clang  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- TemplateBase.cpp - Common template AST class implementation --------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements common classes used throughout C++ template
10 // representations.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
15 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
16 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
17 #include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
18 #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
20 #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
21 #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
23 #include "clang/AST/TemplateName.h"
24 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
25 #include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
26 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
27 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
30 #include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
31 #include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
32 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
33 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
34 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
35 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
36 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
37 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
38 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
39 #include <cassert>
40 #include <cstddef>
41 #include <cstdint>
42 #include <cstring>
43 #include <optional>
45 using namespace clang;
47 /// Print a template integral argument value.
48 ///
49 /// \param TemplArg the TemplateArgument instance to print.
50 ///
51 /// \param Out the raw_ostream instance to use for printing.
52 ///
53 /// \param Policy the printing policy for EnumConstantDecl printing.
54 ///
55 /// \param IncludeType If set, ensure that the type of the expression printed
56 /// matches the type of the template argument.
57 static void printIntegral(const TemplateArgument &TemplArg, raw_ostream &Out,
58  const PrintingPolicy &Policy, bool IncludeType) {
59  const Type *T = TemplArg.getIntegralType().getTypePtr();
60  const llvm::APSInt &Val = TemplArg.getAsIntegral();
62  if (Policy.UseEnumerators) {
63  if (const EnumType *ET = T->getAs<EnumType>()) {
64  for (const EnumConstantDecl *ECD : ET->getDecl()->enumerators()) {
65  // In Sema::CheckTemplateArugment, enum template arguments value are
66  // extended to the size of the integer underlying the enum type. This
67  // may create a size difference between the enum value and template
68  // argument value, requiring isSameValue here instead of operator==.
69  if (llvm::APSInt::isSameValue(ECD->getInitVal(), Val)) {
70  ECD->printQualifiedName(Out, Policy);
71  return;
72  }
73  }
74  }
75  }
77  if (Policy.MSVCFormatting)
78  IncludeType = false;
80  if (T->isBooleanType()) {
81  if (!Policy.MSVCFormatting)
82  Out << (Val.getBoolValue() ? "true" : "false");
83  else
84  Out << Val;
85  } else if (T->isCharType()) {
86  if (IncludeType) {
87  if (T->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::SChar))
88  Out << "(signed char)";
89  else if (T->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::UChar))
90  Out << "(unsigned char)";
91  }
93  Out);
94  } else if (T->isAnyCharacterType() && !Policy.MSVCFormatting) {
96  if (T->isWideCharType())
98  else if (T->isChar8Type())
100  else if (T->isChar16Type())
102  else if (T->isChar32Type())
104  else
106  CharacterLiteral::print(Val.getExtValue(), Kind, Out);
107  } else if (IncludeType) {
108  if (const auto *BT = T->getAs<BuiltinType>()) {
109  switch (BT->getKind()) {
110  case BuiltinType::ULongLong:
111  Out << Val << "ULL";
112  break;
113  case BuiltinType::LongLong:
114  Out << Val << "LL";
115  break;
116  case BuiltinType::ULong:
117  Out << Val << "UL";
118  break;
119  case BuiltinType::Long:
120  Out << Val << "L";
121  break;
122  case BuiltinType::UInt:
123  Out << Val << "U";
124  break;
125  case BuiltinType::Int:
126  Out << Val;
127  break;
128  default:
129  Out << "(" << T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getAsString(Policy) << ")"
130  << Val;
131  break;
132  }
133  } else
134  Out << "(" << T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getAsString(Policy) << ")"
135  << Val;
136  } else
137  Out << Val;
138 }
140 static unsigned getArrayDepth(QualType type) {
141  unsigned count = 0;
142  while (const auto *arrayType = type->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe()) {
143  count++;
144  type = arrayType->getElementType();
145  }
146  return count;
147 }
149 static bool needsAmpersandOnTemplateArg(QualType paramType, QualType argType) {
150  // Generally, if the parameter type is a pointer, we must be taking the
151  // address of something and need a &. However, if the argument is an array,
152  // this could be implicit via array-to-pointer decay.
153  if (!paramType->isPointerType())
154  return paramType->isMemberPointerType();
155  if (argType->isArrayType())
156  return getArrayDepth(argType) == getArrayDepth(paramType->getPointeeType());
157  return true;
158 }
160 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
161 // TemplateArgument Implementation
162 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
164 void TemplateArgument::initFromType(QualType T, bool IsNullPtr,
165  bool IsDefaulted) {
166  TypeOrValue.Kind = IsNullPtr ? NullPtr : Type;
167  TypeOrValue.IsDefaulted = IsDefaulted;
168  TypeOrValue.V = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(T.getAsOpaquePtr());
169 }
171 void TemplateArgument::initFromDeclaration(ValueDecl *D, QualType QT,
172  bool IsDefaulted) {
173  assert(D && "Expected decl");
174  DeclArg.Kind = Declaration;
175  DeclArg.IsDefaulted = IsDefaulted;
176  DeclArg.QT = QT.getAsOpaquePtr();
177  DeclArg.D = D;
178 }
180 void TemplateArgument::initFromIntegral(const ASTContext &Ctx,
181  const llvm::APSInt &Value,
182  QualType Type, bool IsDefaulted) {
183  Integer.Kind = Integral;
184  Integer.IsDefaulted = IsDefaulted;
185  // Copy the APSInt value into our decomposed form.
186  Integer.BitWidth = Value.getBitWidth();
187  Integer.IsUnsigned = Value.isUnsigned();
188  // If the value is large, we have to get additional memory from the ASTContext
189  unsigned NumWords = Value.getNumWords();
190  if (NumWords > 1) {
191  void *Mem = Ctx.Allocate(NumWords * sizeof(uint64_t));
192  std::memcpy(Mem, Value.getRawData(), NumWords * sizeof(uint64_t));
193  Integer.pVal = static_cast<uint64_t *>(Mem);
194  } else {
195  Integer.VAL = Value.getZExtValue();
196  }
198  Integer.Type = Type.getAsOpaquePtr();
199 }
201 void TemplateArgument::initFromStructural(const ASTContext &Ctx, QualType Type,
202  const APValue &V, bool IsDefaulted) {
204  Value.IsDefaulted = IsDefaulted;
205  Value.Value = new (Ctx) APValue(V);
207  Value.Type = Type.getAsOpaquePtr();
208 }
212  bool IsDefaulted) {
213  initFromIntegral(Ctx, Value, Type, IsDefaulted);
214 }
217  QualType T, const APValue &V) {
218  // Pointers to members are relatively easy.
219  if (V.isMemberPointer() && V.getMemberPointerPath().empty())
220  return V.getMemberPointerDecl();
222  // We model class non-type template parameters as their template parameter
223  // object declaration.
224  if (V.isStruct() || V.isUnion()) {
225  // Dependent types are not supposed to be described as
226  // TemplateParamObjectDecls.
228  return nullptr;
229  return Ctx.getTemplateParamObjectDecl(T, V);
230  }
232  // Pointers and references with an empty path use the special 'Declaration'
233  // representation.
234  if (V.isLValue() && V.hasLValuePath() && V.getLValuePath().empty() &&
235  !V.isLValueOnePastTheEnd())
236  return V.getLValueBase().dyn_cast<const ValueDecl *>();
238  // Everything else uses the 'structural' representation.
239  return nullptr;
240 }
243  const APValue &V, bool IsDefaulted) {
244  if (Type->isIntegralOrEnumerationType() && V.isInt())
245  initFromIntegral(Ctx, V.getInt(), Type, IsDefaulted);
246  else if ((V.isLValue() && V.isNullPointer()) ||
247  (V.isMemberPointer() && !V.getMemberPointerDecl()))
248  initFromType(Type, /*isNullPtr=*/true, IsDefaulted);
249  else if (const ValueDecl *VD = getAsSimpleValueDeclRef(Ctx, Type, V))
250  // FIXME: The Declaration form should expose a const ValueDecl*.
251  initFromDeclaration(const_cast<ValueDecl *>(VD), Type, IsDefaulted);
252  else
253  initFromStructural(Ctx, Type, V, IsDefaulted);
254 }
259  if (Args.empty())
260  return getEmptyPack();
262  return TemplateArgument(Args.copy(Context));
263 }
265 TemplateArgumentDependence TemplateArgument::getDependence() const {
267  switch (getKind()) {
268  case Null:
269  llvm_unreachable("Should not have a NULL template argument");
271  case Type:
273  if (isa<PackExpansionType>(getAsType()))
274  Deps |= TemplateArgumentDependence::Dependent;
275  return Deps;
277  case Template:
280  case TemplateExpansion:
281  return TemplateArgumentDependence::Dependent |
282  TemplateArgumentDependence::Instantiation;
284  case Declaration: {
285  auto *DC = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(getAsDecl());
286  if (!DC)
287  DC = getAsDecl()->getDeclContext();
288  if (DC->isDependentContext())
289  Deps = TemplateArgumentDependence::Dependent |
290  TemplateArgumentDependence::Instantiation;
291  return Deps;
292  }
294  case NullPtr:
295  case Integral:
296  case StructuralValue:
299  case Expression:
301  if (isa<PackExpansionExpr>(getAsExpr()))
302  Deps |= TemplateArgumentDependence::Dependent |
303  TemplateArgumentDependence::Instantiation;
304  return Deps;
306  case Pack:
307  for (const auto &P : pack_elements())
308  Deps |= P.getDependence();
309  return Deps;
310  }
311  llvm_unreachable("unhandled ArgKind");
312 }
315  return getDependence() & TemplateArgumentDependence::Dependent;
316 }
319  return getDependence() & TemplateArgumentDependence::Instantiation;
320 }
323  switch (getKind()) {
324  case Null:
325  case Declaration:
326  case Integral:
327  case StructuralValue:
328  case Pack:
329  case Template:
330  case NullPtr:
331  return false;
333  case TemplateExpansion:
334  return true;
336  case Type:
337  return isa<PackExpansionType>(getAsType());
339  case Expression:
340  return isa<PackExpansionExpr>(getAsExpr());
341  }
343  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
344 }
347  return getDependence() & TemplateArgumentDependence::UnexpandedPack;
348 }
350 std::optional<unsigned> TemplateArgument::getNumTemplateExpansions() const {
351  assert(getKind() == TemplateExpansion);
352  if (TemplateArg.NumExpansions)
353  return TemplateArg.NumExpansions - 1;
355  return std::nullopt;
356 }
359  switch (getKind()) {
365  return QualType();
368  return getIntegralType();
371  return getAsExpr()->getType();
374  return getParamTypeForDecl();
377  return getNullPtrType();
380  return getStructuralValueType();
381  }
383  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
384 }
386 void TemplateArgument::Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID,
387  const ASTContext &Context) const {
388  ID.AddInteger(getKind());
389  switch (getKind()) {
390  case Null:
391  break;
393  case Type:
394  getAsType().Profile(ID);
395  break;
397  case NullPtr:
399  break;
401  case Declaration:
403  ID.AddPointer(getAsDecl());
404  break;
406  case TemplateExpansion:
407  ID.AddInteger(TemplateArg.NumExpansions);
408  [[fallthrough]];
409  case Template:
410  ID.AddPointer(TemplateArg.Name);
411  break;
413  case Integral:
415  getAsIntegral().Profile(ID);
416  break;
418  case StructuralValue:
421  break;
423  case Expression:
424  getAsExpr()->Profile(ID, Context, true);
425  break;
427  case Pack:
428  ID.AddInteger(Args.NumArgs);
429  for (unsigned I = 0; I != Args.NumArgs; ++I)
430  Args.Args[I].Profile(ID, Context);
431  }
432 }
435  if (getKind() != Other.getKind()) return false;
437  switch (getKind()) {
438  case Null:
439  case Type:
440  case Expression:
441  case NullPtr:
442  return TypeOrValue.V == Other.TypeOrValue.V;
444  case Template:
445  case TemplateExpansion:
446  return TemplateArg.Name == Other.TemplateArg.Name &&
447  TemplateArg.NumExpansions == Other.TemplateArg.NumExpansions;
449  case Declaration:
450  return getAsDecl() == Other.getAsDecl() &&
451  getParamTypeForDecl() == Other.getParamTypeForDecl();
453  case Integral:
454  return getIntegralType() == Other.getIntegralType() &&
455  getAsIntegral() == Other.getAsIntegral();
457  case StructuralValue: {
458  if (getStructuralValueType().getCanonicalType() !=
459  Other.getStructuralValueType().getCanonicalType())
460  return false;
462  llvm::FoldingSetNodeID A, B;
464  Other.getAsStructuralValue().Profile(B);
465  return A == B;
466  }
468  case Pack:
469  if (Args.NumArgs != Other.Args.NumArgs) return false;
470  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Args.NumArgs; I != E; ++I)
471  if (!Args.Args[I].structurallyEquals(Other.Args.Args[I]))
472  return false;
473  return true;
474  }
476  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
477 }
480  assert(isPackExpansion());
482  switch (getKind()) {
483  case Type:
484  return getAsType()->castAs<PackExpansionType>()->getPattern();
486  case Expression:
487  return cast<PackExpansionExpr>(getAsExpr())->getPattern();
489  case TemplateExpansion:
492  case Declaration:
493  case Integral:
494  case StructuralValue:
495  case Pack:
496  case Null:
497  case Template:
498  case NullPtr:
499  return TemplateArgument();
500  }
502  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
503 }
505 void TemplateArgument::print(const PrintingPolicy &Policy, raw_ostream &Out,
506  bool IncludeType) const {
508  switch (getKind()) {
509  case Null:
510  Out << "(no value)";
511  break;
513  case Type: {
514  PrintingPolicy SubPolicy(Policy);
515  SubPolicy.SuppressStrongLifetime = true;
516  getAsType().print(Out, SubPolicy);
517  break;
518  }
520  case Declaration: {
521  NamedDecl *ND = getAsDecl();
523  if (auto *TPO = dyn_cast<TemplateParamObjectDecl>(ND)) {
524  TPO->getType().getUnqualifiedType().print(Out, Policy);
525  TPO->printAsInit(Out, Policy);
526  break;
527  }
528  }
529  if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(ND)) {
530  if (needsAmpersandOnTemplateArg(getParamTypeForDecl(), VD->getType()))
531  Out << "&";
532  }
533  ND->printQualifiedName(Out);
534  break;
535  }
537  case StructuralValue:
539  break;
541  case NullPtr:
542  // FIXME: Include the type if it's not obvious from the context.
543  Out << "nullptr";
544  break;
546  case Template: {
547  getAsTemplate().print(Out, Policy);
548  break;
549  }
551  case TemplateExpansion:
552  getAsTemplateOrTemplatePattern().print(Out, Policy);
553  Out << "...";
554  break;
556  case Integral:
557  printIntegral(*this, Out, Policy, IncludeType);
558  break;
560  case Expression:
561  getAsExpr()->printPretty(Out, nullptr, Policy);
562  break;
564  case Pack:
565  Out << "<";
566  bool First = true;
567  for (const auto &P : pack_elements()) {
568  if (First)
569  First = false;
570  else
571  Out << ", ";
573  P.print(Policy, Out, IncludeType);
574  }
575  Out << ">";
576  break;
577  }
578 }
580 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
581 // TemplateArgumentLoc Implementation
582 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
585  switch (Argument.getKind()) {
596  if (TypeSourceInfo *TSI = getTypeSourceInfo())
597  return TSI->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange();
598  else
599  return SourceRange();
603  return SourceRange(getTemplateQualifierLoc().getBeginLoc(),
609  return SourceRange(getTemplateQualifierLoc().getBeginLoc(),
621  return SourceRange();
622  }
624  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
625 }
627 template <typename T>
628 static const T &DiagTemplateArg(const T &DB, const TemplateArgument &Arg) {
629  switch (Arg.getKind()) {
631  // This is bad, but not as bad as crashing because of argument
632  // count mismatches.
633  return DB << "(null template argument)";
636  return DB << Arg.getAsType();
639  return DB << Arg.getAsDecl();
642  return DB << "nullptr";
645  return DB << toString(Arg.getAsIntegral(), 10);
648  // FIXME: We're guessing at LangOptions!
649  SmallString<32> Str;
650  llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
651  LangOptions LangOpts;
652  LangOpts.CPlusPlus = true;
653  PrintingPolicy Policy(LangOpts);
654  Arg.getAsStructuralValue().printPretty(OS, Policy,
655  Arg.getStructuralValueType());
656  return DB << OS.str();
657  }
660  return DB << Arg.getAsTemplate();
663  return DB << Arg.getAsTemplateOrTemplatePattern() << "...";
666  // This shouldn't actually ever happen, so it's okay that we're
667  // regurgitating an expression here.
668  // FIXME: We're guessing at LangOptions!
669  SmallString<32> Str;
670  llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
671  LangOptions LangOpts;
672  LangOpts.CPlusPlus = true;
673  PrintingPolicy Policy(LangOpts);
674  Arg.getAsExpr()->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
675  return DB << OS.str();
676  }
678  case TemplateArgument::Pack: {
679  // FIXME: We're guessing at LangOptions!
680  SmallString<32> Str;
681  llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Str);
682  LangOptions LangOpts;
683  LangOpts.CPlusPlus = true;
684  PrintingPolicy Policy(LangOpts);
685  Arg.print(Policy, OS, /*IncludeType*/ true);
686  return DB << OS.str();
687  }
688  }
690  llvm_unreachable("Invalid TemplateArgument Kind!");
691 }
694  const TemplateArgument &Arg) {
695  return DiagTemplateArg(DB, Arg);
696 }
699  ASTContext &Ctx, NestedNameSpecifierLoc QualifierLoc,
700  SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc, SourceLocation EllipsisLoc) {
701  TemplateTemplateArgLocInfo *Template = new (Ctx) TemplateTemplateArgLocInfo;
702  Template->Qualifier = QualifierLoc.getNestedNameSpecifier();
703  Template->QualifierLocData = QualifierLoc.getOpaqueData();
704  Template->TemplateNameLoc = TemplateNameLoc;
705  Template->EllipsisLoc = EllipsisLoc;
706  Pointer = Template;
707 }
711  const TemplateArgumentListInfo &List) {
712  std::size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc<TemplateArgumentLoc>(List.size());
713  void *Mem = C.Allocate(size, alignof(ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo));
714  return new (Mem) ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo(List);
715 }
719  const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo *List) {
720  if (!List)
721  return nullptr;
722  std::size_t size =
723  totalSizeToAlloc<TemplateArgumentLoc>(List->getNumTemplateArgs());
724  void *Mem = C.Allocate(size, alignof(ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo));
725  return new (Mem) ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo(List);
726 }
728 ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo(
729  const TemplateArgumentListInfo &Info) {
730  LAngleLoc = Info.getLAngleLoc();
731  RAngleLoc = Info.getRAngleLoc();
732  NumTemplateArgs = Info.size();
734  TemplateArgumentLoc *ArgBuffer = getTrailingObjects<TemplateArgumentLoc>();
735  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumTemplateArgs; ++i)
736  new (&ArgBuffer[i]) TemplateArgumentLoc(Info[i]);
737 }
739 ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo(
740  const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo *Info) {
741  LAngleLoc = Info->getLAngleLoc();
742  RAngleLoc = Info->getRAngleLoc();
745  TemplateArgumentLoc *ArgBuffer = getTrailingObjects<TemplateArgumentLoc>();
746  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumTemplateArgs; ++i)
747  new (&ArgBuffer[i]) TemplateArgumentLoc((*Info)[i]);
748 }
751  SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc, const TemplateArgumentListInfo &Info,
752  TemplateArgumentLoc *OutArgArray) {
753  this->TemplateKWLoc = TemplateKWLoc;
754  LAngleLoc = Info.getLAngleLoc();
755  RAngleLoc = Info.getRAngleLoc();
756  NumTemplateArgs = Info.size();
758  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumTemplateArgs; ++i)
759  new (&OutArgArray[i]) TemplateArgumentLoc(Info[i]);
760 }
763  assert(TemplateKWLoc.isValid());
766  this->TemplateKWLoc = TemplateKWLoc;
767  NumTemplateArgs = 0;
768 }
771  SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc, const TemplateArgumentListInfo &Info,
772  TemplateArgumentLoc *OutArgArray, TemplateArgumentDependence &Deps) {
773  this->TemplateKWLoc = TemplateKWLoc;
774  LAngleLoc = Info.getLAngleLoc();
775  RAngleLoc = Info.getRAngleLoc();
776  NumTemplateArgs = Info.size();
778  for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumTemplateArgs; ++i) {
779  Deps |= Info[i].getArgument().getDependence();
781  new (&OutArgArray[i]) TemplateArgumentLoc(Info[i]);
782  }
783 }
786  TemplateArgumentListInfo &Info) const {
787  Info.setLAngleLoc(LAngleLoc);
788  Info.setRAngleLoc(RAngleLoc);
789  for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumTemplateArgs; ++I)
790  Info.addArgument(ArgArray[I]);
791 }
Defines the clang::ASTContext interface.
#define V(N, I)
Definition: ASTContext.h:3346
StringRef P
static char ID
Definition: Arena.cpp:183
Defines the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
const Decl * D
enum clang::sema::@1659::IndirectLocalPathEntry::EntryKind Kind
Expr * E
llvm::APSInt APSInt
Definition: Compiler.cpp:22
Defines the C++ template declaration subclasses.
Defines the clang::Expr interface and subclasses for C++ expressions.
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
Defines the clang::LangOptions interface.
static bool isRecordType(QualType T)
Defines the clang::SourceLocation class and associated facilities.
static void printIntegral(const TemplateArgument &TemplArg, raw_ostream &Out, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, bool IncludeType)
Print a template integral argument value.
static unsigned getArrayDepth(QualType type)
static const T & DiagTemplateArg(const T &DB, const TemplateArgument &Arg)
static const ValueDecl * getAsSimpleValueDeclRef(const ASTContext &Ctx, QualType T, const APValue &V)
static bool needsAmpersandOnTemplateArg(QualType paramType, QualType argType)
Defines the clang::TypeLoc interface and its subclasses.
C Language Family Type Representation.
__DEVICE__ void * memcpy(void *__a, const void *__b, size_t __c)
__SIZE_TYPE__ size_t
APValue - This class implements a discriminated union of [uninitialized] [APSInt] [APFloat],...
Definition: APValue.h:122
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const
profile this value.
Definition: APValue.cpp:479
void printPretty(raw_ostream &OS, const ASTContext &Ctx, QualType Ty) const
Definition: APValue.cpp:693
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:187
void * Allocate(size_t Size, unsigned Align=8) const
Definition: ASTContext.h:734
TemplateParamObjectDecl * getTemplateParamObjectDecl(QualType T, const APValue &V) const
Return the template parameter object of the given type with the given value.
void addDestruction(T *Ptr) const
If T isn't trivially destructible, calls AddDeallocation to register it for destruction.
Definition: ASTContext.h:3176
This class is used for builtin types like 'int'.
Definition: Type.h:3029
static void print(unsigned val, CharacterLiteralKind Kind, raw_ostream &OS)
Definition: Expr.cpp:1077
DeclContext * getDeclContext()
Definition: DeclBase.h:455
An instance of this object exists for each enum constant that is defined.
Definition: Decl.h:3275
A helper class that allows the use of isa/cast/dyncast to detect TagType objects of enums.
Definition: Type.h:6001
QualType getType() const
Definition: Expr.h:142
Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that i...
Definition: LangOptions.h:480
This represents a decl that may have a name.
Definition: Decl.h:249
void printQualifiedName(raw_ostream &OS) const
Returns a human-readable qualified name for this declaration, like A::B::i, for i being member of nam...
Definition: Decl.cpp:1676
A C++ nested-name-specifier augmented with source location information.
NestedNameSpecifier * getNestedNameSpecifier() const
Retrieve the nested-name-specifier to which this instance refers.
void * getOpaqueData() const
Retrieve the opaque pointer that refers to source-location data.
Represents a pack expansion of types.
Definition: Type.h:6970
A (possibly-)qualified type.
Definition: Type.h:941
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const
Definition: Type.h:1405
void * getAsOpaquePtr() const
Definition: Type.h:988
const Type * getTypePtr() const
Retrieves a pointer to the underlying (unqualified) type.
Definition: Type.h:7760
void print(raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, const Twine &PlaceHolder=Twine(), unsigned Indentation=0) const
static std::string getAsString(SplitQualType split, const PrintingPolicy &Policy)
Definition: Type.h:1339
Encodes a location in the source.
bool isValid() const
Return true if this is a valid SourceLocation object.
A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
void printPretty(raw_ostream &OS, PrinterHelper *Helper, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, unsigned Indentation=0, StringRef NewlineSymbol="\n", const ASTContext *Context=nullptr) const
SourceRange getSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY
SourceLocation tokens are not useful in isolation - they are low level value objects created/interpre...
Definition: Stmt.cpp:326
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, const ASTContext &Context, bool Canonical, bool ProfileLambdaExpr=false) const
Produce a unique representation of the given statement.
The streaming interface shared between DiagnosticBuilder and PartialDiagnostic.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:1121
A convenient class for passing around template argument information.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:632
SourceLocation getRAngleLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:648
void setLAngleLoc(SourceLocation Loc)
Definition: TemplateBase.h:650
void setRAngleLoc(SourceLocation Loc)
Definition: TemplateBase.h:651
void addArgument(const TemplateArgumentLoc &Loc)
Definition: TemplateBase.h:667
SourceLocation getLAngleLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:647
Location wrapper for a TemplateArgument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:524
TypeSourceInfo * getTypeSourceInfo() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:578
Expr * getSourceNullPtrExpression() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:594
SourceLocation getTemplateEllipsisLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:623
SourceLocation getTemplateNameLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:616
SourceRange getSourceRange() const LLVM_READONLY
NestedNameSpecifierLoc getTemplateQualifierLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:609
Expr * getSourceDeclExpression() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:589
Expr * getSourceIntegralExpression() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:599
Expr * getSourceStructuralValueExpression() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:604
Expr * getSourceExpression() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:584
Represents a template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:61
QualType getStructuralValueType() const
Get the type of a StructuralValue.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:399
QualType getParamTypeForDecl() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:331
bool isDependent() const
Whether this template argument is dependent on a template parameter such that its result can change f...
std::optional< unsigned > getNumTemplateExpansions() const
Retrieve the number of expansions that a template template argument expansion will produce,...
bool isInstantiationDependent() const
Whether this template argument is dependent on a template parameter.
constexpr TemplateArgument()
Construct an empty, invalid template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:190
QualType getNonTypeTemplateArgumentType() const
If this is a non-type template argument, get its type.
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, const ASTContext &Context) const
Used to insert TemplateArguments into FoldingSets.
QualType getAsType() const
Retrieve the type for a type template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:319
llvm::APSInt getAsIntegral() const
Retrieve the template argument as an integral value.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:363
QualType getNullPtrType() const
Retrieve the type for null non-type template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:337
static TemplateArgument CreatePackCopy(ASTContext &Context, ArrayRef< TemplateArgument > Args)
Create a new template argument pack by copying the given set of template arguments.
const APValue & getAsStructuralValue() const
Get the value of a StructuralValue.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:396
TemplateName getAsTemplate() const
Retrieve the template name for a template name argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:343
bool containsUnexpandedParameterPack() const
Whether this template argument contains an unexpanded parameter pack.
TemplateArgument getPackExpansionPattern() const
When the template argument is a pack expansion, returns the pattern of the pack expansion.
static TemplateArgument getEmptyPack()
Definition: TemplateBase.h:285
bool structurallyEquals(const TemplateArgument &Other) const
Determines whether two template arguments are superficially the same.
void print(const PrintingPolicy &Policy, raw_ostream &Out, bool IncludeType) const
Print this template argument to the given output stream.
ValueDecl * getAsDecl() const
Retrieve the declaration for a declaration non-type template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:326
QualType getIntegralType() const
Retrieve the type of the integral value.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:377
@ Declaration
The template argument is a declaration that was provided for a pointer, reference,...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:74
@ Template
The template argument is a template name that was provided for a template template parameter.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:93
@ StructuralValue
The template argument is a non-type template argument that can't be represented by the special-case D...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:89
@ Pack
The template argument is actually a parameter pack.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:107
@ TemplateExpansion
The template argument is a pack expansion of a template name that was provided for a template templat...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:97
@ NullPtr
The template argument is a null pointer or null pointer to member that was provided for a non-type te...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:78
@ Type
The template argument is a type.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:70
@ Null
Represents an empty template argument, e.g., one that has not been deduced.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:67
@ Integral
The template argument is an integral value stored in an llvm::APSInt that was provided for an integra...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:82
@ Expression
The template argument is an expression, and we've not resolved it to one of the other forms yet,...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:103
ArgKind getKind() const
Return the kind of stored template argument.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:295
TemplateArgumentDependence getDependence() const
Expr * getAsExpr() const
Retrieve the template argument as an expression.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:408
bool isPackExpansion() const
Determine whether this template argument is a pack expansion.
ArrayRef< TemplateArgument > pack_elements() const
Iterator range referencing all of the elements of a template argument pack.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:432
TemplateName getAsTemplateOrTemplatePattern() const
Retrieve the template argument as a template name; if the argument is a pack expansion,...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:350
void print(raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, Qualified Qual=Qualified::AsWritten) const
Print the template name.
A container of type source information.
Definition: Type.h:7731
The base class of the type hierarchy.
Definition: Type.h:1829
bool isBooleanType() const
Definition: Type.h:8475
bool isArrayType() const
Definition: Type.h:8085
bool isCharType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:2089
bool isPointerType() const
Definition: Type.h:8013
const T * castAs() const
Member-template castAs<specific type>.
Definition: Type.h:8635
bool isChar8Type() const
Definition: Type.cpp:2105
QualType getPointeeType() const
If this is a pointer, ObjC object pointer, or block pointer, this returns the respective pointee.
Definition: Type.cpp:705
bool isIntegralOrEnumerationType() const
Determine whether this type is an integral or enumeration type.
Definition: Type.h:8462
bool isAnyCharacterType() const
Determine whether this type is any of the built-in character types.
Definition: Type.cpp:2125
bool isInstantiationDependentType() const
Determine whether this type is an instantiation-dependent type, meaning that the type involves a temp...
Definition: Type.h:2709
bool isSpecificBuiltinType(unsigned K) const
Test for a particular builtin type.
Definition: Type.h:8316
bool isDependentType() const
Whether this type is a dependent type, meaning that its definition somehow depends on a template para...
Definition: Type.h:2701
bool isChar16Type() const
Definition: Type.cpp:2111
QualType getCanonicalTypeInternal() const
Definition: Type.h:2984
bool isMemberPointerType() const
Definition: Type.h:8067
bool isChar32Type() const
Definition: Type.cpp:2117
bool isWideCharType() const
Definition: Type.cpp:2098
const T * getAs() const
Member-template getAs<specific type>'.
Definition: Type.h:8568
Represent the declaration of a variable (in which case it is an lvalue) a function (in which case it ...
Definition: Decl.h:668
constexpr XRayInstrMask None
Definition: XRayInstr.h:38
const internal::VariadicAllOfMatcher< Type > type
Matches Types in the clang AST.
const AstTypeMatcher< ArrayType > arrayType
Matches all kinds of arrays.
std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E)
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
const StreamingDiagnostic & operator<<(const StreamingDiagnostic &DB, const ASTContext::SectionInfo &Section)
Insertion operator for diagnostics.
const FunctionProtoType * T
TemplateArgumentDependence toTemplateArgumentDependence(TypeDependence D)
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
Definition: Expr.h:1589
unsigned long uint64_t
__UINTPTR_TYPE__ uintptr_t
An unsigned integer type with the property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to this ty...
Represents an explicit template argument list in C++, e.g., the "<int>" in "sort<int>".
Definition: TemplateBase.h:676
SourceLocation RAngleLoc
The source location of the right angle bracket ('>').
Definition: TemplateBase.h:691
SourceLocation LAngleLoc
The source location of the left angle bracket ('<').
Definition: TemplateBase.h:688
SourceLocation getLAngleLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:696
static const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo * Create(const ASTContext &C, const TemplateArgumentListInfo &List)
unsigned NumTemplateArgs
The number of template arguments in TemplateArgs.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:694
SourceLocation getRAngleLoc() const
Definition: TemplateBase.h:697
SourceLocation LAngleLoc
The source location of the left angle bracket ('<').
Definition: TemplateBase.h:730
void copyInto(const TemplateArgumentLoc *ArgArray, TemplateArgumentListInfo &List) const
unsigned NumTemplateArgs
The number of template arguments in TemplateArgs.
Definition: TemplateBase.h:742
void initializeFrom(SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc, const TemplateArgumentListInfo &List, TemplateArgumentLoc *OutArgArray)
SourceLocation RAngleLoc
The source location of the right angle bracket ('>').
Definition: TemplateBase.h:733
SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc
The source location of the template keyword; this is used as part of the representation of qualified ...
Definition: TemplateBase.h:739
Describes how types, statements, expressions, and declarations should be printed.
Definition: PrettyPrinter.h:57
unsigned MSVCFormatting
Use whitespace and punctuation like MSVC does.
unsigned SuppressStrongLifetime
When true, suppress printing of the __strong lifetime qualifier in ARC.
unsigned UseEnumerators
Whether to print enumerator non-type template parameters with a matching enumerator name or via cast ...