Codebase Layout And Notes


DFFML is plugin based. This means that the source code for the main package dffml, is separate from the source code for many of the things you might want to use in conjunction with it. For example, if you wanted to use the machine learning models based on scikit, you’d install dffml-model-scikit. If you wanted to use machine learning models based on TensorFlow, you’d install dffml-model-tensorflow. The source code for all Official plugins is within the same Git repo (

A Official plugin is any plugin maintained within the main Git repo.

This means users only have to install what they need. TensorFlow is several hundred megabytes, not everyone wants that, or needs that to get machine learning models that perform accurately on their problem.

All plugins have their base class that they derive from in the main package, which is located in the dffml directory at the root of the git repo.

The plugin packages are located within their respective directories at the root of the git repo. For example, source base classes are in dffml/source/ and source plugin packages are in source/.

Adding A New Plugin

To add a new Official plugin to DFFML. You need to first create the plugin in the appropriate directory. Then add it to the lists of core plugins.


The release process is automated. You should NOT upload the package to PyPi! Someone from Intel has to be the one to do that for Official plugins.

For Official plugins, the name given to create should be in the form of dffml-{PLUGIN_TYPE}-{NAME}.

$ cd model/
$ dffml service dev create model dffml-model-someframework
$ mv dffml-model-someframework someframework

Now that we’ve created the plugin, we need to add it to a few lists

  • Add the plugin to CORE_PLUGINS list in dffml/

  • Update .github/workflows/testing.yml

    • Add the path to the plugin to the jobs.test.strategy.matrix.plugin list.

    • Open an issue to have the PYPI_{PLUGIN_TYPE}_{NAME} token added under jobs.steps[-1].run.

      • Sample issue format: pypi: Add token for dffml-{PLUGIN_TYPE}-{NAME} to testing.yml

Double Context Entry Pattern

All classes in DFFML follow a double asynchronous context entry pattern. This is ideal for usages such as creating a connection pool, then using a connection. Be that with a database, client HTTP sessions, etc.

import asyncio
from dffml.record import Record
from dffml.source.csv import CSVSource, CSVSourceConfig

async def main():
    # One
    async with CSVSource(
    ) as source:
        # Two
        async with source() as sctx:
            # Punch
            await sctx.update(Record("0", data={
                "features": {
                    "first_column": 42,
                    "second_column": 1776,


Much of the DFFML codebase is dedicated to transforming configuration structures between their incoming form to a dict which can be used to determine what plugin needs to be loaded, and what the arguments for the configuration class of that plugin are.

For example:

  plugin: tfdnnc
    epochs: 400
    steps: 4000
    - '0'
    - '1'
      dtype: int
      length: 1
      name: maintained
    - dtype: int
      length: 10
      name: authors
    - dtype: int
      length: 10
      name: commits
    - dtype: int
      length: 10
      name: work

Here, plugin is the ...Arg class which signifies the plugin to load. config is the ...Config class as a dict for that plugin.

The command line equivalent for the model is…

$ dffml ... \
    -model tfdnnc \
    -model-epochs 400 \
    -model-steps 4000 \
    -model-classifications 0 1 \
    -model-predict maintained:str:1 \
    -model-features \
      authors:int:10 \
      commits:int:10 \
      work:int:10 \

There are various files throughout the codebase, one for the main package, one for each plugin, and one in skel/. There are also files.

Notes on Various Subsystems

DFFML is comprised of various subsystems. The following are some notes that might be helpful when working on each of them.

Working on skel/

The packages in skel/ are used to create new DFFML packages.

For example, to create a new package containing operations we run the following.

$ dffml service dev create operations dffml-operations-feedface

If you want to work on any of the packages in skel/, you’ll need to run the skel link command first fromt he dev service. This will symlink required files in from common/ so that testing will work.

$ dffml service dev skel link