
This document contains solutions to common issues or things you can try to fix your problems.

Create a new Virtual Environment

Nine times out of ten if you’re having a problem the root cause is related to packages that are the wrong versions, installed incorrectly somehow, or not installed.

The first thing you should try if everything is a mess and nothing seems to be working is install everything in a fresh virtual environment.

$ python -m venv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
$ python -m pip install -U dffml
$ dffml version


If you are having trouble figuring out what’s going on, you can enable logging.

Command line utilities can enable logging by adding the -log debug option.

Python programs can enable logging by putting the following at the top of their file.

import logging


Sometimes you will try to reference a model, operation, or source you packaged and installed. Sometimes you think you installed it but you didn’t. Sometimes you may have forgotten to update the entry points.

The quickest way to check what’s going on is to list everything registered to an entry points. This will help you verify what’s installed and where it lives.

$ dffml service dev entrypoints list dffml.operation