
Code Formatting

After having written a notebook, it should be made sure that the code is in the right format, ie. the black formatters code style. A convenient way to achieve this in jupyter notebook is to install the jupyter-black extension.


To test notebooks, DFFML utilizes testbook.

testbook provides different ways to access, unittest and mock the code inside a notebook. See tests/


Notebooks are added to the documentation by utilizing nbsphinx and nbsphinx-link. nbsphinx only lets you add notebooks that are present in the same directory to the documentation. To overcome this, nbsphinx-link is used, which allows you to create a symblic link to notebooks in other directories.

You can create the link to a notebook in a file with extension .nblink as follows

    "path": "../../../examples/notebooks/moving_between_models.ipynb"

After the link has been created, the nblink file is simply added to a toctree to be displayed in the documentation

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
