Struct InjectionProperties

Struct Documentation

struct InjectionProperties

Holds properties required for injection.

Public Members

char logLevel[utility::kLogLevelLength] = {}

log level defined by user

TCHAR ipcName[kMaxPathLength] = {}

IPC filename (UNIX socket, named pipes) for communication between shim and launcher.

TCHAR logFilename[utility::kLogFilenameLength] = {}

log output file defined by user

TCHAR skipListFileName[utility::kLogFilenameLength] = {}

skip-list file

TCHAR layerNames[utility::kMaxLayers][utility::kLayerNameLength] = {}

names of the layers to inject

uint64_t layerKeyValueCount[utility::kMaxLayerArgs] = {}

layer arguments

uint32_t numLayers = 0

The number of layers.

uint32_t enableKeyframing = 0

True if capture should keyframe, false otherwise.

uint32_t pageTrackerMode = 0

Integer indicating how the shadow buffer should track memory (see gpa-injector for options) (see gpa-injector for options) (see gpa-injector for options)

gpa::logger::Options logOptions

Copy of log options for log init.

volatile uint32_t processCounter = 0

Counter of alive processes the shim is attached to.

volatile int32_t pids[utility::kMaxProcesses] = {}

Array of PIDs representing processes the shim has been attached to been attached to been attached to

utility::KeyValPair keyValuePairsForLayers[utility::kMaxLayers][utility::kMaxLayerArgs]
TCHAR waitForDebugger[utility::kLogFilenameLength] = {}

Name of the process for which messagebox should be shown after injecting to. "all" value means the messagebox is shown after injecting to every process.

uint32_t disableKeyboardEvents = 1

True if keyboard event publishing is disabled in the shim.

uint32_t hookApiFlags = utility::HookApiFlagBits::kHookAll

Bitmask of apis to hook see @HookApiFlagBits.

uint32_t hookD3D11On12 = 0

True if D3D12 calls from D3D11On12 should be intercepted, false otherwise.

uint32_t injectionMode = utility::InjectionMode::kSetThreadContext
uint32_t sizeOfThis = sizeof(InjectionProperties)
uint64_t exitAfterFrame = 0

Exit application after target frame has been reached.