clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp -------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines type-erased base types and functions for building dataflow
10 // analyses that run over Control-Flow Graphs (CFGs).
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include <optional>
15 #include <system_error>
16 #include <utility>
17 #include <vector>
19 #include "clang/AST/ASTDumper.h"
20 #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
22 #include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
23 #include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
25 #include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
33 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
34 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
35 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
36 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
38 #define DEBUG_TYPE "clang-dataflow"
40 namespace clang {
41 namespace dataflow {
43 /// Returns the index of `Block` in the successors of `Pred`.
44 static int blockIndexInPredecessor(const CFGBlock &Pred,
45  const CFGBlock &Block) {
46  auto BlockPos = llvm::find_if(
47  Pred.succs(), [&Block](const CFGBlock::AdjacentBlock &Succ) {
48  return Succ && Succ->getBlockID() == Block.getBlockID();
49  });
50  return BlockPos - Pred.succ_begin();
51 }
53 // A "backedge" node is a block introduced in the CFG exclusively to indicate a
54 // loop backedge. They are exactly identified by the presence of a non-null
55 // pointer to the entry block of the loop condition. Note that this is not
56 // necessarily the block with the loop statement as terminator, because
57 // short-circuit operators will result in multiple blocks encoding the loop
58 // condition, only one of which will contain the loop statement as terminator.
59 static bool isBackedgeNode(const CFGBlock &B) {
60  return B.getLoopTarget() != nullptr;
61 }
63 namespace {
65 /// Extracts the terminator's condition expression.
66 class TerminatorVisitor
67  : public ConstStmtVisitor<TerminatorVisitor, const Expr *> {
68 public:
69  TerminatorVisitor() = default;
70  const Expr *VisitIfStmt(const IfStmt *S) { return S->getCond(); }
71  const Expr *VisitWhileStmt(const WhileStmt *S) { return S->getCond(); }
72  const Expr *VisitDoStmt(const DoStmt *S) { return S->getCond(); }
73  const Expr *VisitForStmt(const ForStmt *S) { return S->getCond(); }
74  const Expr *VisitCXXForRangeStmt(const CXXForRangeStmt *) {
75  // Don't do anything special for CXXForRangeStmt, because the condition
76  // (being implicitly generated) isn't visible from the loop body.
77  return nullptr;
78  }
79  const Expr *VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator *S) {
80  assert(S->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd || S->getOpcode() == BO_LOr);
81  return S->getLHS();
82  }
83  const Expr *VisitConditionalOperator(const ConditionalOperator *S) {
84  return S->getCond();
85  }
86 };
88 /// Holds data structures required for running dataflow analysis.
89 struct AnalysisContext {
90  AnalysisContext(const AdornedCFG &ACFG, TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis &Analysis,
91  const Environment &InitEnv,
92  llvm::ArrayRef<std::optional<TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState>>
95  Log(*InitEnv.getDataflowAnalysisContext().getOptions().Log),
97  Log.beginAnalysis(ACFG, Analysis);
98  }
99  ~AnalysisContext() { Log.endAnalysis(); }
101  /// Contains the CFG being analyzed.
102  const AdornedCFG &ACFG;
103  /// The analysis to be run.
104  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis &Analysis;
105  /// Initial state to start the analysis.
106  const Environment &InitEnv;
107  Logger &Log;
108  /// Stores the state of a CFG block if it has been evaluated by the analysis.
109  /// The indices correspond to the block IDs.
111 };
113 class PrettyStackTraceAnalysis : public llvm::PrettyStackTraceEntry {
114 public:
115  PrettyStackTraceAnalysis(const AdornedCFG &ACFG, const char *Message)
116  : ACFG(ACFG), Message(Message) {}
118  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
119  OS << Message << "\n";
120  OS << "Decl:\n";
121  ACFG.getDecl().dump(OS);
122  OS << "CFG:\n";
123  ACFG.getCFG().print(OS, LangOptions(), false);
124  }
126 private:
127  const AdornedCFG &ACFG;
128  const char *Message;
129 };
131 class PrettyStackTraceCFGElement : public llvm::PrettyStackTraceEntry {
132 public:
133  PrettyStackTraceCFGElement(const CFGElement &Element, int BlockIdx,
134  int ElementIdx, const char *Message)
135  : Element(Element), BlockIdx(BlockIdx), ElementIdx(ElementIdx),
136  Message(Message) {}
138  void print(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
139  OS << Message << ": Element [B" << BlockIdx << "." << ElementIdx << "]\n";
140  if (auto Stmt = Element.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
141  OS << "Stmt:\n";
142  ASTDumper Dumper(OS, false);
143  Dumper.Visit(Stmt->getStmt());
144  }
145  }
147 private:
148  const CFGElement &Element;
149  int BlockIdx;
150  int ElementIdx;
151  const char *Message;
152 };
154 // Builds a joined TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState from 0 or more sources,
155 // each of which may be owned (built as part of the join) or external (a
156 // reference to an Environment that will outlive the builder).
157 // Avoids unneccesary copies of the environment.
158 class JoinedStateBuilder {
159  AnalysisContext &AC;
160  Environment::ExprJoinBehavior JoinBehavior;
161  std::vector<const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState *> All;
162  std::deque<TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState> Owned;
164  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState
165  join(const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &L,
166  const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &R) {
167  return {AC.Analysis.joinTypeErased(L.Lattice, R.Lattice),
168  Environment::join(L.Env, R.Env, AC.Analysis, JoinBehavior)};
169  }
171 public:
172  JoinedStateBuilder(AnalysisContext &AC,
173  Environment::ExprJoinBehavior JoinBehavior)
174  : AC(AC), JoinBehavior(JoinBehavior) {}
176  void addOwned(TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState State) {
177  Owned.push_back(std::move(State));
178  All.push_back(&Owned.back());
179  }
180  void addUnowned(const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &State) {
181  All.push_back(&State);
182  }
183  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState take() && {
184  if (All.empty())
185  // FIXME: Consider passing `Block` to Analysis.typeErasedInitialElement
186  // to enable building analyses like computation of dominators that
187  // initialize the state of each basic block differently.
188  return {AC.Analysis.typeErasedInitialElement(), AC.InitEnv.fork()};
189  if (All.size() == 1)
190  // Join the environment with itself so that we discard expression state if
191  // desired.
192  // FIXME: We could consider writing special-case code for this that only
193  // does the discarding, but it's not clear if this is worth it.
194  return {All[0]->Lattice, Environment::join(All[0]->Env, All[0]->Env,
195  AC.Analysis, JoinBehavior)};
197  auto Result = join(*All[0], *All[1]);
198  for (unsigned I = 2; I < All.size(); ++I)
199  Result = join(Result, *All[I]);
200  return Result;
201  }
202 };
203 } // namespace
205 static const Expr *getTerminatorCondition(const Stmt *TerminatorStmt) {
206  return TerminatorStmt == nullptr ? nullptr
207  : TerminatorVisitor().Visit(TerminatorStmt);
208 }
210 /// Computes the input state for a given basic block by joining the output
211 /// states of its predecessors.
212 ///
213 /// Requirements:
214 ///
215 /// All predecessors of `Block` except those with loop back edges must have
216 /// already been transferred. States in `AC.BlockStates` that are set to
217 /// `std::nullopt` represent basic blocks that are not evaluated yet.
218 static TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState
219 computeBlockInputState(const CFGBlock &Block, AnalysisContext &AC) {
220  std::vector<const CFGBlock *> Preds(Block.pred_begin(), Block.pred_end());
221  if (Block.getTerminator().isTemporaryDtorsBranch()) {
222  // This handles a special case where the code that produced the CFG includes
223  // a conditional operator with a branch that constructs a temporary and
224  // calls a destructor annotated as noreturn. The CFG models this as follows:
225  //
226  // B1 (contains the condition of the conditional operator) - succs: B2, B3
227  // B2 (contains code that does not call a noreturn destructor) - succs: B4
228  // B3 (contains code that calls a noreturn destructor) - succs: B4
229  // B4 (has temporary destructor terminator) - succs: B5, B6
230  // B5 (noreturn block that is associated with the noreturn destructor call)
231  // B6 (contains code that follows the conditional operator statement)
232  //
233  // The first successor (B5 above) of a basic block with a temporary
234  // destructor terminator (B4 above) is the block that evaluates the
235  // destructor. If that block has a noreturn element then the predecessor
236  // block that constructed the temporary object (B3 above) is effectively a
237  // noreturn block and its state should not be used as input for the state
238  // of the block that has a temporary destructor terminator (B4 above). This
239  // holds regardless of which branch of the ternary operator calls the
240  // noreturn destructor. However, it doesn't cases where a nested ternary
241  // operator includes a branch that contains a noreturn destructor call.
242  //
243  // See `NoreturnDestructorTest` for concrete examples.
244  if (Block.succ_begin()->getReachableBlock() != nullptr &&
245  Block.succ_begin()->getReachableBlock()->hasNoReturnElement()) {
246  auto &StmtToBlock = AC.ACFG.getStmtToBlock();
247  auto StmtBlock = StmtToBlock.find(Block.getTerminatorStmt());
248  assert(StmtBlock != StmtToBlock.end());
249  llvm::erase(Preds, StmtBlock->getSecond());
250  }
251  }
253  // If any of the predecessor blocks contains an expression consumed in a
254  // different block, we need to keep expression state.
255  // Note that in this case, we keep expression state for all predecessors,
256  // rather than only those predecessors that actually contain an expression
257  // consumed in a different block. While this is potentially suboptimal, it's
258  // actually likely, if we have control flow within a full expression, that
259  // all predecessors have expression state consumed in a different block.
261  for (const CFGBlock *Pred : Preds) {
262  if (Pred && AC.ACFG.containsExprConsumedInDifferentBlock(*Pred)) {
263  JoinBehavior = Environment::KeepExprState;
264  break;
265  }
266  }
268  JoinedStateBuilder Builder(AC, JoinBehavior);
269  for (const CFGBlock *Pred : Preds) {
270  // Skip if the `Block` is unreachable or control flow cannot get past it.
271  if (!Pred || Pred->hasNoReturnElement())
272  continue;
274  // Skip if `Pred` was not evaluated yet. This could happen if `Pred` has a
275  // loop back edge to `Block`.
276  const std::optional<TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState> &MaybePredState =
277  AC.BlockStates[Pred->getBlockID()];
278  if (!MaybePredState)
279  continue;
281  const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &PredState = *MaybePredState;
282  const Expr *Cond = getTerminatorCondition(Pred->getTerminatorStmt());
283  if (Cond == nullptr) {
284  Builder.addUnowned(PredState);
285  continue;
286  }
288  bool BranchVal = blockIndexInPredecessor(*Pred, Block) == 0;
290  // `transferBranch` may need to mutate the environment to describe the
291  // dynamic effect of the terminator for a given branch. Copy now.
292  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState Copy = MaybePredState->fork();
293  if (AC.Analysis.builtinOptions()) {
294  auto *CondVal = Copy.Env.get<BoolValue>(*Cond);
295  // In transferCFGBlock(), we ensure that we always have a `Value`
296  // for the terminator condition, so assert this. We consciously
297  // assert ourselves instead of asserting via `cast()` so that we get
298  // a more meaningful line number if the assertion fails.
299  assert(CondVal != nullptr);
300  BoolValue *AssertedVal =
301  BranchVal ? CondVal : &Copy.Env.makeNot(*CondVal);
302  Copy.Env.assume(AssertedVal->formula());
303  }
304  AC.Analysis.transferBranchTypeErased(BranchVal, Cond, Copy.Lattice,
305  Copy.Env);
306  Builder.addOwned(std::move(Copy));
307  }
308  return std::move(Builder).take();
309 }
311 /// Built-in transfer function for `CFGStmt`.
312 static void
313 builtinTransferStatement(unsigned CurBlockID, const CFGStmt &Elt,
315  AnalysisContext &AC) {
316  const Stmt *S = Elt.getStmt();
317  assert(S != nullptr);
318  transfer(StmtToEnvMap(AC.ACFG, AC.BlockStates, CurBlockID, InputState), *S,
319  InputState.Env, AC.Analysis);
320 }
322 /// Built-in transfer function for `CFGInitializer`.
323 static void
325  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &InputState) {
326  const CXXCtorInitializer *Init = Elt.getInitializer();
327  assert(Init != nullptr);
329  auto &Env = InputState.Env;
330  auto &ThisLoc = *Env.getThisPointeeStorageLocation();
332  if (!Init->isAnyMemberInitializer())
333  // FIXME: Handle base initialization
334  return;
336  auto *InitExpr = Init->getInit();
337  assert(InitExpr != nullptr);
339  const FieldDecl *Member = nullptr;
340  RecordStorageLocation *ParentLoc = &ThisLoc;
341  StorageLocation *MemberLoc = nullptr;
342  if (Init->isMemberInitializer()) {
343  Member = Init->getMember();
344  MemberLoc = ThisLoc.getChild(*Member);
345  } else {
346  IndirectFieldDecl *IndirectField = Init->getIndirectMember();
347  assert(IndirectField != nullptr);
348  MemberLoc = &ThisLoc;
349  for (const auto *I : IndirectField->chain()) {
350  Member = cast<FieldDecl>(I);
351  ParentLoc = cast<RecordStorageLocation>(MemberLoc);
352  MemberLoc = ParentLoc->getChild(*Member);
353  }
354  }
355  assert(Member != nullptr);
357  // FIXME: Instead of these case distinctions, we would ideally want to be able
358  // to simply use `Environment::createObject()` here, the same way that we do
359  // this in `TransferVisitor::VisitInitListExpr()`. However, this would require
360  // us to be able to build a list of fields that we then use to initialize an
361  // `RecordStorageLocation` -- and the problem is that, when we get here,
362  // the `RecordStorageLocation` already exists. We should explore if there's
363  // anything that we can do to change this.
364  if (Member->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
365  auto *InitExprLoc = Env.getStorageLocation(*InitExpr);
366  if (InitExprLoc == nullptr)
367  return;
369  ParentLoc->setChild(*Member, InitExprLoc);
370  // Record-type initializers construct themselves directly into the result
371  // object, so there is no need to handle them here.
372  } else if (!Member->getType()->isRecordType()) {
373  assert(MemberLoc != nullptr);
374  if (auto *InitExprVal = Env.getValue(*InitExpr))
375  Env.setValue(*MemberLoc, *InitExprVal);
376  }
377 }
379 static void builtinTransfer(unsigned CurBlockID, const CFGElement &Elt,
381  AnalysisContext &AC) {
382  switch (Elt.getKind()) {
384  builtinTransferStatement(CurBlockID, Elt.castAs<CFGStmt>(), State, AC);
385  break;
388  break;
390  // Removing declarations when their lifetime ends serves two purposes:
391  // - Eliminate unnecessary clutter from `Environment::DeclToLoc`
392  // - Allow us to assert that, when joining two `Environment`s, the two
393  // `DeclToLoc` maps never contain entries that map the same declaration to
394  // different storage locations.
395  if (const ValueDecl *VD = Elt.castAs<CFGLifetimeEnds>().getVarDecl())
396  State.Env.removeDecl(*VD);
397  break;
398  default:
399  // FIXME: Evaluate other kinds of `CFGElement`
400  break;
401  }
402 }
404 /// Transfers `State` by evaluating each element in the `Block` based on the
405 /// `AC.Analysis` specified.
406 ///
407 /// Built-in transfer functions (if the option for `ApplyBuiltinTransfer` is set
408 /// by the analysis) will be applied to the element before evaluation by the
409 /// user-specified analysis.
410 /// `PostVisitCFG` (if provided) will be applied to the element after evaluation
411 /// by the user-specified analysis.
412 static TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState
413 transferCFGBlock(const CFGBlock &Block, AnalysisContext &AC,
414  std::function<void(const CFGElement &,
416  PostVisitCFG = nullptr) {
417  AC.Log.enterBlock(Block, PostVisitCFG != nullptr);
418  auto State = computeBlockInputState(Block, AC);
419  AC.Log.recordState(State);
420  int ElementIdx = 1;
421  for (const auto &Element : Block) {
422  PrettyStackTraceCFGElement CrashInfo(Element, Block.getBlockID(),
423  ElementIdx++, "transferCFGBlock");
425  AC.Log.enterElement(Element);
426  // Built-in analysis
427  if (AC.Analysis.builtinOptions()) {
428  builtinTransfer(Block.getBlockID(), Element, State, AC);
429  }
431  // User-provided analysis
432  AC.Analysis.transferTypeErased(Element, State.Lattice, State.Env);
434  // Post processing
435  if (PostVisitCFG) {
436  PostVisitCFG(Element, State);
437  }
438  AC.Log.recordState(State);
439  }
441  // If we have a terminator, evaluate its condition.
442  // This `Expr` may not appear as a `CFGElement` anywhere else, and it's
443  // important that we evaluate it here (rather than while processing the
444  // terminator) so that we put the corresponding value in the right
445  // environment.
446  if (const Expr *TerminatorCond =
447  dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(Block.getTerminatorCondition())) {
448  if (State.Env.getValue(*TerminatorCond) == nullptr)
449  // FIXME: This only runs the builtin transfer, not the analysis-specific
450  // transfer. Fixing this isn't trivial, as the analysis-specific transfer
451  // takes a `CFGElement` as input, but some expressions only show up as a
452  // terminator condition, but not as a `CFGElement`. The condition of an if
453  // statement is one such example.
454  transfer(StmtToEnvMap(AC.ACFG, AC.BlockStates, Block.getBlockID(), State),
455  *TerminatorCond, State.Env, AC.Analysis);
457  // If the transfer function didn't produce a value, create an atom so that
458  // we have *some* value for the condition expression. This ensures that
459  // when we extend the flow condition, it actually changes.
460  if (State.Env.getValue(*TerminatorCond) == nullptr)
461  State.Env.setValue(*TerminatorCond, State.Env.makeAtomicBoolValue());
462  AC.Log.recordState(State);
463  }
465  return State;
466 }
471  const Environment &InitEnv,
472  std::function<void(const CFGElement &,
474  PostVisitCFG,
475  std::int32_t MaxBlockVisits) {
476  PrettyStackTraceAnalysis CrashInfo(ACFG, "runTypeErasedDataflowAnalysis");
478  std::optional<Environment> MaybeStartingEnv;
479  if (InitEnv.callStackSize() == 0) {
480  MaybeStartingEnv = InitEnv.fork();
481  MaybeStartingEnv->initialize();
482  }
483  const Environment &StartingEnv =
484  MaybeStartingEnv ? *MaybeStartingEnv : InitEnv;
486  const clang::CFG &CFG = ACFG.getCFG();
487  PostOrderCFGView POV(&CFG);
488  ForwardDataflowWorklist Worklist(CFG, &POV);
490  std::vector<std::optional<TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState>> BlockStates(
491  CFG.size());
493  // The entry basic block doesn't contain statements so it can be skipped.
494  const CFGBlock &Entry = CFG.getEntry();
496  StartingEnv.fork()};
497  Worklist.enqueueSuccessors(&Entry);
499  AnalysisContext AC(ACFG, Analysis, StartingEnv, BlockStates);
500  std::int32_t BlockVisits = 0;
501  while (const CFGBlock *Block = Worklist.dequeue()) {
502  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
503  << "Processing Block " << Block->getBlockID() << "\n");
504  if (++BlockVisits > MaxBlockVisits) {
505  return llvm::createStringError(std::errc::timed_out,
506  "maximum number of blocks processed");
507  }
509  const std::optional<TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState> &OldBlockState =
510  BlockStates[Block->getBlockID()];
511  TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState NewBlockState =
512  transferCFGBlock(*Block, AC);
514  llvm::errs() << "New Env:\n";
515  NewBlockState.Env.dump();
516  });
518  if (OldBlockState) {
520  llvm::errs() << "Old Env:\n";
521  OldBlockState->Env.dump();
522  });
523  if (isBackedgeNode(*Block)) {
525  NewBlockState.Lattice, OldBlockState->Lattice);
526  LatticeJoinEffect Effect2 =
527  NewBlockState.Env.widen(OldBlockState->Env, Analysis);
528  if (Effect1 == LatticeJoinEffect::Unchanged &&
529  Effect2 == LatticeJoinEffect::Unchanged) {
530  // The state of `Block` didn't change from widening so there's no need
531  // to revisit its successors.
532  AC.Log.blockConverged();
533  continue;
534  }
535  } else if (Analysis.isEqualTypeErased(OldBlockState->Lattice,
536  NewBlockState.Lattice) &&
537  OldBlockState->Env.equivalentTo(NewBlockState.Env, Analysis)) {
538  // The state of `Block` didn't change after transfer so there's no need
539  // to revisit its successors.
540  AC.Log.blockConverged();
541  continue;
542  }
543  }
545  BlockStates[Block->getBlockID()] = std::move(NewBlockState);
547  // Do not add unreachable successor blocks to `Worklist`.
548  if (Block->hasNoReturnElement())
549  continue;
551  Worklist.enqueueSuccessors(Block);
552  }
553  // FIXME: Consider evaluating unreachable basic blocks (those that have a
554  // state set to `std::nullopt` at this point) to also analyze dead code.
556  if (PostVisitCFG) {
557  for (const CFGBlock *Block : ACFG.getCFG()) {
558  // Skip blocks that were not evaluated.
559  if (!BlockStates[Block->getBlockID()])
560  continue;
561  transferCFGBlock(*Block, AC, PostVisitCFG);
562  }
563  }
565  return std::move(BlockStates);
566 }
568 } // namespace dataflow
569 } // namespace clang
Defines the C++ Decl subclasses, other than those for templates (found in DeclTemplate....
const CFGBlock * Block
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:153
const Environment & Env
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:148
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Pointer &P, ASTContext &Ctx, QualType Ty)
llvm::ArrayRef< std::optional< TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState > > BlockStates
Stores the state of a CFG block if it has been evaluated by the analysis.
const Environment & InitEnv
Initial state to start the analysis.
TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis & Analysis
The analysis to be run.
const AdornedCFG & ACFG
Contains the CFG being analyzed.
LineState State
This class represents a potential adjacent block in the CFG.
Definition: CFG.h:819
Represents a single basic block in a source-level CFG.
Definition: CFG.h:604
succ_range succs()
Definition: CFG.h:994
succ_iterator succ_begin()
Definition: CFG.h:984
const Stmt * getLoopTarget() const
Definition: CFG.h:1098
unsigned getBlockID() const
Definition: CFG.h:1105
Represents a top-level expression in a basic block.
Definition: CFG.h:55
@ LifetimeEnds
Definition: CFG.h:63
T castAs() const
Convert to the specified CFGElement type, asserting that this CFGElement is of the desired type.
Definition: CFG.h:99
Kind getKind() const
Definition: CFG.h:118
Represents C++ base or member initializer from constructor's initialization list.
Definition: CFG.h:227
CXXCtorInitializer * getInitializer() const
Definition: CFG.h:232
Represents the point where the lifetime of an automatic object ends.
Definition: CFG.h:292
const VarDecl * getVarDecl() const
Definition: CFG.h:297
const Stmt * getStmt() const
Definition: CFG.h:138
Represents a source-level, intra-procedural CFG that represents the control-flow of a Stmt.
Definition: CFG.h:1214
unsigned size() const
Return the total number of CFGBlocks within the CFG This is simply a renaming of the getNumBlockIDs()...
Definition: CFG.h:1407
CFGBlock & getEntry()
Definition: CFG.h:1322
Represents a C++ base or member initializer.
Definition: DeclCXX.h:2300
ConstStmtVisitor - This class implements a simple visitor for Stmt subclasses.
Definition: StmtVisitor.h:195
const CFGBlock * dequeue()
This represents one expression.
Definition: Expr.h:110
Represents a member of a struct/union/class.
Definition: Decl.h:3060
IfStmt - This represents an if/then/else.
Definition: Stmt.h:2138
Represents a field injected from an anonymous union/struct into the parent scope.
Definition: Decl.h:3344
ArrayRef< NamedDecl * > chain() const
Definition: Decl.h:3366
Stmt - This represents one statement.
Definition: Stmt.h:84
Represent the declaration of a variable (in which case it is an lvalue) a function (in which case it ...
Definition: Decl.h:707
Holds CFG with additional information derived from it that is needed to perform dataflow analysis.
Definition: AdornedCFG.h:32
const CFG & getCFG() const
Returns the CFG that is stored in this context.
Definition: AdornedCFG.h:49
Models a boolean.
Definition: Value.h:94
const Formula & formula() const
Definition: Value.h:107
Holds the state of the program (store and heap) at a given program point.
LatticeEffect widen(const Environment &PrevEnv, Environment::ValueModel &Model)
Widens the environment point-wise, using PrevEnv as needed to inform the approximation.
StorageLocation * getStorageLocation(const ValueDecl &D) const
Returns the storage location assigned to D in the environment, or null if D isn't assigned a storage ...
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const
Environment fork() const
Returns a new environment that is a copy of this one.
Value * getValue(const StorageLocation &Loc) const
Returns the value assigned to Loc in the environment or null if Loc isn't assigned a value in the env...
How to treat expression state (ExprToLoc and ExprToVal) in a join.
static Environment join(const Environment &EnvA, const Environment &EnvB, Environment::ValueModel &Model, ExprJoinBehavior ExprBehavior)
Joins two environments by taking the intersection of storage locations and values that are stored in ...
void setValue(const StorageLocation &Loc, Value &Val)
Assigns Val as the value of Loc in the environment.
size_t callStackSize() const
Returns the size of the call stack, not counting the initial analysis target.
RecordStorageLocation * getThisPointeeStorageLocation() const
Returns the storage location assigned to the this pointee in the environment or null if the this poin...
void initialize()
Assigns storage locations and values to all parameters, captures, global variables,...
A storage location for a record (struct, class, or union).
void setChild(const ValueDecl &D, StorageLocation *Loc)
Changes the child storage location for a field D of reference type.
StorageLocation * getChild(const ValueDecl &D) const
Returns the child storage location for D.
Maps statements to the environments of basic blocks that contain them.
Definition: Transfer.h:26
Base class for elements of the local variable store and of the heap.
Type-erased base class for dataflow analyses built on a single lattice type.
virtual LatticeJoinEffect widenTypeErased(TypeErasedLattice &Current, const TypeErasedLattice &Previous)=0
Chooses a lattice element that approximates the current element at a program point,...
virtual TypeErasedLattice typeErasedInitialElement()=0
Returns a type-erased lattice element that models the initial state of a basic block.
virtual bool isEqualTypeErased(const TypeErasedLattice &, const TypeErasedLattice &)=0
Returns true if and only if the two given type-erased lattice elements are equal.
constexpr XRayInstrMask All
Definition: XRayInstr.h:43
void transfer(const StmtToEnvMap &StmtToEnv, const Stmt &S, Environment &Env, Environment::ValueModel &Model)
Evaluates S and updates Env accordingly.
Definition: Transfer.cpp:865
static TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState computeBlockInputState(const CFGBlock &Block, AnalysisContext &AC)
Computes the input state for a given basic block by joining the output states of its predecessors.
static void builtinTransfer(unsigned CurBlockID, const CFGElement &Elt, TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &State, AnalysisContext &AC)
static void builtinTransferInitializer(const CFGInitializer &Elt, TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &InputState)
Built-in transfer function for CFGInitializer.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< std::optional< TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState > > > runTypeErasedDataflowAnalysis(const AdornedCFG &ACFG, TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis &Analysis, const Environment &InitEnv, std::function< void(const CFGElement &, const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &)> PostVisitCFG, std::int32_t MaxBlockVisits)
Performs dataflow analysis and returns a mapping from basic block IDs to dataflow analysis states tha...
static TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState transferCFGBlock(const CFGBlock &Block, AnalysisContext &AC, std::function< void(const CFGElement &, const TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &)> PostVisitCFG=nullptr)
Transfers State by evaluating each element in the Block based on the AC.Analysis specified.
static int blockIndexInPredecessor(const CFGBlock &Pred, const CFGBlock &Block)
Returns the index of Block in the successors of Pred.
static bool isBackedgeNode(const CFGBlock &B)
static const Expr * getTerminatorCondition(const Stmt *TerminatorStmt)
static void builtinTransferStatement(unsigned CurBlockID, const CFGStmt &Elt, TypeErasedDataflowAnalysisState &InputState, AnalysisContext &AC)
Built-in transfer function for CFGStmt.
Effect indicating whether a lattice operation resulted in a new value.
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
A worklist implementation for forward dataflow analysis.
void enqueueSuccessors(const CFGBlock *Block)
Type-erased model of the program at a given program point.
TypeErasedLattice Lattice
Type-erased model of a program property.
Environment Env
Model of the state of the program (store and heap).