Struct QueryReportDescription

Struct Documentation

struct QueryReportDescription

Struct that holds a general description of a query report which is associated with a query for an associated metric group.


The index of each identified flag is the bit position of the flag within a 64-bit unsigned integer (uint64_t). All unused flags/bits are reserved and will be cleared/zero.


As of 2023-11-21, only metric groups associated with MetricsSource objects of MetricsSourceType type kQueryBased_IntelMD and kTimeBased_IntelMD have any supported flags.

Public Members

uint32_t flagCount = 0u

Number of initialized elements in ppFlagSymbolicNameArray and ppFlagDescriptionArray. Will be in the range [0, 63].

char const **ppFlagSymbolicNameArray = nullptr

Array of flagCount pointers to null-terminated flag symbolic name strings.

char const **ppFlagDescriptionArray = nullptr

Array of flagCount pointers to null-terminated flag description strings.