Understanding Specialization#

The goal of CBI is to help developers to reason about how a code base uses specialization to adapt to the capabilities and requirements of the different platforms it supports. By measuring specialization, we can reason about its impact upon maintenance effort.


The definition of platform used by CBI was first introduced in “Implications of a Metric for Performance Portability”, and is shared with the P3 Analysis Library:

A collection of software and hardware on which an application may run a problem.

This definition is deliberately very flexible, so a platform can represent any execution environment for which code may be specialized. A platform could be a compiler, an operating system, a micro-architecture or some combination of these options.


There are many forms of specialization. What they all have in common is that these specialization points act as branches: different code is executed on different platforms based on some set of conditions. These conditions express a platform’s capabilities, properties of the input problem, or both.

The simplest form of specialization point is a run-time branch, which is easily expressed but can incur run-time overheads and prevent compiler optimizations. Compile-time specialization avoids these issues, and in practice a lot of specialization is performed using preprocessor tools or with some kind of metaprogramming.

Code Divergence#

Code divergence is a metric proposed by Harrell and Kitson in “Effective Performance Portability”, which uses the Jaccard distance to measure the distance between two source codes.

For a given set of platforms, \(H\), the code divergence \(CD\) of an application \(a\) solving problem \(p\) is an average of pairwise distances:

\[CD(a, p, H) = \binom{|H|}{2}^{-1} \sum_{\{i, j\} \in H \times H} {d_{i, j}(a, p)}\]

where \(d_{i, j}(a, p)\) represents the distance between the source code required by platforms \(i\) and \(j\) for application \(a\) to solve problem \(p\).

The distance is calculated as:

\[d_{i, j}(a, p) = 1 - \frac{|c_i(a, p) \cap c_j(a, p)|} {|c_i(a, p) \cup c_j(a, p)|}\]

where \(c_i\) and \(c_j\) are the lines of code required to compile application \(a\) and solve problem \(p\) using platforms \(i\) and \(j\). A distance of 0 means that all code is shared between the two platforms, whereas a distance of 1 means that no code is shared.


It is sometimes useful to talk about code convergence instead, which is simply the code divergence subtracted from 1.