Class D3D12DescriptorHeapState

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class D3D12DescriptorHeapState : public gpa::d3d12_state_tracker::D3D12ObjectState

Public Functions

D3D12DescriptorHeapState(ID3D12DescriptorHeap *pHeap, const D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_DESC *pDescriptorHeapDesc, uint32_t uniqueSequentialID)
virtual GUID GetGUID() override

Returns descriptor heap type.

uint32_t GetUniqueID() const

Returns descriptor heaps unique ID.

UINT GetIncrementSize() const

Returns size of single descriptor of this heap.


Returns CPU handle for heap start.

bool CPUHandleObtained() const

Tells if the workoad obtained CPU handle for this descriptor heap.

void CPUHandleObtained(bool val)

Returns GPU handle for heap start.

bool GPUHandleObtained() const

Tells if the workoad obtained CPU handle for this descriptor heap.

void GPUHandleObtained(bool val)
uint64_t GetCPUHandle(DX12Descriptor const &descriptor) const

Returns CPU handle for given descriptor.

std::vector<DX12Descriptor>::iterator GetDescriptor(uint64_t cpuHandle)

Returns iterator to the descriptor on this heap by cpu handle.

size_t GetDescriptorCount() const

Returns number of descriptors in the heap.

std::vector<DX12Descriptor>::iterator begin()

For range-based for.

std::vector<DX12Descriptor>::iterator end()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr GUID sGUID = {0x6f61b7b, 0xba75, 0x4782, {0xa7, 0x1e, 0xb6, 0x24, 0xd3, 0x76, 0xad, 0x71}}

Protected Functions

DX12Descriptor *GetDescriptors()

Returns pointer to descriptor vector contents.

struct CopyCollection

Interface for copying descriptors.

Public Functions

CopyCollection(UINT NumDescriptorRanges, const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE *pDescriptorRangeStarts, const UINT *pDescriptorRangeSizes, D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE type)
void OnNewRange(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rangeStart)
gpa::d3d12_state_tracker::DX12Descriptor &Current()
bool Proceed()

Public Members

uint32_t mNumDescriptorRanges
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE const *mpDescriptorRangeStarts
uint32_t const *mpDescriptorRangeSizes
uint32_t mCurrDescriptorRangeIndex = 0
uint32_t mCurrDescriptorIndexInCurrRange = 0
uint32_t mCurrentRangeHeapIndex = UINT32_MAX
uint32_t mCurrentRangeBaseDescriptorIndex = UINT32_MAX
gpa::d3d12_state_tracker::DX12Descriptor *mCurrentRangeDescriptorHeapContents = nullptr
uint32_t mCurrentHeapTypeIncrementSize = UINT32_MAX