Getting Started


Follow instructions at Installation Guide.


Intel® Extension for PyTorch* doesn’t require complex code changes to get it working. Usage is as simple as several-line code change.

In general, APIs invocation should follow orders below.

  1. import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex

  2. Move model and data to GPU with to('xpu'), if you want to run on GPU.

  3. Invoke optimize() function to apply optimizations.

  4. For Torchscript, invoke torch.jit.trace() and torch.jit.freeze().

Note: Please import intel_extension_for_pytorch right after import torch, prior to importing other packages.

import torch
import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex

model = Model()
model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode for inference, as required by ipex.optimize() function.
data = ...
dtype=torch.float32 # torch.bfloat16, torch.float16 (float16 only works on GPU)

##### Run on GPU ######
model ='xpu')
data ='xpu')

model = ipex.optimize(model, dtype=dtype)

########## FP32 ############
with torch.no_grad():
####### BF16 on CPU ########
with torch.no_grad(), with torch.cpu.amp.autocast():
##### BF16/FP16 on GPU #####
with torch.no_grad(), with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=dtype, cache_enabled=False):
  ###### Torchscript #######
  model = torch.jit.trace(model, data)
  model = torch.jit.freeze(model)
  ###### Torchscript #######


More examples, including training and usage of low precision data types are available at Examples.


Execution requires an active Intel® oneAPI environment. Suppose you have the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit installed in /opt/intel/oneapi directory, activating the environment is as simple as sourcing its environment activation bash scripts.

There are some environment variables in runtime that can be used to configure executions on GPU. Please check Advanced Configuration for more detailed information.

source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/
source /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/env/
python <script>