LogicList extension

Helper evaluation methods for printing aligned arithmetic bitvectors.



listString(String name, {int prefix = 10, int? alignHigh, int? sepPos, bool header = false, String sepChar = '*', int alignLow = 0, int extraSpace = 0, int shift = 0, bool intValue = false, bool markDown = false}) String

Available on List<Logic>, provided by the LogicList extension

Print aligned bitvector with an optional header from List. name is printed at the LHS of the line, trimmed by prefix. prefix is the distance from the margin bebore the vector is printed. alignHigh is highest column (MSB) to which to align alignLow will trim the vector below this bit position (LSB). shift will allow you to shift your list positions You can insert a separator sepChar at position sepPos. A header can be printed by setting header to true. Markdown format can be produced by setting markDown to true. The output can have space by setting extraSpace if intValue is true, then the integer value (signed version in parens) will be printed at the end of the vector.