12 minute read

ROHD has recently gained a powerful new feature in the Combinational.ssa constructor for Combinationals that allows safer implementations of equivalent always_comb logic in SystemVerilog. This post discusses some of the motivations of the feature and highlights the power gained by using it.

Some background on always_comb

The always_comb in SystemVerilog is a useful construct for describing purely combinational logic (no sequential elements). Effectively, it lets you write a block of procedural software-like code that represents and compiles into a combinational block of hardware, assuming you follow some best practices.

For example, you could write some combinational logic like:

always_comb begin
    calculated_value = 8'h5;
    if(some_condition) begin
        calculated_value = 8'd3;

This code, as you might guess, sets calculated_value to 5, unless some_condition is high, in which case it sets calculated_value to 3. The use of blocking assignments (as is recommended in always_comb blocks) makes these statements execute from top to bottom. While it’s easy to see how a digital circuit (e.g. a mux) could do the same thing functionally, you can also use always_comb to do some fancier things whose behavior is more easily understood as procedural steps like this.

However, there’s something weird here. The calculated_value signal is not a software variable; it’s a hardware signal! How does it have multiple values during this “execution”, and what do things that depend on calculated_value “see” when using it? It turns out there’s all kinds of weird behavior from a simulation perspective, as well as more serious issues of simulation/synthesis mismatch and unexpected behavior, around always_comb blocks depending on how you write them.

Crazy always_comb behavior

There are some types of logic that can behave in completely unexpected ways in an always_comb block.

Order of Execution & Sensitivity Madness

For example, consider this block:

always_comb begin
  mask = 8'hf;
  b = a & mask;
  mask = 8'h0;

We set an 8-bit mask to 0x0f, then assign our output b to be &-masked by mask, then re-assign mask back to 0. You may think this looks like this logic should be exactly equivalent to this:

assign b = a & mask;

And you’d (probably) be right! It turns out that most simulation and synthesis tools would end up agreeing with you.

However, some lint tools will flag this always_comb block for what’s called a “write after read” violation, even though this is perfectly legal SystemVerilog and will synthesize and simulate as you expect (probably). The reason is that the value of mask has changed after it’s been used in that procedural block of code.

Imagine we rewrite the original design like this:

always_comb begin
  mask = 8'hf;
  b_temp = a_masked;
  mask = 8'h0;
assign a_masked = a & mask;
assign b = b_temp;

This feels like it should execute pretty much the exact same way as the original design. All we’ve done is moved some of the logic and assignments outside of the always_comb block, and if we think about this in terms of hardware then it looks like the same & operation should exist.

Unfortunately, the SystemVerilog LRM says otherwise! The rules we need to be aware of to understand the behavior here are:

  • The blocking assignments inside the always_comb block will execute in order relative to each other.
  • The always_comb block will “re-execute” when signals referenced within that block (the sensitivity list) change.

There’s something subtle missing here: notice that there’s no requirement that the assign statements update at the “right” time during the always_comb block execution. That’s right, we can “execute” these lines in pretty much any order as long as the three lines inside the always_comb block happen in order relative to each other. The assign statements can happen whenever, including in-between lines within the always_comb block, but not necessarily.

For example, this is a legal execution flow (and effectively what most simulators appear to end up picking):

Execution Order a mask b_temp a_masked b
always_comb mask=8'hf (The always_comb executes once at the beignning.) x 8'hf x x x
always_comb b_temp = a_masked x 8'hf x x x
always_comb mask=8'h0 x 8'h0 x x x
Testbench pokes a = 8'hff (Suppose a test exists to drive this.) 8'hff 8'h0 x x x
assign a_masked = a & mask (a_masked is in the sensitivity list of the always_comb and retriggers it.) 8'hff 8'h0 x 8'h0 x
always_comb mask=8'hf 8'hff 8'hf x 8'h0 x
always_comb b_temp = a_masked 8'hff 8'hf 8'h0 8'h0 x
always_comb mask=8'h0 8'hff 8'h0 8'h0 8'h0 x
assign b = b_temp 8'hff 8'h0 8'h0 8'h0 8'h0

Now we end up with b getting 0 instead! Most vendors try really hard to make simulation and synthesis behavior match exactly (understandably), so this is how it ends up synthesizing as well:

assign b = 8'h0;

But as mentioned, it could have executed in a lot of different ways with different results, any of which would have been legal according to the SystemVerilog LRM.

This issue discusses a real scenario where this difference caused the same design passed through two different ROHD Synthesizers (the SystemVerilog one and the CIRCT one) to have different behavior (before SSA changes discussed further down).

Behavioral and Synthesis Surprises

You can get some really weird surprises out of always_comb blocks in terms of what hardware it implies. For example, suppose we make a module that just does an increment on whatever it receives for some of the next examples:

module IncrModule(
input logic [7:0] toIncr,
output logic [7:0] result
assign result = toIncr + 8'h1;
endmodule : IncrModule

Now, what do you think the implementation below would do? Suppose you put 3 into input a, what value would the output b have? How many increment modules would synthesize?

module DuplicateExample(
input logic [7:0] a,
output logic [7:0] b
logic [7:0] intermediate;
logic [7:0] result1;
logic [7:0] result2;

IncrModule  incr1(.toIncr(intermediate),.result(result1));
IncrModule  incr2(.toIncr(intermediate),.result(result2));

always_comb begin
  intermediate = a;
  intermediate = result1;
  intermediate = result2;

assign b = intermediate;

endmodule : DuplicateExample

Notice that we have the same signal fed into both IncrModules, intermediate, and yet it seems to have 3 values during “execution” of the always_comb.

We declared two increment modules, and yes it actually does synthesize both of them (for the tools tested, at least). The output b gets a + 2 in both simulation and synthesis. If you put 3 on a, you’d get 5 on b.

That’s pretty weird, but how about this one?

module ReuseExample(
input logic [7:0] a,
output logic [7:0] b
logic [7:0] intermediate;
logic [7:0] result;

IncrModule  incr(.toIncr(intermediate),.result(result));

always_comb begin
  intermediate = a;
  intermediate = result;
  intermediate = result;

assign b = intermediate;

endmodule : ReuseExample

This time we still assign intermediate three times, but it’s only going into a single instance of IncrModule. And what’s more, we’re assigning it the same thing two of those times. You may guess that since we only created one incrementor, it should only synthesize one and thus the result should be b gets a + 1. But if you guessed that, you’d be wrong (for the tools tested, at least). In both simulation and synthesis, you get two incrementors and you still get b = a + 2!

Guarding Against “Write After Read”

While these examples may seem silly and easy to avoid, there are a lot of real bugs (including ones that make it into silicon) which are caused by more complex designs that are affected by this type of problem in unobvious ways.

The vendors and open source tools seem to have come to some implicit agreement about how things should execute (in addition to the LRM minimum requirements) so that things are generally consistent, but it’s also best practice to just obey the lint violations for “write after read”. If you always avoid those lints, then you should be able to avoid these weird behaviors.

In ROHD, the Combinational class (maps to always_comb) has special simulation-time behavior to catch “write after read” violations. It works by, during execution of a combinational block, keeping track of any signal that is “read” (i.e., used to compute the execution) and flags an issue if it is “written” (i.e. reassigned) later in that same execution. This is a really powerful check that prevents any of the above situations, or any other similar ones, from simulating without error. This is one of the many ways in which ROHD is significantly stricter (and safer) than SystemVerilog. In a SystemVerilog simulator, it will pick one of the many legal ways to simulate and just simulate it, leaving you to find a functional issue later via lint (hopefully!).

Loss of Usefulness

This is a pretty big restriction on what initially seemed like a super-powerful procedural-software-to-combinational-hardware abstraction! We’ve practically limited what we can do to what could have also been behaviorally described with assign statements anyways, plus some bells and whistles like if/else statements.

For example, we’d have to rewrite our first example like this:

always_comb begin
  mask = 8'hf;
  b = a & mask;
  mask_that_isnt_used = 8'h0;

This also comes with additional overhead to declare extra intermediate signals any time we face a potential “write after read” issue.

This also happens to break a lot of the usefulness of the Pipeline abstraction in ROHD, since the whole point is that you can move around, split, and combine combinational blocks of code and have it automatically re-pipeline. More on this later.

Static Single-Assignment (SSA) Form

It would be nice if we could still write our combinational logic in a procedural way, with the tools automatically figuring out how to safely implement it. Changing the SystemVerilog specification and all the tools that implement it would be quite difficult (or impossible). But with ROHD, we can automate the creation and connectivity of intermediate signals to avoid “write after read” violations.

It turns out that we can borrow from something called Static Single-Assignment (SSA) form from compiler design to help us. The Wikipedia article does a pretty good job explaining it, so we won’t cover it in detail here. In summary, SSA allows us to rework procedural code such that each variable is “assigned exactly once and defined before it is used”, which is exactly what we need.

Let’s take a look at some of our examples above to understand how we can use Combinational.ssa to avoid “write after read” violations.

Mask Example

The first one can be implemented (originally) like this in ROHD:

    mask < 0xf,
    b < a & mask,
    mask < 0,

With the changes in the ROHD simulator to guard against “write after read”, this will fail in simulation. If we convert this to use Combinational.ssa, we can write:

Combinational.ssa((s) => [
    s(mask) < 0xf,
    b < a & s(mask),
    s(mask) < 0,

Here, the type of s is a Logic Function(Logic signal). In English, it’s a function which given a Logic signal will provide a different Logic. This is our remapping function allowing us to write our procedural code with a single signal as reference (mask). When ROHD builds the actual logic, it will swap the signal to implement SSA. We can use the result from calling s anywhere we could use any other Logic (e.g. passed to a another Module) for the purposes of generating our Combinational. Let’s take a look at the generated SystemVerilog from ROHD for this block:

always_comb begin
  mask_0 = 8'hf;
  b = (a & mask_0);
  mask = 8'h0;

Note that it has automatically mapped s(mask) to two different “mask” signals (mask and mask_0) such that we’re getting the intent of our combinational logic. This generated code is lint clean and safe from any “write after read” violations or associated simulation/synthesis mismatches.

Two Increment Modules Example

We can do something similar with one of our other examples. Originally in ROHD,

    intermediate < a,
    intermediate < IncrModule(intermediate).result,
    intermediate < IncrModule(intermediate).result,

b <= intermediate;

This one (above) will fail in simulation due to “write after read” violations. Reimplemented with SSA below:

Combinational.ssa((s) => [
    s(intermediate) < a,
    s(intermediate) < IncrModule(s(intermediate)).result,
    s(intermediate) < IncrModule(s(intermediate)).result,

b <= intermediate;

which generates:

module DuplicateExampleSsa(
input logic [7:0] a,
output logic [7:0] b
logic [7:0] intermediate;
logic [7:0] result;
logic [7:0] result_0;
logic [7:0] toIncr;
logic [7:0] toIncr_0;

IncrModule  incr(.toIncr(toIncr),.result(result));
IncrModule  incr_0(.toIncr(toIncr_0),.result(result_0));

always_comb begin
  toIncr = a;
  toIncr_0 = result;
  intermediate = result_0;

assign b = intermediate;

endmodule : DuplicateExampleSsa

Again, notice that the SSA has taken care of renaming signals. It is unambiguous what signals are feeding into which increment and what the final result b will be. The ROHD simulation will work as expected now, and the generated SystemVerilog matches the intent for simulation and synthesis.

Reused Increment Module Example

Let’s take a look at the third example as well, which only had one incrementor. Originally in ROHD,

final inc = IncrModule(intermediate);

  intermediate < a,
  intermediate < inc.result,
  intermediate < inc.result,

b <= intermediate;

With ssa:

final inc = IncrModule(intermediate);

Combinational.ssa((s) => [
  s(intermediate) < a,
  s(intermediate) < inc.result,
  s(intermediate) < inc.result,

b <= intermediate;

Which generates:

module ReuseExampleSsa(
input logic [7:0] a,
output logic [7:0] b
logic [7:0] intermediate;
logic [7:0] intermediate_0;
logic [7:0] intermediate_1;
logic [7:0] result;

IncrModule  incr(.toIncr(intermediate),.result(result));

always_comb begin
  intermediate_0 = a;
  intermediate_1 = result;
  intermediate = result;

assign b = intermediate;

endmodule : ReuseExampleSsa

We have avoided the “write after read” issue here, however it now looks very clear that we have a single incrementor where the output is fed directly back into the input. In the ROHD simulation, this is a combinational loop and you’ll get x on the affected signals. Most SystemVerilog simulators will also simulate this with x generation due to the combinational loop.

ROHD Pipelines and SSA

Recall that a Pipeline in ROHD is an abstraction that enables easy refactoring of combinational logic across stages. A toy example is incrementing by 1 three times, once per cycle, is shown here:

Pipeline(clk, stages: [
  (p) => [p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1],
  (p) => [p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1],
  (p) => [p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1],

The Combinational.ssa is plugged right into the abstraction automatically (notice that p.get usage in Pipeline and s usage in Combinational.ssa look similar).

We can refactor this to do them all in one cycle without rewriting any logic:

Pipeline(clk, stages: [
  (p) => [
        p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1,
        p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1,
        p.get(a) < p.get(a) + 1,

We’re reassigning the same variable multiple times and reusing it. Actually, even with just a single increment we’re already doing a “write after read” (we’re assigning a after using it to calculate a + 1). This API takes care of using SSA to safely construct the pipeline hardware as intended.


The always_comb behavior discussed in this post is just one of many examples where SystemVerilog’s behavior in simulation and synthesis can be confusing and unpredictable. Lint checks are a band-aid. These language issues harm hardware development productivity.

With this SSA approach, the full benefit of easily translating a block of procedural statements into a combinational block can be achieved in a safe way. The Combinational.ssa in ROHD is one of many examples where developing hardware with ROHD is stricter, safer, and more powerful. Try it out, if you haven’t yet!
