clang  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===--- SortJavaScriptImports.cpp - Sort ES6 Imports -----------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// This file implements a sort operation for JavaScript ES6 imports.
11 ///
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "SortJavaScriptImports.h"
15 #include "TokenAnalyzer.h"
16 #include "TokenAnnotator.h"
17 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
19 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
22 #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
23 #include "clang/Format/Format.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <string>
30 #define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter"
32 namespace clang {
33 namespace format {
35 class FormatTokenLexer;
37 // An imported symbol in a JavaScript ES6 import/export, possibly aliased.
39  StringRef Symbol;
40  StringRef Alias;
43  bool operator==(const JsImportedSymbol &RHS) const {
44  // Ignore Range for comparison, it is only used to stitch code together,
45  // but imports at different code locations are still conceptually the same.
46  return Symbol == RHS.Symbol && Alias == RHS.Alias;
47  }
48 };
50 // An ES6 module reference.
51 //
52 // ES6 implements a module system, where individual modules (~= source files)
53 // can reference other modules, either importing symbols from them, or exporting
54 // symbols from them:
55 // import {foo} from 'foo';
56 // export {foo};
57 // export {bar} from 'bar';
58 //
59 // `export`s with URLs are syntactic sugar for an import of the symbol from the
60 // URL, followed by an export of the symbol, allowing this code to treat both
61 // statements more or less identically, with the exception being that `export`s
62 // are sorted last.
63 //
64 // imports and exports support individual symbols, but also a wildcard syntax:
65 // import * as prefix from 'foo';
66 // export * from 'bar';
67 //
68 // This struct represents both exports and imports to build up the information
69 // required for sorting module references.
71  bool FormattingOff = false;
72  bool IsExport = false;
73  bool IsTypeOnly = false;
74  // Module references are sorted into these categories, in order.
76  SIDE_EFFECT, // "import 'something';"
77  ABSOLUTE, // from 'something'
78  RELATIVE_PARENT, // from '../*'
79  RELATIVE, // from './*'
80  ALIAS, // import X = A.B;
81  };
82  ReferenceCategory Category = ReferenceCategory::SIDE_EFFECT;
83  // The URL imported, e.g. `import .. from 'url';`. Empty for `export {a, b};`.
84  StringRef URL;
85  // Prefix from "import * as prefix". Empty for symbol imports and `export *`.
86  // Implies an empty names list.
87  StringRef Prefix;
88  // Default import from "import DefaultName from '...';".
89  StringRef DefaultImport;
90  // Symbols from `import {SymbolA, SymbolB, ...} from ...;`.
92  // Whether some symbols were merged into this one. Controls if the module
93  // reference needs re-formatting.
94  bool SymbolsMerged = false;
95  // The source location just after { and just before } in the import.
96  // Extracted eagerly to allow modification of Symbols later on.
98  // Textual position of the import/export, including preceding and trailing
99  // comments.
101 };
103 bool operator<(const JsModuleReference &LHS, const JsModuleReference &RHS) {
104  if (LHS.IsExport != RHS.IsExport)
105  return LHS.IsExport < RHS.IsExport;
106  if (LHS.Category != RHS.Category)
107  return LHS.Category < RHS.Category;
108  if (LHS.Category == JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::SIDE_EFFECT ||
110  // Side effect imports and aliases might be ordering sensitive. Consider
111  // them equal so that they maintain their relative order in the stable sort
112  // below. This retains transitivity because LHS.Category == RHS.Category
113  // here.
114  return false;
115  }
116  // Empty URLs sort *last* (for export {...};).
117  if (LHS.URL.empty() != RHS.URL.empty())
118  return LHS.URL.empty() < RHS.URL.empty();
119  if (int Res = LHS.URL.compare_insensitive(RHS.URL))
120  return Res < 0;
121  // '*' imports (with prefix) sort before {a, b, ...} imports.
122  if (LHS.Prefix.empty() != RHS.Prefix.empty())
123  return LHS.Prefix.empty() < RHS.Prefix.empty();
124  if (LHS.Prefix != RHS.Prefix)
125  return LHS.Prefix > RHS.Prefix;
126  return false;
127 }
129 // JavaScriptImportSorter sorts JavaScript ES6 imports and exports. It is
130 // implemented as a TokenAnalyzer because ES6 imports have substantial syntactic
131 // structure, making it messy to sort them using regular expressions.
133 public:
135  : TokenAnalyzer(Env, Style),
136  FileContents(Env.getSourceManager().getBufferData(Env.getFileID())) {
137  // FormatToken.Tok starts out in an uninitialized state.
138  invalidToken.Tok.startToken();
139  }
141  std::pair<tooling::Replacements, unsigned>
143  SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &AnnotatedLines,
144  FormatTokenLexer &Tokens) override {
145  tooling::Replacements Result;
146  AffectedRangeMgr.computeAffectedLines(AnnotatedLines);
148  const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords = Tokens.getKeywords();
150  AnnotatedLine *FirstNonImportLine;
151  std::tie(References, FirstNonImportLine) =
152  parseModuleReferences(Keywords, AnnotatedLines);
154  if (References.empty())
155  return {Result, 0};
157  // The text range of all parsed imports, to be replaced later.
158  SourceRange InsertionPoint = References[0].Range;
159  InsertionPoint.setEnd(References[References.size() - 1].Range.getEnd());
161  References = sortModuleReferences(References);
163  std::string ReferencesText;
164  for (unsigned I = 0, E = References.size(); I != E; ++I) {
165  JsModuleReference Reference = References[I];
166  appendReference(ReferencesText, Reference);
167  if (I + 1 < E) {
168  // Insert breaks between imports and exports.
169  ReferencesText += "\n";
170  // Separate imports groups with two line breaks, but keep all exports
171  // in a single group.
172  if (!Reference.IsExport &&
173  (Reference.IsExport != References[I + 1].IsExport ||
174  Reference.Category != References[I + 1].Category)) {
175  ReferencesText += "\n";
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  StringRef PreviousText = getSourceText(InsertionPoint);
180  if (ReferencesText == PreviousText)
181  return {Result, 0};
183  // The loop above might collapse previously existing line breaks between
184  // import blocks, and thus shrink the file. SortIncludes must not shrink
185  // overall source length as there is currently no re-calculation of ranges
186  // after applying source sorting.
187  // This loop just backfills trailing spaces after the imports, which are
188  // harmless and will be stripped by the subsequent formatting pass.
189  // FIXME: A better long term fix is to re-calculate Ranges after sorting.
190  unsigned PreviousSize = PreviousText.size();
191  while (ReferencesText.size() < PreviousSize)
192  ReferencesText += " ";
194  // Separate references from the main code body of the file.
195  if (FirstNonImportLine && FirstNonImportLine->First->NewlinesBefore < 2 &&
196  !(FirstNonImportLine->First->is(tok::comment) &&
197  isClangFormatOn(FirstNonImportLine->First->TokenText.trim()))) {
198  ReferencesText += "\n";
199  }
201  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Replacing imports:\n"
202  << PreviousText << "\nwith:\n"
203  << ReferencesText << "\n");
204  auto Err = Result.add(tooling::Replacement(
206  ReferencesText));
207  // FIXME: better error handling. For now, just print error message and skip
208  // the replacement for the release version.
209  if (Err) {
210  llvm::errs() << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
211  assert(false);
212  }
214  return {Result, 0};
215  }
217 private:
218  FormatToken *Current = nullptr;
219  FormatToken *LineEnd = nullptr;
221  FormatToken invalidToken;
223  StringRef FileContents;
225  void skipComments() { Current = skipComments(Current); }
227  FormatToken *skipComments(FormatToken *Tok) {
228  while (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment))
229  Tok = Tok->Next;
230  return Tok;
231  }
233  void nextToken() {
234  Current = Current->Next;
235  skipComments();
236  if (!Current || Current == LineEnd->Next) {
237  // Set the current token to an invalid token, so that further parsing on
238  // this line fails.
239  Current = &invalidToken;
240  }
241  }
243  StringRef getSourceText(SourceRange Range) {
244  return getSourceText(Range.getBegin(), Range.getEnd());
245  }
247  StringRef getSourceText(SourceLocation Begin, SourceLocation End) {
248  const SourceManager &SM = Env.getSourceManager();
249  return FileContents.substr(SM.getFileOffset(Begin),
250  SM.getFileOffset(End) - SM.getFileOffset(Begin));
251  }
253  // Sorts the given module references.
254  // Imports can have formatting disabled (FormattingOff), so the code below
255  // skips runs of "no-formatting" module references, and sorts/merges the
256  // references that have formatting enabled in individual chunks.
257  SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16>
258  sortModuleReferences(const SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16> &References) {
259  // Sort module references.
260  // Imports can have formatting disabled (FormattingOff), so the code below
261  // skips runs of "no-formatting" module references, and sorts other
262  // references per group.
263  const auto *Start = References.begin();
264  SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16> ReferencesSorted;
265  while (Start != References.end()) {
266  while (Start != References.end() && Start->FormattingOff) {
267  // Skip over all imports w/ disabled formatting.
268  ReferencesSorted.push_back(*Start);
269  ++Start;
270  }
271  SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16> SortChunk;
272  while (Start != References.end() && !Start->FormattingOff) {
273  // Skip over all imports w/ disabled formatting.
274  SortChunk.push_back(*Start);
275  ++Start;
276  }
277  stable_sort(SortChunk);
278  mergeModuleReferences(SortChunk);
279  ReferencesSorted.insert(ReferencesSorted.end(), SortChunk.begin(),
280  SortChunk.end());
281  }
282  return ReferencesSorted;
283  }
285  // Merge module references.
286  // After sorting, find all references that import named symbols from the
287  // same URL and merge their names. E.g.
288  // import {X} from 'a';
289  // import {Y} from 'a';
290  // should be rewritten to:
291  // import {X, Y} from 'a';
292  // Note: this modifies the passed in ``References`` vector (by removing no
293  // longer needed references).
294  void mergeModuleReferences(SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16> &References) {
295  if (References.empty())
296  return;
297  JsModuleReference *PreviousReference = References.begin();
298  auto *Reference = std::next(References.begin());
299  while (Reference != References.end()) {
300  // Skip:
301  // import 'foo';
302  // import * as foo from 'foo'; on either previous or this.
303  // import Default from 'foo'; on either previous or this.
304  // mismatching
305  if (Reference->Category == JsModuleReference::SIDE_EFFECT ||
306  PreviousReference->Category == JsModuleReference::SIDE_EFFECT ||
307  Reference->IsExport != PreviousReference->IsExport ||
308  Reference->IsTypeOnly != PreviousReference->IsTypeOnly ||
309  !PreviousReference->Prefix.empty() || !Reference->Prefix.empty() ||
310  !PreviousReference->DefaultImport.empty() ||
311  !Reference->DefaultImport.empty() || Reference->Symbols.empty() ||
312  PreviousReference->URL != Reference->URL) {
313  PreviousReference = Reference;
314  ++Reference;
315  continue;
316  }
317  // Merge symbols from identical imports.
318  PreviousReference->Symbols.append(Reference->Symbols);
319  PreviousReference->SymbolsMerged = true;
320  // Remove the merged import.
321  Reference = References.erase(Reference);
322  }
323  }
325  // Appends ``Reference`` to ``Buffer``.
326  void appendReference(std::string &Buffer, JsModuleReference &Reference) {
327  if (Reference.FormattingOff) {
328  Buffer +=
329  getSourceText(Reference.Range.getBegin(), Reference.Range.getEnd());
330  return;
331  }
332  // Sort the individual symbols within the import.
333  // E.g. `import {b, a} from 'x';` -> `import {a, b} from 'x';`
334  SmallVector<JsImportedSymbol, 1> Symbols = Reference.Symbols;
335  stable_sort(Symbols,
336  [&](const JsImportedSymbol &LHS, const JsImportedSymbol &RHS) {
337  return LHS.Symbol.compare_insensitive(RHS.Symbol) < 0;
338  });
339  if (!Reference.SymbolsMerged && Symbols == Reference.Symbols) {
340  // Symbols didn't change, just emit the entire module reference.
341  StringRef ReferenceStmt = getSourceText(Reference.Range);
342  Buffer += ReferenceStmt;
343  return;
344  }
345  // Stitch together the module reference start...
346  Buffer += getSourceText(Reference.Range.getBegin(), Reference.SymbolsStart);
347  // ... then the references in order ...
348  if (!Symbols.empty()) {
349  Buffer += getSourceText(Symbols.front().Range);
350  for (const JsImportedSymbol &Symbol : drop_begin(Symbols)) {
351  Buffer += ",";
352  Buffer += getSourceText(Symbol.Range);
353  }
354  }
355  // ... followed by the module reference end.
356  Buffer += getSourceText(Reference.SymbolsEnd, Reference.Range.getEnd());
357  }
359  // Parses module references in the given lines. Returns the module references,
360  // and a pointer to the first "main code" line if that is adjacent to the
361  // affected lines of module references, nullptr otherwise.
362  std::pair<SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16>, AnnotatedLine *>
363  parseModuleReferences(const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
364  SmallVectorImpl<AnnotatedLine *> &AnnotatedLines) {
365  SmallVector<JsModuleReference, 16> References;
366  SourceLocation Start;
367  AnnotatedLine *FirstNonImportLine = nullptr;
368  bool AnyImportAffected = false;
369  bool FormattingOff = false;
370  for (auto *Line : AnnotatedLines) {
371  assert(Line->First);
372  Current = Line->First;
373  LineEnd = Line->Last;
374  // clang-format comments toggle formatting on/off.
375  // This is tracked in FormattingOff here and on JsModuleReference.
376  while (Current && Current->is(tok::comment)) {
377  StringRef CommentText = Current->TokenText.trim();
378  if (isClangFormatOff(CommentText)) {
379  FormattingOff = true;
380  } else if (isClangFormatOn(CommentText)) {
381  FormattingOff = false;
382  // Special case: consider a trailing "clang-format on" line to be part
383  // of the module reference, so that it gets moved around together with
384  // it (as opposed to the next module reference, which might get sorted
385  // around).
386  if (!References.empty()) {
387  References.back().Range.setEnd(Current->Tok.getEndLoc());
388  Start = Current->Tok.getEndLoc().getLocWithOffset(1);
389  }
390  }
391  // Handle all clang-format comments on a line, e.g. for an empty block.
392  Current = Current->Next;
393  }
394  skipComments();
395  if (Start.isInvalid() || References.empty()) {
396  // After the first file level comment, consider line comments to be part
397  // of the import that immediately follows them by using the previously
398  // set Start.
399  Start = Line->First->Tok.getLocation();
400  }
401  if (!Current) {
402  // Only comments on this line. Could be the first non-import line.
403  FirstNonImportLine = Line;
404  continue;
405  }
406  JsModuleReference Reference;
407  Reference.FormattingOff = FormattingOff;
408  Reference.Range.setBegin(Start);
409  // References w/o a URL, e.g. export {A}, groups with RELATIVE.
410  Reference.Category = JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::RELATIVE;
411  if (!parseModuleReference(Keywords, Reference)) {
412  if (!FirstNonImportLine)
413  FirstNonImportLine = Line; // if no comment before.
414  break;
415  }
416  FirstNonImportLine = nullptr;
417  AnyImportAffected = AnyImportAffected || Line->Affected;
418  Reference.Range.setEnd(LineEnd->Tok.getEndLoc());
420  llvm::dbgs() << "JsModuleReference: {"
421  << "formatting_off: " << Reference.FormattingOff
422  << ", is_export: " << Reference.IsExport
423  << ", cat: " << Reference.Category
424  << ", url: " << Reference.URL
425  << ", prefix: " << Reference.Prefix;
426  for (const JsImportedSymbol &Symbol : Reference.Symbols)
427  llvm::dbgs() << ", " << Symbol.Symbol << " as " << Symbol.Alias;
428  llvm::dbgs() << ", text: " << getSourceText(Reference.Range);
429  llvm::dbgs() << "}\n";
430  });
431  References.push_back(Reference);
432  Start = SourceLocation();
433  }
434  // Sort imports if any import line was affected.
435  if (!AnyImportAffected)
436  References.clear();
437  return std::make_pair(References, FirstNonImportLine);
438  }
440  // Parses a JavaScript/ECMAScript 6 module reference.
441  // See
442  // for grammar EBNF (production ModuleItem).
443  bool parseModuleReference(const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
444  JsModuleReference &Reference) {
445  if (!Current || !Current->isOneOf(Keywords.kw_import, tok::kw_export))
446  return false;
447  Reference.IsExport = Current->is(tok::kw_export);
449  nextToken();
450  if (Current->isStringLiteral() && !Reference.IsExport) {
451  // "import 'side-effect';"
452  Reference.Category = JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::SIDE_EFFECT;
453  Reference.URL =
454  Current->TokenText.substr(1, Current->TokenText.size() - 2);
455  return true;
456  }
458  if (!parseModuleBindings(Keywords, Reference))
459  return false;
461  if (Current->is(Keywords.kw_from)) {
462  // imports have a 'from' clause, exports might not.
463  nextToken();
464  if (!Current->isStringLiteral())
465  return false;
466  // URL = TokenText without the quotes.
467  Reference.URL =
468  Current->TokenText.substr(1, Current->TokenText.size() - 2);
469  if (Reference.URL.starts_with("..")) {
470  Reference.Category =
471  JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::RELATIVE_PARENT;
472  } else if (Reference.URL.starts_with(".")) {
473  Reference.Category = JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::RELATIVE;
474  } else {
475  Reference.Category = JsModuleReference::ReferenceCategory::ABSOLUTE;
476  }
477  }
478  return true;
479  }
481  bool parseModuleBindings(const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
482  JsModuleReference &Reference) {
483  if (parseStarBinding(Keywords, Reference))
484  return true;
485  return parseNamedBindings(Keywords, Reference);
486  }
488  bool parseStarBinding(const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
489  JsModuleReference &Reference) {
490  // * as prefix from '...';
491  if (Current->is(Keywords.kw_type) && Current->Next &&
492  Current->Next->is(tok::star)) {
493  Reference.IsTypeOnly = true;
494  nextToken();
495  }
496  if (Current->isNot(tok::star))
497  return false;
498  nextToken();
499  if (Current->isNot(Keywords.kw_as))
500  return false;
501  nextToken();
502  if (Current->isNot(tok::identifier))
503  return false;
504  Reference.Prefix = Current->TokenText;
505  nextToken();
506  return true;
507  }
509  bool parseNamedBindings(const AdditionalKeywords &Keywords,
510  JsModuleReference &Reference) {
511  if (Current->is(Keywords.kw_type) && Current->Next &&
512  Current->Next->isOneOf(tok::identifier, tok::l_brace)) {
513  Reference.IsTypeOnly = true;
514  nextToken();
515  }
517  // eat a potential "import X, " prefix.
518  if (!Reference.IsExport && Current->is(tok::identifier)) {
519  Reference.DefaultImport = Current->TokenText;
520  nextToken();
521  if (Current->is(Keywords.kw_from))
522  return true;
523  // import X = A.B.C;
524  if (Current->is(tok::equal)) {
526  nextToken();
527  while (Current->is(tok::identifier)) {
528  nextToken();
529  if (Current->is(tok::semi))
530  return true;
531  if (Current->isNot(tok::period))
532  return false;
533  nextToken();
534  }
535  }
536  if (Current->isNot(tok::comma))
537  return false;
538  nextToken(); // eat comma.
539  }
540  if (Current->isNot(tok::l_brace))
541  return false;
543  // {sym as alias, sym2 as ...} from '...';
544  Reference.SymbolsStart = Current->Tok.getEndLoc();
545  while (Current->isNot(tok::r_brace)) {
546  nextToken();
547  if (Current->is(tok::r_brace))
548  break;
549  auto IsIdentifier = [](const auto *Tok) {
550  return Tok->isOneOf(tok::identifier, tok::kw_default, tok::kw_template);
551  };
552  bool isTypeOnly = Current->is(Keywords.kw_type) && Current->Next &&
553  IsIdentifier(Current->Next);
554  if (!isTypeOnly && !IsIdentifier(Current))
555  return false;
557  JsImportedSymbol Symbol;
558  // Make sure to include any preceding comments.
559  Symbol.Range.setBegin(
560  Current->getPreviousNonComment()->Next->WhitespaceRange.getBegin());
561  if (isTypeOnly)
562  nextToken();
563  Symbol.Symbol = Current->TokenText;
564  nextToken();
566  if (Current->is(Keywords.kw_as)) {
567  nextToken();
568  if (!IsIdentifier(Current))
569  return false;
570  Symbol.Alias = Current->TokenText;
571  nextToken();
572  }
573  Symbol.Range.setEnd(Current->Tok.getLocation());
574  Reference.Symbols.push_back(Symbol);
576  if (!Current->isOneOf(tok::r_brace, tok::comma))
577  return false;
578  }
579  Reference.SymbolsEnd = Current->Tok.getLocation();
580  // For named imports with a trailing comma ("import {X,}"), consider the
581  // comma to be the end of the import list, so that it doesn't get removed.
582  if (Current->Previous->is(tok::comma))
583  Reference.SymbolsEnd = Current->Previous->Tok.getLocation();
584  nextToken(); // consume r_brace
585  return true;
586  }
587 };
590  StringRef Code,
592  StringRef FileName) {
593  // FIXME: Cursor support.
594  auto Env = Environment::make(Code, FileName, Ranges);
595  if (!Env)
596  return {};
597  return JavaScriptImportSorter(*Env, Style).process().first;
598 }
600 } // end namespace format
601 } // end namespace clang
#define SM(sm)
Definition: Cuda.cpp:83
Defines the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
Various functions to configurably format source code.
const Environment & Env
Definition: HTMLLogger.cpp:148
Forward-declares and imports various common LLVM datatypes that clang wants to use unqualified.
SourceRange Range
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:754
This file implements a sorter for JavaScript ES6 imports.
Defines the clang::SourceLocation class and associated facilities.
Defines the SourceManager interface.
This file declares an abstract TokenAnalyzer, and associated helper classes.
This file implements a token annotator, i.e.
Defines the clang::TokenKind enum and support functions.
SourceLocation End
SourceLocation Begin
static CharSourceRange getCharRange(SourceRange R)
Encodes a location in the source.
A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
void setEnd(SourceLocation e)
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const
Definition: Token.h:159
void startToken()
Reset all flags to cleared.
Definition: Token.h:177
bool computeAffectedLines(SmallVectorImpl< AnnotatedLine * > &Lines)
SourceManager & getSourceManager() const
Definition: TokenAnalyzer.h:38
static std::unique_ptr< Environment > make(StringRef Code, StringRef FileName, ArrayRef< tooling::Range > Ranges, unsigned FirstStartColumn=0, unsigned NextStartColumn=0, unsigned LastStartColumn=0)
std::pair< tooling::Replacements, unsigned > analyze(TokenAnnotator &Annotator, SmallVectorImpl< AnnotatedLine * > &AnnotatedLines, FormatTokenLexer &Tokens) override
JavaScriptImportSorter(const Environment &Env, const FormatStyle &Style)
AffectedRangeManager AffectedRangeMgr
Definition: TokenAnalyzer.h:99
const Environment & Env
Definition: TokenAnalyzer.h:97
std::pair< tooling::Replacements, unsigned > process(bool SkipAnnotation=false)
Determines extra information about the tokens comprising an UnwrappedLine.
A text replacement.
Definition: Replacement.h:83
Maintains a set of replacements that are conflict-free.
Definition: Replacement.h:212
bool operator<(const JsModuleReference &LHS, const JsModuleReference &RHS)
bool isClangFormatOff(StringRef Comment)
Definition: Format.cpp:4138
tooling::Replacements sortJavaScriptImports(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef< tooling::Range > Ranges, StringRef FileName)
bool isClangFormatOn(StringRef Comment)
Definition: Format.cpp:4134
std::string toString(const til::SExpr *E)
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
Encapsulates keywords that are context sensitive or for languages not properly supported by Clang's l...
Definition: FormatToken.h:995
The FormatStyle is used to configure the formatting to follow specific guidelines.
Definition: Format.h:55
A wrapper around a Token storing information about the whitespace characters preceding it.
Definition: FormatToken.h:290
StringRef TokenText
The raw text of the token.
Definition: FormatToken.h:310
FormatToken * Next
The next token in the unwrapped line.
Definition: FormatToken.h:562
unsigned NewlinesBefore
The number of newlines immediately before the Token.
Definition: FormatToken.h:459
bool is(tok::TokenKind Kind) const
Definition: FormatToken.h:602
bool operator==(const JsImportedSymbol &RHS) const
SmallVector< JsImportedSymbol, 1 > Symbols