4.1 Invoking Commands 4.3 Help System
Simics User's Guide  /  II Feature Overview  /  4 The Command Line Interface  / 

4.2 Tab Completion

The command line interface has a tab-completion facility. It works not only on commands but on their arguments as well. The philosophy is that the user should be able to press the tab key when uncertain about what to type, and Simics should fill in the text or list alternatives.

Note: Tab completion on a Windows host does not work when running in a Cygwin terminal, but only from the graphical user interface or from a Windows command line console.
For example com<tab> will expand to the command beginning with com or list all commands with that prefix, if there is not a unique such command. Similarly, disassemble <tab> will display all arguments available for the command. In this case Simics will write:

address =   bytes =   count =   cpu-name =

to indicate that these alternatives for arguments exists. Typing disassemble cp<tab> will expand to disassemble cpu-name = and a further tab will fill in the name of the CPU that is defined (or list all of them).

4.1 Invoking Commands 4.3 Help System