15.1 Measuring Performance 15.3 Platform Effects
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15.2 Multithreaded Simulation Profiling and Tuning

With Simics Accelerator, simulation performance can be increased by utilizing host system parallelism. Simics exploits available target system parallelism and spreads the load over available host cores, in order to increase performance.

Simics Accelerator has two different mechanisms that can operate alone or work together to improve performance. The first is SimicsĀ® Multimachine Accelerator which is based upon the cell concept. The other mechanism is Multicore Accelerator which can parallelize simulation even within cells.

A cell ideally contains tightly coupled parts of the target system (typically one or more CPUs and associated devices). Different cells can be simulated in parallel with Multimachine Accelerator (which is default on), but unless Multicore Accelerator is enabled (default off), a single cell will be simulated in a single-threaded fashion (see chapter 16 for more details).

15.2.1 SimicsĀ® Multimachine Accelerator

The Multithreaded Simulation Profiler tool (mtprof) can be used to analyze some performance aspects of multithreaded simulation. Mtprof is primarily useful to

The Multithreaded Simulation Profiler helps in understanding threading behavior at the Multimachine Accelerator level. There is no explicit tool support for optimizing specific Multicore Accelerator issues.

The Multithreaded Simulation Profiler is started with the following command:

simics> enable-mtprof

When mtprof is enabled, Simics keeps track of how much CPU time is spent simulating each cell in the system. Once Simics has been running for a while, it is possible to ask mtprof for an overview:

simics> mtprof.cellstat
  cellname                    rt   %elapsed  %cputime
  ebony3.cell3             77.0s     93.6%    80.0% 
  ebony1.cell1              8.9s     10.9%     9.3% 
  ebony2.cell2              8.2s     10.0%     8.5% 
  ebony0.cell0              2.1s      2.5%     2.1% 
  elapsed_realtime         82.2s    100.0%    85.5%

From the above output, we can conclude that cell3 is a limiting factor: the other cells frequently have to wait upon this cell in order to keep the virtual time in sync. Investigating why cell3 is so expensive to simulate is the next natural step: there might be an expensive poll loop or the idle optimization might not function properly, for instance. Other potential ways to address the load imbalance include

The mtprof tool can also be used to estimate how fast the simulation would run on a machine with enough host cores to allow Simics to assign a dedicated host core to each cell:

simics> mtprof.modelstat
  latency      rt_model  realtime/rt_model
    10 ms        81.9s       100.4%
    40 ms        81.2s       101.2%
   160 ms        80.3s       102.4%
   640 ms        78.6s       104.6%

The latency column corresponds to various values for set-min-latency. In this case, the simulation was executed with a 10 ms latency, which means that the model predicts that the simulation would take 81.9 s to run (which is pretty close to the measured value of 82.2 s above).

It is important to note that the performance model does not take modified target behavior, due to different latency settings, into account (which can be a huge factor if the cells interact). With substantial inter-cell interaction, only the row corresponding to the current latency setting should be trusted.

Below is an example from a more evenly loaded system run with a min-latency of 1 ms:

simics> mtprof.modelstat
  latency      rt_model  realtime/rt_model
     1 ms        35.3s       107.4%
     4 ms        29.5s       128.8%
    16 ms        25.9s       146.3%
    64 ms        24.2s       156.5%

In this case, we see that increasing the latency setting to about 16 ms would improve simulation performance substantially (once again, without taking changed target behavior into account).

Quite often, the target behavior is not static but varies with simulated time. In that case, it is often useful to export the collected data and plot it using an external tool:

simics> mtprof.save-data output.txt

The exported data is essentially the information provided by mtprof.cellstat and/or mtprof.modelstat, but expressed as a function of virtual time (exported in a plot friendly way). The mtprof.save-data command takes multiple flags which can be used to customize the output. One useful flag is -oplot:

simics> mtprof.save-data mtprof-plot.m -oplot

which outputs the data in the form of an Octave file together with commands which plots the data.

The mtprof tool currently does not support Multicore Accelerator.

15.2.2 Multicore Accelerator

Whether to use Multicore Accelerator or not depends heavily on the workload of the system that is being modeled. Multicore Accelerator performs best for systems with CPU intensive tasks, with little communication, and a low I/O rate. The print-device-access-stats and system-perfmeter commands can be use measure the frequency of I/O operations in the system. (I/O operations are expensive in Multicore Accelerator mode.)

Note that some systems perform well even if the number of target instructions per I/O operation is as low as 300 while others perform bad even though this number is considerably higher. Different target systems behave differently, and in the end, one have to benchmark each system by itself to get highest possible performance. As a guideline, if a target system executes less than 10,000 instructions per I/O operation on average, one might have to consider switching off Multicore Accelerator, or tune the system software in order to achieve good performance.

The enable-multicore-accelerator command provides some tuning and settings for Multicore Accelerator. For more information, see the documentation for the enable-multicore-accelerator command.

It is probably best practice to try to optimize the cell partitioning as described in section 15.2.1 to find the most resource demanding cells first, and then switching on Multicore Accelerator for those cells (if available host cores still exists). Currently, it is not possible to restrict a number of host cores for particular target CPUs. Simics will instead automatically balance the system as efficient as possible.

15.1 Measuring Performance 15.3 Platform Effects