DataFlow HTTP Deployment

In the Meta Static Analysis we created a command line meta static analysis tool, shouldi.

$ shouldi install dffml insecure-package
dffml is okay to install
Do not install insecure-package!
    safety_check.outputs.result: 1

In the Registering Operations section of the operations tutorial, we registered our operations with Python’s entrypoint system. This allows other Python packages and DFFML plugins to access them without the need to hardcode in import statements.

$ curl -s \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"insecure-package": [{"value":"insecure-package","definition":"safety_check.inputs.package"}]}' \
  http://localhost:8080/shouldi | python3 -m json.tool
    "insecure-package": {
        "safety_check.outputs.result": 1,
        "run_bandit.outputs.result": {
            "CONFIDENCE.HIGH": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.LOW": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.HIGH": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.LOW": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "loc": 100,
            "nosec": 0,

Config Files

As we saw before, DataFlows can be serialized to config files. JSON representations of DataFlows are not fun to hand edit. YAML looks a lot cleaner.

We’re going to install the dffml-config-yaml package so that we don’t have to look at JSON.

$ python -m pip install dffml-config-yaml

We’ll be working from the top level directory of the shouldi package we created in the Meta Static Analysis example.

The source for that package is also available under the examples/shouldi directory of the DFFML source code.

If you’d like to skip Meta Static Analysis example, clone the dffml repo Then change directory into the shouldi source code you would have written in the Meta Static Analysis example.

$ git clone --depth=1 dffml
$ cd dffml
$ cd examples/shouldi
$ python -m pip install -e .[dev]

Config files are named after the dataflow they are associated with. In the Visualizing the DataFlow section of the Meta Static Analysis, we serialized the shouldi dataflow to the shouldi/deploy/df directory.

The df directory is contains the main dataflows to be deployed.

$ tree shouldi/deploy/
└── df
    └── shouldi.json

1 directory, 1 file


Another concept in DFFML is the MultiComm, they are contain multiple channels of communications. MultiComm’s will typically be protocol based. An IRC or Slack MultiComm channel of communication might be a chat room, or when a particular word immediately follows the bots name.


myuser    | mybot: shouldi install ...

The HTTP server was the first MultiComm written for DFFML. It’s channels of communication are URL paths (Example: /some/url/path).

Let’s install the HTTP API service.

$ python -m pip install dffml-service-http

HTTP Channel Config

To deploy our shouldi dataflow via the HTTP API, we need to register a communication channel, which is the association of a URL path to the dataflow.

We create a config file for the MultiComm we’ll be using. MultiComm config files go under the mc directory of the directory being used to deploy. Then config file itself then goes under the name of the MultiComm its associated with, http in this instance.

$ mkdir -p shouldi/deploy/mc/http

The file is populated with the URL path that should trigger the dataflow, how to present the output data, and if the dataflow should return when all outputs exist, or if it should continue waiting for more inputs (asynchronous, used for websockets / http2).


path: /shouldi
output_mode: json
asynchronous: false

Serving the DataFlow


The -insecure flag is only being used here to speed up this tutorial. See documentation on HTTP API Security for more information.

We now start the http server and tell it that the MultiComm configuration directory can be found in shouldi/deploy.

$ dffml service http server -port 8080 -insecure -mc-config shouldi/deploy

In another terminal, you can send a POST request containing the Input items that you want evaluated.

$ curl -sf \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"insecure-package": [{"value":"insecure-package","definition":"safety_check.inputs.package"}]}' \
  http://localhost:8080/shouldi | python -m json.tool
    "insecure-package": {
        "safety_check.outputs.result": 1,
        "run_bandit.outputs.result": {
            "CONFIDENCE.HIGH": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.LOW": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.HIGH": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.LOW": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "loc": 100,
            "nosec": 0,

Combining Operations

If you’ve gone through the Automating Classification example, you’ve seen the Git and source code analysis related operations (a list of all available operations can be found on the Operations plugins page).

We’ll be using those operations, so we need to install them

$ python -m pip install dffml-feature-git

The lines_of_code_to_comments operation will give use the ratio of the number of lines of comments to the number of lines of code.

You need to install tokei before you can use lines_of_code_to_comments.

$ curl -sSL '' | tar -xvz
$ echo '22699e16e71f07ff805805d26ee86ecb9b1052d7879350f7eb9ed87beb0e6b84fbb512963d01b75cec8e80532e4ea29a tokei' | sha384sum -c -
tokei: OK
$ sudo mv tokei /usr/bin/

The lines_of_code_to_comments operation needs the output given by lines_of_code_by_language, which needs a Git repos source code.

Diagram showing DataFlow of comment to code ratio operations

A git_repository_checked_out is defined as:

  • record: git_repository_checked_out(type: Dict[str, str])

  • URL: str

  • directory: str

  • commit: str

lines_of_code_by_language just runs tokei on the directory, so if we create dict (the programming language agnostic term is mapping / map) with the property of directory pointing at the source code of the , Python package we downloaded for bandit, we’ll be able to use the Git operations within the shouldi dataflow.

Let’s create the override directory which will contain the operations we want to add to the shouldi dataflow, and how we want to connect those operations with the existing ones.

mkdir -p shouldi/deploy/override

Use the dataflow create command to make a new dataflow that will be combined with the existing flow.

$ dffml dataflow create \
    -configloader yaml \
    -inputs \
      directory=key \
      safety_check.outputs.result,run_bandit.outputs.result,language_to_comment_ratio=get_single_spec \
    -flow \
      '[{"dffml.mapping.create": "mapping"}]=lines_of_code_by_language.inputs.repo' \
      '[{"pypi_package_contents": "directory"}]="dffml.mapping.create".inputs.value' \
    -- \
      dffml.mapping.create \
      lines_of_code_by_language \
      lines_of_code_to_comments \
    | tee shouldi/deploy/override/shouldi.yaml

The final directory structure should look like this

$ tree shouldi/deploy
├── df
│   └── shouldi.json
├── mc
│   └── http
│       └── shouldi.yaml
└── override
    └── shouldi.yaml

5 directories, 9 files

It contains the following files.

  • df/shouldi.json

    • The shouldi dataflow

  • mc/http/shouldi.yaml

    • A config file for the http multicomm, using the dataflow named shouldi

  • override/shouldi.yaml

    • A dataflow containing modififactions to the shouldi dataflow

We’ve modified the flow to create the following dataflow

Diagram showing DataFlow with use of comment to code ratio

The diagram above can be re-generated with the following commands

$ dffml dataflow merge \
    shouldi/deploy/df/shouldi.json \
    shouldi/deploy/override/shouldi.yaml | \
  dffml dataflow diagram \
    -stages processing -simple -configloader json /dev/stdin

Copy and pasting the graph into the mermaidjs live editor results in the graph.


We can now stop the server we had running, and start it again with the new configs.

$ dffml service http server -port 8080 -insecure -mc-config shouldi/deploy

Here’s an example of evaluating two packages using the new DataFlow.

$ curl -sf \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"insecure-package": [{"value":"insecure-package","definition":"safety_check.inputs.package"}], "dffml": [{"value":"dffml","definition":"safety_check.inputs.package"}]}' \
  http://localhost:8080/shouldi | python -m json.tool
    "insecure-package": {
        "safety_check.outputs.result": 1,
        "run_bandit.outputs.result": {
            "CONFIDENCE.HIGH": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.LOW": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.HIGH": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.LOW": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "loc": 100,
            "nosec": 0,
        "language_to_comment_ratio": 19
    "dffml": {
        "safety_check.outputs.result": 0,
        "run_bandit.outputs.result": {
            "CONFIDENCE.HIGH": 24.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.LOW": 4.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.MEDIUM": 0.0,
            "CONFIDENCE.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "SEVERITY.HIGH": 1.0,
            "SEVERITY.LOW": 10.0,
            "SEVERITY.MEDIUM": 17.0,
            "SEVERITY.UNDEFINED": 0.0,
            "loc": 13289,
            "nosec": 0,
        "language_to_comment_ratio": 6