Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* for C++

This guide shows how to build an Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* CC library from source and how to work with tensorflow_cc to build bindings for C/C++ languages on Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit).

Build the CC library

GPU support

$ bazel build -c opt --config=gpu //itex:itex_gpu_cc

CC library location: <Path to intel-extension-for-tensorflow>/bazel-bin/itex/

CPU only (experimental)

$ bazel build -c opt --config=cpu //itex:itex_cpu_cc

CC library location: <Path to intel-extension-for-tensorflow>/bazel-bin/itex/

Prepare Tensorflow* CC library and header files

Option 2: Build from TensorFlow* source code

a. Prepare TensorFlow* source code

$ git clone
$ cd tensorflow
$ git checkout origin/r2.12 -b r2.12

b. Build

$ ./configure
$ bazel build --jobs 96 --config=opt //
$ ls ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/ location: <Path to tensorflow>/bazel-bin/tensorflow/

c. Create symbolic link for

$ cd ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/
$ ln -s location: <Path to tensorflow>/bazel-bin/tensorflow/

c. Build Tensorflow header files

$ bazel build --config=opt tensorflow:install_headers
$ ls ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/include

Tensorflow header file location: <Path to tensorflow>/bazel-bin/tensorflow/include

Integrate the CC library


Configure the linker environmental variables with Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* CC library ( or path:

$ export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:<Path to intel-extension-for-tensorflow>/bazel-bin/itex/
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<Path to intel-extension-for-tensorflow>/bazel-bin/itex/


TensorFlow* has C API: TF_LoadPluggableDeviceLibrary to support the pluggable device library. To support Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* cc library, we need to modify the original C++ code:

a. Add the header file: "tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.h".

#include "tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.h"

b. Load or by TF_LoadPluggableDeviceLibrary.

TF_Status* status = TF_NewStatus();
TF_LoadPluggableDeviceLibrary(<lib_path>, status);


The original simple example for using TensorFlow* C++ API.

#include "tensorflow/cc/client/client_session.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"

int main() {
  using namespace tensorflow;
  using namespace tensorflow::ops;

  Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope();
  auto X = Variable(root, {5, 2}, DataType::DT_FLOAT);
  auto assign_x = Assign(root, X, RandomNormal(root, {5, 2}, DataType::DT_FLOAT));
  auto Y = Variable(root, {2, 3}, DataType::DT_FLOAT);
  auto assign_y = Assign(root, Y, RandomNormal(root, {2, 3}, DataType::DT_FLOAT));
  auto Z = Const(root, 2.f, {5, 3});
  auto V = MatMul(root, assign_x, assign_y);  
  auto VZ = Add(root, V, Z);

  std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
  ClientSession session(root);
  // Run and fetch VZ
  TF_CHECK_OK(session.Run({VZ}, &outputs));
  LOG(INFO) << "Output:\n" << outputs[0].matrix<float>();
  return 0;

The updated example with Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* enabled

#include "tensorflow/cc/client/client_session.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
+ #include "tensorflow/c/c_api_experimental.h"

int main() {
  using namespace tensorflow;
  using namespace tensorflow::ops;

+  TF_Status* status = TF_NewStatus();
+  string xpu_lib_path = "";
+  TF_LoadPluggableDeviceLibrary(xpu_lib_path.c_str(), status);
+  TF_Code code = TF_GetCode(status);
+  if ( code == TF_OK ) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "intel-extension-for-tensorflow load successfully!";
+  } else {
+      string status_msg(TF_Message(status));
+      LOG(WARNING) << "Could not load intel-extension-for-tensorflow, please check! " << status_msg;
+  }

  Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope();
  auto X = Variable(root, {5, 2}, DataType::DT_FLOAT);
  auto assign_x = Assign(root, X, RandomNormal(root, {5, 2}, DataType::DT_FLOAT));
  auto Y = Variable(root, {2, 3}, DataType::DT_FLOAT);
  auto assign_y = Assign(root, Y, RandomNormal(root, {2, 3}, DataType::DT_FLOAT));
  auto Z = Const(root, 2.f, {5, 3});
  auto V = MatMul(root, assign_x, assign_y);  
  auto VZ = Add(root, V, Z);

  std::vector<Tensor> outputs;
  ClientSession session(root);
  // Run and fetch VZ
  TF_CHECK_OK(session.Run({VZ}, &outputs));
  LOG(INFO) << "Output:\n" << outputs[0].matrix<float>();
  return 0;

Build and run

Place a Makefile file in the same directory of with the following contents:

  • Replace <TF_INCLUDE_PATH> with local Tensorflow* header file path. e.g. <Path to tensorflow_2.12.0>/tensorflow/include

  • Replace <TFCC_PATH> with local Tensorflow* CC library path. e.g. <Path to tensorflow_2.12.0>/tensorflow/

// Makefile
target = example_test
cc = g++
include = -I $(TF_INCLUDE_PATH)
lib = -L $(TFCC_PATH) -ltensorflow_framework -ltensorflow_cc
flag = -Wl,-rpath=$(TFCC_PATH) -std=c++17
source = ./
$(target): $(source)
	$(cc) $(source) -o $(target) $(include) $(lib) $(flag)
	rm $(target)

Go to the directory of and Makefile, then build and run example.

$ make
$ ./example_test

NOTE: For GPU support, please set up oneapi environment variables before running the example.

$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/env/
$ source /opt/intel/oneapi/tbb/latest/env/