2.7 Tracker Parameters 2.9 Adding Tracker Support to Target Scripts
Analyzer User's Guide  /  2 OS Awareness  / 

2.8 Tracker Configuration

In order to use the OS Awareness framework, a software object must be created. This object can be created by the new-os-awareness command. The object should be created under the top object for each machine and preferably be named software. Note that many scripts will set up a pre-configured software object.

The software object handles user interaction by providing a number of commands, see section 2.3 for further details. It also contains interfaces for scripting, see section 2.5 for further details.

A new tracker can be added by using the load-parameters command if there is a parameters file available. If there are no parameters available the insert-tracker command can be used followed by the detect-parameters command as described in section 2.7. The software object should now contain a tracker composition. Note that many scripts will set up a pre-configured tracker.

Most tracker composition objects will contain two sub-objects, one named tracker_obj which takes care of tracking the currently running software. The other object will be the mapper_obj object which takes care of mapping the information given by the tracker into a node tree (see section 2.2). One tracker could potentially have several different mappers to represent the trackers information in different node trees.

2.7 Tracker Parameters 2.9 Adding Tracker Support to Target Scripts