Tutorial: Matrix chain product#
We have the tensors \(Q \in \mathbb{R}^{56x9xE}\), \(K \in \mathbb{R}^{56x9}\), \(P \in \mathbb{R}^{56x9xE}\), and \(A_e \in \mathbb{R}^{9x9}, e\in[0,E)\). For all \(e\in[0,E)\) we want to compute the matrix chain multiplication
where \(Q(:,:,e)\) selects a \(\mathbb{R}^{56x9}\) submatrix from the tensor Q and likewise for \(P(:,:,e)\).
In the tensor language we can implement the kernel as following:
func @fused_kernel(%K: memref<f32x56x56>,
%P: memref<f32x56x9x?>,
%A: group<memref<f32x9x9>>,
%Q: memref<f32x56x9x?>) {
%gid = group_id ; Get our index e
%p = subview %P[:,:,%gid] : memref<f32x56x9x?> ; %p has type memref<f32x56x9>
%a = load %A[%gid] : group<memref<f32x9x9>> ; %a has type memref<f32x9x9>
%q = subview %Q[:,:,%gid] : memref<f32x56x9x?> ; %q has type memref<f32x56x9>
%tmp = alloca -> memref<f32x56x9> ; Reserve temporary memory
gemm.n.n 1.0, %K, %p, 0.0, %tmp ; Compute tmp <- K P(:,:,e)
: f32, memref<f32x56x56>, memref<f32x56x9>, f32, memref<f32x56x9>
gemm.n.n 1.0, %tmp, %a, 1.0, %q ; Update Q(:,:,e) <- Q(:,:,e) + tmp A_e
: f32, memref<f32x56x9>, memref<f32x9x9>, f32, memref<f32x56x9>
Compilation with the Tiny Tensor Compiler generates the following OpenCL-C code
fused_kernel(global float *K, global float *P, uint P_shape2, global float *global *A,
global float *Q, uint Q_shape2) {
local uchar stack[2016] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
uint gid = get_global_id(2);
global float *p = P + 0ll * 1 + 0ll * 56 + gid * 504;
global float *a = *(A + gid);
global float *q = Q + 0ll * 1 + 0ll * 56 + gid * 504;
local float *tmp = (local float *)(stack + 0);
56, 9, 56, 0x1p+0f, K, 1, 56, p, 1, 56, 0x0p+0f, tmp, 1, 56);
56, 9, 9, 0x1p+0f, tmp, 1, 56, a, 1, 9, 0x1p+0f, q, 1, 56);
where the definition of the generated GEMM functions have been omitted for brevity. We observe that
a GEMM is processed in parallel by a work-group with 64 threads,
temporary memory is mapped to shared local memory (local uchar stack),
load and subview calls translate to simple pointer manipulation,
and that a barrier has been introduced between the GEMM calls to avoid data races.
When using SYCL, we can run the kernel using the following pseudo-code:
#include <tinytc/tinytc.hpp>
#include <tinytc/tinytc_sycl.hpp>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
auto source_ctx = tinytc::make_source_context();
try {
// Parse tensor program
auto prog = tinytc::parse_file("fused_kernel.ir", source_ctx);
// JIT compile program
auto q = sycl::queue{};
auto info = tinytc::make_core_info(q.get_device());
auto bin = tinytc::compile_to_binary(std::move(prog), info, tinytc::bundle_format::native,
// Initialize tensors
float* K = ...;
float* P = ...;
float** A = ...;
float* Q = ...;
auto bundle = tinytc::make_kernel_bundle(q.get_context(), q.get_device(), bin);
auto kernel = tinytc::make_kernel(bundle, "fused_kernel");
auto exe_range = tinytc::get_execution_range(kernel, howmany);
for (int timestep = 0; timestep < num_timesteps; ++timestep) {
q.submit([&](sycl::handler &h) {
h.set_args(K, P, howmany, A, Q, howmany);
h.parallel_for(exec_range, kernel);
} catch (tinytc::status const& st) {
std::cerr << "Error (" << static_cast<int>(st) << "): "
<< tinytc::error_string(st) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Error log:" << std::endl
<< source_ctx.get_error_log() << std::endl;
} catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Note that a fictional time-loop was introduced around q.submit. As a general rule, JIT compilation is expensive in comparison to kernel execution, hence, a compiled program should be reused many times.