FloatingPointValue class

A flexible representation of floating point values. A FloatingPointValue hasa mantissa in [0,2) with 0 <= exponent <= maxExponent(); A normal isNormal FloatingPointValue has minExponent() <= exponent <= maxExponent() and a mantissa in the range of [1,2). Subnormal numbers are represented with a zero exponent and leading zeros in the mantissa capture the negative exponent value.

Implemented types


FloatingPointValue({required LogicValue sign, required LogicValue exponent, required LogicValue mantissa})
Constructor for a FloatingPointValue with a sign, exponent, and mantissa.
FloatingPointValue.getFloatingPointConstant(FloatingPointConstants constantFloatingPoint, int exponentWidth, int mantissaWidth)
Return the FloatingPointValue representing the constant specified
FloatingPointValue.ofBigInts(BigInt exponent, BigInt mantissa, {int exponentWidth = 0, int mantissaWidth = 0, bool sign = false})
FloatingPointValue constructor from a set of BigInts of the binary representation and the size of the exponent and mantissa
FloatingPointValue.ofBinaryStrings(String sign, String exponent, String mantissa)
FloatingPointValue constructor from a binary string representation of individual bitfields
FloatingPointValue.ofDouble(double inDouble, {required int exponentWidth, required int mantissaWidth, FloatingPointRoundingMode roundingMode = FloatingPointRoundingMode.roundNearestEven})
Convert from double using its native binary representation
FloatingPointValue.ofDoubleUnrounded(double inDouble, {required int exponentWidth, required int mantissaWidth})
Convert a floating point number into a FloatingPointValue representation. This form performs NO ROUNDING.
FloatingPointValue.ofInts(int exponent, int mantissa, {int exponentWidth = 0, int mantissaWidth = 0, bool sign = false})
FloatingPointValue constructor from a set of ints of the binary representation and the size of the exponent and mantissa
FloatingPointValue.ofLogicValue(int exponentWidth, int mantissaWidth, LogicValue val)
Construct a FloatingPointValue from a LogicValue
FloatingPointValue.ofSpacedBinaryString(String fp)
FloatingPointValue constructor from a single binary string representing space-separated bitfields
FloatingPointValue.ofString(String fp, int exponentWidth, int mantissaWidth, {int radix = 2})
FloatingPointValue constructor from a radix-encoded string representation and the size of the exponent and mantissa
FloatingPointValue.random(Random rv, {required int exponentWidth, required int mantissaWidth, bool normal = false})
Generate a random FloatingPointValue, supplying random seed rv. This generates a valid FloatingPointValue anywhere in the range it can represent:a general FloatingPointValue has a mantissa in [0,2) with 0 <= exponent <= maxExponent(); If normal is true, This routine will only generate mantissas in the range of [1,2) and minExponent() <= exponent <= maxExponent().
FloatingPointValue.withMappedSubtype({required LogicValue sign, required LogicValue exponent, required LogicValue mantissa})
Constructs a FloatingPointValue with a sign, exponent, and mantissa using one of the builders provided from subtypeConstructorMap if available, otherwise using the default constructor.


bias int
Return the bias of this FloatingPointValue.
no setter
constrainedExponentWidth int?
constrainedExponentWidth is the hard-coded exponent width of the sub-class of this floating-point value
no setter
constrainedMantissaWidth int?
constrainedMantissaWidth is the hard-coded mantissa width of the sub-class of this floating-point value
no setter
exponent LogicValue
The exponent of the floating point: this is biased about a midpoint for positive and negative exponents
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
infinity FloatingPointValue
Abbreviation Functions for common constants Return the Infinity value for this FloatingPointValue size.
no setter
isAnInfinity bool
Return true if the represented floating point number is considered infinity or negative infinity
no setter
isExponentAllOnes bool
Test if exponent is all '1's.
no setter
isExponentAllZeros bool
Test if exponent is all '0's.
no setter
isMantissaAllZeroes bool
Test if mantissa is all '0's.
no setter
isNaN bool
Return true if the represented floating point number is considered NaN or 'Not a Number'
no setter
isZero bool
Return true if the represented floating point number is zero. Note that the equality operator will treat FloatingPointConstants.positiveZero and FloatingPointConstants.negativeZero as equal.
no setter
mantissa LogicValue
The mantissa of the floating point
maxExponent int
Return the maximum exponent of this FloatingPointValue.
no setter
minExponent int
Return the minimum exponent of this FloatingPointValue.
no setter
nan FloatingPointValue
Return the Negative Infinity value for this FloatingPointValue size.
no setter
negativeInfinity FloatingPointValue
Return the Negative Infinity value for this FloatingPointValue size.
no setter
one FloatingPointValue
Return the value one for this FloatingPointValue size.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sign LogicValue
The sign of the value: 1 means a negative value
value LogicValue
The full floating point value bit storage
zero FloatingPointValue
Return the Negative Infinity value for this FloatingPointValue size.
no setter


abs() FloatingPointValue
Absolute value operation for FloatingPointValue
compareTo(Object other) int
Floating point comparison to implement Comparable<>
isNormal() bool
Return a Logic true if this FloatingPointVa;ie contains a normal number, defined as having mantissa in the range [1,2)
isSubnormal() bool
Return true if the represented floating point number is considered 'subnormal', including isZero.
negate() FloatingPointValue
Negate operation for FloatingPointValue
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDouble() double
Return the value of the floating point number in a Dart double type.
toMappedSubtype() FloatingPointValue
Converts this FloatingPointValue to a FloatingPointValue with the same sign, exponent, and mantissa using the constructor provided in subtypeConstructorMap if available, otherwise using the default constructor.
toString({bool integer = false}) String
Return a string representation of FloatingPointValue. if integer is true, return sign, exponent, mantissa as integers. if integer is false, return sign, exponent, mantissa as ibinary strings.
ulp() FloatingPointValue
Compute the unit in the last place for the given FloatingPointValue
withinRounding(FloatingPointValue other) bool
Return true if the other FloatingPointValue is within a rounding error of this value.


operator *(FloatingPointValue multiplicand) FloatingPointValue
Multiply operation for FloatingPointValue
operator +(FloatingPointValue addend) FloatingPointValue
Addition operation for FloatingPointValue
operator -(FloatingPointValue subend) FloatingPointValue
Subtract operation for FloatingPointValue
operator /(FloatingPointValue divisor) FloatingPointValue
Divide operation for FloatingPointValue
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

subtypeConstructorMap Map<({int exponentWidth, int mantissaWidth}), FloatingPointValue Function({required LogicValue exponent, required LogicValue mantissa, required LogicValue sign})>
A mapping from a ({exponentWidth, mantissaWidth}) record to a constructor for a specific FloatingPointValue subtype. This map is used by the FloatingPointValue.withMappedSubtype constructor to select the appropriate constructor for a given set of widths.
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

buildOfLogicValue<T extends FloatingPointValue>(T constructor({required LogicValue exponent, required LogicValue mantissa, required LogicValue sign}), int exponentWidth, int mantissaWidth, LogicValue val) → T
A helper function for FloatingPointValue.ofLogicValue and base classes which performs some width checks and slicing.
computeBias(int exponentWidth) int
Return the exponent value representing the true zero exponent 2^0 = 1 often termed computeBias or the offset of the exponent
computeMaxExponent(int exponentWidth) int
Return the maximum exponent value
computeMinExponent(int exponentWidth) int
Return the minimum exponent value