PartialProductArray class abstract

A PartialProductArray is a class that holds a set of partial products for manipulation by PartialProductGeneratorBase and ColumnCompressor.



PartialProductArray({String name = 'ppa'})
Construct a basic List<List to hold an array of partial products as well as a rowShift array to hold the row shifts.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
name String
name used for PartialProductGenerators
partialProducts List<List<Logic>>
Partial Products output. Generated by selector and extended by sign extension routines
rows int
Number of rows of partial products.
no setter
rowShift List<int>
The actual shift in each row. This value will be modified by the sign extension routine used when folding in a sign bit from another row
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getAbsolute(int row, int col) Logic
Return the Logic at the absolute position (row, col).
getAbsoluteAll(int row, List<int> columns) List<Logic>
Return the List at the absolute position (row, List columns.
insertAbsolute(int row, int col, Logic val) → void
Set a Logic val at the absolute position (row, col)
insertAbsoluteAll(int row, int col, List<Logic> list) → void
Set the values of the row, starting at absolute position (row, col) to the list of values
maxWidth() int
Return the actual largest width of all rows
muxAbsolute(int row, int col, Logic condition, Logic val) → void
Mux the Logic at absolute position (row, col) conditionally by condition to val.
muxAbsoluteAll(int row, int col, Logic condition, List<Logic> list) → void
Mux the range of values into the row starting at absolute position (row, col) using condition to select the new value
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setAbsolute(int row, int col, Logic val) → void
Set the Logic at absolute position (row, col) to val.
setAbsoluteAll(int row, int col, List<Logic> list) → void
Set the range at absolute position (row, col) to list.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.