Quick Example on Intel CPU and GPU¶
If you are using a heterogeneous machine that contains the Intel GPU, please refer to Intel GPU Software Installation
Otherwise, please refer to Intel CPU Software Installation
Use TensorFlow to compute graph: Conv -> ReLU activation -> Bias
import numpy as np
import sys
import tensorflow as tf
# Conv + ReLU activation + Bias
N = 1
num_channel = 3
input_width, input_height = (5, 5)
filter_width, filter_height = (2, 2)
x = np.random.rand(N, input_width, input_height, num_channel).astype(np.float32)
weight = np.random.rand(filter_width, filter_height, num_channel, num_channel).astype(np.float32)
bias = np.random.rand(num_channel).astype(np.float32)
conv = tf.nn.conv2d(x, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
activation = tf.nn.relu(conv)
result = tf.nn.bias_add(activation, bias)
Execute the Code
python quick_example.py
Example Output¶
With successful execution, it will print out the following results:
[[[[3.479142 2.7296917 4.6456823 ]
[4.077278 3.9259825 5.3000765 ]
[3.3999124 3.0527704 4.0656753 ]
[2.85485 2.7297122 3.9373732 ]
[2.4818356 2.1455178 2.4929404 ]]
[[3.6422923 2.718459 4.7090344 ]
[3.988714 3.3391027 4.875052 ]
[3.6461415 2.9349675 4.327398 ]
[3.298973 2.3905785 4.1704025 ]
[1.9154005 1.6926193 1.9677248 ]]
[[3.481086 2.9746864 3.8941312 ]
[3.3221133 2.5479512 4.197306 ]
[3.305706 2.9873173 4.5597944 ]
[3.250221 3.118212 3.8672705 ]
[1.949225 1.2636094 1.5300783 ]]
[[3.1403804 2.1729176 3.6628485 ]
[3.2607155 2.6342418 3.9381838 ]
[2.6761076 2.5063303 3.4718971 ]
[2.8880196 2.1658201 3.3787665 ]
[2.1193419 1.42261 2.318963 ]]
[[1.8809638 1.6514435 2.3549364 ]
[1.8598063 1.517385 1.9702091 ]
[1.9260886 1.3804817 2.381424 ]
[1.6027272 1.7787259 1.9631021 ]
[0.93901324 1.2134862 0.89942324]]]], shape=(1, 5, 5, 3), dtype=float32)
In this example, it is not necessary to import intel_extension_for_tensorflow, and no need to call any of its APIs.
If installed as theintel-extension-for-tensorflow[cpu]
, then the script will choose CPU as the backend and be executed on the CPU automatically; while if installed asintel-extension-for-tensorflow[gpu]
, then the default backend will be GPU and the script will be executed on the GPU.