Tensor language reference#
The grammar is given in ABNF syntax.
Execution model#
The unit of execution described by a function written in the tensor language is called a kernel. Kernels are launched in batches, where each instance of the kernel is called a work-group. The kernel has access to its group id that is used to select the work done in the work group. Each work group consists of a fixed number of work-items that execute concurrently. The language distinguishes between two kinds of instructions: replicated and collective instructions. It is distinguished between mixed and spmd regions. Mixed regions may contain replicated and collective instructions whereas spmd regions may only contain replicated instructions.
A collective instruction distributes the work among the work-items. The instruction is responsible to distribute the work in a sensible manner.
A replicated instruction replicates the work across all work-items. In a mixed region, the replicated instructions always operate on the same data. In spmd regions, the replicated instructions can operate on multiple data, but in these regions collective instructions are prohibited.
Mixed regions can be nested whereas spmd regions must not be nested. A mixed region may be nested in a spmd region.
Core rules#
White space is used to separate tokens, where a token is either an identifier, a literal, a keyword, or characters such as punctuation or delimiters. Otherwise, white space has no meaning.
Comments start with ;
and stop at the end of the line (\n
Identifiers are either named or unnamed.
Named identifiers are letter followed by letters, underscores, or digits.
Unnamed identifiers are simply numbers.
As in LLVM, local identifiers are prefixed with %
, whereas global identifiers
are prefixed with @
identifier = 1*DIGIT / (ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_"))
local-identifier = "%" identifier
global-identifier = "@" identifier
sign = "-" / "+"
integer-constant = "true" / "false" / [sign] 1*DIGIT
floating-constant = [sign] *DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT ["e" [sign] 1*DIGIT]
mantissa-dec = *DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT / 1*DIGIT "."
mantissa-hex = *HEXDIG "." 1*HEXDIG / 1*HEXDIG "."
exponent = [sign] 1*DIGIT
floating-constant-dec = [sign] (mantissa-dec ["e" exponent] / 1*DIGIT "e" exponent)
floating-constant-hex = [sign] "0x" (mantissa-hex ["p" exponent] / 1*HEXDIG "p" exponent)
floating-constant = floating-constant-dec / floating-constant-hex
Integer constants must lie in the range \(-2^{63}+1,\dots,2^{63}-1\).
Floating point constants are given in C syntax and expected to be in the range of double precision numbers. The hexadecimal floating point syntax is supported, too. strtod can be used for parsing floating point numbers.
function-definition = "func" global-identifier "(" [argument-list] ")" *attribute region
argument-list = argument *("," argument)
argument = local-identifier ":" type
attribute = work-group-size-attribute / subgroup-size-attribute
work-group-size-attribute = "work_group_size" "(" 1*DIGIT "," 1*DIGIT ")"
subgroup-size-attribute = "subgroup_size" "(" 1*DIGIT ")"
Defines a function that is callable from the host.
Attributes are optional and autoatically determined if omitted.
The work-group size attribute defines the size of the local work group. Due to the focus on matrix operations, the work-group size is always two-dimensional, where the first mode is used to tile the rows and the second mode is used to tile the columns. The first mode must be a multiple of the subgroup size. If the subgroup size is omitted, then the first mode must be a multiple of one of the subgroup sizes supported by the device. The product of the work-group size modes must be smaller or equal than the maximum work-group size of device.
The work-group is divided into full subgroups, therefore the work-group size is always a multiple of the subgroup size. The subgroup size attribute enforces a particular subgroup device supported by the device.
region = "{" *instruction "}"
A region is an ordered list of instructions. An instruction might contain a region. Regions have access to values from its enclosing region, but the enclosing region does not have access to values assigned in the region.
type = void-type / scalar-type / memref-type / group-type
void-type = "void"
Scalar types#
scalar-type = integer-type / floating-type
integer-type = "i" ("1" / "8" / "16" / "32" / "64") / "index"
floating-type = "f" ("32" / "64")
Scalar types are either signless integer (“i”) or floating point (“f”). The number behind the scalar type prefix denotes the number of bits, e.g. “f64” are double precision floating point numbers. The “index” type is an integer type whose width is platform-specific.
Memref type#
memref-type = "memref<" scalar-type "x" tensor-shape ["," memory-layout] ">"
constant-or-dynamic = integer-constant / "?"
tensor-shape = *("x" constant-or-dynamic)
A memref is a reference to a region of memory.
In analogy to the C/C++-language, the memref can be thought of as a pointer,
but with additional information on the size and memory layout of the memory region.
The size information can be either fixed or dynamic.
For example, the memref<f32x4x8>
is analogue to float*
with the additional information
that the memory region contains 32 floats structured in 4 rows and 8 columns.
The memref<f32x4x?>
type is analogue to float*
, too, but here the number of floats
and the number of columns is only known at run-time.
Run-time size information is stored in a dope vector; the calling convention for memrefs is implementation-defined.
The memref can have order 0. E.g. memref<f32>
can be thought of as a pointer to a single precision float.
A vector is a tensor of order 1, e.g. memref<f64x4>
A matrix is a tensor of order 2, e.g. memref<f64x4x4>
A tensor of order n is given by memref<f32xs_1x...xs_n>
Dynamic mode sizes are written using a question mark in place of an integer constant.
The default memory layout is the packed dense layout.
E.g. the memory layout of memref<f32x5x6x7>
is strided<1,5,30>
We note that memref<f32x5x6x7>
and memref<f32x5x6x7,strided<1,5,30>>
are the same type.
Memory layout#
memory-layout = strided-layout
Strided layout#
strided-layout = "strided<" [constant-or-dynamic-list] ">"
constant-or-dynamic-list = constant-or-dynamic *("," constant-or-dynamic)
The strided layout is a sequence of integers \(S_1,S_2,...,S_n\), where n must be equal to the order of the tensor. The strided layout is defined as the map
We further impose the following restriction for a tensor with shape \(s_1\times s_2 \times ... \times s_n\):
\(1 \leq S_1\)
\(\forall i \in [2,n]: S_{i-1}s_{i-1} \leq S_i\)
Therefore, we have the “column-major” layout. The default packed dense layout is given by
\(1 = S_1\)
\(\forall i \in [2,n]: S_{i-1}s_{i-1} = S_i\)
Stride modes might be dynamic as well, indicated by a question mark.
Group type#
group-type = "group<" memref-type ["," "offset" ":" constant-or-dynamic] ">"
The group type collects unstructured pointers to memref’s with potentially different dynamic mode sizes.
The C-analogy of a group is a pointer-to-a-pointer.
For example, the C-analogue of a group<memref<f32x16x16>>
is a float**
The optional offset parameter is used to offset each pointer by the given number of elements.
Given the C-analogue float** group
, loading element i
with offset off
gives the
pointer float* tmp = group[i] + off
The default offset is 0.
Dynamic values (‘?’) may appear in the memref-type and in the offset. These values are stored in the dope vector; the calling convention for groups is implementation-defined.
value-instruction = local-identifier "=" (alloca-instruction
/ arith-binary-instruction
/ arith-unary-instruction
/ cast-instruction
/ comparison-instruction
/ expand-instruction
/ fuse-instruction
/ group-id-instruction
/ group-size-instruction
/ load-instruction
/ size-instruction
/ subview-instruction)
multi-value-instruction = [local-identifier-list "="] if-instruction
local-identifier-list = local-identifier *("," local-identifier)
instruction = value-instruction
/ multi-value-instruction
/ axpby-instruction
/ barrier-instruction
/ for-instruction
/ foreach-instruction
/ lifetime-stop-instruction
/ gemm-instruction
/ gemv-instruction
/ ger-instruction
/ hadamard-product-instruction
/ store-instruction
/ sum-instruction
/ yield-instruction
alloca-instruction = "alloca" "->" memref-type
Collective instruction. The alloca instruction allocates temporary memory that is freed automatically at the end of the block that contains the alloca.
A memref of the memref-type.
The memref’s size must known at compile-time, i.e. the tensor shape must not contain any dynamic modes.
Arithmetic (binary)#
identifier-or-constant = local-identifier / integer-constant / floating-constant
arith-binary-type = ".add" /
".sub" /
".mul" /
".div" /
".rem" /
".shl" /
".shr" /
".and" /
".or" /
arith-binary-instruction = "arith" arith-binary-type
identifier-or-constant "," identifier-or-constant ":" scalar-type
Replicated instruction. Binary arithmetic operation on scalars. Both operands, as well as the returned type, have the same scalar type.
Op |
Allowed type |
Description |
.add |
scalar-type |
Sum of operands |
.sub |
scalar-type |
Difference of operands |
.mul |
scalar-type |
Product of operands |
.div |
scalar-type |
Quotient of operands |
.rem |
scalar-type |
Remainder from the division of operands |
.shl |
integer-type |
Left shift first operand by number of bits given by second operand |
.shr |
integer-type |
Arithmetic right shift first operand by number of bits given by second operand |
.and |
integer-type |
Bitwise and |
.or |
integer-type |
Bitwise or |
.xor |
integer-type |
Bitwise xor |
Arithmetic (unary)#
arith-unary-type = ".neg" / ".not"
arith-unary-instruction = "arith" arith-unary-type identifier-or-constant ":" scalar-type
Replicated instruction. Unary arithmetic operation on scalars. The returned value has the same type as the operand.
Op |
Allowed type |
Description |
.neg |
scalar-type |
Negation |
.not |
integer-type |
Bitwise not |
cast-instruction = "cast" identifier-or-constant ":" scalar-type "->" scalar-type
Replicated instruction. Cast scalar values.
comparison-instruction = "cmp" (".eq" / ".ne" / ".gt" / ".ge" / ".lt" / ".le")
identifier-or-constant "," identifier-or-constant ":" scalar-type
Replicated instruction. Scalar comparison. Both operands must have the same scalar type and the returned value is boolean.
Cond |
Description |
.eq |
Equal |
.ne |
Not equal |
.gt |
Greater than |
.ge |
Greater than or equal |
.lt |
Less than |
.le |
Less than or equal |
expand-instruction = "expand" local-identifier "[" integer-constant "->" expand-shape "]" ":" memref-type
expand-shape = constant-or-dynamic-or-identifier 1*("x" constant-or-dynamic-or-identifier)
constant-or-dynamic-or-identifier = integer-constant / "?" / local-identifier
Replicated instruction. The expand instruction returns a view on a tensor with a mode viewed as higher-order mode.
The first argument must point to a value of memref type. The integer constant in square brackets gives the mode that shall be expanded. The expand shape gives the new shape of the mode. Values in the expand shape must have index type.
The output type is a memref type according to the following rules:
Shape: The mode size is replaced with the expand shape. If one entry in expand shape is dynamic, then either its size is inferred automatically if the mode size is known, or it determined automatically at run-time if the mode size is dynamic.
expand %0[1 -> 2x8] : memref<f32x32x16x8> ; -> memref<f32x32x2x8x8> expand %0[1 -> 2x?] : memref<f32x32x16x8> ; -> memref<f32x32x2x8x8> expand %0[1 -> ?x8] : memref<f32x32x16x8> ; -> memref<f32x32x2x8x8> expand %0[1 -> 2x?] : memref<f32x32x?x8> ; -> memref<f32x32x2x?x8> expand %0[1 -> ?x8] : memref<f32x32x?x8> ; -> memref<f32x32x?x8x8>
Identifiers: Local identifiers in the expand shape are dynamic in the resulting memref type.
expand %0[1 -> %1 x ?] : memref<f32x32x?> ; -> memref<f32x32x?x?> expand %0[1 -> %1 x ?] : memref<f32x32x16> ; -> memref<f32x32x?x?> expand %0[1 -> %1 x %2] : memref<f32x32x?> ; -> memref<f32x32x?x?> expand %0[1 -> 4 x %1] : memref<f32x32x?> ; -> memref<f32x32x4x?>
Stride: A new stride entry is entered that follows the canonical stride computation.
expand %0[0->4x8] : memref<f32x32x7,strided<2,64>> ; -> memref<f32x4x8x7,strided<2,8,64>> expand %0[0->4x?] : memref<f32x32x7,strided<2,64>> ; -> memref<f32x4x8x7,strided<2,8,64>> expand %0[0->?x4] : memref<f32x?x7,strided<2,?>> ; -> memref<f32x?x8,strided<2,?,?>> expand %0[0->4x?] : memref<f32x?x7,strided<2,?>> ; -> memref<f32x4x?,strided<2,8,?>>
At most one mode in expand-shape must be dynamic.
The product of the expand shape must be the same as the mode size. If one entry in the expand shape is dynamic then the other must evenly divide the mode size.
fuse-instruction = "fuse" local-identifier "[" integer-constant "," integer-constant "]" ":" memref-type
Replicated instruction. The fuse instruction returns a view on a tensor with two or more adjacent modes viewed as a single mode.
The first argument must point to a value of memref type. The fused modes are specified as the interval [from, to], where from is given by the first integer and to is given by the second integer. Counting starts from 0 so we have
The local identifier must have the memref type specified last. The output type is a memref type according to the following rules:
Shape: The mode size of the fused modes is the product of the mode sizes. If one mode is dynamic the fused mode size is dynamic.
fuse %0[1,3] : memref<f32x32x16x8x4x42> ; -> memref<f32x32x512x42> fuse %0[1,3] : memref<f32x32x16x?x4x42,strided<1,16,?,?,?>> ; -> memref<f32x32x?x42,strided<1,32,?>>
Stride: Strides remain unchanged.
fuse %0[1,2] : memref<f32x32x16x2x2,strided<1,48,768,1536>> ; -> memref<f32x32x32x2,strided<1,48,1536>> fuse %0[0,1] : memref<f32x8x?x32,strided<1,?,?>> ; -> memref<f32x?x32,strided<1,?>>
Let i be the first mode and j the last mode. The stride vector S and the shape vector s must satisify the following compatibility condition:
\(\forall k \in [i,j): S_{k}s_{k} = S_{k+1}\)
If S(i:j) and s(i:j) are known at compile time, the fuse instruction is illegal if the compatibility condition is not satisfied. If a single entry in S(i:j) or s(i:j) is dynamic, then fusing modes that violate the compatbility condition is undefined beheaviour.
fuse %0[0,1] : memref<f32x8x16,strided<1,10>> ; Illegal, modes cannot be fused
fuse %0[0,1] : memref<f32x8x16,strided<1,?>> ; Undefined behaviour if dynamic stride != 8
Group id#
group-id-instruction = "group_id"
Replicated instruction. Returns the group id, an integer of type “index” inbetween 0 and the group size - 1.
Group size#
group-size-instruction = "group_size"
Replicated instruction. Returns the group size, an integer of type “index”.
load-instruction = "load" local-identifier "[" [index-list] "]" ":" memref-or-group-type
index-list = identifier-or-int-constant *("," identifier-or-int-constant)
identifier-or-int-constant = integer-constant / local-identifier
memref-or-group-type = memref-type / group-type
Load the element given by the index list from a memref or group. The number of indices must match the order of the memref and a single index must be given for a group.
The first operand must have memref or group type.
The indices must be of index
A value of the memref’s element type or the group’s memref type. Examples:
load %0[] : memref<f32>
returns af32
value.load %0[5, %1] : memref<f32x10x?>
returns af32
value.load %0[%1] : group<memref<f32x42>>
returns amemref<f32x42>
value.load %0[%1] : group<memref<f32x42>, offset: ?>
returns amemref<f32x42>
size-instruction = "size" local-identifier "[" integer-constant "]" ":" memref-type
Replicated instruction. The size instruction returns the i-th entry of the tensor’s shape, where “i” is given by the integer constant in square brackets.
The first argument must point to a value of memref type. The integer constant i gives the mode for which the size shall be returned. It is required that
The local identifier must have the memref type specified last. The instruction returns an integer of index type.
subview-instruction = "subview" local-identifier "[" [index-or-slice-list] "]" ":" memref-type
index-or-slice-list = index-or-slice *("," index-or-slice)
index-or-slice = identifier-or-int-constant [":" (identifier-or-int-constant / "?")] / ":"
Replicated instruction. The subview instruction returns a view on a tensor.
The first argument must point to a value of memref type. The number of indices in square brackets must match the order of the memref. The indices are either given as single index or as a slice, where slices are given in offset plus size notation (“%offset : %size”). E.g. the slice “%0 : %1” extracts a block of %1 elements beginning from %0, which is equivalent to the index interval [%0, %0 + %1).
A slice is often defined as “%0 : %1” being the index interval [%0, %1). However, then the compiler needs to figure out whether %1 - %0 is constant or not in order to determine whether the mode size is known at compile-time or not. Therefore, we prefer the offset plus size notation.
A dynamic size (“?”) means that the size is the mode size inferred from the memref type minus the offset. A plain colon is syntactic sugar for “0:?”.
There is no run-time check whether the indices are within bounds. Offset and size must be of index type. Offset must be non-negative and size must be positive.
The local identifier must have the memref type specified last. The output type is a memref type according to the following rules:
Invariant-stride: The stride is not changed.
subview %0[4:8,8:4] : memref<f32x32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x8x4,strided<1,32>>
Rank-reduction: A mode accessed by a single constant or value is removed from the output tensor.
subview %0[2:4, %1] : memref<f32x16x8> ; Returns memref<f32x4,strided<1,16>> subview %0[2:4, %1:1] : memref<f64x16x8> ; Returns memref<f64x4x1,strided<1,16>>
Output-mode size: The size of the output mode is determined by the size field of a slice and may be dynamic.
subview %0[%1:4] : memref<f32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x4> subview %0[%2:%2] : memref<f32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x?> subview %0[2:4, %2:%2, 6:7] : memref<f32x16x42x13> ; Returns memref<f32x4x?x7,strided<1,16,672> subview %0[2:4, %2:%2, 6:7] : memref<f32x16x42x13,strided<1,?,?>> ; Returns memref<f32x4x?x7,strided<1,?,?>
Dynamic size:
subview %0[:] : memref<f32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x16> subview %0[:] : memref<f32x?> ; Returns memref<f32x?> subview %0[5:?] : memref<f32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x13> subview %0[%2:?] : memref<f32x16> ; Returns memref<f32x?>
if-instruction = "if" identifier-or-int-constant ["->" "(" scalar-type-list ")"]
region ["else" region]
type-list = scalar-type *("," scalar-type)
An if statement. Both regions are mixed regions.
The condition must be of bool type.
The if instruction may return multiple values, where the number of values and the value types are given by the scalar-type-list. If values are returned, the last instruction in both the “then”-region and the “else”-region must be a yield instruction (the “else”-region cannot be omitted).
%1 = cmp.lt %0, 16 : i32 %x = if %1 -> (i32) { yield %0 : i32 } else { yield 16 : i32 }
transpose = ".t" / ".n"
const-or-val = floating-constant / local-identifier
axpby-instruction = "axpby" transpose [".atomic"]
const-or-val "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Collective instruction. Axpby implements
for vectors and matrices. If the atomic flag is set, B is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\), and the third argument gives \(\beta\). The second and the fourth argument must have memref type and give A and B, respectively.
The transpose modifier defines \(\text{op}\) as following:
(Note that “.t” has no effect on vectors.)
The shape of \(\text{op}(A)\) and B must be identical and the order of A and B needs to be 1 (vector) or 2 (matrix).
for-instruction = "for" local-identifier "=" identifier-or-int-constant "," identifier-or-int-constant
["," identifier-or-int-constant] [":" integer-type] region
A for loop. Instructions in the for loop execute sequentially and its region is a mixed region.
The loop’s range [from; to) is given by the first integer constant and second integer constant,
and the trip count is stored in the local identifier.
A step size can be given with the third integer constant.
The step size defaults to 1 if omitted.
The integer type of the loop variable and the loop bounds is given after the colon.
The default integer type is index
foreach-instruction = "foreach" local-identifier "=" identifier-or-int-constant "," identifier-or-int-constant
[":" integer-type] region
A foreach loop that executes the loop’s range [from; to) without any sequence guarantee. The region of a foreach is a spmd region.
The loop’s range [from; to) is given by the first integer constant and second integer constant,
and the trip count is stored in the local identifier.
The integer type of the loop variable is given after the colon.
The integer type of the loop variable and the loop bounds is given after the colon.
The default integer type is index
gemm-instruction = "gemm" transpose transpose [".atomic"]
"," const-or-val "," local-identifier "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Collective instruction. GEMM implements the well-known GEMM BLAS-3 operation.
If the atomic flag is set, C is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\) and the fourth argument gives \(\beta\). The second, the third, and the fifth argument must have memref type and give A, B, and C, respectively.
The first transpose modifier defines \(\text{op}_1\) and the second transpose modifier defines \(\text{op}_2\) as following:
If \(\text{op}_1(A)\) has the shape MxK and \(\text{op}_2(B)\) has the shape KxN then C must have the shape MxN.
gemv-instruction = "gemm" transpose [".atomic"]
"," const-or-val "," local-identifier "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Collective instruction. GEMV implements the well-known GEMM BLAS-2 operation.
If the atomic flag is set, c is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\) and the fourth argument gives \(\beta\). The second, the third, and the fifth argument must have memref type and give A, b, and c, respectively.
The transpose modifier for A as in GEMM.
\(\text{op}_1(A)\) has the shape MxK and \(B\) has the shape K then c must have the shape M.
ger-instruction = "ger" [".atomic"]
const-or-val "," local-identifier "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Computes the general rank-1 update:
If the atomic flag is set, C is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\) and the fourth argument gives \(\beta\). The second, the third, and the fifth argument must have memref type and give a, b, and C, respectively.
a and b must be vectors. If the size of a is M and the size of b is N the shape of C must be \(M\times N\).
Hadamard product#
hadamard-product-instruction = "hadamard_product" [".atomic"]
const-or-val "," local-identifier "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Collective instruction. Computes the Hadamard product of two tensors. That is, in index notation we have
If the atomic flag is set, c is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\) and the fourth argument gives \(\beta\). The second, the third, and the fifth argument must have memref type and give a, b, and c, respectively.
a, b, and c must be vectors and have equal shape.
store-instruction = "store" local-identifier "," local-identifier "[" [index-list] "]" ":" memref-type
Replicated instruction. Store a scalar value in a memref at the position given by the index list. The number of indices must match the order of the memref.
Note: Store should only be used in SPMD regions as otherwise the same memory location is written from all work-items.
The first operand must have the same scalar type as the memref type.
The indices must be of index
sum-instruction = "sum" transpose [".atomic"]
"," const-or-val "," local-identifier "," const-or-val "," local-identifier
":" scalar-type "," memref-type "," scalar-type "," memref-type
Collective instruction. Computes the matrix-vector product or the dot product of A with a vector of ones. That is, for matrices we have
and for vectors we have
If the atomic flag is set, B is updated atomically.
The first argument gives \(\alpha\) and the third argument gives \(\beta\). The second and the fourth argument must have memref type and give A and B, respectively. If A is a matrix then B must be a vector. The first mode size of \(\text{op}(A)\) must match the size of B. If A is a vector, then B must be a scalar memref.
The transpose op is defined as in the axpby instruction.
yield-instruction = "yield" [local-identifier-list] ":" [scalar-type-list]
identifier-or-constant-list = identifier-or-constant *("," identifier-or-constant)
Yield returns values from an if or for instruction.
The length of the local identifier list must equal the length of the scalar type list.
Additional instructions#
barrier-instruction = "barrier"
lifetime-stop-instruction = "lifetime_stop" local-identifier
Sample code#
The following sample implements the kernel
where B and C are constant matrices and A and D are matrix batches.
func @fused_kernel(%alpha: f32,
%A: group<memref<f32x16x8>>,
%B: memref<f32x8x8>,
%C: memref<f32x8x16>,
%D: memref<f32x16x16x?>) {
%0 = group_id
%1 = load %A[%0] : group<memref<f32x16x8>> ; Returns memref<f32x16x8>
%2 = subview %D[:,:,%0] : memref<f32x16x16x?> ; Returns memref<f32x16x16>
%tmp0 = alloca -> memref<f32x16x8>
gemm.n.t 1.0, %1, %B, 0.0, %tmp0
: f32, memref<f32x16x8>, memref<f32x8x8>, f32, memref<f32x16x8>
gemm.n.n %alpha, %tmp0, %C, 1.0, %2
: f32, memref<f32x16x8>, memref<f32x8x16>, f32, memref<f32x16x16>