addSubInterface<PairInterfaceType extends PairInterface> method

  1. @protected
PairInterfaceType addSubInterface<PairInterfaceType extends PairInterface>(
  1. String name,
  2. PairInterfaceType subInterface,
  3. {bool reverse = false}

Registers a new subInterface on this PairInterface, enabling a simple way to build hierarchical interface definitions.

If reverse is set, then this subInterface will be connected in the opposite way as it usually is with respect to the PairRole specified.

Sub-interfaces are connected via connectIO based on the name.


PairInterfaceType addSubInterface<PairInterfaceType extends PairInterface>(
  String name,
  PairInterfaceType subInterface, {
  bool reverse = false,
}) {
  if (_subInterfaces.containsKey(name)) {
    throw InterfaceNameException(
        'Sub-interface name is not unique.'
        ' There is already a sub-interface with that name');

  if (!Sanitizer.isSanitary(name)) {
    throw InterfaceNameException(name, 'Sub-interface name is not sanitary.');

  _subInterfaces[name] = _SubPairInterface(subInterface, reverse: reverse);
  return subInterface;