Command Line Interface#

codebasin [-h] [--version] [-v] [-q] [-R <report>] [-x <pattern>] [-p <platform>] [<analysis-file>]

positional arguments:


TOML file describing the analysis to be performed, including the codebase and platform descriptions.


-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Display version information and exit.

-v, --verbose

Increase verbosity level.

-q, --quiet

Decrease verbosity level.

-R <report>

Generate a report of the specified type.

  • summary: output only code divergence information.

  • clustering: output only distance matrix and dendrogram.

  • all: generate both summary and clustering reports.

-x <pattern>, --exclude <pattern>

Exclude files matching this pattern from the code base. May be specified multiple times.

-p <platform>, --platform <platform>

Include the specified platform in the analysis. May be specified multiple times. If not specified, all platforms will be included.