clang  19.0.0git
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1 //===--- CGNonTrivialStruct.cpp - Emit Special Functions for C Structs ----===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines functions to generate various special functions for C
10 // structs.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "CodeGenFunction.h"
15 #include "CodeGenModule.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
19 #include <array>
21 using namespace clang;
22 using namespace CodeGen;
24 // Return the size of a field in number of bits.
25 static uint64_t getFieldSize(const FieldDecl *FD, QualType FT,
26  ASTContext &Ctx) {
27  if (FD && FD->isBitField())
28  return FD->getBitWidthValue(Ctx);
29  return Ctx.getTypeSize(FT);
30 }
32 namespace {
33 enum { DstIdx = 0, SrcIdx = 1 };
34 const char *ValNameStr[2] = {"dst", "src"};
36 template <class Derived> struct StructVisitor {
37  StructVisitor(ASTContext &Ctx) : Ctx(Ctx) {}
39  template <class... Ts>
40  void visitStructFields(QualType QT, CharUnits CurStructOffset, Ts... Args) {
41  const RecordDecl *RD = QT->castAs<RecordType>()->getDecl();
43  // Iterate over the fields of the struct.
44  for (const FieldDecl *FD : RD->fields()) {
45  QualType FT = FD->getType();
46  FT = QT.isVolatileQualified() ? FT.withVolatile() : FT;
47  asDerived().visit(FT, FD, CurStructOffset, Args...);
48  }
50  asDerived().flushTrivialFields(Args...);
51  }
53  template <class... Ts> void visitTrivial(Ts... Args) {}
55  template <class... Ts> void visitCXXDestructor(Ts... Args) {
56  llvm_unreachable("field of a C++ struct type is not expected");
57  }
59  template <class... Ts> void flushTrivialFields(Ts... Args) {}
62  return FD ? Ctx.getASTRecordLayout(FD->getParent())
63  .getFieldOffset(FD->getFieldIndex())
64  : 0;
65  }
68  return Ctx.toCharUnitsFromBits(getFieldOffsetInBits(FD));
69  }
71  Derived &asDerived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
73  ASTContext &getContext() { return Ctx; }
74  ASTContext &Ctx;
75 };
77 template <class Derived, bool IsMove>
78 struct CopyStructVisitor : StructVisitor<Derived>,
79  CopiedTypeVisitor<Derived, IsMove> {
80  using StructVisitor<Derived>::asDerived;
83  CopyStructVisitor(ASTContext &Ctx) : StructVisitor<Derived>(Ctx) {}
85  template <class... Ts>
86  void preVisit(QualType::PrimitiveCopyKind PCK, QualType FT,
87  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset, Ts &&... Args) {
88  if (PCK)
89  asDerived().flushTrivialFields(std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
90  }
92  template <class... Ts>
93  void visitWithKind(QualType::PrimitiveCopyKind PCK, QualType FT,
94  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
95  Ts &&... Args) {
96  if (const auto *AT = asDerived().getContext().getAsArrayType(FT)) {
97  asDerived().visitArray(PCK, AT, FT.isVolatileQualified(), FD,
98  CurStructOffset, std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
99  return;
100  }
102  Super::visitWithKind(PCK, FT, FD, CurStructOffset,
103  std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
104  }
106  template <class... Ts>
107  void visitTrivial(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
108  Ts... Args) {
109  assert(!FT.isVolatileQualified() && "volatile field not expected");
110  ASTContext &Ctx = asDerived().getContext();
111  uint64_t FieldSize = getFieldSize(FD, FT, Ctx);
113  // Ignore zero-sized fields.
114  if (FieldSize == 0)
115  return;
117  uint64_t FStartInBits = asDerived().getFieldOffsetInBits(FD);
118  uint64_t FEndInBits = FStartInBits + FieldSize;
119  uint64_t RoundedFEnd = llvm::alignTo(FEndInBits, Ctx.getCharWidth());
121  // Set Start if this is the first field of a sequence of trivial fields.
122  if (Start == End)
123  Start = CurStructOffset + Ctx.toCharUnitsFromBits(FStartInBits);
124  End = CurStructOffset + Ctx.toCharUnitsFromBits(RoundedFEnd);
125  }
128 };
130 // This function creates the mangled name of a special function of a non-trivial
131 // C struct. Since there is no ODR in C, the function is mangled based on the
132 // struct contents and not the name. The mangled name has the following
133 // structure:
134 //
135 // <function-name> ::= <prefix> <alignment-info> "_" <struct-field-info>
136 // <prefix> ::= "__destructor_" | "__default_constructor_" |
137 // "__copy_constructor_" | "__move_constructor_" |
138 // "__copy_assignment_" | "__move_assignment_"
139 // <alignment-info> ::= <dst-alignment> ["_" <src-alignment>]
140 // <struct-field-info> ::= <field-info>+
141 // <field-info> ::= <struct-or-scalar-field-info> | <array-field-info>
142 // <struct-or-scalar-field-info> ::= "_S" <struct-field-info> |
143 // <strong-field-info> | <trivial-field-info>
144 // <array-field-info> ::= "_AB" <array-offset> "s" <element-size> "n"
145 // <num-elements> <innermost-element-info> "_AE"
146 // <innermost-element-info> ::= <struct-or-scalar-field-info>
147 // <strong-field-info> ::= "_s" ["b"] ["v"] <field-offset>
148 // <trivial-field-info> ::= "_t" ["v"] <field-offset> "_" <field-size>
150 template <class Derived> struct GenFuncNameBase {
151  std::string getVolatileOffsetStr(bool IsVolatile, CharUnits Offset) {
152  std::string S;
153  if (IsVolatile)
154  S = "v";
155  S += llvm::to_string(Offset.getQuantity());
156  return S;
157  }
159  void visitARCStrong(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD,
160  CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
161  appendStr("_s");
162  if (FT->isBlockPointerType())
163  appendStr("b");
164  CharUnits FieldOffset = CurStructOffset + asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD);
165  appendStr(getVolatileOffsetStr(FT.isVolatileQualified(), FieldOffset));
166  }
168  void visitARCWeak(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD,
169  CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
170  appendStr("_w");
171  CharUnits FieldOffset = CurStructOffset + asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD);
172  appendStr(getVolatileOffsetStr(FT.isVolatileQualified(), FieldOffset));
173  }
175  void visitStruct(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
176  CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
177  CharUnits FieldOffset = CurStructOffset + asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD);
178  appendStr("_S");
179  asDerived().visitStructFields(QT, FieldOffset);
180  }
182  template <class FieldKind>
183  void visitArray(FieldKind FK, const ArrayType *AT, bool IsVolatile,
184  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
185  // String for non-volatile trivial fields is emitted when
186  // flushTrivialFields is called.
187  if (!FK)
188  return asDerived().visitTrivial(QualType(AT, 0), FD, CurStructOffset);
190  asDerived().flushTrivialFields();
191  CharUnits FieldOffset = CurStructOffset + asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD);
192  ASTContext &Ctx = asDerived().getContext();
193  const ConstantArrayType *CAT = cast<ConstantArrayType>(AT);
194  unsigned NumElts = Ctx.getConstantArrayElementCount(CAT);
195  QualType EltTy = Ctx.getBaseElementType(CAT);
196  CharUnits EltSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(EltTy);
197  appendStr("_AB" + llvm::to_string(FieldOffset.getQuantity()) + "s" +
198  llvm::to_string(EltSize.getQuantity()) + "n" +
199  llvm::to_string(NumElts));
200  EltTy = IsVolatile ? EltTy.withVolatile() : EltTy;
201  asDerived().visitWithKind(FK, EltTy, nullptr, FieldOffset);
202  appendStr("_AE");
203  }
205  void appendStr(StringRef Str) { Name += Str; }
207  std::string getName(QualType QT, bool IsVolatile) {
208  QT = IsVolatile ? QT.withVolatile() : QT;
209  asDerived().visitStructFields(QT, CharUnits::Zero());
210  return Name;
211  }
213  Derived &asDerived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
215  std::string Name;
216 };
218 template <class Derived>
219 struct GenUnaryFuncName : StructVisitor<Derived>, GenFuncNameBase<Derived> {
220  GenUnaryFuncName(StringRef Prefix, CharUnits DstAlignment, ASTContext &Ctx)
221  : StructVisitor<Derived>(Ctx) {
222  this->appendStr(Prefix);
223  this->appendStr(llvm::to_string(DstAlignment.getQuantity()));
224  }
225 };
227 // Helper function to create a null constant.
228 static llvm::Constant *getNullForVariable(Address Addr) {
229  llvm::Type *Ty = Addr.getElementType();
230  return llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(cast<llvm::PointerType>(Ty));
231 }
233 template <bool IsMove>
234 struct GenBinaryFuncName : CopyStructVisitor<GenBinaryFuncName<IsMove>, IsMove>,
235  GenFuncNameBase<GenBinaryFuncName<IsMove>> {
237  GenBinaryFuncName(StringRef Prefix, CharUnits DstAlignment,
238  CharUnits SrcAlignment, ASTContext &Ctx)
239  : CopyStructVisitor<GenBinaryFuncName<IsMove>, IsMove>(Ctx) {
240  this->appendStr(Prefix);
241  this->appendStr(llvm::to_string(DstAlignment.getQuantity()));
242  this->appendStr("_" + llvm::to_string(SrcAlignment.getQuantity()));
243  }
245  void flushTrivialFields() {
246  if (this->Start == this->End)
247  return;
249  this->appendStr("_t" + llvm::to_string(this->Start.getQuantity()) + "w" +
250  llvm::to_string((this->End - this->Start).getQuantity()));
252  this->Start = this->End = CharUnits::Zero();
253  }
255  void visitVolatileTrivial(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD,
256  CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
257  // Zero-length bit-fields don't need to be copied/assigned.
258  if (FD && FD->isZeroLengthBitField(this->Ctx))
259  return;
261  // Because volatile fields can be bit-fields and are individually copied,
262  // their offset and width are in bits.
263  uint64_t OffsetInBits =
264  this->Ctx.toBits(CurStructOffset) + this->getFieldOffsetInBits(FD);
265  this->appendStr("_tv" + llvm::to_string(OffsetInBits) + "w" +
266  llvm::to_string(getFieldSize(FD, FT, this->Ctx)));
267  }
268 };
270 struct GenDefaultInitializeFuncName
271  : GenUnaryFuncName<GenDefaultInitializeFuncName>,
272  DefaultInitializedTypeVisitor<GenDefaultInitializeFuncName> {
274  GenDefaultInitializeFuncName(CharUnits DstAlignment, ASTContext &Ctx)
275  : GenUnaryFuncName<GenDefaultInitializeFuncName>("__default_constructor_",
276  DstAlignment, Ctx) {}
277  void visitWithKind(QualType::PrimitiveDefaultInitializeKind PDIK, QualType FT,
278  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
279  if (const auto *AT = getContext().getAsArrayType(FT)) {
280  visitArray(PDIK, AT, FT.isVolatileQualified(), FD, CurStructOffset);
281  return;
282  }
284  Super::visitWithKind(PDIK, FT, FD, CurStructOffset);
285  }
286 };
288 struct GenDestructorFuncName : GenUnaryFuncName<GenDestructorFuncName>,
289  DestructedTypeVisitor<GenDestructorFuncName> {
291  GenDestructorFuncName(const char *Prefix, CharUnits DstAlignment,
292  ASTContext &Ctx)
293  : GenUnaryFuncName<GenDestructorFuncName>(Prefix, DstAlignment, Ctx) {}
294  void visitWithKind(QualType::DestructionKind DK, QualType FT,
295  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset) {
296  if (const auto *AT = getContext().getAsArrayType(FT)) {
297  visitArray(DK, AT, FT.isVolatileQualified(), FD, CurStructOffset);
298  return;
299  }
301  Super::visitWithKind(DK, FT, FD, CurStructOffset);
302  }
303 };
305 // Helper function that creates CGFunctionInfo for an N-ary special function.
306 template <size_t N>
307 static const CGFunctionInfo &getFunctionInfo(CodeGenModule &CGM,
308  FunctionArgList &Args) {
309  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
311  QualType ParamTy = Ctx.getPointerType(Ctx.VoidPtrTy);
313  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I)
314  Params.push_back(ImplicitParamDecl::Create(
315  Ctx, nullptr, SourceLocation(), &Ctx.Idents.get(ValNameStr[I]), ParamTy,
318  llvm::append_range(Args, Params);
320  return CGM.getTypes().arrangeBuiltinFunctionDeclaration(Ctx.VoidTy, Args);
321 }
323 template <size_t N, size_t... Ints>
324 static std::array<Address, N> getParamAddrs(std::index_sequence<Ints...> IntSeq,
325  std::array<CharUnits, N> Alignments,
326  const FunctionArgList &Args,
327  CodeGenFunction *CGF) {
328  return std::array<Address, N>{
329  {Address(CGF->Builder.CreateLoad(CGF->GetAddrOfLocalVar(Args[Ints])),
330  CGF->VoidPtrTy, Alignments[Ints], KnownNonNull)...}};
331 }
333 // Template classes that are used as bases for classes that emit special
334 // functions.
335 template <class Derived> struct GenFuncBase {
336  template <size_t N>
337  void visitStruct(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
338  std::array<Address, N> Addrs) {
339  this->asDerived().callSpecialFunction(
340  FT, CurStructOffset + asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD), Addrs);
341  }
343  template <class FieldKind, size_t N>
344  void visitArray(FieldKind FK, const ArrayType *AT, bool IsVolatile,
345  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
346  std::array<Address, N> Addrs) {
347  // Non-volatile trivial fields are copied when flushTrivialFields is called.
348  if (!FK)
349  return asDerived().visitTrivial(QualType(AT, 0), FD, CurStructOffset,
350  Addrs);
352  asDerived().flushTrivialFields(Addrs);
353  CodeGenFunction &CGF = *this->CGF;
354  ASTContext &Ctx = CGF.getContext();
356  // Compute the end address.
357  QualType BaseEltQT;
358  std::array<Address, N> StartAddrs = Addrs;
359  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I)
360  StartAddrs[I] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[I], CurStructOffset, FD);
361  Address DstAddr = StartAddrs[DstIdx];
362  llvm::Value *NumElts = CGF.emitArrayLength(AT, BaseEltQT, DstAddr);
363  unsigned BaseEltSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(BaseEltQT).getQuantity();
364  llvm::Value *BaseEltSizeVal =
365  llvm::ConstantInt::get(NumElts->getType(), BaseEltSize);
366  llvm::Value *SizeInBytes =
367  CGF.Builder.CreateNUWMul(BaseEltSizeVal, NumElts);
368  llvm::Value *DstArrayEnd = CGF.Builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(
369  CGF.Int8Ty, DstAddr.emitRawPointer(CGF), SizeInBytes);
370  llvm::BasicBlock *PreheaderBB = CGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
372  // Create the header block and insert the phi instructions.
373  llvm::BasicBlock *HeaderBB = CGF.createBasicBlock("loop.header");
374  CGF.EmitBlock(HeaderBB);
375  llvm::PHINode *PHIs[N];
377  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I) {
378  PHIs[I] = CGF.Builder.CreatePHI(CGF.CGM.Int8PtrPtrTy, 2, "addr.cur");
379  PHIs[I]->addIncoming(StartAddrs[I].emitRawPointer(CGF), PreheaderBB);
380  }
382  // Create the exit and loop body blocks.
383  llvm::BasicBlock *ExitBB = CGF.createBasicBlock("loop.exit");
384  llvm::BasicBlock *LoopBB = CGF.createBasicBlock("loop.body");
386  // Emit the comparison and conditional branch instruction that jumps to
387  // either the exit or the loop body.
388  llvm::Value *Done =
389  CGF.Builder.CreateICmpEQ(PHIs[DstIdx], DstArrayEnd, "done");
390  CGF.Builder.CreateCondBr(Done, ExitBB, LoopBB);
392  // Visit the element of the array in the loop body.
393  CGF.EmitBlock(LoopBB);
394  QualType EltQT = AT->getElementType();
395  CharUnits EltSize = Ctx.getTypeSizeInChars(EltQT);
396  std::array<Address, N> NewAddrs = Addrs;
398  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I)
399  NewAddrs[I] =
400  Address(PHIs[I], CGF.Int8PtrTy,
401  StartAddrs[I].getAlignment().alignmentAtOffset(EltSize));
403  EltQT = IsVolatile ? EltQT.withVolatile() : EltQT;
404  this->asDerived().visitWithKind(FK, EltQT, nullptr, CharUnits::Zero(),
405  NewAddrs);
407  LoopBB = CGF.Builder.GetInsertBlock();
409  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I) {
410  // Instrs to update the destination and source addresses.
411  // Update phi instructions.
412  NewAddrs[I] = getAddrWithOffset(NewAddrs[I], EltSize);
413  PHIs[I]->addIncoming(NewAddrs[I].emitRawPointer(CGF), LoopBB);
414  }
416  // Insert an unconditional branch to the header block.
417  CGF.Builder.CreateBr(HeaderBB);
418  CGF.EmitBlock(ExitBB);
419  }
421  /// Return an address with the specified offset from the passed address.
422  Address getAddrWithOffset(Address Addr, CharUnits Offset) {
423  assert(Addr.isValid() && "invalid address");
424  if (Offset.getQuantity() == 0)
425  return Addr;
426  Addr = Addr.withElementType(CGF->CGM.Int8Ty);
427  Addr = CGF->Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP(Addr, Offset.getQuantity());
428  return Addr.withElementType(CGF->CGM.Int8PtrTy);
429  }
431  Address getAddrWithOffset(Address Addr, CharUnits StructFieldOffset,
432  const FieldDecl *FD) {
433  return getAddrWithOffset(Addr, StructFieldOffset +
434  asDerived().getFieldOffset(FD));
435  }
437  template <size_t N>
438  llvm::Function *getFunction(StringRef FuncName, QualType QT,
439  std::array<CharUnits, N> Alignments,
440  CodeGenModule &CGM) {
441  // If the special function already exists in the module, return it.
442  if (llvm::Function *F = CGM.getModule().getFunction(FuncName)) {
443  bool WrongType = false;
444  if (!F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy())
445  WrongType = true;
446  else {
447  for (const llvm::Argument &Arg : F->args())
448  if (Arg.getType() != CGM.Int8PtrPtrTy)
449  WrongType = true;
450  }
452  if (WrongType) {
453  std::string FuncName = std::string(F->getName());
454  SourceLocation Loc = QT->castAs<RecordType>()->getDecl()->getLocation();
455  CGM.Error(Loc, "special function " + FuncName +
456  " for non-trivial C struct has incorrect type");
457  return nullptr;
458  }
459  return F;
460  }
462  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
463  FunctionArgList Args;
464  const CGFunctionInfo &FI = getFunctionInfo<N>(CGM, Args);
465  llvm::FunctionType *FuncTy = CGM.getTypes().GetFunctionType(FI);
466  llvm::Function *F =
467  llvm::Function::Create(FuncTy, llvm::GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage,
468  FuncName, &CGM.getModule());
469  F->setVisibility(llvm::GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
470  CGM.SetLLVMFunctionAttributes(GlobalDecl(), FI, F, /*IsThunk=*/false);
472  CodeGenFunction NewCGF(CGM);
473  setCGF(&NewCGF);
474  CGF->StartFunction(GlobalDecl(), Ctx.VoidTy, F, FI, Args);
475  auto AL = ApplyDebugLocation::CreateArtificial(*CGF);
476  std::array<Address, N> Addrs =
477  getParamAddrs<N>(std::make_index_sequence<N>{}, Alignments, Args, CGF);
478  asDerived().visitStructFields(QT, CharUnits::Zero(), Addrs);
479  CGF->FinishFunction();
480  return F;
481  }
483  template <size_t N>
484  void callFunc(StringRef FuncName, QualType QT, std::array<Address, N> Addrs,
485  CodeGenFunction &CallerCGF) {
486  std::array<CharUnits, N> Alignments;
487  llvm::Value *Ptrs[N];
489  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I) {
490  Alignments[I] = Addrs[I].getAlignment();
491  Ptrs[I] = Addrs[I].emitRawPointer(CallerCGF);
492  }
494  if (llvm::Function *F =
495  getFunction(FuncName, QT, Alignments, CallerCGF.CGM))
496  CallerCGF.EmitNounwindRuntimeCall(F, Ptrs);
497  }
499  Derived &asDerived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
501  void setCGF(CodeGenFunction *F) { CGF = F; }
503  CodeGenFunction *CGF = nullptr;
504 };
506 template <class Derived, bool IsMove>
507 struct GenBinaryFunc : CopyStructVisitor<Derived, IsMove>,
508  GenFuncBase<Derived> {
509  GenBinaryFunc(ASTContext &Ctx) : CopyStructVisitor<Derived, IsMove>(Ctx) {}
511  void flushTrivialFields(std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
512  CharUnits Size = this->End - this->Start;
514  if (Size.getQuantity() == 0)
515  return;
517  Address DstAddr = this->getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], this->Start);
518  Address SrcAddr = this->getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], this->Start);
520  // Emit memcpy.
521  if (Size.getQuantity() >= 16 ||
522  !llvm::has_single_bit<uint32_t>(Size.getQuantity())) {
523  llvm::Value *SizeVal =
524  llvm::ConstantInt::get(this->CGF->SizeTy, Size.getQuantity());
525  DstAddr = DstAddr.withElementType(this->CGF->Int8Ty);
526  SrcAddr = SrcAddr.withElementType(this->CGF->Int8Ty);
527  this->CGF->Builder.CreateMemCpy(DstAddr, SrcAddr, SizeVal, false);
528  } else {
529  llvm::Type *Ty = llvm::Type::getIntNTy(
530  this->CGF->getLLVMContext(),
531  Size.getQuantity() * this->CGF->getContext().getCharWidth());
532  DstAddr = DstAddr.withElementType(Ty);
533  SrcAddr = SrcAddr.withElementType(Ty);
534  llvm::Value *SrcVal = this->CGF->Builder.CreateLoad(SrcAddr, false);
535  this->CGF->Builder.CreateStore(SrcVal, DstAddr, false);
536  }
538  this->Start = this->End = CharUnits::Zero();
539  }
541  template <class... Ts>
542  void visitVolatileTrivial(QualType FT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits Offset,
543  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
544  LValue DstLV, SrcLV;
545  if (FD) {
546  // No need to copy zero-length bit-fields.
547  if (FD->isZeroLengthBitField(this->CGF->getContext()))
548  return;
550  QualType RT = QualType(FD->getParent()->getTypeForDecl(), 0);
551  llvm::Type *Ty = this->CGF->ConvertType(RT);
552  Address DstAddr = this->getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset);
553  LValue DstBase =
554  this->CGF->MakeAddrLValue(DstAddr.withElementType(Ty), FT);
555  DstLV = this->CGF->EmitLValueForField(DstBase, FD);
556  Address SrcAddr = this->getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], Offset);
557  LValue SrcBase =
558  this->CGF->MakeAddrLValue(SrcAddr.withElementType(Ty), FT);
559  SrcLV = this->CGF->EmitLValueForField(SrcBase, FD);
560  } else {
561  llvm::Type *Ty = this->CGF->ConvertTypeForMem(FT);
562  Address DstAddr = Addrs[DstIdx].withElementType(Ty);
563  Address SrcAddr = Addrs[SrcIdx].withElementType(Ty);
564  DstLV = this->CGF->MakeAddrLValue(DstAddr, FT);
565  SrcLV = this->CGF->MakeAddrLValue(SrcAddr, FT);
566  }
567  RValue SrcVal = this->CGF->EmitLoadOfLValue(SrcLV, SourceLocation());
568  this->CGF->EmitStoreThroughLValue(SrcVal, DstLV);
569  }
570 };
572 // These classes that emit the special functions for a non-trivial struct.
573 struct GenDestructor : StructVisitor<GenDestructor>,
574  GenFuncBase<GenDestructor>,
575  DestructedTypeVisitor<GenDestructor> {
577  GenDestructor(ASTContext &Ctx) : StructVisitor<GenDestructor>(Ctx) {}
579  void visitWithKind(QualType::DestructionKind DK, QualType FT,
580  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
581  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
582  if (const auto *AT = getContext().getAsArrayType(FT)) {
583  visitArray(DK, AT, FT.isVolatileQualified(), FD, CurStructOffset, Addrs);
584  return;
585  }
587  Super::visitWithKind(DK, FT, FD, CurStructOffset, Addrs);
588  }
590  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
591  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
593  *CGF, getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD), QT);
594  }
596  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
597  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
598  CGF->destroyARCWeak(
599  *CGF, getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD), QT);
600  }
603  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
605  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset), FT));
606  }
607 };
609 struct GenDefaultInitialize
610  : StructVisitor<GenDefaultInitialize>,
611  GenFuncBase<GenDefaultInitialize>,
612  DefaultInitializedTypeVisitor<GenDefaultInitialize> {
614  typedef GenFuncBase<GenDefaultInitialize> GenFuncBaseTy;
616  GenDefaultInitialize(ASTContext &Ctx)
617  : StructVisitor<GenDefaultInitialize>(Ctx) {}
619  void visitWithKind(QualType::PrimitiveDefaultInitializeKind PDIK, QualType FT,
620  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
621  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
622  if (const auto *AT = getContext().getAsArrayType(FT)) {
623  visitArray(PDIK, AT, FT.isVolatileQualified(), FD, CurStructOffset,
624  Addrs);
625  return;
626  }
628  Super::visitWithKind(PDIK, FT, FD, CurStructOffset, Addrs);
629  }
631  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
632  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
634  getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD), QT);
635  }
637  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
638  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
640  getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD), QT);
641  }
643  template <class FieldKind, size_t... Is>
644  void visitArray(FieldKind FK, const ArrayType *AT, bool IsVolatile,
645  const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
646  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
647  if (!FK)
648  return visitTrivial(QualType(AT, 0), FD, CurStructOffset, Addrs);
650  ASTContext &Ctx = getContext();
652  QualType EltTy = Ctx.getBaseElementType(QualType(AT, 0));
654  if (Size < CharUnits::fromQuantity(16) || EltTy->getAs<RecordType>()) {
655  GenFuncBaseTy::visitArray(FK, AT, IsVolatile, FD, CurStructOffset, Addrs);
656  return;
657  }
659  llvm::Constant *SizeVal = CGF->Builder.getInt64(Size.getQuantity());
660  Address DstAddr = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
661  Address Loc = DstAddr.withElementType(CGF->Int8Ty);
662  CGF->Builder.CreateMemSet(Loc, CGF->Builder.getInt8(0), SizeVal,
663  IsVolatile);
664  }
667  std::array<Address, 1> Addrs) {
669  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset), FT));
670  }
671 };
673 struct GenCopyConstructor : GenBinaryFunc<GenCopyConstructor, false> {
674  GenCopyConstructor(ASTContext &Ctx)
675  : GenBinaryFunc<GenCopyConstructor, false>(Ctx) {}
677  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
678  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
679  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
680  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
681  llvm::Value *SrcVal = CGF->EmitLoadOfScalar(
682  Addrs[SrcIdx], QT.isVolatileQualified(), QT, SourceLocation());
683  llvm::Value *Val = CGF->EmitARCRetain(QT, SrcVal);
684  CGF->EmitStoreOfScalar(Val, CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], QT), true);
685  }
687  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
688  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
689  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
690  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
691  CGF->EmitARCCopyWeak(Addrs[DstIdx], Addrs[SrcIdx]);
692  }
695  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
696  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset);
697  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], Offset);
698  CGF->callCStructCopyConstructor(CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], FT),
699  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], FT));
700  }
701 };
703 struct GenMoveConstructor : GenBinaryFunc<GenMoveConstructor, true> {
704  GenMoveConstructor(ASTContext &Ctx)
705  : GenBinaryFunc<GenMoveConstructor, true>(Ctx) {}
707  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
708  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
709  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
710  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
711  LValue SrcLV = CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], QT);
712  llvm::Value *SrcVal =
714  CGF->EmitStoreOfScalar(getNullForVariable(SrcLV.getAddress()), SrcLV);
715  CGF->EmitStoreOfScalar(SrcVal, CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], QT),
716  /* isInitialization */ true);
717  }
719  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
720  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
721  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
722  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
723  CGF->EmitARCMoveWeak(Addrs[DstIdx], Addrs[SrcIdx]);
724  }
727  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
728  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset);
729  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], Offset);
730  CGF->callCStructMoveConstructor(CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], FT),
731  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], FT));
732  }
733 };
735 struct GenCopyAssignment : GenBinaryFunc<GenCopyAssignment, false> {
736  GenCopyAssignment(ASTContext &Ctx)
737  : GenBinaryFunc<GenCopyAssignment, false>(Ctx) {}
739  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
740  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
741  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
742  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
743  llvm::Value *SrcVal = CGF->EmitLoadOfScalar(
744  Addrs[SrcIdx], QT.isVolatileQualified(), QT, SourceLocation());
745  CGF->EmitARCStoreStrong(CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], QT), SrcVal,
746  false);
747  }
749  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
750  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
751  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
752  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
753  CGF->emitARCCopyAssignWeak(QT, Addrs[DstIdx], Addrs[SrcIdx]);
754  }
757  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
758  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset);
759  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], Offset);
761  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], FT),
762  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], FT));
763  }
764 };
766 struct GenMoveAssignment : GenBinaryFunc<GenMoveAssignment, true> {
767  GenMoveAssignment(ASTContext &Ctx)
768  : GenBinaryFunc<GenMoveAssignment, true>(Ctx) {}
770  void visitARCStrong(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD,
771  CharUnits CurStructOffset, std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
772  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
773  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
774  LValue SrcLV = CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], QT);
775  llvm::Value *SrcVal =
777  CGF->EmitStoreOfScalar(getNullForVariable(SrcLV.getAddress()), SrcLV);
778  LValue DstLV = CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], QT);
779  llvm::Value *DstVal =
781  CGF->EmitStoreOfScalar(SrcVal, DstLV);
782  CGF->EmitARCRelease(DstVal, ARCImpreciseLifetime);
783  }
785  void visitARCWeak(QualType QT, const FieldDecl *FD, CharUnits CurStructOffset,
786  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
787  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
788  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], CurStructOffset, FD);
789  CGF->emitARCMoveAssignWeak(QT, Addrs[DstIdx], Addrs[SrcIdx]);
790  }
793  std::array<Address, 2> Addrs) {
794  Addrs[DstIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[DstIdx], Offset);
795  Addrs[SrcIdx] = getAddrWithOffset(Addrs[SrcIdx], Offset);
797  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[DstIdx], FT),
798  CGF->MakeAddrLValue(Addrs[SrcIdx], FT));
799  }
800 };
802 } // namespace
805  Address Addr, QualType Type) {
806  CGF.callCStructDestructor(CGF.MakeAddrLValue(Addr, Type));
807 }
809 // Default-initialize a variable that is a non-trivial struct or an array of
810 // such structure.
812  GenDefaultInitialize Gen(getContext());
814  Gen.setCGF(this);
815  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
816  QT = Dst.isVolatile() ? QT.withVolatile() : QT;
817  Gen.visit(QT, nullptr, CharUnits::Zero(), std::array<Address, 1>({{DstPtr}}));
818 }
820 template <class G, size_t N>
821 static void callSpecialFunction(G &&Gen, StringRef FuncName, QualType QT,
822  bool IsVolatile, CodeGenFunction &CGF,
823  std::array<Address, N> Addrs) {
824  auto SetArtificialLoc = ApplyDebugLocation::CreateArtificial(CGF);
825  for (unsigned I = 0; I < N; ++I)
826  Addrs[I] = Addrs[I].withElementType(CGF.CGM.Int8PtrTy);
827  QT = IsVolatile ? QT.withVolatile() : QT;
828  Gen.callFunc(FuncName, QT, Addrs, CGF);
829 }
831 template <class G, size_t N>
832 static llvm::Function *
833 getSpecialFunction(G &&Gen, StringRef FuncName, QualType QT, bool IsVolatile,
834  std::array<CharUnits, N> Alignments, CodeGenModule &CGM) {
835  QT = IsVolatile ? QT.withVolatile() : QT;
836  // The following call requires an array of addresses as arguments, but doesn't
837  // actually use them (it overwrites them with the addresses of the arguments
838  // of the created function).
839  return Gen.getFunction(FuncName, QT, Alignments, CGM);
840 }
842 // Functions to emit calls to the special functions of a non-trivial C struct.
844  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile();
845  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress();
846  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
847  GenDefaultInitializeFuncName GenName(DstPtr.getAlignment(), getContext());
848  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
849  callSpecialFunction(GenDefaultInitialize(getContext()), FuncName, QT,
850  IsVolatile, *this, std::array<Address, 1>({{DstPtr}}));
851 }
854  QualType QT, CharUnits Alignment, bool IsVolatile, ASTContext &Ctx) {
855  GenBinaryFuncName<false> GenName("", Alignment, Alignment, Ctx);
856  return GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
857 }
860  CharUnits Alignment,
861  bool IsVolatile,
862  ASTContext &Ctx) {
863  GenDestructorFuncName GenName("", Alignment, Ctx);
864  return GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
865 }
868  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile();
869  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress();
870  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
871  GenDestructorFuncName GenName("__destructor_", DstPtr.getAlignment(),
872  getContext());
873  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
874  callSpecialFunction(GenDestructor(getContext()), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
875  *this, std::array<Address, 1>({{DstPtr}}));
876 }
879  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile() || Src.isVolatile();
880  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress(), SrcPtr = Src.getAddress();
881  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
882  GenBinaryFuncName<false> GenName("__copy_constructor_", DstPtr.getAlignment(),
883  SrcPtr.getAlignment(), getContext());
884  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
885  callSpecialFunction(GenCopyConstructor(getContext()), FuncName, QT,
886  IsVolatile, *this,
887  std::array<Address, 2>({{DstPtr, SrcPtr}}));
888 }
892 ) {
893  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile() || Src.isVolatile();
894  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress(), SrcPtr = Src.getAddress();
895  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
896  GenBinaryFuncName<false> GenName("__copy_assignment_", DstPtr.getAlignment(),
897  SrcPtr.getAlignment(), getContext());
898  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
899  callSpecialFunction(GenCopyAssignment(getContext()), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
900  *this, std::array<Address, 2>({{DstPtr, SrcPtr}}));
901 }
904  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile() || Src.isVolatile();
905  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress(), SrcPtr = Src.getAddress();
906  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
907  GenBinaryFuncName<true> GenName("__move_constructor_", DstPtr.getAlignment(),
908  SrcPtr.getAlignment(), getContext());
909  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
910  callSpecialFunction(GenMoveConstructor(getContext()), FuncName, QT,
911  IsVolatile, *this,
912  std::array<Address, 2>({{DstPtr, SrcPtr}}));
913 }
917 ) {
918  bool IsVolatile = Dst.isVolatile() || Src.isVolatile();
919  Address DstPtr = Dst.getAddress(), SrcPtr = Src.getAddress();
920  QualType QT = Dst.getType();
921  GenBinaryFuncName<true> GenName("__move_assignment_", DstPtr.getAlignment(),
922  SrcPtr.getAlignment(), getContext());
923  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
924  callSpecialFunction(GenMoveAssignment(getContext()), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
925  *this, std::array<Address, 2>({{DstPtr, SrcPtr}}));
926 }
929  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
930  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
931  GenDefaultInitializeFuncName GenName(DstAlignment, Ctx);
932  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
933  return getSpecialFunction(GenDefaultInitialize(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
934  std::array<CharUnits, 1>({{DstAlignment}}), CGM);
935 }
938  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment,
939  bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
940  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
941  GenBinaryFuncName<false> GenName("__copy_constructor_", DstAlignment,
942  SrcAlignment, Ctx);
943  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
944  return getSpecialFunction(
945  GenCopyConstructor(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
946  std::array<CharUnits, 2>({{DstAlignment, SrcAlignment}}), CGM);
947 }
950  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment,
951  bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
952  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
953  GenBinaryFuncName<true> GenName("__move_constructor_", DstAlignment,
954  SrcAlignment, Ctx);
955  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
956  return getSpecialFunction(
957  GenMoveConstructor(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
958  std::array<CharUnits, 2>({{DstAlignment, SrcAlignment}}), CGM);
959 }
962  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment,
963  bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
964  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
965  GenBinaryFuncName<false> GenName("__copy_assignment_", DstAlignment,
966  SrcAlignment, Ctx);
967  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
968  return getSpecialFunction(
969  GenCopyAssignment(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
970  std::array<CharUnits, 2>({{DstAlignment, SrcAlignment}}), CGM);
971 }
974  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment,
975  bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
976  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
977  GenBinaryFuncName<true> GenName("__move_assignment_", DstAlignment,
978  SrcAlignment, Ctx);
979  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
980  return getSpecialFunction(
981  GenMoveAssignment(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
982  std::array<CharUnits, 2>({{DstAlignment, SrcAlignment}}), CGM);
983 }
986  CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT) {
987  ASTContext &Ctx = CGM.getContext();
988  GenDestructorFuncName GenName("__destructor_", DstAlignment, Ctx);
989  std::string FuncName = GenName.getName(QT, IsVolatile);
990  return getSpecialFunction(GenDestructor(Ctx), FuncName, QT, IsVolatile,
991  std::array<CharUnits, 1>({{DstAlignment}}), CGM);
992 }
static bool getFieldOffsetInBits(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const RecordDecl *RD, const FieldDecl *FD, int64_t &Offset)
The offset of a field from the beginning of the record.
Definition: CGExpr.cpp:4119
static llvm::Function * getSpecialFunction(G &&Gen, StringRef FuncName, QualType QT, bool IsVolatile, std::array< CharUnits, N > Alignments, CodeGenModule &CGM)
static uint64_t getFieldSize(const FieldDecl *FD, QualType FT, ASTContext &Ctx)
static void callSpecialFunction(G &&Gen, StringRef FuncName, QualType QT, bool IsVolatile, CodeGenFunction &CGF, std::array< Address, N > Addrs)
static llvm::Constant * getNullForVariable(Address addr)
Given the address of a variable of pointer type, find the correct null to store into it.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:45
unsigned Offset
Definition: Format.cpp:2978
static uint64_t getFieldOffset(const ASTContext &C, const FieldDecl *FD)
static std::string getName(const CallEvent &Call)
SourceLocation Loc
Definition: SemaObjC.cpp:755
SourceLocation End
Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic ...
Definition: ASTContext.h:185
QualType getPointerType(QualType T) const
Return the uniqued reference to the type for a pointer to the specified type.
CanQualType VoidPtrTy
Definition: ASTContext.h:1121
IdentifierTable & Idents
Definition: ASTContext.h:647
QualType getBaseElementType(const ArrayType *VAT) const
Return the innermost element type of an array type.
int64_t toBits(CharUnits CharSize) const
Convert a size in characters to a size in bits.
uint64_t getTypeSize(QualType T) const
Return the size of the specified (complete) type T, in bits.
Definition: ASTContext.h:2355
CharUnits getTypeSizeInChars(QualType T) const
Return the size of the specified (complete) type T, in characters.
CanQualType VoidTy
Definition: ASTContext.h:1094
CharUnits toCharUnitsFromBits(int64_t BitSize) const
Convert a size in bits to a size in characters.
uint64_t getConstantArrayElementCount(const ConstantArrayType *CA) const
Return number of constant array elements.
uint64_t getCharWidth() const
Return the size of the character type, in bits.
Definition: ASTContext.h:2359
Represents an array type, per C99 - Array Declarators.
Definition: Type.h:3530
QualType getElementType() const
Definition: Type.h:3542
CharUnits - This is an opaque type for sizes expressed in character units.
Definition: CharUnits.h:38
QuantityType getQuantity() const
getQuantity - Get the raw integer representation of this quantity.
Definition: CharUnits.h:185
static CharUnits fromQuantity(QuantityType Quantity)
fromQuantity - Construct a CharUnits quantity from a raw integer type.
Definition: CharUnits.h:63
static CharUnits Zero()
Zero - Construct a CharUnits quantity of zero.
Definition: CharUnits.h:53
Like RawAddress, an abstract representation of an aligned address, but the pointer contained in this ...
Definition: Address.h:111
llvm::Value * emitRawPointer(CodeGenFunction &CGF) const
Return the pointer contained in this class after authenticating it and adding offset to it if necessa...
Definition: Address.h:220
CharUnits getAlignment() const
Definition: Address.h:166
llvm::Type * getElementType() const
Return the type of the values stored in this address.
Definition: Address.h:184
Address withElementType(llvm::Type *ElemTy) const
Return address with different element type, but same pointer and alignment.
Definition: Address.h:241
bool isValid() const
Definition: Address.h:154
static ApplyDebugLocation CreateArtificial(CodeGenFunction &CGF)
Apply TemporaryLocation if it is valid.
Definition: CGDebugInfo.h:869
llvm::CallInst * CreateMemSet(Address Dest, llvm::Value *Value, llvm::Value *Size, bool IsVolatile=false)
Definition: CGBuilder.h:397
llvm::StoreInst * CreateStore(llvm::Value *Val, Address Addr, bool IsVolatile=false)
Definition: CGBuilder.h:136
Address CreateConstInBoundsGEP(Address Addr, uint64_t Index, const llvm::Twine &Name="")
Given addr = T* ...
Definition: CGBuilder.h:261
Address CreateInBoundsGEP(Address Addr, ArrayRef< llvm::Value * > IdxList, llvm::Type *ElementType, CharUnits Align, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: CGBuilder.h:345
llvm::LoadInst * CreateLoad(Address Addr, const llvm::Twine &Name="")
Definition: CGBuilder.h:108
llvm::CallInst * CreateMemCpy(Address Dest, Address Src, llvm::Value *Size, bool IsVolatile=false)
Definition: CGBuilder.h:364
CGFunctionInfo - Class to encapsulate the information about a function definition.
CodeGenFunction - This class organizes the per-function state that is used while generating LLVM code...
void EmitARCMoveWeak(Address dst, Address src)
void @objc_moveWeak(i8** dest, i8** src) Disregards the current value in dest.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2647
static Destroyer destroyNonTrivialCStruct
llvm::CallInst * EmitNounwindRuntimeCall(llvm::FunctionCallee callee, const Twine &name="")
LValue EmitLValueForField(LValue Base, const FieldDecl *Field)
Definition: CGExpr.cpp:4833
void callCStructMoveConstructor(LValue Dst, LValue Src)
void EmitNullInitialization(Address DestPtr, QualType Ty)
EmitNullInitialization - Generate code to set a value of the given type to null, If the type contains...
llvm::Type * ConvertType(QualType T)
llvm::Value * EmitARCRetain(QualType type, llvm::Value *value)
Produce the code to do a retain.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2284
llvm::BasicBlock * createBasicBlock(const Twine &name="", llvm::Function *parent=nullptr, llvm::BasicBlock *before=nullptr)
createBasicBlock - Create an LLVM basic block.
llvm::LLVMContext & getLLVMContext()
llvm::Value * EmitARCStoreStrong(LValue lvalue, llvm::Value *value, bool resultIgnored)
Store into a strong object.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2500
static std::string getNonTrivialDestructorStr(QualType QT, CharUnits Alignment, bool IsVolatile, ASTContext &Ctx)
void EmitARCRelease(llvm::Value *value, ARCPreciseLifetime_t precise)
Release the given object.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2436
void defaultInitNonTrivialCStructVar(LValue Dst)
RValue EmitLoadOfLValue(LValue V, SourceLocation Loc)
EmitLoadOfLValue - Given an expression that represents a value lvalue, this method emits the address ...
Definition: CGExpr.cpp:2168
void callCStructCopyAssignmentOperator(LValue Dst, LValue Src)
static Destroyer destroyARCStrongImprecise
void StartFunction(GlobalDecl GD, QualType RetTy, llvm::Function *Fn, const CGFunctionInfo &FnInfo, const FunctionArgList &Args, SourceLocation Loc=SourceLocation(), SourceLocation StartLoc=SourceLocation())
Emit code for the start of a function.
llvm::Value * emitArrayLength(const ArrayType *arrayType, QualType &baseType, Address &addr)
emitArrayLength - Compute the length of an array, even if it's a VLA, and drill down to the base elem...
void callCStructCopyConstructor(LValue Dst, LValue Src)
void callCStructMoveAssignmentOperator(LValue Dst, LValue Src)
void emitARCMoveAssignWeak(QualType Ty, Address DstAddr, Address SrcAddr)
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2669
llvm::Value * EmitLoadOfScalar(Address Addr, bool Volatile, QualType Ty, SourceLocation Loc, AlignmentSource Source=AlignmentSource::Type, bool isNontemporal=false)
EmitLoadOfScalar - Load a scalar value from an address, taking care to appropriately convert from the...
void EmitStoreThroughLValue(RValue Src, LValue Dst, bool isInit=false)
EmitStoreThroughLValue - Store the specified rvalue into the specified lvalue, where both are guarant...
Definition: CGExpr.cpp:2344
llvm::Type * ConvertTypeForMem(QualType T)
static std::string getNonTrivialCopyConstructorStr(QualType QT, CharUnits Alignment, bool IsVolatile, ASTContext &Ctx)
LValue MakeAddrLValue(Address Addr, QualType T, AlignmentSource Source=AlignmentSource::Type)
void FinishFunction(SourceLocation EndLoc=SourceLocation())
FinishFunction - Complete IR generation of the current function.
Address GetAddrOfLocalVar(const VarDecl *VD)
GetAddrOfLocalVar - Return the address of a local variable.
void EmitARCCopyWeak(Address dst, Address src)
void @objc_copyWeak(i8** dest, i8** src) Disregards the current value in dest.
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2656
void emitARCCopyAssignWeak(QualType Ty, Address DstAddr, Address SrcAddr)
Definition: CGObjC.cpp:2662
void EmitStoreOfScalar(llvm::Value *Value, Address Addr, bool Volatile, QualType Ty, AlignmentSource Source=AlignmentSource::Type, bool isInit=false, bool isNontemporal=false)
EmitStoreOfScalar - Store a scalar value to an address, taking care to appropriately convert from the...
void EmitBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *BB, bool IsFinished=false)
EmitBlock - Emit the given block.
Definition: CGStmt.cpp:578
This class organizes the cross-function state that is used while generating LLVM code.
llvm::Module & getModule() const
void Error(SourceLocation loc, StringRef error)
Emit a general error that something can't be done.
ASTContext & getContext() const
void SetLLVMFunctionAttributes(GlobalDecl GD, const CGFunctionInfo &Info, llvm::Function *F, bool IsThunk)
Set the LLVM function attributes (sext, zext, etc).
void SetLLVMFunctionAttributesForDefinition(const Decl *D, llvm::Function *F)
Set the LLVM function attributes which only apply to a function definition.
llvm::FunctionType * GetFunctionType(const CGFunctionInfo &Info)
GetFunctionType - Get the LLVM function type for.
Definition: CGCall.cpp:1641
const CGFunctionInfo & arrangeBuiltinFunctionDeclaration(QualType resultType, const FunctionArgList &args)
A builtin function is a freestanding function using the default C conventions.
Definition: CGCall.cpp:682
FunctionArgList - Type for representing both the decl and type of parameters to a function.
Definition: CGCall.h:351
LValue - This represents an lvalue references.
Definition: CGValue.h:181
bool isVolatile() const
Definition: CGValue.h:331
Address getAddress() const
Definition: CGValue.h:370
QualType getType() const
Definition: CGValue.h:294
RValue - This trivial value class is used to represent the result of an expression that is evaluated.
Definition: CGValue.h:41
llvm::Value * getScalarVal() const
getScalarVal() - Return the Value* of this scalar value.
Definition: CGValue.h:70
Represents the canonical version of C arrays with a specified constant size.
Definition: Type.h:3568
Represents a member of a struct/union/class.
Definition: Decl.h:3060
bool isBitField() const
Determines whether this field is a bitfield.
Definition: Decl.h:3151
unsigned getFieldIndex() const
Returns the index of this field within its record, as appropriate for passing to ASTRecordLayout::get...
Definition: Decl.cpp:4648
bool isZeroLengthBitField(const ASTContext &Ctx) const
Is this a zero-length bit-field? Such bit-fields aren't really bit-fields at all and instead act as a...
Definition: Decl.cpp:4601
unsigned getBitWidthValue(const ASTContext &Ctx) const
Computes the bit width of this field, if this is a bit field.
Definition: Decl.cpp:4596
const RecordDecl * getParent() const
Returns the parent of this field declaration, which is the struct in which this field is defined.
Definition: Decl.h:3273
GlobalDecl - represents a global declaration.
Definition: GlobalDecl.h:56
IdentifierInfo & get(StringRef Name)
Return the identifier token info for the specified named identifier.
static ImplicitParamDecl * Create(ASTContext &C, DeclContext *DC, SourceLocation IdLoc, IdentifierInfo *Id, QualType T, ImplicitParamKind ParamKind)
Create implicit parameter.
Definition: Decl.cpp:5383
A (possibly-)qualified type.
Definition: Type.h:940
bool isVolatileQualified() const
Determine whether this type is volatile-qualified.
Definition: Type.h:7455
Definition: Type.h:1451
QualType withVolatile() const
Definition: Type.h:1162
Represents a struct/union/class.
Definition: Decl.h:4171
field_range fields() const
Definition: Decl.h:4377
A helper class that allows the use of isa/cast/dyncast to detect TagType objects of structs/unions/cl...
Definition: Type.h:5561
Encodes a location in the source.
const Type * getTypeForDecl() const
Definition: Decl.h:3417
The base class of the type hierarchy.
Definition: Type.h:1813
bool isBlockPointerType() const
Definition: Type.h:7632
const T * castAs() const
Member-template castAs<specific type>.
Definition: Type.h:8227
const T * getAs() const
Member-template getAs<specific type>'.
Definition: Type.h:8160
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructCopyConstructor(CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Returns the copy constructor for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields, generating it if nece...
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructMoveConstructor(CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Returns the move constructor for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields, generating it if nece...
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructCopyAssignmentOperator(CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Returns the copy assignment operator for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields,...
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructMoveAssignmentOperator(CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, CharUnits SrcAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Return the move assignment operator for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields,...
@ ARCImpreciseLifetime
Definition: CGValue.h:135
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructDestructor(CodeGenModule &CGM, CharUnits DstAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Returns the destructor for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields, generating it if necessary.
llvm::Function * getNonTrivialCStructDefaultConstructor(CodeGenModule &GCM, CharUnits DstAlignment, bool IsVolatile, QualType QT)
Returns the default constructor for a C struct with non-trivially copyable fields,...
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
@ Other
Other implicit parameter.
@ HiddenVisibility
Objects with "hidden" visibility are not seen by the dynamic linker.
Definition: Visibility.h:37
unsigned long uint64_t
#define true
Definition: stdbool.h:25
#define false
Definition: stdbool.h:26
llvm::IntegerType * Int8Ty
i8, i16, i32, and i64