The OS Awareness framework supports scripting against the node tree. The osa_node_tree_query
interface implemented by the os_awareness
object can be used for retrieving the current state of the node tree. The osa_node_tree_notification
interface, also implemented by the os_awareness
object, can be used to register callbacks for notifications about changes to the node tree.
The administrator object can be retrieved by calling the get_admin
function in the osa_component
interface, implemented by the OSA object. This interface also provides the get_root_node
function. This gives a known node ID which can be used to access the root node and its descendant nodes.
Details about the interfaces used for scripting can be found in the API - Reference Manual.
The following Python example script uses the OS Awareness framework and the Linux tracker to track a process and count all hardware exceptions that happen while that process is active. The basic idea is to activate the Core_Exception
hap only when the given program is activate. It assumes that the target system is named board
import simics
import conf
class exception_counter:
"This class counts hardware exceptions for a specific process."
def __init__(self, software_comp, process_name):
# Get the osa_admin object from the component, this will be used to
# access the node tree interfaces.
self.osa_admin = software_comp.iface.osa_component.get_admin()
self.notifiers = set()
self.exc_haps = {}
self.exceptions = {} # The result
# Most OSA interface functions require a node ID. Retrieve the root_id
# from the component. Using the root ID in combination with the
# recursive flag makes it possible to get notifications for the entire
# node tree.
root_node = software_comp.iface.osa_component.get_root_node()
if not root_node.valid:
print ("No root node present")
self.root_id =
# The node names will be truncated to 15 characters, since
# they use the Linux task 'comm' field. So we only match the
# first 15 characters of the requested process name.
process_name = process_name[:15]
# Get interface used to register callback functions for node tree
# updates.
self.notification_ifc = self.osa_admin.iface.osa_node_tree_notification
# Get interface used to query the current state in the node tree.
self.query_ifc = self.osa_admin.iface.osa_node_tree_query
# Install a callback on node creation.
cid = self.notification_ifc.notify_create(self.root_id, True,
self.create_cb, process_name)
# Install a callback on changes to the 'name' property in any node, in
# case the program switches name after the node was created.
self.root_id, "name", True, self.name_cb,
print(("Will count exceptions for the next process called %s"
% process_name))
def is_process(self, node_id):
# This will only work for the Linux tracker. It uses the fact that a
# process node contains the process id, but not the thread id.
props = self.query_ifc.get_node(node_id)
return 'pid' in props and not 'tid' in props
def create_cb(self, process_name, osa_admin, curcpu, node_id):
# There can be other nodes than the process node with a
# matching name, for example thread nodes. Verify both name
# and that it is a process.
if (self.query_ifc.get_node(node_id)['name'] == process_name
and self.is_process(node_id)):
def name_cb(self, process_name, osa_admin, curcpu, node_id,
key, old_val, new_val):
# There can be other nodes than the process node with a
# matching name, for example thread nodes. Verify both name
# and that it is a process.
if new_val == process_name and self.is_process(node_id):
def process_found(self, node_id):
# Remove the callbacks for node creation and name changes.
while self.notifiers:
# Install callbacks when processors enter and leave this
# process node.
self.notification_ifc.notify_cpu_move_to(node_id, self.move_to_cb,
self.move_from_cb, None))
# Install a callback when the process finishes.
self.notification_ifc.notify_destroy(node_id, False,
self.destroy_cb, None))
# For each CPU already executing in this node, make sure
# to enable counting.
for cpu in self.query_ifc.get_current_processors(node_id):
def enable_counting(self, cpu):
# Install a hap callback for the exception hap.
self.exc_haps[cpu] = simics.SIM_hap_add_callback_obj(
"Core_Exception", cpu, 0, self.exception_cb, None)
def disable_counting(self, cpu):
simics.SIM_hap_delete_callback_id("Core_Exception", self.exc_haps[cpu])
def move_to_cb(self, data, osa_admin, cpu, node_path):
def move_from_cb(self, data, osa_admin, cpu, node_path):
def destroy_cb(self, data, osa_admin, cpu, node_id):
print("The process finished")
for exc in sorted(self.exceptions.keys()):
print("%5d %-30s: %8d" % (exc, cpu.iface.exception.get_name(exc),
while self.notifiers:
def exception_cb(self, data, cpu, exception):
if exception in self.exceptions:
self.exceptions[exception] += 1
self.exceptions[exception] = 1
counter = exception_counter(, "ls")
Remember that this will only work if the tracker is enabled. It can be enabled with the enable-tracker