Struct TargetLaunchProperties

Struct Documentation

struct TargetLaunchProperties

Public Members

char const *imagePath = nullptr

(required) Path to executable to launch

char const *workingDirectory = nullptr

(optional) Working directory from which to launch the executable

int argc = 0

(optional) Number of command-line arguments (excluding executable path) to process

char const *const *argv = nullptr

(optional) Command line argument array (excluding executable path)

system::Environment environment

(optional) Environment variable overrides for target process (will overwrite variables of the same name in the target environment)

InjectionProperties injectionProperties

(required) The InjectionProperties struct described above

bool ioRedirectEnabled = true

(optional) Allows to disable standard input-output streams redirect

bool isAntiCheatDetectorEnabled = true

(optional) If enabled starts anti-cheat services detection module

bool isAttachRequested = false

(optional) If enabled waits for the process to be started ouside injector and then attaches

char const *szAttachCondition = nullptr

(optional) Command line to call for checking if attach should continue or wait for next one

char const *szAttachFlavors = nullptr

(optional) To deviate attach mechanism from default behavior