Automating Classification

This example will show you how to automate a manual classification process, determining if a Git repo is maintained or abandoned. We’ll be integrating Machine Learning into an existing application.

For this example assume you are a very curious open source software person. You love looking at git repos in your free time. Every time you come across a Git repo, you dig around, look at the number of committers, number of commits, etc. and come up with maintenance status for the repo (maintained, or unmaintained).

To help you track your assigned statues you built a Python 3 CGI web app.

Screenshot of the very basic web app with a table showing repo URLs and their mantainance status

When you assign a maintenance status to a repo you are classifying it. Instead of manually classifying each repo, we’re going to put some machine learning behind this little web app. The steps we’re going to follow here are generic, they do not apply specifically to this Python CGI setup, this is just an example that was chosen because hopefully it’ll be an easy setup.

CGI Application

The CGI application we’ll be integrating with is comprised of five files. You should create these files and populate them with the code your about to see.

  • The webpage index.html

  • The webpage’s JavaScript main.js

  • The webpage’s CSS theme.css

  • The backend api cgi-bin/

First create the webpage


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Git Repo Maintenance Tracker</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">
    <h1>Git Repo Maintenance Tracker</h1>

    <hr />

      <p>Submit or change the maintenance status of a repo.</p>
      <input id="URL" placeholder="git://server.git/repo"></input>
      <button id="maintained" class="good">Maintained</button>
      <button id="unmaintained" class="dangerous">Unmaintained</button>

    <br />

      <table id="table" style="width:100%">


Then the JavaScript, which will interact with the CGI API.


function populate_table(tableDOM, URLs) {
  var row;
  var col;
  // Clear the table
  tableDOM.innerHTML = '';
  // Headers
  row = document.createElement('tr');
  // URL
  col = document.createElement('td');
  col.innerText = 'URL';
  // Status
  col = document.createElement('td');
  col.innerText = 'Maintained?';
  // Create body
  for (var URL in URLs) {
    // Convert from int to string
    if (URLs[URL]) {
      URLs[URL] = 'Yes';
    } else {
      URLs[URL] = 'No';
    row = document.createElement('tr');
    // URL
    col = document.createElement('td');
    col.innerText = URL;
    // Status
    col = document.createElement('td');
    col.innerText = URLs[URL];

function refreshTable(tableDOM) {
  return fetch('cgi-bin/')
    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json()
    .then(function(URLs) {
      populate_table(tableDOM, URLs);

function setMaintenance(URL, maintained) {
  return fetch('cgi-bin/' +
      '&maintained=' + Number(maintained) +
      '&URL=' + URL)
    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json()

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
  var tableDOM = document.getElementById('table');
  var URLDOM = document.getElementById('URL');
  var maintainedDOM = document.getElementById('maintained');
  var unmaintainedDOM = document.getElementById('unmaintained');

  maintainedDOM.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    setMaintenance(URLDOM.value, true)
      .then(function() {

  unmaintainedDOM.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    setMaintenance(URLDOM.value, false)
      .then(function() {


The style sheet which gives the page colors and styling


.good {
  background-color: lightgreen;

.dangerous {
  background-color: red;

table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  border-collapse: collapse;

Now create the cgi-bin directory which is where our server side Python script will run.

$ mkdir cgi-bin

Then create the backend API script. This script connects to the database and provides two actions.

  • Classify a repo by setting its status to maintained or unmaintained

  • Dump all repos along with their maintenance status which we’ve classified


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import json
import urllib.parse
import mysql.connector

print("Content-Type: application/json")

query = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(os.getenv("QUERY_STRING", default="")))

action = query.get("action", None)

if action is None:
    print(json.dumps({"error": "Missing 'action' query parameter"}))

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(
    user="user", passwd="pass", database="db", port=3306,
cursor = cnx.cursor()

if action == "dump":
    cursor.execute("SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status`")
elif action == "set":
        "REPLACE INTO status (`key`, `maintained`) VALUES(%s, %s)",
        (query["URL"], query["maintained"],),
    print(json.dumps({"success": True}))
    print(json.dumps({"error": "Unknown action"}))


We have to make the cgi-bin directory and API file executable so that the CGI server can run it.

$ chmod 755 cgi-bin cgi-bin/


We’ll be using Python, and docker or podman. If you don’t have docker installed, but you do have podman installed, you can replace “docker” with “podman” in all of the following commands.

Create a virtual environment where we’ll install all our Python packages to. Make sure to update pip in case it’s old, and install setuptools and wheel so that we can install the MySQL package.

$ python -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel

Download the Python client libraries for MySQL.

$ python -m pip install -U \

Start MariaDB (functionally very similar to MySQL which its a fork of).

$ docker run --rm -d --name maintained_db \
    -e MYSQL_USER=user \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db \
    -p 3306:3306 \

Wait for the database to start. Run the following command until you see ready for connections twice in the output.

$ docker logs maintained_db 2>&1 | grep 'ready for'
2020-01-13 21:31:09 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
2020-01-13 21:32:16 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.

Instead of having you go classify a bunch of repos manually, we’re going to assign a bunch of repos a random maintenance status. This will of course produce a meaningless model. If you want a model that’s accurate you should go classify repos for real.

The randomly assigned maintenance status and URL for the repo will be stored in the database. We need to install the dffml-source-mysql plugin to use MariaDB/MySQL with DFFML.

$ python -m pip install -U dffml-source-mysql

To get our dummy data, we’ll be using the GitHub v4 API to search for “todo”. The search should return repos implementing a TODO app.

You’ll need a Personal Access Token to be able to make calls to GitHub’s API. You can create one by following their documentation.

When it presents you with a bunch of checkboxes for difference “scopes” you don’t have to check any of them.

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<paste your personal access token here>

You’ve just pasted your token into your terminal so it will likely show up in your shell’s history. You might want to either remove it from your history, or just delete the token on GitHub’s settings page after you’re done with this tutorial.

Now we’ll write a function to pull the first 10 repo URLs that result from our “TODO” search. The type annotations are important here, make sure you copy them exactly. 0 means unmaintained, 1 means maintained.

import json
import random
import urllib.request
from typing import Dict, Any

GITHUB_API_URL: str = ""
GITHUB_SEARCH: str = json.dumps(
        "query": """
query {
    search(query: "%s", type: REPOSITORY, first: 10) {
        nodes {
            ... on Repository {

def get_repos(query: str, github_token: str) -> dict:
    # Repos organized by their URL with their value being their feature data
    repos: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    # Make the request to the GitHub API
    with urllib.request.urlopen(
            GITHUB_API_URL, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {github_token}"}
        data=(GITHUB_SEARCH % (query,)).encode(),
    ) as response:
        # Loop through the 100 repos that were returned
        for node in json.load(response)["data"]["search"]["nodes"]:
            # Randomly assign a maintenance status for demo purposes
            repos[node["url"]] = {
                "features": {"maintained": random.choice([0, 1])}
    return repos

We’ll use this function as a Source. In DFFML a source is somewhere a dataset is stored. In this case the source is dynamic, it’s pulling from an API and randomly assigning a classification. You could even modify it to ask the user for their manual classification instead of randomly assigning one.

We use the merge command to take data from one source and merge it with data in another source. In our case we’ll be taking records from the get_repos function within and moving them into our database.

The op source allows us to use any OperatationImplementation (a Python function) as a source of records.

We’ll be using the dffml merge command to take the search results from the GitHub API and putting them with their randomly assigned status into our database.

$ dffml merge github=op db=mysql \
    -source-github-opimp github_search:get_repos \
    -source-github-args todo $GITHUB_TOKEN \
    -source-db-insecure \
    -source-db-user user \
    -source-db-password pass \
    -source-db-db db \
    -source-db-key key \
    -source-db-init \
      'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `status` (
         `key` varchar(767) NOT NULL,
         `maintained` TINYINT,
         PRIMARY KEY (`key`)
       ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;' \
    -source-db-records \
      'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status`' \
    -source-db-record \
      'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status` WHERE `key`=%s' \
    -source-db-update \
      'INSERT INTO `status` (`key`, `maintained`) VALUES(%s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `maintained`=%s' \
    -source-db-features '{"maintained": "maintained"}' \
    -source-db-predictions '{}'

Now that we have a database running and have our data in the database, we’re ready to start the CGI server. You’ll want to do this in another terminal. The last argument is the port to serve on, change that number if you already have something running on that port.

$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m http.server --cgi 8000

You can see all the records and their statuses that we imported into the database by calling the API.

$ curl -v '' | \
    python3 -m json.tool

Gathering Data

We now have our dataset of git repos and their maintenance statuses in our web app. If you go to you should see it.

Before we can train a model on this dataset, we need to transform it into something that could be feed to a model. Right now all we have is URLs to git repos.

We’re going to run these repos through DFFML’s data flow orchestrator. We’ll tell the orchestrator to run certain Operations on each one of the URLs. Those Operations will scrape data that is representative of the repo’s maintenance, we can then feed that data into a machine learning model.


This example is centered around machine learning. We’ll be using DataFlows to collect a dataset for training, testing, and prediction. For a deeper understanding of Operations and DataFlows, see the Meta Static Analysis.

The operations we’re going to use are a part of dffml-feature-git, which is a separate Python package from DFFML which we can install via pip. We’ll also use the yaml configloader, since that creates more user friendly configs than json.

$ python -m pip install -U dffml-feature-git dffml-config-yaml

The git operations / features rely on tokei. We need to download and install it first.

$ curl -sSL '' \
    | tar -xvz -C .venv/bin/

Operations are just Python functions, or classes. They define a routine which will be run concurrently with other operations. Here’s an example of the git_commits operation, which will find the number of commits within a date range. This function / operation was installed when you installed the dffml-feature-git package via pip.

 2    inputs={
 3        "repo": git_repository,
 4        "branch": git_branch,
 5        "start_end": date_pair,
 6    },
 7    outputs={"commits": commit_count},
 9async def git_commits(repo: Dict[str, str], branch: str, start_end: List[str]):
10    start, end = start_end
11    commit_count = 0
12    proc = await create(
13        "git",
14        "log",
15        "--oneline",
16        "--before",
17        start,
18        "--after",
19        end,
20        branch,
22    )
23    while not proc.stdout.at_eof():
24        line = await proc.stdout.readline()
25        if line != b"":
26            commit_count += 1
27    await stop(proc)
28    return {"commits": commit_count}

We’re going to use the operations provided in dffml-feature-git to gather our dataset. The following command creates a DataFlow description of how all the operations within dffml-feature-git link together. The DataFlow is stored in the YAML file dataflow.yaml.

$ dffml dataflow create \
    -configloader yaml \
    -inputs \
      10=quarters \
      true=no_git_branch_given \
      '{"authors": {"group": "author_count", "by": "quarter"},
        "commits": {"group": "commit_count", "by": "quarter"},
        "work": {"group": "work_spread", "by": "quarter"}}'=group_by_spec \
    -- \
      group_by \
      make_quarters \
      quarters_back_to_date \
      check_if_valid_git_repository_URL \
      clone_git_repo \
      git_repo_default_branch \
      git_repo_commit_from_date \
      git_repo_author_lines_for_dates \
      work \
      git_commits \
      count_authors \
      cleanup_git_repo \
    | tee dataflow.yaml \
    | tail -n 15
- definition: quarters
  value: 10
- definition: group_by_spec
      by: quarter
      group: author_count
      by: quarter
      group: commit_count
      by: quarter
      group: work_spread

Since operations are run concurrently with each other, DFFML manages locking of input data, such as git repositories. This is done via Definitions which are the variables used as values in the input and output dictionaries. We link together all of the operations in a DataFlow. The pink boxes in the diagram below are the inputs to the network. The purple are the different operations. Arrows show how data moves between operations.

Diagram showing Dataflow

We can also visualize how the individual inputs and outputs are linked together. Inputs and outputs of the same Definition can be linked together automatically.

Diagram showing detailed version of Dataflow

The inputs and outputs of operations within a running DataFlow are organized by contexts. The context for our dataset generation will be the source URL to the Git repo.

  • We will be providing the source URL to the git repo on a per-repo basis.

  • We provide the start date of the zeroith quarter, and 10 instances of quarter, since for each operation, every possible permutation of inputs will be run, quarters_back_to_date is going to take the start date, and the quarter, and produce a date range for that quarter. We use make_quarters and pass 10=quarters to make ten instances of quarter.

  • We’ll also need to provide an input to the output operation group_by_spec. Output operations decide what data generated should be used as feature data, and present it in a usable format.

    • Here we’re telling the group_by operation to create feature data where the author_count, work_spread and commit_count are grouped by the quarter they were generated for.

Training our Model

The model we’ll be using is a part of dffml-model-tensorflow, which is another separate Python package from DFFML which we can install via pip.

$ python -m pip install -U dffml-model-tensorflow

The model is a generic wrapper around Tensorflow’s DNN estimator. We can use it to train on our dataset.

We’re going to put the training command in it’s own file, since it’s very long

We use the DataFlowPreprocessSource to run the DataFlow we created using the above dffml dataflow create command on each repo. When we run the DataFlow we pass it the current date and tell it to use the record’s key as the repo URL (since that’s what the key is).

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# echo command back and exit on error
set -xe

dffml train all \
  -model tfdnnc \
  -model-epochs 400 \
  -model-steps 4000 \
  -model-predict maintained:int:1 \
  -model-classifications 0 1 \
  -model-location modeldir \
  -model-features \
    authors:int:10 \
    commits:int:10 \
    work:int:10 \
  -sources preprocess=dfpreprocess \
  -source-preprocess-dataflow dataflow.yaml \
  -source-preprocess-no_strict \
  -source-preprocess-record_def URL \
  -source-preprocess-inputs "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')=quarter_start_date" \
  -source-preprocess-features maintained:int:1 \
  -source-preprocess-source mysql \
  -source-preprocess-source-insecure \
  -source-preprocess-source-user user \
  -source-preprocess-source-password pass \
  -source-preprocess-source-db db \
  -source-preprocess-source-key key \
  -source-preprocess-source-records \
    'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status`' \
  -source-preprocess-source-record \
    'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status` WHERE `key`=%s' \
  -source-preprocess-source-update \
    'INSERT INTO `status` (`key`, `maintained`) VALUES(%s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `maintained`=%s' \
  -source-preprocess-source-features '{"maintained": "maintained"}' \
  -source-preprocess-source-predictions '{}' \
  -log debug

Run to train the model

The speed of the following command depends on your internet connection, it may take 2 minutes, it may take more. All the git repos in the database will be downloaded, this will also take up space in /tmp, they will be cleaned up automatically.

$ bash

Making a Prediction

Run the operations on the new repo: and have the model make a prediction

We’re going to put the prediction command in it’s own file, since it’s very long

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# echo command back and exit on error
set -xe

# Usage: ./

dffml predict record \
  -update \
  -log debug \
  -keys "${URL}" \
  -model tfdnnc \
  -model-predict maintained:int:1 \
  -model-classifications 0 1 \
  -model-location modeldir \
  -model-features \
    authors:int:10 \
    commits:int:10 \
    work:int:10 \
  -sources preprocess=dfpreprocess \
  -source-preprocess-dataflow dataflow.yaml \
  -source-preprocess-record_def URL \
  -source-preprocess-inputs "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')=quarter_start_date" \
  -source-preprocess-source mysql \
  -source-preprocess-source-insecure \
  -source-preprocess-source-user user \
  -source-preprocess-source-password pass \
  -source-preprocess-source-db db \
  -source-preprocess-source-key key \
  -source-preprocess-source-records \
    'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status`' \
  -source-preprocess-source-record \
    'SELECT `key`, `maintained` FROM `status` WHERE `key`=%s' \
  -source-preprocess-source-update \
    'INSERT INTO `status` (`key`, `maintained`) VALUES(%s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `maintained`=%s' \
  -source-preprocess-source-features '{}' \
  -source-preprocess-source-predictions '{"maintained": ("maintained", None)}'

Run to make a prediction using the model. We’re asking the model to make a prediction on the DFFML repo.

$ bash
        "extra": {},
        "features": {
            "authors": [
            "commits": [
            "work": [
        "key": "",
        "last_updated": "2020-10-12T21:15:13Z",
        "prediction": {
            "maintained": {
                "confidence": 0.9999271631240845,
                "value": "1"

Modifying the Legacy App

Now let’s add a ‘Predict’ button to the app. The button will trigger the operations to be run on the new URL, and then the prediction. The demo app will then take the predicted classification and record that as the classification in the database.

The predict button will trigger an HTTP call to the CGI API. The CGI script will run the same commands we just ran on the command line, and parse the output, which is in JSON format, and set the resulting prediction classification in the database.

We modify the backend CGI Python API to have it call our script.


--- /home/runner/work/dffml/dffml/examples/maintained/cgi-bin/
+++ /home/runner/work/dffml/dffml/examples/maintained/cgi-bin/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import json
+import subprocess
 import urllib.parse
 import mysql.connector
@@ -31,6 +32,14 @@
     print(json.dumps({"success": True}))
+elif action == "predict":
+    # Set current working directory (cwd) to the parent directory of cgi-bin
+    print(
+        subprocess.check_output(
+            ["bash", "", query["URL"]],
+            cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."),
+        ).decode()
+    )
     print(json.dumps({"error": "Unknown action"}))

Test the new prediction capabilities from the command line with curl

$ curl -v '' | \
    python -m json.tool

Hook up the predict button to call our new API by adding an event listener when the Predict button is clicked.


function predict(URL) {
  return fetch('cgi-bin/' + URL)
    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json()

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
  var tableDOM = document.getElementById('table');
  var URLDOM = document.getElementById('URL');
  var predictDOM = document.getElementById('predict');

  predictDOM.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      .then(function() {

We need to import the new script into the main page and add the HTML for the predict button.


--- /home/runner/work/dffml/dffml/examples/maintained/index.html
+++ /home/runner/work/dffml/dffml/examples/maintained/ml.html
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
     <title>Git Repo Maintenance Tracker</title>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="ml.js"></script>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
       <input id="URL" placeholder="git://server.git/repo"></input>
       <button id="maintained" class="good">Maintained</button>
       <button id="unmaintained" class="dangerous">Unmaintained</button>
+      <button id="predict">Predict</button>
     <br />

Visit the web app, and input a Git repo to evaluate into the input field. Then click predict. The demo gif has had all the entries DROPed from the database. But you can look through the table and you’ll find that a prediction has been run on the repo. Congratulations! You’ve automated a manual classification process, and integrated machine learning into a legacy application.
