LookupMethodInType - Look up a method in an ObjCObjectType. More...
bool isKnownName (StringRef name)
ARCConversionResult CheckObjCConversion (SourceRange castRange, QualType castType, Expr *&op, CheckedConversionKind CCK, bool Diagnose=true, bool DiagnoseCFAudited=false, BinaryOperatorKind Opc=BO_PtrMemD)
 Checks for invalid conversions and casts between retainable pointers and other pointer kinds for ARC and Weak. More...
ExprstripARCUnbridgedCast (Expr *e)
 stripARCUnbridgedCast - Given an expression of ARCUnbridgedCast type, remove the placeholder cast. More...
void diagnoseARCUnbridgedCast (Expr *e)
 Given that we saw an expression with the ARCUnbridgedCastTy placeholder type, complain bitterly. More...
bool CheckObjCARCUnavailableWeakConversion (QualType castType, QualType ExprType)
bool CheckMessageArgumentTypes (const Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, MultiExprArg Args, Selector Sel, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool isClassMessage, bool isSuperMessage, SourceLocation lbrac, SourceLocation rbrac, SourceRange RecRange, QualType &ReturnType, ExprValueKind &VK)
 CheckMessageArgumentTypes - Check types in an Obj-C message send. More...
QualType getMessageSendResultType (const Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool isClassMessage, bool isSuperMessage)
 Determine the result of a message send expression based on the type of the receiver, the method expected to receive the message, and the form of the message send. More...
void EmitRelatedResultTypeNote (const Expr *E)
 If the given expression involves a message send to a method with a related result type, emit a note describing what happened. More...
void EmitRelatedResultTypeNoteForReturn (QualType destType)
 Given that we had incompatible pointer types in a return statement, check whether we're in a method with a related result type, and if so, emit a note describing what happened. More...
ObjCMethodDeclLookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool (Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass=false)
 LookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method and warns if there are multiple signatures. More...
ObjCMethodDeclLookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool (Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass=false)
 LookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method and warns if there are multiple signatures. More...
DeclResult LookupIvarInObjCMethod (LookupResult &Lookup, Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *II)
 The parser has read a name in, and Sema has detected that we're currently inside an ObjC method. More...
ExprResult LookupInObjCMethod (LookupResult &LookUp, Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *II, bool AllowBuiltinCreation=false)
 The parser has read a name in, and Sema has detected that we're currently inside an ObjC method. More...
ExprResult BuildIvarRefExpr (Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ObjCIvarDecl *IV)
QualType FindCompositeObjCPointerType (ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation QuestionLoc)
 FindCompositeObjCPointerType - Helper method to find composite type of two objective-c pointer types of the two input expressions. More...
bool CheckConversionToObjCLiteral (QualType DstType, Expr *&SrcExpr, bool Diagnose=true)
ExprResult ActOnObjCBoolLiteral (SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind)
 ActOnObjCBoolLiteral - Parse {__objc_yes,__objc_no} literals. More...
ExprResult ActOnObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr (llvm::ArrayRef< AvailabilitySpec > AvailSpecs, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation RParen)
CastKind PrepareCastToObjCObjectPointer (ExprResult &E)
 Prepare a conversion of the given expression to an ObjC object pointer type. More...
ObjCLiteralKind CheckLiteralKind (Expr *FromE)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file SemaObjC.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DeclGroupPtrTy

Definition at line 317 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ SelectorSet

Definition at line 236 of file SemaObjC.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ARCConversionResult


Definition at line 816 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ MethodMatchStrategy


Definition at line 238 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ObjCContainerKind


Definition at line 240 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ObjCLiteralKind


Definition at line 919 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ObjCMessageKind

Describes the kind of message expression indicated by a message send that starts with an identifier.


The message is sent to 'super'.


The message is an instance message.


The message is a class message, and the identifier is a type name.

Definition at line 718 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ObjCSpecialMethodKind


Definition at line 198 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ObjCSubscriptKind


Definition at line 149 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ResultTypeCompatibilityKind

Describes the compatibility of a result type with its method.


Definition at line 391 of file SemaObjC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SemaObjC()

clang::SemaObjC::SemaObjC ( Sema S)

Definition at line 29 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActOnAtEnd()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnAtEnd ( Scope S,
SourceRange  AtEnd,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  allMethods = std::nullopt,
ArrayRef< DeclGroupPtrTy allTUVars = std::nullopt 

Check for instance method of the same name with incompatible types

The following allows us to typecheck messages to "id".

Check for class method of the same name with incompatible types

Definition at line 3983 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnClassMessage()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnClassMessage ( Scope S,
ParsedType  Receiver,
Selector  Sel,
SourceLocation  LBracLoc,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
SourceLocation  RBracLoc,
MultiExprArg  Args 

Definition at line 2767 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnClassPropertyRefExpr()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnClassPropertyRefExpr ( const IdentifierInfo receiverName,
const IdentifierInfo propertyName,
SourceLocation  receiverNameLoc,
SourceLocation  propertyNameLoc 

Definition at line 2171 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnCompatibilityAlias()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnCompatibilityAlias ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
IdentifierInfo AliasName,
SourceLocation  AliasLocation,
IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLocation 

ActOnCompatibilityAlias - this action is called after complete parsing of a @compatibility_alias declaration.

It sets up the alias relationships.

Definition at line 1142 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnDefs()

void SemaObjC::ActOnDefs ( Scope S,
Decl TagD,
SourceLocation  DeclStart,
const IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &  Decls 

Called whenever @defs(ClassName) is encountered in the source.

Inserts the instance variables of ClassName into Decls.

Definition at line 5113 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnFinishObjCImplementation()

SemaObjC::DeclGroupPtrTy SemaObjC::ActOnFinishObjCImplementation ( Decl ObjCImpDecl,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  Decls 

◆ ActOnForwardClassDeclaration()

SemaObjC::DeclGroupPtrTy SemaObjC::ActOnForwardClassDeclaration ( SourceLocation  Loc,
IdentifierInfo **  IdentList,
SourceLocation IdentLocs,
ArrayRef< ObjCTypeParamList * >  TypeParamLists,
unsigned  NumElts 

Definition at line 3060 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration()

SemaObjC::DeclGroupPtrTy SemaObjC::ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration ( SourceLocation  AtProtoclLoc,
ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair IdentList,
const ParsedAttributesView attrList 

ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration - Handle @protocol foo;.

Definition at line 1786 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnInstanceMessage()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnInstanceMessage ( Scope S,
Expr Receiver,
Selector  Sel,
SourceLocation  LBracLoc,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
SourceLocation  RBracLoc,
MultiExprArg  Args 

Definition at line 3425 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnIvar()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnIvar ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  DeclStart,
Declarator D,
Expr BitWidth,
tok::ObjCKeywordKind  visibility 

ActOnIvar - Each ivar field of an objective-c class is passed into this in order to create an IvarDecl object for it.

Definition at line 5573 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnMethodDeclaration()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnMethodDeclaration ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  BeginLoc,
SourceLocation  EndLoc,
tok::TokenKind  MethodType,
ObjCDeclSpec ReturnQT,
ParsedType  ReturnType,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
Selector  Sel,
ObjCArgInfo ArgInfo,
DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo CParamInfo,
unsigned  CNumArgs,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList,
tok::ObjCKeywordKind  MethodImplKind,
bool  isVariadic,
bool  MethodDefinition 

Definition at line 4728 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAtCatchStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtCatchStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  RParen,
Decl Parm,
Stmt Body 

Definition at line 207 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAtFinallyStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtFinallyStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Stmt Body 

Definition at line 218 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedOperand()

ExprResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedOperand ( SourceLocation  atLoc,
Expr operand 

◆ ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Expr SynchExpr,
Stmt SynchBody 

Definition at line 325 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAtThrowStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtThrowStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Expr Throw,
Scope CurScope 

◆ ActOnObjCAtTryStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAtTryStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Stmt Try,
MultiStmtArg  Catch,
Stmt Finally 

Definition at line 223 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Stmt Body 

Definition at line 334 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr ( llvm::ArrayRef< AvailabilitySpec AvailSpecs,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  RParen 

Definition at line 5160 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCBoolLiteral() [1/2]

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnObjCBoolLiteral ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  ValueLoc,
bool  Value 

Definition at line 374 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCBoolLiteral() [2/2]

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnObjCBoolLiteral ( SourceLocation  OpLoc,
tok::TokenKind  Kind 

ActOnObjCBoolLiteral - Parse {__objc_yes,__objc_no} literals.

Definition at line 5138 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References Kind.

◆ ActOnObjCBridgedCast()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnObjCBridgedCast ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
ObjCBridgeCastKind  Kind,
SourceLocation  BridgeKeywordLoc,
ParsedType  Type,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc,
Expr SubExpr 

Definition at line 4765 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCContainerFinishDefinition()

void clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCContainerFinishDefinition ( )

◆ ActOnObjCContainerStartDefinition()

void clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCContainerStartDefinition ( ObjCContainerDecl IDecl)

◆ ActOnObjCExceptionDecl()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnObjCExceptionDecl ( Scope S,
Declarator D 

Definition at line 5202 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCForCollectionStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCForCollectionStmt ( SourceLocation  ForColLoc,
Stmt First,
Expr collection,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc 

Definition at line 36 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCInstanceType()

ParsedType clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCInstanceType ( SourceLocation  Loc)

The parser has parsed the context-sensitive type 'instancetype' in an Objective-C message declaration.

Return the appropriate type.

Definition at line 745 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ actOnObjCProtocolQualifierType()

TypeResult clang::SemaObjC::actOnObjCProtocolQualifierType ( SourceLocation  lAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  protocols,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation protocolLocs,
SourceLocation  rAngleLoc 

Build a an Objective-C protocol-qualified 'id' type where no base type was specified.

Definition at line 341 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnObjCReenterContainerContext()

void clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCReenterContainerContext ( ObjCContainerDecl ObjCCtx)

◆ ActOnObjCTemporaryExitContainerContext()

void clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCTemporaryExitContainerContext ( ObjCContainerDecl ObjCCtx)

Invoked when we must temporarily exit the objective-c container scope for parsing/looking-up C constructs.

Must be followed by a call to

See also

Definition at line 1288 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References ActOnObjCContainerFinishDefinition(), clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::Sema::OriginalLexicalContext, and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ actOnObjCTypeArgsAndProtocolQualifiers()

TypeResult clang::SemaObjC::actOnObjCTypeArgsAndProtocolQualifiers ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ParsedType  BaseType,
SourceLocation  TypeArgsLAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< ParsedType TypeArgs,
SourceLocation  TypeArgsRAngleLoc,
SourceLocation  ProtocolLAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  Protocols,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation ProtocolLocs,
SourceLocation  ProtocolRAngleLoc 

Build a specialized and/or protocol-qualified Objective-C type.

Definition at line 378 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ actOnObjCTypeArgsOrProtocolQualifiers()

void SemaObjC::actOnObjCTypeArgsOrProtocolQualifiers ( Scope S,
ParsedType  baseType,
SourceLocation  lAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< IdentifierInfo * >  identifiers,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation identifierLocs,
SourceLocation  rAngleLoc,
SourceLocation typeArgsLAngleLoc,
SmallVectorImpl< ParsedType > &  typeArgs,
SourceLocation typeArgsRAngleLoc,
SourceLocation protocolLAngleLoc,
SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &  protocols,
SourceLocation protocolRAngleLoc,
bool  warnOnIncompleteProtocols 

Given a list of identifiers (and their locations), resolve the names to either Objective-C protocol qualifiers or type arguments, as appropriate.

Definition at line 1426 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ actOnObjCTypeParam()

DeclResult SemaObjC::actOnObjCTypeParam ( Scope S,
ObjCTypeParamVariance  variance,
SourceLocation  varianceLoc,
unsigned  index,
IdentifierInfo paramName,
SourceLocation  paramLoc,
SourceLocation  colonLoc,
ParsedType  typeBound 

Definition at line 666 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ actOnObjCTypeParamList()

ObjCTypeParamList * SemaObjC::actOnObjCTypeParamList ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  lAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  typeParams,
SourceLocation  rAngleLoc 

Definition at line 769 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnProperty()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnProperty ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
FieldDeclarator FD,
ObjCDeclSpec ODS,
Selector  GetterSel,
Selector  SetterSel,
tok::ObjCKeywordKind  MethodImplKind,
DeclContext lexicalDC = nullptr 

Definition at line 174 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ ActOnPropertyImplDecl()

Decl * SemaObjC::ActOnPropertyImplDecl ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  PropertyLoc,
bool  ImplKind,
IdentifierInfo PropertyId,
IdentifierInfo PropertyIvar,
SourceLocation  PropertyIvarLoc,
ObjCPropertyQueryKind  QueryKind 

ActOnPropertyImplDecl - This routine performs semantic checks and builds the AST node for a property implementation declaration; declared as @synthesize or @dynamic.

Definition at line 1062 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartCategoryImplementation()

ObjCCategoryImplDecl * SemaObjC::ActOnStartCategoryImplementation ( SourceLocation  AtCatImplLoc,
const IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLoc,
const IdentifierInfo CatName,
SourceLocation  CatLoc,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList 

ActOnStartCategoryImplementation - Perform semantic checks on the category implementation declaration and build an ObjCCategoryImplDecl object.

Check that class of this category is already completely declared.

Check that CatName, category name, is not used in another implementation.

Definition at line 1913 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartCategoryInterface()

ObjCCategoryDecl * SemaObjC::ActOnStartCategoryInterface ( SourceLocation  AtInterfaceLoc,
const IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLoc,
ObjCTypeParamList typeParamList,
const IdentifierInfo CategoryName,
SourceLocation  CategoryLoc,
Decl *const *  ProtoRefs,
unsigned  NumProtoRefs,
const SourceLocation ProtoLocs,
SourceLocation  EndProtoLoc,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList 

Check that class of this category is already completely declared.

Check for duplicate interface declaration for this category

Definition at line 1814 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartClassImplementation()

ObjCImplementationDecl * SemaObjC::ActOnStartClassImplementation ( SourceLocation  AtClassImplLoc,
const IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLoc,
const IdentifierInfo SuperClassname,
SourceLocation  SuperClassLoc,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList 

Definition at line 1981 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartClassInterface()

ObjCInterfaceDecl * SemaObjC::ActOnStartClassInterface ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  AtInterfaceLoc,
IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLoc,
ObjCTypeParamList typeParamList,
IdentifierInfo SuperName,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
ArrayRef< ParsedType SuperTypeArgs,
SourceRange  SuperTypeArgsRange,
Decl *const *  ProtoRefs,
unsigned  NumProtoRefs,
const SourceLocation ProtoLocs,
SourceLocation  EndProtoLoc,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList,
SkipBodyInfo SkipBody 

Definition at line 974 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef()

void SemaObjC::ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef ( Scope S,
Decl D 

ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef - This routine sets up parameters; invisible and user declared, in the method definition's AST.

Definition at line 369 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnStartProtocolInterface()

ObjCProtocolDecl * SemaObjC::ActOnStartProtocolInterface ( SourceLocation  AtProtoInterfaceLoc,
IdentifierInfo ProtocolName,
SourceLocation  ProtocolLoc,
Decl *const *  ProtoRefNames,
unsigned  NumProtoRefs,
const SourceLocation ProtoLocs,
SourceLocation  EndProtoLoc,
const ParsedAttributesView AttrList,
SkipBodyInfo SkipBody 

Check then save referenced protocols.

Definition at line 1216 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnSuperClassOfClassInterface()

void SemaObjC::ActOnSuperClassOfClassInterface ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  AtInterfaceLoc,
ObjCInterfaceDecl IDecl,
IdentifierInfo ClassName,
SourceLocation  ClassLoc,
IdentifierInfo SuperName,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
ArrayRef< ParsedType SuperTypeArgs,
SourceRange  SuperTypeArgsRange 

Definition at line 553 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnSuperMessage()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ActOnSuperMessage ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
Selector  Sel,
SourceLocation  LBracLoc,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
SourceLocation  RBracLoc,
MultiExprArg  Args 

Definition at line 2393 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ActOnTypedefedProtocols()

void SemaObjC::ActOnTypedefedProtocols ( SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &  ProtocolRefs,
SmallVectorImpl< SourceLocation > &  ProtocolLocs,
IdentifierInfo SuperName,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc 

ActOnTypedefedProtocols - this action finds protocol list as part of the typedef'ed use for a qualified super class and adds them to the list of the protocols.

Definition at line 1115 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), clang::Type::isObjCObjectType(), clang::Sema::LookupOrdinaryName, clang::Sema::LookupSingleName(), clang::SemaBase::SemaRef, clang::T, and clang::Sema::TUScope.

◆ AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool()

void SemaObjC::AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool ( Decl D)

AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool - Add any method, instance or factory to global pool.

Definition at line 336 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool(), AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool(), D, and clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isInstanceMethod().

◆ AddCFAuditedAttribute()

void clang::SemaObjC::AddCFAuditedAttribute ( Decl D)

AddCFAuditedAttribute - Check whether we're currently within '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' and, if so, consider adding the appropriate attribute.

Definition at line 1447 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool()

void clang::SemaObjC::AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
bool  impl = false 

AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool - Same as above, but for factory methods.

Definition at line 540 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool().

◆ AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool()

void clang::SemaObjC::AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
bool  impl = false 

AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool - All instance methods in a translation unit are added to a global pool.

This allows us to efficiently associate a selector with a method declaraation for purposes of typechecking messages sent to "id" (where the class of the object is unknown).

Definition at line 534 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool().

◆ addMethodToGlobalList()

void SemaObjC::addMethodToGlobalList ( ObjCMethodList List,
ObjCMethodDecl Method 

Add the given method to the list of globally-known methods.

Definition at line 3319 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ AddXConsumedAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::AddXConsumedAttr ( Decl D,
const AttributeCommonInfo CI,
Sema::RetainOwnershipKind  K,
bool  IsTemplateInstantiation 

◆ AdjustParameterTypeForObjCAutoRefCount()

QualType SemaObjC::AdjustParameterTypeForObjCAutoRefCount ( QualType  T,
SourceLocation  NameLoc,
TypeSourceInfo TSInfo 

Definition at line 5392 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ adornBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit()

void clang::SemaObjC::adornBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit ( Expr SourceExpr,
const Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder Builder 

Definition at line 2313 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ AreMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool()

bool SemaObjC::AreMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool ( Selector  Sel,
ObjCMethodDecl BestMethod,
SourceRange  R,
bool  receiverIdOrClass,
SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &  Methods 

◆ AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules()

void SemaObjC::AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules ( ObjCImplDecl IMPDecl,
ObjCInterfaceDecl IDecl 

◆ BuildClassMessage()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildClassMessage ( TypeSourceInfo ReceiverTypeInfo,
QualType  ReceiverType,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
Selector  Sel,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
SourceLocation  LBracLoc,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
SourceLocation  RBracLoc,
MultiExprArg  ArgsIn,
bool  isImplicit = false 

Build an Objective-C class message expression.

This routine takes care of both normal class messages and class messages to the superclass.

ReceiverTypeInfoType source information that describes the receiver of this message. This may be NULL, in which case we are sending to the superclass and SuperLoc must be a valid source location.
ReceiverTypeThe type of the object receiving the message. When ReceiverTypeInfo is non-NULL, this is the same type as that refers to. For a superclass send, this is the type of the superclass.
SuperLocThe location of the "super" keyword in a superclass message.
SelThe selector to which the message is being sent.
MethodThe method that this class message is invoking, if already known.
LBracLocThe location of the opening square bracket ']'.
RBracLocThe location of the closing square bracket ']'.
ArgsInThe message arguments.

Definition at line 2619 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::TreeTransform< Derived >::RebuildObjCMessageExpr().

◆ BuildClassMessageImplicit()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildClassMessageImplicit ( QualType  ReceiverType,
bool  isSuperReceiver,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Selector  Sel,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
MultiExprArg  Args 

Definition at line 2443 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildInstanceMessage()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildInstanceMessage ( Expr Receiver,
QualType  ReceiverType,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
Selector  Sel,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
SourceLocation  LBracLoc,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
SourceLocation  RBracLoc,
MultiExprArg  ArgsIn,
bool  isImplicit = false 

Build an Objective-C instance message expression.

This routine takes care of both normal instance messages and instance messages to the superclass instance.

ReceiverThe expression that computes the object that will receive this message. This may be empty, in which case we are sending to the superclass instance and SuperLoc must be a valid source location.
ReceiverTypeThe (static) type of the object receiving the message. When a Receiver expression is provided, this is the same type as that expression. For a superclass instance send, this is a pointer to the type of the superclass.
SuperLocThe location of the "super" keyword in a superclass instance message.
SelThe selector to which the message is being sent.
MethodThe method that this instance message is invoking, if already known.
LBracLocThe location of the opening square bracket ']'.
RBracLocThe location of the closing square bracket ']'.
ArgsInThe message arguments.

Definition at line 2844 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References clang::SourceLocation::isValid().

Referenced by BuildInstanceMessageImplicit(), and clang::TreeTransform< Derived >::RebuildObjCMessageExpr().

◆ BuildInstanceMessageImplicit()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildInstanceMessageImplicit ( Expr Receiver,
QualType  ReceiverType,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Selector  Sel,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
MultiExprArg  Args 

Definition at line 2788 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References BuildInstanceMessage(), and Loc.

◆ BuildIvarRefExpr()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildIvarRefExpr ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
ObjCIvarDecl IV 

Definition at line 4873 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCArrayLiteral()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCArrayLiteral ( SourceRange  SR,
MultiExprArg  Elements 

Definition at line 801 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCAtThrowStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::BuildObjCAtThrowStmt ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Expr Throw 

Definition at line 243 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

Referenced by ActOnObjCAtThrowStmt().

◆ BuildObjCBoxedExpr()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCBoxedExpr ( SourceRange  SR,
Expr ValueExpr 

BuildObjCBoxedExpr - builds an ObjCBoxedExpr AST node for the '@' prefixed parenthesized expression.

The type of the expression will either be "NSNumber *", "NSString *" or "NSValue *" depending on the type of ValueType, which is allowed to be a built-in numeric type, "char *", "const char *" or C structure with attribute 'objc_boxable'.

Definition at line 510 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCBridgedCast()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCBridgedCast ( SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
ObjCBridgeCastKind  Kind,
SourceLocation  BridgeKeywordLoc,
TypeSourceInfo TSInfo,
Expr SubExpr 

Definition at line 4653 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCDictionaryLiteral()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCDictionaryLiteral ( SourceRange  SR,
MutableArrayRef< ObjCDictionaryElement Elements 

Definition at line 961 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCEncodeExpression()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCEncodeExpression ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
TypeSourceInfo EncodedTypeInfo,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc 

◆ BuildObjCExceptionDecl()

VarDecl * SemaObjC::BuildObjCExceptionDecl ( TypeSourceInfo TInfo,
QualType  ExceptionType,
SourceLocation  StartLoc,
SourceLocation  IdLoc,
const IdentifierInfo Id,
bool  Invalid = false 

Build a type-check a new Objective-C exception variable declaration.

Definition at line 5155 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCNumericLiteral()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCNumericLiteral ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
Expr Number 

BuildObjCNumericLiteral - builds an ObjCBoxedExpr AST node for the numeric literal expression.

Type of the expression will be "NSNumber *" or "id" if NSNumber is unavailable.

Type of the expression will be "NSNumber *".

Definition at line 323 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by CheckConversionToObjCLiteral().

◆ BuildObjCObjectType()

QualType clang::SemaObjC::BuildObjCObjectType ( QualType  BaseType,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceLocation  TypeArgsLAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< TypeSourceInfo * >  TypeArgs,
SourceLocation  TypeArgsRAngleLoc,
SourceLocation  ProtocolLAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * >  Protocols,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation ProtocolLocs,
SourceLocation  ProtocolRAngleLoc,
bool  FailOnError,
bool  Rebuilding 

Build an Objective-C object pointer type.

Definition at line 712 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::TreeTransform< Derived >::RebuildObjCObjectType().

◆ BuildObjCStringLiteral()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCStringLiteral ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
StringLiteral S 

Definition at line 86 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by CheckConversionToObjCLiteral().

◆ BuildObjCSubscriptExpression()

ExprResult SemaObjC::BuildObjCSubscriptExpression ( SourceLocation  RB,
Expr BaseExpr,
Expr IndexExpr,
ObjCMethodDecl getterMethod,
ObjCMethodDecl setterMethod 

Build an ObjC subscript pseudo-object expression, given that that's supported by the runtime.

Definition at line 771 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ BuildObjCTypeParamType()

QualType clang::SemaObjC::BuildObjCTypeParamType ( const ObjCTypeParamDecl Decl,
SourceLocation  ProtocolLAngleLoc,
ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * >  Protocols,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation ProtocolLocs,
SourceLocation  ProtocolRAngleLoc,
bool  FailOnError = false 

Build an Objective-C type parameter type.

Definition at line 485 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::TreeTransform< Derived >::RebuildObjCTypeParamType().

◆ CheckARCMethodDecl()

bool SemaObjC::CheckARCMethodDecl ( ObjCMethodDecl method)

Check a method declaration for compatibility with the Objective-C ARC conventions.

Definition at line 231 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ checkArrayLiteral()

void clang::SemaObjC::checkArrayLiteral ( QualType  TargetType,
ObjCArrayLiteral ArrayLiteral 

◆ CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches()

void SemaObjC::CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches ( ObjCCategoryImplDecl CatIMP)

CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches - Checks that methods implemented in category matches with those implemented in its primary class and warns each time an exact match is found.

Definition at line 2943 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::ObjCContainerDecl::class_methods(), clang::ObjCCategoryImplDecl::getCategoryDecl(), clang::ObjCCategoryDecl::getClassInterface(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::getSuperClass(), clang::ObjCContainerDecl::instance_methods(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::lookupMethod(), and MatchAllMethodDeclarations().

◆ CheckConflictingOverridingMethod()

void SemaObjC::CheckConflictingOverridingMethod ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
ObjCMethodDecl Overridden,
bool  IsProtocolMethodDecl 

◆ CheckConversionToObjCLiteral()

bool SemaObjC::CheckConversionToObjCLiteral ( QualType  DstType,
Expr *&  SrcExpr,
bool  Diagnose = true 

◆ checkDictionaryLiteral()

void clang::SemaObjC::checkDictionaryLiteral ( QualType  TargetType,
ObjCDictionaryLiteral DictionaryLiteral 

Check an Objective-C dictionary literal being converted to the given target type.

Definition at line 2382 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::getCanonicalDecl(), clang::ObjCDictionaryLiteral::getNumElements(), clang::ObjCObjectPointerType::getTypeArgs(), and NSDictionaryDecl.

◆ CheckForwardProtocolDeclarationForCircularDependency()

bool SemaObjC::CheckForwardProtocolDeclarationForCircularDependency ( IdentifierInfo PName,
SourceLocation PLoc,
SourceLocation  PrevLoc,
const ObjCList< ObjCProtocolDecl > &  PList 

◆ CheckImplementationIvars()

void SemaObjC::CheckImplementationIvars ( ObjCImplementationDecl ImpDecl,
ObjCIvarDecl **  Fields,
unsigned  nIvars,
SourceLocation  Loc 

CheckImplementationIvars - This routine checks if the instance variables listed in the implelementation match those listed in the interface.

Check case of non-existing @interface decl. (legacy objective-c @implementation decl without an @interface decl). Add implementations's ivar to the synthesize class's ivar list.

Definition at line 2136 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ checkInitMethod()

bool SemaObjC::checkInitMethod ( ObjCMethodDecl method,
QualType  receiverTypeIfCall 

Check whether the given method, which must be in the 'init' family, is a valid member of that family.

receiverTypeIfCall- if null, check this as if declaring it; if non-null, check this as if making a call to it with the given receiver type
true to indicate that there was an error and appropriate actions were taken

Definition at line 45 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckLiteralKind()

SemaObjC::ObjCLiteralKind SemaObjC::CheckLiteralKind ( Expr FromE)

◆ CheckMessageArgumentTypes()

bool SemaObjC::CheckMessageArgumentTypes ( const Expr Receiver,
QualType  ReceiverType,
MultiExprArg  Args,
Selector  Sel,
ArrayRef< SourceLocation SelectorLocs,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
bool  isClassMessage,
bool  isSuperMessage,
SourceLocation  lbrac,
SourceLocation  rbrac,
SourceRange  RecRange,
QualType ReturnType,
ExprValueKind VK 

CheckMessageArgumentTypes - Check types in an Obj-C message send.

Method- May be null.
[out]ReturnType- The return type of the send.
true iff there were any incompatible types.

Definition at line 1726 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ checkNSReturnsRetainedReturnType()

bool clang::SemaObjC::checkNSReturnsRetainedReturnType ( SourceLocation  loc,
QualType  type 

◆ CheckObjCARCUnavailableWeakConversion()

bool SemaObjC::CheckObjCARCUnavailableWeakConversion ( QualType  castType,
QualType  ExprType 

Definition at line 4598 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCBridgeRelatedCast()

void SemaObjC::CheckObjCBridgeRelatedCast ( QualType  castType,
Expr castExpr 

◆ checkObjCBridgeRelatedComponents()

bool SemaObjC::checkObjCBridgeRelatedComponents ( SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  DestType,
QualType  SrcType,
ObjCInterfaceDecl *&  RelatedClass,
ObjCMethodDecl *&  ClassMethod,
ObjCMethodDecl *&  InstanceMethod,
TypedefNameDecl *&  TDNDecl,
bool  CfToNs,
bool  Diagnose = true 

Definition at line 4233 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCBridgeRelatedConversions()

bool SemaObjC::CheckObjCBridgeRelatedConversions ( SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  DestType,
QualType  SrcType,
Expr *&  SrcExpr,
bool  Diagnose = true 

Definition at line 4305 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by CheckObjCBridgeRelatedCast().

◆ CheckObjCCircularContainer()

void clang::SemaObjC::CheckObjCCircularContainer ( ObjCMessageExpr Message)

◆ CheckObjCConversion()

SemaObjC::ARCConversionResult SemaObjC::CheckObjCConversion ( SourceRange  castRange,
QualType  castType,
Expr *&  op,
CheckedConversionKind  CCK,
bool  Diagnose = true,
bool  DiagnoseCFAudited = false,
BinaryOperatorKind  Opc = BO_PtrMemD 

Checks for invalid conversions and casts between retainable pointers and other pointer kinds for ARC and Weak.

Definition at line 4401 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion().

◆ CheckObjCDeclScope()

bool SemaObjC::CheckObjCDeclScope ( Decl D)

Checks that the Objective-C declaration is declared in the global scope.

Emits an error and marks the declaration as invalid if it's not declared in the global scope.

Definition at line 5093 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::CurContext, D, clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Sema::getCurLexicalContext(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::DeclContext::getRedeclContext(), clang::SemaBase::SemaRef, and clang::Decl::setInvalidDecl().

◆ CheckObjCForCollectionOperand()

ExprResult clang::SemaObjC::CheckObjCForCollectionOperand ( SourceLocation  forLoc,
Expr collection 

Definition at line 121 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCMethodCall()

bool clang::SemaObjC::CheckObjCMethodCall ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
SourceLocation  loc,
ArrayRef< const Expr * >  Args 

◆ CheckObjCMethodDirectOverrides()

void SemaObjC::CheckObjCMethodDirectOverrides ( ObjCMethodDecl method,
ObjCMethodDecl overridden 

◆ CheckObjCMethodOverride()

void SemaObjC::CheckObjCMethodOverride ( ObjCMethodDecl NewMethod,
const ObjCMethodDecl Overridden 

Check whether the given new method is a valid override of the given overridden method, and set any properties that should be inherited.

Definition at line 141 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCMethodOverrides()

void SemaObjC::CheckObjCMethodOverrides ( ObjCMethodDecl ObjCMethod,
ObjCInterfaceDecl CurrentClass,
ResultTypeCompatibilityKind  RTC 

Definition at line 4444 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ CheckObjCPropertyAttributes()

void SemaObjC::CheckObjCPropertyAttributes ( Decl PropertyPtrTy,
SourceLocation  Loc,
unsigned Attributes,
bool  propertyInPrimaryClass 

◆ CheckObjCString()

bool clang::SemaObjC::CheckObjCString ( Expr Arg)

CheckObjCString - Checks that the argument to the builtin CFString constructor is correct Note: It might also make sense to do the UTF-16 conversion here (would simplify the backend).

Definition at line 1218 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), and clang::Expr::IgnoreParenCasts().

◆ checkRetainCycles() [1/3]

void clang::SemaObjC::checkRetainCycles ( Expr receiver,
Expr argument 

Check a property assign to see if it's likely to cause a retain cycle.

Definition at line 1191 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References clang::diagnoseRetainCycle(), clang::findCapturingExpr(), clang::findRetainCycleOwner(), and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ checkRetainCycles() [2/3]

void clang::SemaObjC::checkRetainCycles ( ObjCMessageExpr msg)

◆ checkRetainCycles() [3/3]

void clang::SemaObjC::checkRetainCycles ( VarDecl Var,
Expr Init 

◆ CheckSubscriptingKind()

SemaObjC::ObjCSubscriptKind clang::SemaObjC::CheckSubscriptingKind ( Expr FromE)

◆ CheckTollFreeBridgeCast()

void SemaObjC::CheckTollFreeBridgeCast ( QualType  castType,
Expr castExpr 

◆ CheckTollFreeBridgeStaticCast()

bool SemaObjC::CheckTollFreeBridgeStaticCast ( QualType  castType,
Expr castExpr,
CastKind Kind 

◆ CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct()

void SemaObjC::CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct ( ObjCInterfaceDecl OI,
SmallVectorImpl< ObjCIvarDecl * > &  Ivars 

CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct - Collect those ivars which require initialization.

Definition at line 5260 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool()

bool SemaObjC::CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool ( Selector  Sel,
SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &  Methods,
bool  InstanceFirst,
bool  CheckTheOther,
const ObjCObjectType TypeBound = nullptr 

We first select the type of the method: Instance or Factory, then collect all methods with that type.

  • Returns instance or factory methods in global method pool for given selector. It checks the desired kind first, if none is found, and parameter checkTheOther is set, it then checks the other kind. If no such method or only one method is found, function returns false; otherwise, it returns true.

Definition at line 3514 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaObjC::GlobalMethodPool::end(), clang::Sema::ExternalSource, FilterMethodsByTypeBound(), clang::SemaObjC::GlobalMethodPool::find(), clang::ObjCMethodList::getNext(), MethodPool, ReadMethodPool(), and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ CreatePropertyDecl()

ObjCPropertyDecl * SemaObjC::CreatePropertyDecl ( Scope S,
ObjCContainerDecl CDecl,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
FieldDeclarator FD,
Selector  GetterSel,
SourceLocation  GetterNameLoc,
Selector  SetterSel,
SourceLocation  SetterNameLoc,
const bool  isReadWrite,
const unsigned  Attributes,
const unsigned  AttributesAsWritten,
QualType  T,
TypeSourceInfo TSI,
tok::ObjCKeywordKind  MethodImplKind,
DeclContext lexicalDC = nullptr 

Called by ActOnProperty and HandlePropertyInClassExtension to handle creating the ObjcPropertyDecl for a category or @interface.

Definition at line 550 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ DefaultSynthesizeProperties() [1/2]

void SemaObjC::DefaultSynthesizeProperties ( Scope S,
Decl D,
SourceLocation  AtEnd 

Definition at line 1961 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ DefaultSynthesizeProperties() [2/2]

void SemaObjC::DefaultSynthesizeProperties ( Scope S,
ObjCImplDecl IMPDecl,
ObjCInterfaceDecl IDecl,
SourceLocation  AtEnd 

DefaultSynthesizeProperties - This routine default synthesizes all properties which must be synthesized in the class's @implementation.

Default synthesizes all properties which must be synthesized in class's @implementation.

Definition at line 1866 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ diagnoseARCUnbridgedCast()

void SemaObjC::diagnoseARCUnbridgedCast ( Expr e)

◆ DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods ( ObjCCategoryDecl CAT,
ObjCInterfaceDecl ID 

DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods - Check for duplicate declaration of a class method in its extension.

Definition at line 1762 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), ID, clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isInstanceMethod(), MatchTwoMethodDeclarations(), and clang::ObjCContainerDecl::methods().

◆ DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI()

void clang::SemaObjC::DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI ( const NamedDecl FDecl,
Expr **  Args,
unsigned  NumArgs 

◆ DiagnoseDuplicateIvars()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseDuplicateIvars ( ObjCInterfaceDecl ID,
ObjCInterfaceDecl SID 

DiagnoseDuplicateIvars - Check for duplicate ivars in the entire class at the start of @implementation.

This becomes necessary because class extension can add ivars to a class in random order which will not be known until class's @implementation is seen.

Definition at line 3770 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), ID, and clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::lookupInstanceVariable().

◆ DiagnoseMissingDesignatedInitOverrides()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseMissingDesignatedInitOverrides ( const ObjCImplementationDecl ImplD,
const ObjCInterfaceDecl IFD 

◆ DiagnoseMultipleMethodInGlobalPool()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseMultipleMethodInGlobalPool ( SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &  Methods,
Selector  Sel,
SourceRange  R,
bool  receiverIdOrClass 

◆ diagnoseNullResettableSynthesizedSetters()

void SemaObjC::diagnoseNullResettableSynthesizedSetters ( const ObjCImplDecl impDecl)

◆ DiagnoseOwningPropertyGetterSynthesis()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseOwningPropertyGetterSynthesis ( const ObjCImplementationDecl D)

◆ DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch()

bool SemaObjC::DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch ( ObjCPropertyDecl PD,
ObjCMethodDecl Getter,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Definition at line 1687 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ DiagnosePropertyMismatch()

void SemaObjC::DiagnosePropertyMismatch ( ObjCPropertyDecl Property,
ObjCPropertyDecl SuperProperty,
const IdentifierInfo Name,
bool  OverridingProtocolProperty 

DiagnosePropertyMismatch - Compares two properties for their attributes and types and warns on a variety of inconsistencies.

Definition at line 1612 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseTypeArgsAndProtocols()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseTypeArgsAndProtocols ( IdentifierInfo ProtocolId,
SourceLocation  ProtocolLoc,
IdentifierInfo TypeArgId,
SourceLocation  TypeArgLoc,
bool  SelectProtocolFirst = false 

Definition at line 1416 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag().

◆ DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties ( Scope S,
ObjCImplDecl IMPDecl,
ObjCContainerDecl CDecl,
bool  SynthesizeProperties 

DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties - This routine warns on those properties which must be implemented by this implementation.

Definition at line 2011 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor ( Scope S,
const ObjCImplementationDecl ImplD 

DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor - Issue an 'unused' warning if ivar which backs the property is not used in the property's accessor.

Definition at line 5357 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ DiagnoseUseOfUnimplementedSelectors()

void SemaObjC::DiagnoseUseOfUnimplementedSelectors ( )

Definition at line 5271 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnEndOfTranslationUnit().

◆ EmitRelatedResultTypeNote()

void SemaObjC::EmitRelatedResultTypeNote ( const Expr E)

If the given expression involves a message send to a method with a related result type, emit a note describing what happened.

Definition at line 1699 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion().

◆ EmitRelatedResultTypeNoteForReturn()

void SemaObjC::EmitRelatedResultTypeNoteForReturn ( QualType  destType)

Given that we had incompatible pointer types in a return statement, check whether we're in a method with a related result type, and if so, emit a note describing what happened.

Definition at line 1669 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ FindCompositeObjCPointerType()

QualType SemaObjC::FindCompositeObjCPointerType ( ExprResult LHS,
ExprResult RHS,
SourceLocation  QuestionLoc 

FindCompositeObjCPointerType - Helper method to find composite type of two objective-c pointer types of the two input expressions.

Definition at line 4933 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CXXCheckConditionalOperands().

◆ FindProtocolDeclaration()

void SemaObjC::FindProtocolDeclaration ( bool  WarnOnDeclarations,
bool  ForObjCContainer,
ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair ProtocolId,
SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &  Protocols 

◆ FinishObjCForCollectionStmt()

StmtResult clang::SemaObjC::FinishObjCForCollectionStmt ( Stmt ForCollection,
Stmt Body 

FinishObjCForCollectionStmt - Attach the body to a objective-C foreach statement.

Definition at line 198 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ getCurObjCLexicalContext()

const DeclContext * clang::SemaObjC::getCurObjCLexicalContext ( ) const

Definition at line 1260 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::getCurLexicalContext(), and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ GetFormatNSStringIdx()

bool clang::SemaObjC::GetFormatNSStringIdx ( const FormatAttr *  Format,
unsigned Idx 

◆ GetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor()

ObjCIvarDecl * SemaObjC::GetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor ( const ObjCMethodDecl Method,
const ObjCPropertyDecl *&  PDecl 
) const

GetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor - If method is a property setter/getter and it property has a backing ivar, returns this ivar; otherwise, returns NULL.

It also returns ivar's property on success.

Definition at line 5296 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::ObjCMethodDecl::findPropertyDecl(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::getClassInterface(), clang::ObjCPropertyDecl::getPropertyIvarDecl(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::getSelector(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isClassMethod(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isPropertyAccessor(), and clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::lookupMethod().

◆ getMessageSendResultType()

QualType SemaObjC::getMessageSendResultType ( const Expr Receiver,
QualType  ReceiverType,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
bool  isClassMessage,
bool  isSuperMessage 

Determine the result of a message send expression based on the type of the receiver, the method expected to receive the message, and the form of the message send.

Definition at line 1532 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ getNSErrorIdent()

IdentifierInfo * clang::SemaObjC::getNSErrorIdent ( )

Retrieve the identifier "NSError".

Definition at line 1269 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References clang::Preprocessor::getIdentifierInfo(), clang::Sema::PP, and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

Referenced by isCFError().

◆ getObjCContainerKind()

SemaObjC::ObjCContainerKind SemaObjC::getObjCContainerKind ( ) const

◆ getObjCDeclContext()

ObjCContainerDecl * SemaObjC::getObjCDeclContext ( ) const

◆ getObjCInterfaceDecl()

ObjCInterfaceDecl * SemaObjC::getObjCInterfaceDecl ( const IdentifierInfo *&  Id,
SourceLocation  IdLoc,
bool  TypoCorrection = false 

Look for an Objective-C class in the translation unit.

IdThe name of the Objective-C class we're looking for. If typo-correction fixes this name, the Id will be updated to the fixed name.
IdLocThe location of the name in the translation unit.
DoTypoCorrectionIf true, this routine will attempt typo correction if there is no class with the given name.
The declaration of the named Objective-C class, or NULL if the class could not be found.

Definition at line 5424 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::CorrectTypo(), clang::Sema::CTK_ErrorRecovery, clang::Sema::diagnoseTypo(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::getDefinition(), clang::NamedDecl::getIdentifier(), Id, clang::Sema::LookupOrdinaryName, clang::Sema::LookupSingleName(), clang::SemaBase::PDiag(), clang::SemaBase::SemaRef, and clang::Sema::TUScope.

◆ getObjCMessageKind()

SemaObjC::ObjCMessageKind SemaObjC::getObjCMessageKind ( Scope S,
IdentifierInfo Name,
SourceLocation  NameLoc,
bool  IsSuper,
bool  HasTrailingDot,
ParsedType ReceiverType 

Definition at line 2297 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ handleBlocksAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleBlocksAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleBoxable()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleBoxable ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleBridgeAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleBridgeAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleBridgeMutableAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleBridgeMutableAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleBridgeRelatedAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleBridgeRelatedAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleDesignatedInitializer()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleDesignatedInitializer ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleDirectAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleDirectAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleDirectMembersAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleDirectMembersAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ HandleExprPropertyRefExpr()

ExprResult SemaObjC::HandleExprPropertyRefExpr ( const ObjCObjectPointerType OPT,
Expr BaseExpr,
SourceLocation  OpLoc,
DeclarationName  MemberName,
SourceLocation  MemberLoc,
SourceLocation  SuperLoc,
QualType  SuperType,
bool  Super 

HandleExprPropertyRefExpr - Handle where foo is a pointer to an objective C interface.

This is a property reference expression.

Definition at line 1990 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ handleExternallyRetainedAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleExternallyRetainedAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleIBOutlet()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleIBOutlet ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleIBOutletCollection()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleIBOutletCollection ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

Definition at line 1556 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ handleIndependentClass()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleIndependentClass ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleMethodFamilyAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleMethodFamilyAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleNSErrorDomain()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleNSErrorDomain ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr Attr 

◆ handleNSObject()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleNSObject ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleOwnershipAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleOwnershipAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handlePreciseLifetimeAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handlePreciseLifetimeAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ HandlePropertyInClassExtension()

ObjCPropertyDecl * SemaObjC::HandlePropertyInClassExtension ( Scope S,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
FieldDeclarator FD,
Selector  GetterSel,
SourceLocation  GetterNameLoc,
Selector  SetterSel,
SourceLocation  SetterNameLoc,
const bool  isReadWrite,
unsigned Attributes,
const unsigned  AttributesAsWritten,
QualType  T,
TypeSourceInfo TSI,
tok::ObjCKeywordKind  MethodImplKind 

Called by ActOnProperty to handle @property declarations in class extensions.

Definition at line 404 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ handleRequiresSuperAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleRequiresSuperAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr Attrs 

◆ handleReturnsInnerPointerAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleReturnsInnerPointerAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr Attrs 

◆ handleRuntimeName()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleRuntimeName ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleSuppresProtocolAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleSuppresProtocolAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ handleXReturnsXRetainedAttr()

void clang::SemaObjC::handleXReturnsXRetainedAttr ( Decl D,
const ParsedAttr AL 

◆ ImplMethodsVsClassMethods()

void SemaObjC::ImplMethodsVsClassMethods ( Scope S,
ObjCImplDecl IMPDecl,
ObjCContainerDecl IDecl,
bool  IncompleteImpl = false 

ImplMethodsVsClassMethods - This is main routine to warn if any method remains unimplemented in the class or category @implementation.

Definition at line 2982 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

◆ inferObjCARCLifetime()

bool SemaObjC::inferObjCARCLifetime ( ValueDecl decl)

Definition at line 5451 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

Referenced by FinishForRangeVarDecl().

◆ isCFError()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isCFError ( RecordDecl D)

◆ isCFStringType()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isCFStringType ( QualType  T)

◆ isKnownName()

bool SemaObjC::isKnownName ( StringRef  name)

Definition at line 3751 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ isNSStringType()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isNSStringType ( QualType  T,
bool  AllowNSAttributedString = false 

◆ isObjCMethodDecl()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isObjCMethodDecl ( Decl D)

Definition at line 409 of file SemaObjC.h.

References D.

◆ isObjCWritebackConversion()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isObjCWritebackConversion ( QualType  FromType,
QualType  ToType,
QualType ConvertedType 

Determine whether this is an Objective-C writeback conversion, used for parameter passing when performing automatic reference counting.

FromTypeThe type we're converting form.
ToTypeThe type we're converting to.
ConvertedTypeThe type that will be produced after applying this conversion.

Construct the type we're converting to, which is a pointer to __autoreleasing pointee.

Definition at line 1318 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

◆ isSelfExpr() [1/2]

bool SemaObjC::isSelfExpr ( Expr RExpr)

Private Helper predicate to check for 'self'.

Definition at line 1935 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::DeclContext::getNonClosureAncestor(), and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ isSelfExpr() [2/2]

bool SemaObjC::isSelfExpr ( Expr RExpr,
const ObjCMethodDecl Method 

◆ isSignedCharBool()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isSignedCharBool ( QualType  Ty)

◆ isValidOSObjectOutParameter()

bool clang::SemaObjC::isValidOSObjectOutParameter ( const Decl D)
whether the parameter is a pointer to OSObject pointer.

Definition at line 1809 of file SemaObjC.cpp.

References D, clang::Type::getPointeeType(), clang::QualType::isNull(), and clang::isValidSubjectOfOSAttribute().

◆ IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor()

bool SemaObjC::IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor ( ObjCInterfaceDecl IFace,
ObjCMethodDecl Method,
ObjCIvarDecl IV 

IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor - This routine returns 'true' if 'IV' is an ivar synthesized for 'Method' and 'Method' is a property accessor declared in class 'IFace'.

Definition at line 1814 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

References clang::ObjCMethodDecl::getSelector(), clang::ObjCIvarDecl::getSynthesize(), clang::ObjCContainerDecl::instance_properties(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isInstanceMethod(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isPropertyAccessor(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::known_extensions(), clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::lookupMethod(), and clang::Property.

◆ LookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool()

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::LookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool ( Selector  Sel,
SourceRange  R,
bool  receiverIdOrClass = false 

LookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method and warns if there are multiple signatures.

Definition at line 873 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool()

ObjCMethodDecl * SemaObjC::LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool ( Selector  Sel)

LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method which has an implementation.

Definition at line 3652 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::SemaObjC::GlobalMethodPool::end(), clang::SemaObjC::GlobalMethodPool::find(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isDefined(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isPropertyAccessor(), and MethodPool.

◆ LookupInObjCMethod()

ExprResult SemaObjC::LookupInObjCMethod ( LookupResult LookUp,
Scope S,
IdentifierInfo II,
bool  AllowBuiltinCreation = false 

The parser has read a name in, and Sema has detected that we're currently inside an ObjC method.

Perform some additional checks and determine if we should form a reference to an ivar. If so, build an expression referencing that ivar.

Definition at line 4855 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

Referenced by attemptRecovery().

◆ LookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool()

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::LookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool ( Selector  Sel,
SourceRange  R,
bool  receiverIdOrClass = false 

LookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool - Returns the method and warns if there are multiple signatures.

Definition at line 864 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ LookupIvarInObjCMethod()

DeclResult SemaObjC::LookupIvarInObjCMethod ( LookupResult Lookup,
Scope S,
IdentifierInfo II 

The parser has read a name in, and Sema has detected that we're currently inside an ObjC method.

Perform some additional checks and determine if we should form a reference to an ivar.

Ideally, most of this would be done by lookup, but there's actually quite a lot of extra work involved.

Definition at line 4782 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ LookupMethodInObjectType()

ObjCMethodDecl * SemaObjC::LookupMethodInObjectType ( Selector  Sel,
QualType  Ty,
bool  IsInstance 

LookupMethodInType - Look up a method in an ObjCObjectType.

Definition at line 1953 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References clang::ObjCObjectType::getInterface(), clang::ObjCProtocolQualifiers< T >::quals(), and clang::ast_matchers::type.

◆ LookupMethodInQualifiedType()

ObjCMethodDecl * SemaObjC::LookupMethodInQualifiedType ( Selector  Sel,
const ObjCObjectPointerType OPT,
bool  IsInstance 

LookupMethodInQualifiedType - Lookups up a method in protocol qualifier list of a qualified objective pointer type.

Definition at line 1977 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References clang::ObjCObjectPointerType::quals().

◆ LookupProtocol()

ObjCProtocolDecl * clang::SemaObjC::LookupProtocol ( IdentifierInfo II,
SourceLocation  IdLoc,
RedeclarationKind  Redecl = RedeclarationKind::NotForRedeclaration 

◆ MatchAllMethodDeclarations()

void SemaObjC::MatchAllMethodDeclarations ( const SelectorSet InsMap,
const SelectorSet ClsMap,
SelectorSet InsMapSeen,
SelectorSet ClsMapSeen,
ObjCImplDecl IMPDecl,
ObjCContainerDecl IDecl,
bool IncompleteImpl,
bool  ImmediateClass,
bool  WarnCategoryMethodImpl = false 

MatchAllMethodDeclarations - Check methods declaraed in interface or or protocol against those declared in their implementations.

MatchAllMethodDeclarations - Check methods declared in interface or protocol against those declared in their implementations.

Definition at line 2834 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::ObjCContainerDecl::class_methods(), clang::ObjCContainerDecl::getClassMethod(), clang::ObjCContainerDecl::getInstanceMethod(), clang::ObjCContainerDecl::instance_methods(), clang::ObjCMethodDecl::isSynthesizedAccessorStub(), clang::SemaBase::SemaRef, WarnConflictingTypedMethods(), WarnExactTypedMethods(), and WarnUndefinedMethod().

Referenced by CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches().

◆ MatchTwoMethodDeclarations()

bool SemaObjC::MatchTwoMethodDeclarations ( const ObjCMethodDecl left,
const ObjCMethodDecl right,
MethodMatchStrategy  strategy = MMS_strict 

MatchTwoMethodDeclarations - Checks if two methods' type match and returns true, or false, accordingly.

MatchTwoMethodDeclarations - Checks that two methods have matching type and returns true, or false, accordingly.

TODO: Handle protocol list; such as id<p1,p2> in type comparisons

Definition at line 3259 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods(), and DiagnoseMultipleMethodInGlobalPool().

◆ parsedAttrToRetainOwnershipKind()

Sema::RetainOwnershipKind clang::SemaObjC::parsedAttrToRetainOwnershipKind ( const ParsedAttr AL)

◆ ParseObjCEncodeExpression()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ParseObjCEncodeExpression ( SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  EncodeLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
ParsedType  Ty,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc 

Definition at line 1167 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ParseObjCProtocolExpression()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ParseObjCProtocolExpression ( IdentifierInfo ProtocolName,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  ProtoLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
SourceLocation  ProtoIdLoc,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc 

ParseObjCProtocolExpression - Build protocol expression for @protocol.

Definition at line 1398 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ParseObjCSelectorExpression()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ParseObjCSelectorExpression ( Selector  Sel,
SourceLocation  AtLoc,
SourceLocation  SelLoc,
SourceLocation  LParenLoc,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc,
bool  WarnMultipleSelectors 

ParseObjCSelectorExpression - Build selector expression for @selector.

Definition at line 1302 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ ParseObjCStringLiteral()

ExprResult SemaObjC::ParseObjCStringLiteral ( SourceLocation AtLocs,
ArrayRef< Expr * >  Strings 

Definition at line 39 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

◆ popObjCTypeParamList()

void SemaObjC::popObjCTypeParamList ( Scope S,
ObjCTypeParamList typeParamList 

Definition at line 804 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Parser::ObjCTypeParamListScope::leave().

◆ PrepareCastToObjCObjectPointer()

CastKind SemaObjC::PrepareCastToObjCObjectPointer ( ExprResult E)

Prepare a conversion of the given expression to an ObjC object pointer type.

Definition at line 5197 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Sema::maybeExtendBlockObject(), clang::SemaBase::SemaRef, and clang::ast_matchers::type.

Referenced by clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion().

◆ ProcessPropertyDecl()

void SemaObjC::ProcessPropertyDecl ( ObjCPropertyDecl property)

Process the specified property declaration and create decls for the setters and getters as needed.

ProcessPropertyDecl - Make sure that any user-defined setter/getter methods have the property type and issue diagnostics if they don't.

propertyThe property declaration being processed

Also synthesize a getter/setter method if none exist (and update the appropriate lookup tables.

Definition at line 2356 of file SemaObjCProperty.cpp.

◆ ReadMethodPool()

void SemaObjC::ReadMethodPool ( Selector  Sel)

Read the contents of the method pool for a given selector from external storage.

Definition at line 3424 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::ExternalSource, and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

Referenced by CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool().

◆ SelectorsForTypoCorrection()

const ObjCMethodDecl * SemaObjC::SelectorsForTypoCorrection ( Selector  Sel,
QualType  ObjectType = QualType() 

◆ SetIvarInitializers()

void SemaObjC::SetIvarInitializers ( ObjCImplementationDecl ObjCImplementation)

SetIvarInitializers - This routine builds initialization ASTs for the Objective-C implementation whose ivars need be initialized.

Definition at line 5499 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::CPlusPlus, clang::ObjCImplDecl::getClassInterface(), and clang::SemaBase::getLangOpts().

◆ stripARCUnbridgedCast()

Expr * SemaObjC::stripARCUnbridgedCast ( Expr e)

stripARCUnbridgedCast - Given an expression of ARCUnbridgedCast type, remove the placeholder cast.

Definition at line 4557 of file SemaExprObjC.cpp.

References clang::Expr::hasPlaceholderType().

Referenced by clang::Sema::SelectBestMethod().

◆ tryCaptureObjCSelf()

ObjCMethodDecl * SemaObjC::tryCaptureObjCSelf ( SourceLocation  Loc)

◆ updateOutOfDateSelector()

void SemaObjC::updateOutOfDateSelector ( Selector  Sel)

Definition at line 3429 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

References clang::Sema::ExternalSource, and clang::SemaBase::SemaRef.

◆ WarnConflictingTypedMethods()

void SemaObjC::WarnConflictingTypedMethods ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
ObjCMethodDecl MethodDecl,
bool  IsProtocolMethodDecl 

◆ WarnExactTypedMethods()

void SemaObjC::WarnExactTypedMethods ( ObjCMethodDecl Method,
ObjCMethodDecl MethodDecl,
bool  IsProtocolMethodDecl 

WarnExactTypedMethods - This routine issues a warning if method implementation declaration matches exactly that of its declaration.

Definition at line 2635 of file SemaDeclObjC.cpp.

Referenced by MatchAllMethodDeclarations().

Member Data Documentation

◆ ArrayWithObjectsMethod

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::ArrayWithObjectsMethod

The declaration of the arrayWithObjects:count: method.

Definition at line 634 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ CFError

RecordDecl* clang::SemaObjC::CFError = nullptr

The struct behind the CFErrorRef pointer.

Definition at line 158 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by isCFError().

◆ DictionaryWithObjectsMethod

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::DictionaryWithObjectsMethod

The declaration of the dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count: method.

Definition at line 640 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ MethodPool

GlobalMethodPool clang::SemaObjC::MethodPool

Method Pool - allows efficient lookup when typechecking messages to "id".

We need to maintain a list, since selectors can have differing signatures across classes. In Cocoa, this happens to be extremely uncommon (only 1% of selectors are "overloaded"). At the head of the list it is recorded whether there were 0, 1, or >= 2 methods inside categories with a particular selector.

Definition at line 234 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by AreMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool(), CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool(), LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool(), and SelectorsForTypoCorrection().


std::unique_ptr<NSAPI> clang::SemaObjC::NSAPIObj

Caches identifiers/selectors for NSFoundation APIs.

Definition at line 601 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by isSignedCharBool().

◆ NSArrayDecl

ObjCInterfaceDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSArrayDecl

The declaration of the Objective-C NSArray class.

Definition at line 631 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by checkArrayLiteral().

◆ NSDictionaryDecl

ObjCInterfaceDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSDictionaryDecl

The declaration of the Objective-C NSDictionary class.

Definition at line 637 of file SemaObjC.h.

Referenced by checkDictionaryLiteral().

◆ NSNumberDecl

ObjCInterfaceDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSNumberDecl

The declaration of the Objective-C NSNumber class.

Definition at line 604 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSNumberLiteralMethods

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSNumberLiteralMethods[NSAPI::NumNSNumberLiteralMethods]

The Objective-C NSNumber methods used to create NSNumber literals.

Definition at line 616 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSNumberPointer

QualType clang::SemaObjC::NSNumberPointer

Pointer to NSNumber type (NSNumber *).

Definition at line 610 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSStringDecl

ObjCInterfaceDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSStringDecl

The declaration of the Objective-C NSString class.

Definition at line 619 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSStringPointer

QualType clang::SemaObjC::NSStringPointer

Pointer to NSString type (NSString *).

Definition at line 622 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSValueDecl

ObjCInterfaceDecl* clang::SemaObjC::NSValueDecl

The declaration of the Objective-C NSValue class.

Definition at line 607 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ NSValuePointer

QualType clang::SemaObjC::NSValuePointer

Pointer to NSValue type (NSValue *).

Definition at line 613 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ QIDNSCopying

QualType clang::SemaObjC::QIDNSCopying

id<NSCopying> type.

Definition at line 643 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ReferencedSelectors

llvm::MapVector<Selector, SourceLocation> clang::SemaObjC::ReferencedSelectors

Method selectors used in a @selector expression.

Used for implementation of -Wselector.

Definition at line 209 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ RespondsToSelectorSel

Selector clang::SemaObjC::RespondsToSelectorSel

will hold 'respondsToSelector:'

Definition at line 646 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ StringWithUTF8StringMethod

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::StringWithUTF8StringMethod

The declaration of the stringWithUTF8String: method.

Definition at line 625 of file SemaObjC.h.

◆ ValueWithBytesObjCTypeMethod

ObjCMethodDecl* clang::SemaObjC::ValueWithBytesObjCTypeMethod

The declaration of the valueWithBytes:objCType: method.

Definition at line 628 of file SemaObjC.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: