Class ShaderInfo

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class ShaderInfo : public gpa::playback::ResourceInfo

Graphics API agnostic information for a shader object.

Public Functions

virtual TypeId GetTypeId() const final override

Gets this ShaderInfo's TypeId.


This ShaderInfo's TypeId

Public Members

api_types::ShaderLanguage language = {api_types::GPA_SHADER_LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN}

This ShaderInfo's ShaderLanguage.

api_types::ShaderStageFlagBits stage = {api_types::GPA_SHADER_STAGE_UNKNOWN}

This ShaderInfo's ShaderStage.

size_t entryPointCount = {}

This ShaderInfo's entry point count.

api_types::EntryPoint const *pEntryPoints = {nullptr}

This ShaderInfo's entry points.

char const *pSourceCode = {nullptr}

This ShaderInfo's source code.

size_t byteCodeSize = {0}

This ShaderInfo's byte code size.

uint8_t const *pByteCode = {nullptr}

This ShaderInfo's byte code.

void *shaderData = {nullptr}

Reference to an shader data object to extract additional metadata. Not to be used by client.

uint32_t compilationFlags = {0}

Protected Functions

virtual void OnRegister() final override

This method will be called when this ResourceInfo is registered for the first time.


If this method is overriden ResourceInfo::OnRegister() must be called