Function gpa::metrics::QueryReportDescriptionToFlagsMasksByType

Function Documentation

void gpa::metrics::QueryReportDescriptionToFlagsMasksByType(QueryReportDescription const &queryReportDescription, QueryReportFlagsMasksByType &queryReportFlagsMasksByType) noexcept

Function that maps all of the possible flags in a QueryReport (as indicated by the specified QueryReportDescription) to an appropriate mask based on the associated problem or information type.


This function is specific to Intel GPUs and Metrics Discovery library query report flags that are provided by existing graphics drivers. Current as of 2024-02-21. If support for 3rd-party GPU specific masks are needed, declare a new function.

  • queryReportDescription -- [in] Reference to the query report description that will be used to setup the flags masks.

  • queryReportFlagsMasksByType -- [out] Reference to a set of masks that will be initialized for each type of problem that can occur with the query and other information that might happen during the query.